Software :: Import Styles From Original Document

Dec 7, 2007

I made a specific list style that I need to use commonly, but to apply it to new documents I have to import the style from the original document I created it with. Is there a way to make it a default list so I can access it in all new pages documents?

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ITunes :: How To Import Original DVDs

Apr 18, 2012

I have at home a lot of original DVDs!Can I use this as a music CD into iTunes import?

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OS X :: Will 10.6 Improve Document Import Formatting

Feb 13, 2009

I'm just meandering through the tutorial for Scrivener (which kicks arse btw) and they said that Scrivener (like Pages) has problems importing the formatting of .doc files, and that "this is a limitation of the standard Cocoa OS X text importers." Does anyone know whether Snow Leopard will improve these text importers? This seems to be a large reason why people buy Office rather than iWork, so I'd hope Apple are working on this...

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Doesn't The Original Document That Dragging And Dropping From One Folder To Another Move

May 13, 2012

Why doesn't the original document I'm dragging and dropping from one folder to another move? What's happening is the computer is creating a duplicte of the document and placing it in the new location with a new creation date.  The original document I wanted to drag and drop into a new location remains where it started as the "original" document and the new copy has this little arrow protruding up from the lower left of its icon. At first I thought it was an alias, but it's a copy of the document I thought I was dragging and dropping. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 20" Apple Cinema Screen, Safari 5.Mail, Address Book 5.

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IMac :: Import From Iphoto The Images Are Being Moved From Their Original Folders?

Nov 28, 2010

Just made the move to a Mac yesterday. I have searched on-line and in forums, but I can't find the answer to my problem. I am importing 500 gig of photos which have been obsessively organized on my pc. When I import them (only 1.5 gig this first time), the images are being moved from their original folders and organized by date in iPhoto. I'm sure there is a setting somewhere that I need to tweak, but I haven't been able to find it. Having looked closer, I see there are multiple folders for each year, with seemingly no logic to the pictures that are placed in each.

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ITunes For Mac :: Can Re-import CDs In High Quality But Keep Original Track Data?

Dec 1, 2014

I got roughly halfway through importing my collection of about 800 CD's into iTunes 12, before realising that the default import settings applied by iTunes is not 'the best'.  In fact it's not set anywhere near 'the best', it's something like 128kbps lossy format.   I wanted to import my CD's in lossless CD-quality.  WAV would have been ideal.  However it would appear I've missed a trick by assuming it would be full-quality unless I specified something else. 

I'm not using portable devices to listen to my music, I have a Mac Mini and an endless supply of hard-drive storage space, and I'm only accessing it at home. 

A large number of my discs are classical and jazz, and in many cases I've needed to amend or reorganise the metadata, so that it all complies with an overall filing and categorising system that makes sense and is useful.   I also have a large number of rock and blues CD's, but their metadata is normally correct when the discs are issued, so they usually doesn't need adjusting.   If you're wondering, yes my taste in music is eclectic.   I'm just as big a fan of Mozart as I am of Motorhead as I am of Mo Foster.   The problem is that with classical and opera it's important that the 'artist' category shows the names of the performer/soloist/conductor/orchestra, not the name of the composer!  (I wish I *did* have actual recordings of JS Bach playing the Well Tempered Clavier!!). 

So I'm looking at this big pile of CD's thinking, "is it worth re-importing them all again at CD-quality?", because I'd really like top-quality copies, and I only really want to have to do this once.   It *is* worth doing so long as I don't have to do all the jiggery-pokery with all the artist/composer data again, because that takes an enormous amount of time. 

So the question is... will iTunes 12 let me re-import my discs at maximum quality, but at the same time let me keep the data that was painstakingly edited and stored with the previous (lesser-quality) versions?   Or is there a workaround?  Maybe I could surreptitiously replace the old audio with new audio when iTunes isn't running and hope that it won't notice? 

Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Software :: Global Styles In NeoOffice?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm editing a book in which the author switched programs and from PC to Mac in mid-stream, so the styling of the footnotes is not consistent. The text of the book is now in NeoOffice, and I've been asked to bring all the footnotes in accord with each other. I wondered whether there is a command that will change them so they all are in the same typeface and size. (I know that by setting up a Footnote style, all new footnotes will be correct, but I'm talking about ones that already exist). The author hasn't yet finished with the book, or I'd just get her to give me a chapter or two at a time and change them manually. Time is too short for us to wait till the end, when she has done all her revisions. I guess you get the picture. If there is no way to do this, please just tell me. If you know of one, though, I'd be grateful. Hoping that this is clear. It's gotten rather late! By the way, I'm working on a MacBook (not Pro) 13" with OS 10.5 and NeoOffice 3.1.1.

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Software :: Changing Styles In Mail

Mar 3, 2009

I am having a problem with text formatting in Mail. Apparently I have inadvertently changed the "style" - the lines of text are very close together. I need to increase the spacing How can I change the line spacing? In Mail; If I go to Format, Style, Styles, it brings up a box with 'Default' in it but no way to change Font, Alignment, Spacing.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Move Original Files To External Drive, Not Just Copy And Delete Original

Dec 31, 2009

I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.

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Applications :: Safari Rendering Pages Without Styles?

Jan 13, 2011

I've been using Safari, but suddenly it started displaying pages like this: [URL] I don't know why it's doing this or what caused it. And really, it's not the same as disabling styles because some things are still controlled by the styles while the whole structure seems off. I tried reinstalling, which did nothing. Not every page renders incorrectly ( is fine), but most do (youtube, hulu,, etc).

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Applications :: Office 2008 Citation Styles

Aug 31, 2008

Does anyone know how to add Citation Styles into Microsoft Word 2008? I am from the UK and need the Harverd Referencing for uni, and the built in Citation Styles are all American.

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Applications :: Pages - Keeping Paragraph Styles

Mar 19, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to keep a paragraph style you've created for all future documents you'll type with Pages?

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Applications :: Iwork 09 - Pages - Select All Uses Of Particular Styles

Apr 6, 2010

In pages, its possible to select all uses of a particular style, but once selected, you can only do very limited things with it. You cannot for instance delete or even copy it. Is there a way to copy the content (not style) of the selected text formatted to a particular style? If not, is there anyway that apple script could be used to do a similar thing?

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Applications :: Software To Plot Graphs With Many Different Styles

May 18, 2010

I have been using Matlab and Excel to plot graphs for academic papers. While both are good applications for plotting simple graphs with 3 or less curves in each graph, I run out of line styles and color when I try to plot many curves on the same graph. The situation is worsen when it is required that all the curves be in black and white. Do you know of good applications (freeware and commercial) that allow can provide nice looking graphs with lots of choices of line styles?

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Motion 5 :: Can't Find Where Text Styles Saved In 10.9.31?

Jun 25, 2014

I can't find where Motion is saving text styles in 10.9.3 

Don't say Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/Text Styles  because it isn't true. I've checked over and over. Everyone that answered this question was a year ago. 

Oh yeah. Motion is FUBAR when saving styles. I will save the first one. Create another style and try to save that and it saves my previous style over and over and over. I just blew off hours saving styles for a project and only the first one work, every other style is a duplicate of the first one I set. You should have an exact preview or something like that before it is saved. This entire process should be like Photoshop. I should be able to save a style palette for a customer in a file and reuse that rather than cluttering my styles folder with legacy information. You have this feature on the color palette, why not Motion and all other apps? 

And Apple, it would be so cool if the finder had a mode that allowed searching under the hood, as it were. When files are saved in Libraries and you can't search there it is a huge time waster. Jobs used to brag about plug-and-play. This is more like hunt-and-peck. Don't give me some crap about the command line interface, I want an easy way to find files.

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Software :: Default Worksheets Styles In Excel 2011

Oct 30, 2010

MS has added many styles to default worksheet in 2011. Previous versions I could create my own default workbook and put it in the Startup folder for Excel. That does not work in 2011. Anyone able to tell me how to use my former default sheet in 2011 (don't want to Template feature)? I am talking about the sheet created when you start Excel.

