Mac Pro :: Attempted Restart - Makes Ticking Sound - Is This Normal
Sep 2, 2008
So my mac was acting up, no sound from iChat and Spaces wouldn't function properly.
So i restart, the Mac pro gets o the normal point of turning off the display before the spin up sound, but instead this ticking sound occurred. This had a repetition at about ever 3 seconds.
So i quickly held the power button and shut down the Mac pro. I powered up the system and all seemed fine.
Has anyone ever ran across this before?
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Aug 20, 2010
Today I just noticed that my MBP makes a very slight sound once in a while. I'm thinking it's just the hard drive working slightly harder. Is this normal?
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Feb 3, 2009
In the past two days I installed both an external HD with TM and windows vista ultimate with boot camp (everything works perfectly).
I think the noise only started like, around two days ago, but I'm not sure. I got my mac around a month ago. I think my last pc did this all the time, so at first I thought it was just normal HD writing/reading noise (I think it's the HD), but as that pc wasn't exactly new or stable and I seem to remember that my mac didn't do this at first, I thought I'd ask.
It makes the noise for a couple of seconds when I, for example, start an app, close one, boot or shut down, and at random times when I'm just doing nothing. It doesn't make it during music playback. It's completely irregular so I doubt it's a fan hitting something. It doesn't sound like that either. It's really pretty soft, and fast paced, sort of like morse code. When in vista, it makes the noise almost all the time, like 80% or something.
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May 4, 2010
Just upgraded my aging MBP to the new i5. But I hear a ticking noise from the hard drive. Is this normal?
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Dec 28, 2010
I was just working on my macbook, it's the newest macbook avaible and i got it from my school. Then once i heard a strange ticking sound, sorry if my english is not so good i'm living in holland and did't had a long time english lessons. so i shut down my laptop immediatly and tryed to start it up. but after bootup then a white screen appears. Normally the apple logo shows up, but here it doesn't then you hear that ticking sound again it's really weard. i hope that i can solve this problem myself if i cant then i can bring it to the laptop-docter at our school so that's also a possibillity but i want to make my home-work in the holiday so i hope that i can solve this problem myself.
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Mar 10, 2008
for about 3 secs then start working again however i can use the mouse, i recently brought some ram and figured it could be that, however upon using some files on my HD i heard a ticking noise which i'm pretty sure is coming from my main HD, so is it on it's way out ?
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Mar 16, 2010
late 2009 mac mini 2.53GHz/4gig ram/320gig hd
ok the issue is that I'm constantly hearing the ticking or clicking sound from my mac mini. Could any tell me what could be making those sound?
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Apr 4, 2012
I Have a power mac G5 2.7 (early 2005?) liquid cooled. It has a ticking sound (like a clock), low level but still audible, can it be turned off? What is it?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.7 GHz early '05
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Dec 5, 2014
I bought my iMac last month (Late-2013 model) and notice some low/small "tick-ing" sound came out from the bottom section of my iMac i guess. I often hear that when there's no other sounds in my room. It happened whenever i scrolling down web page on Safari or when doing some graphical process on Photoshop, scrolling Dashboard and other graphical-related task.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 13, 2009
When surfing the net (like right now) or just letting it idle, my hard drive makes a slight "clunk" sound like the HD arm is hitting the edge of the case (or maybe starting up and shutting down?). There seems to be no loss of performance. I did a disk verify and everything is OK. Should I be concerned?
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a person that sent along this video and it concerns me that a hard drive would make such a noise. It's unlike anything I've heard in a drive. He claims the original owner installed a new Seagate 7200rpm in the book, and that it mostly happens when loading a web-page on Safari.
Every time I look up "hard drive click" I get the SMS triggered "tink" but this notebook is not in motion and instead makes a "ca-chink".
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Dec 12, 2009
Every once in a while my Mac Mini will start to chirp/squeak. It almost sounds like crickets. It started doing it again about 5-10 minutes ago and just stopped as I began typing this post. Does that sound like it could be the fan making the noise or the hard drive? I would think that if it were the drive I would here it MUCH more often.
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Jun 24, 2014
iMac makes normal startup after had been put into sleep..One strange behaviour can be observed with iMac Late 2013.At the end of day the user puts the mac into sleep.On next day pushing the power button is necessary to activate the mac.
The main point is that iMac starts up as it was shut down at the previous day(this is conclusion based on screens shown after mac activation).
User expectation is, that on next day when activating it the mac show screens as it was leaving sleep instead of showing screens typical for normal startup (after hard power down).
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Feb 9, 2009
I just bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz Dual Core, 2Gb RAM, 320 HDD. This nice iMac has been with me only 2 days and the problems already started. I don't know why when I play a song either in iTunes or in web(audio streaming) the audio suddenly changes. It's as if you applied an EQ and removed all the low frecuencies and after a few seconds the sounds returned just as normal. When this "auto EQ" happens, the sound becomes "brighter" (I hope you understand what I am trying to say) but just as I said, after a few seconds, the sound is played normaly. I am running Mac OS X v 10.5.2.
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Sep 8, 2010
While surfing the internet the screen goes dark and wont let me do anything but turn off. (see picture)
Anyone else had this issue? not the first time this has happened!
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Nov 14, 2010
What makes this ping sound. [URL] It sound like electric when goes wrong! Not rely sure if its ventilator!
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Dec 23, 2008
My computer is an G4, 533mhz, <1gb of ram, 8-9 years old, OS 9 & 10.3.9. Last night I was on youtube watching videos, not uploading, not downloading, or doing anything else on the computer that would cause any strain on it. It froze (mouse and everything) and started making a *clanka-clanka* noise, not from the speakers, from inside the tower. I tried to restart using the little restart button, but it didn't work. I finally held down the power button for a few seconds, turned it off, and went to bed.
