I have just downloaded a movie from iTunes Store. It has downloaded, but not showing in iTunes. The file is there & it plays fine. When I have manually tried to add into to iTunes, it will not do it either. What could be wrong
I downloaded a movie from the iTunes Store to my MacBook Pro (all latest software) and iTunes says it can't play the movie. Specific error says "This movie requires Quicktime which is not supported by this version of iTunes." I'm running iTunes 10.6.1 and MacOS 10.7.3.
I purchased my first movie in iTunes on the iPad 2 and I didn't realise how much space this would take up - this was only showing when I was already downloading it - it took up over 6GB of space and I have no idea how to get rid of it again or archive/move it somewhere else?
I bought the film, "Woodstock," a couple of years ago thru iTunes. I see the film listed in iTunes and I see the actual file on my computer, but I cannot get it to play. It has played in the past. I was going to re-download thru iCloud, but it says it's already downloaded, which it is. I have also tried logging into iTunes using my other IDs but still it won't play. I also tried to open it in QuickTime, but I got this error message - <The document “Woodstock_ 3 Days of Peace and Music (Director's Cut).m4v” could not be opened. This content is not authorized.>
I downloaded handbrake to my hp computer running windows vista. I tried to "rip" a couple of movies. That worked...I think (m4v file format) But I cannot figure out how to get the movie in to iTunes, so that I can put the movies on my iPhone or iPad. I tried dragging the file in to the movie section, and also going to the menu and opening "add file" (or something like that). Nothing happens! When I ripped the movie, I selected "iPhone Ipod touch". I also should mention that when I double click on the file, and try to watch the movie on my computer I am unable to watch it on any program. For example it says that it is a file type that QuickTime does not recognize. I am completely new to this and simply don't know what im doing!
I am using the most current version of iTunes (11.2.2(3)) and when I brought it up today all my movie images were missing out of the movie directory/folder. I do not download them to my computer because they take up too much space but the movie images have always been in the directory/folder.
Three times in the last week iTunes (10.6.1) is missing coverart for about 30 of 300 movies. This is also happening with music artwork. The artwork can be individually repopulated using "Get Info" but this is really just a bandaid and I would like to know if anyone knows why this is happening and how to fix the root cause.
I'm have iTunes 10.6.1 and have just downloaded two HD movies from iTunes. They downloaded fine but when I went to play movies I get the following message "This movie requires QuickTime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes"! I can play the movie via QuickTime but not via iTunes. I am also unable to sync the movie to my iPad as it states during the sync that "this movie will not play on your iPad".
I downloaded a movie (had to because I can't get it where I live, Waltz with Bashir) I knew it was in a different language but I didn't expect there to be no subtitles, so I found a site that had them but now I don't know how to add them, they are in the same folder as the movie, but if I go to Quicktime it says there are no subtitles.
I just downloaded a movie from Limewire, and I am playing it in Quicktime, it runs slow and gets really choppy half thru the movie. (1.5 G file, MPEG-4). Is there anything I can do to make it run faster? I am running thru my hard drive.
I have a PowerBook G4 15" CPU Speed:1.25 GHz L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB Memory:2 GB Bus Speed:167 MHz Boot ROM Version:4.7.1f1 Quicktime is version: 7.6.4
I bought an iMac, it had Mac OS X already installed, but I don't really know if BSD Subsystem was installed. I don't have the Windows Sharing option, my BSD.pkg file in Macintosh HD -> Library -> Receipts says its "Zero KB", but the "apropos" file is there. So, I don't really know. I inserted the Mac OS X installation CD, went to the "Optional Installs" folder and the BSD Subsystem isn't there, neither is in CD 2.
I tried executing the Mac OS X installation and I can't install it from there without first "erase and install" or something. Is there any workaround? I find it pretty weird that BSD wasn't installed and more over, that it is not even in my Mac OS X CD.
can anyone tell me what i may be doing wrong? i am trying to create a movie using video clips from my camera. when i download my movies to iphoto, they work great. when i drag them to imovie, they play but i do not get any sound. the 3 little check marks are there but still no sound!
I quit iTunes and my rental movie disappeared after watching half of the movie. The rental sidebar disappeared as well. What do I do to retrieve my movie?
I don't usually check my itunes account, but today I actually decided I wanted to buy music. I put a $100 gift card I got from buying a Mac for college in a few months ago, and bought like $9 worth of stuff and just left it idle. It says that about 2 weeks ago there were purchases made to download an app and then some gem **** (in app content) that cost $80 ******* dollars that was bought. I'm not worried about my personal information because i don't use a legitimate adress and only buy gift cards, because I like to live off the apple grid i guess...w/e, WHO DO I EMAIL TO GET THAT MONEY BACK!!!
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I bought some video and audio from itunes and would like to put them to my portable player,but I am failure, whether they have protection or format require?---- how can I convert or transfer those files?
One of the songs I downloaded does not play to the end...it seems cut off. What can I do? I don't have the option to re-download anywhere without paying for the song again.