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Applications :: Excel 2008 - How To Create Pie Chart With Black And White Styles

Oct 5, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to make a pie chart in Excel 2008 that uses different styles of black and white cross hatching for each slice. Its carefully hidden in Excel 2007 as a custom style, but I can't find a way of doing it in Excel 2008.

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MacBook Pro :: Embed An Image With A Link Or A Microsoft Word Document With A Hyperlink Built Within The Document?

Feb 2, 2012

how to embed an image with a link, or embed a Microsoft Word document with a hyperlink built within the document -- not as an attachment into my email -- but where it shows as the email content when opened! Does ANYONE know the secret? Can it be done, or not? My PC clients do it all the time easily. Then I want to be able to send the embedded image/document (not as an attachment, but visable within the email when opened) to many email contacts at once, BUT the individuals receiving them DO NOT SEE the other email contacts.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Mail Attachments In Body Of Email - Document Icon With The Name Of Document?

Aug 6, 2010

just wondering if anyone knows how to stop attachments in the email i am sending from appearing in the body of my email as the full sized document.i am hoping to find an option that will allow me to only have a document icon with the name of the document.

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Final Cut Pro :: Unable To Import P2 Video / Add Clip To Import Queue It Just Times Out

Apr 1, 2009

Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can no longer import P2 footage. I get the stop sign and error: no data.In the import window I can play the clip and everything is fine, but when I add to the clip to the import queue it just times out.

Any thoughts? Is it somehow related to Quicktime being updated by Snow Leopard?

Macbook Pro
Mac OS X (10.6.1)
Final Cut 5.1

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ITunes :: MP3 Won't Import To Library, But Will Import Into IPhone

Apr 15, 2012

I recently purchased an MP3 album from Amazon, which downloaded fine. Unlike previous times, however, the Amazon Downloader app didn't load the music into my iTunes library. I tried to manually add the album to my iTunes Library, with no luck. I was able to load the album into my iPhone Music app by dragging and dropping on my iPhone device in iTunes (after turning off iTunes Match).. If I double-click on the songs on my hard drive, they will play in iTunes, but do not import. 

I am running Mac OS 10.7.3, iTunes 10.6.1 (7) and have iTunes Match active on my computer.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Don't See Import From IMovie Under File / Import

Aug 30, 2014

I don't see "import from imovie" under file/import

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Mac Pro :: ECC Ram But Mac Pro Says It Is Not Original?

Dec 10, 2010

I just bought samsum 4gb ram stick for my 2010 mac pro. the website from which i bought it said it was ECC. I installed it and when i go to about this mac, it tells me that this RAM is not ECC. I kept the 3gb of the original ram in the machine.So i am a bit puzzled how it is possible that my apparently now non ecc ram works with the original ecc ram. I did not think it was possible. Or am i damaging my mac by mixing two types of memories?

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Mac Pro :: Original HD Is Full - What To Do

Dec 22, 2008

My Pro came with a 250gig HD and I would like to upgrade it to a 1TB. Is this difficult to remove programs on the "slave" drive and move it over to the new HD? Or can I install my future apps on another HD? I have two other drives in my Mac. My original HD only has 25 gigs left on it and I'm looking to install Adobe CS4 on it.

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OS X :: How To Restore Original Icons

Nov 28, 2007

Ive had great fun over the past few weeks messing with Leopard and my new macbook, altering aqua scrollbars, adding quicklook plugins and altering folders/icons etc.

For the most part, ive kept backups just in case. Original folder icons etc all backed up.

However I got a little too keen and didnt back up application icons (original ones) Althougth Im happy with what I have now, I cant find anywhere any original icons.

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PowerPC :: PB Won't Recognize It's Original HD?

Jan 10, 2008

I replaced my hard drive and everything worked great for a day or two, I could transfer data off the old60 onto the new 120HD via the firewire enclosure.