The next morning, when the computer was turned on it's screen went to that purplish-blue-gray OS 9 color, with a picture of a yellow folder with the OS 9 smiley face which blinked into a question mark and back. Holding down X failed to boot it into OS X. Holding down alt brought me to the screen where you should select which OS to boot to, but there were no options. Just the arrow to continue, and the refresh button, which didn't do anything. We don't do anything "risky" with the computer (torrents, cracks, warez, etc.).
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Oct 26, 2009
I've had my 13inch MBP for almost 3 months now. I love it. However within the past month and a half the hard drive on when I press the button for the laptop to turn on makes a horrible sound. A mechanical sound of the hard drive..turning on or starting up or something. It's like, kinda embarrassing to turn it on in public cause it sounds like a disabled electronic robot baby yelling for help. When I first got my MBP when it turned on it did not make a noise at all. at all. but now all of a sudden it does? And let me tell you, when I had my original white macbook from 2006-early 2009 it began making the same noise in like mid-07. Therefore I know I'm not the only one to have ever heard this noise before.
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Dec 30, 2009
I recently bought a Macbook Pro and it starts worrying me that it makes a 'click' sound.
It's done it all the time but now I start worrying whether or not it's normal. It doesn't do it all the time. It comes now and then. It's not loud.
I've tried to record it and you can hear it by clicking here.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm having this problem with my touchpad, which is really hard to explain in words, so I made this quick vid with my iPhone: As you can see, my touchpad "clicks" before I actually click. It makes the sound twice before the computer registers a click. My warranty has expired.
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Jan 14, 2009
my macbook has been making a noise lately! the noise it makes is the same noise (sound) it makes when you remove a program off the dock! the "Swoosh" sound...! why does it make that noise!? it ussually makes it every 30 minutes! it never made that noise b4 it just started a few days ago! after i installed adobe photoshop cs4! (which i finnally got by mail! >) anywho at first i thought it was deleting something but nope nothing! then today i did check the trash bin and i found 2 folders both were named "backup" one was named backup the other backup#1 i opened up the folders and i just found a flash file! yes i do have adobe flash cs as well, but i hardly use it so i am not sure if i some how put a setting that makes something get deleted...! is this a flash software setting? or a mac. setting that i have on? if so how can i make it stop? im not even removing a thing from my dock! there it goes again it made that noise just now! aghhh! oh and if it is a flash problem then why does it make that dock noise shouldn't it make a trash bin noise....?
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Aug 10, 2009
My late 2008 macbook intermittently makes a gentle "ding" sound. By gentle I mean it's a sound effect, not the kind of beep you get from about to die hardware. I cannot work out at all what is causing it.
Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks then will happen several times in a single day. It happens when I am not doing anything at all (ie. not even pressing keys).
I've checked all the sound effects that you can choose in system preferences and it's not the same sound as any of them. I don't use Mail or any other email clients but just in case I checked once when I heard the ding - and I didn't have any new mail. I've also checked my dashboard, and as far as I can see the calendar, clock, weather and calculator widgets don't seem to be set up to make some random alarm sound.
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Feb 28, 2010
I have an external HD (old MacBook HD in enclosure), and I was using it on a PC earlier. The PC came up with a message in the bottom right saying something about a power surge to the HD, and that it couldn't be recognised. Since then, every time I plug the HD into a PC, it grinds and squeaks, and isn't recognised at all, yet when I plug it into my MacBook, everything works fine. What does this mean? Is my enclosure faulty? Or has it now got a Windows allergy?
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Mar 16, 2010
it only sounds like the machinery inside getting into gear, and it doesn't sound like anything's broken, but i wanted to make sure nonetheless instead of whining about it to apple and have them look at me like i'm crazy.
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Jul 22, 2009
I just got back home and I move my iMac's mouse to turn the screen back on. It turns back on and I notice the whole computer is frozen except for the mouse pointer (the dock wont zoom or anything). I hold the back power button to force it to shut down, but the machinery inside doesn't quite seem 100% settled yet, I can just barely hear a little fan moving, but then it too stops. Upon turning it back on with the backbutton, it makes a clicking sound over and over again (sounds like it could be the HD?)
It keeps making this sound then pauses, and does it again. It freezes on the white screen where the grey apple would usually appear. It's stuck on this white screen and keeps clicking, until I'm forced to shut it off from the back again. I've tried shutting it down from the back, then unplugging the power, but that hasn't done anything either. I'm using... Vista. (the specs of the iMac are in my sig.)
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Aug 17, 2006
If I tilt my iBook a certain way or that, sometimes it'll try to eject a CD, even if there's not one in the drive. This has me sort of concerned, has anyone else's done that?
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Jul 13, 2010
I don't know what I have done but recently after copying text, The computer makes a sound everytime I paste? Like an error sound. Before I would copy and paste without any sound now everytime I paste a sound follows.
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Apr 7, 2012
My new imac makes a very loud noise on startup and a whirring noise comes from computer screen had it just over a week should I return and get a replacement.
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Sep 4, 2014
The screen to my MacBook Pro screen wont turn on and when I push the power button it just makes a 3 beep sound repeatedly. Is there any way t. Fix this or should I go to the store?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 7, 2009
It happens when the MBP wakes up from sleep. The longer it sleeps, the louder it's. Listen for it after the 1st 10 second.
MBP Whine.m4a
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