I have a Tibook G4, need more space. then my pictures wouldn't load on the exterior, i've been days trolling the internet for answers, like 25 hours now. And now suddenly it can't get itunes open either. I did nothing!

i can go into the finder, navigate to my old itunes which shows that it's there (it's 7.1) and when i open it, it opens itunes4 off the new internal drive (fresh install of OSX had not been upgraded yet). (and the songs i had imported off CDs fresh into itunes4 on the new drive are gone as well, it's empty.)

same with iphoto, if i can get it to open at all, it ends up opening the application off the new drive and other aps won;t work now as well.

today i changed the home name to see if that helped (it was just left the same as the old homefolder name, thought that might explain the confusion) no change.

iphoto says it won't load, sometimes says it needs to be updated, or says files missing. (i did drag pictures and 3 .avi's off from the library that first day) or opens the new drive's copy of iphoto. itunes opens the new drive's version, and songs i imported fresh are now missing, but were there two days ago. this problem start about 5 days ago.

i reformatted the empty drive, as per instructions, when installing. was i supposed to change user names or passwords or not drag files across to the new drive?

so many questions...such a huge waste of time. pretty miserable at this stage. [URL]

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OS X :: Can't Recognize The Original Extension

Mar 16, 2009

i'm importing video from a vio pov1. its a lipstick camera that you film sporting things with.
i downloaded divx and persia(n)?...but have a few problems. my ultimate goal is to open the file in imovie and edit it. when i open the file in quicktime...i don't get any sound. i can run the file in div x successfuly and see the video and hear the sound but i want to edit the film in imovie and save it to the compuer. persian didn't do much....i still don't know what that even does. there was no evident change after downloading it.

what are my options? also...for some strange reason...even though i imported the original file using iphoto and its saved as an event...i can't bring it into imovie. i'm guesing that this is becuase it can't recognize the original extension?

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OS X :: Restoring Without Original Disks?

Jul 12, 2009

My computer HD failed and I cant start my macbook at all. The computer boots and shows a question mark on a folder and the HD clicks so I assume thats the problem. I'm getting ready to order a new one and I can't find my original install disks. Can I do a fresh install of the OS on a new HD with just the Leopard install disk? I have a set of Mac Pro install disks, but don't know if they will work (missing divers?).

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OS X :: Original HD Crashed And Partition Gone

Aug 11, 2009

I'm not your typical windows-bashing mac guy. I really loved using XP and was a power user on XP Pro for years. I still use it for a few programs I use. But I just switched to mac. I've still got my old Sony laptop sitting around. When I got the thing, it had Vista Business on it. I used it for a month, but liked XP better and ultimately did a dual boot. Eventually, I just wiped it (having made a "Windows Image Backup" of Vista as it came on the computer so I could restore it when I needed to sell). The original hard disk crashed at one point, so the recovery partition is long gone. Fast forward to today, when I've been trying to restore to Vista and sell the Sony (for over two weeks).

I have TWO separate backups of the original vista install. But MS has their stuff locked down so much that you cannot restore your computer from a windows backup unless the original operating system installation is still in place. The best part is that Windows PC's RARELY have recovery media anymore, and Sony wants $30.00 for recovery CD's when I'm only selling the computer for about $400. Think about how much sense this makes (same idea with recovery partitions). If your original disk crashes, you can't use the restore partition AND your OS is gone AND you can't use your backup to get it back. The kind of crap M$ is pulling these days makes me glad I made the switch.

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OS X :: Need Original Leopard To Install SL?

Oct 21, 2009

At the moment, I am using the Unibody MacBook Pro with Leopard (OSX 10.5), but I would like to install Snow Leopard. How does it actually work? Do I have to install Snow Leopard over my existing Leopard? And if I want to reinstall Snow Leopard while using it, will I have to install Leopard again in order to be able to install Snow Leopard? The problem is that I heard that Snow Leopard checks whether you have original Leopard installed on your mac in order to progress with the installation. So will I always have to install it over Leopard so that I will need both dvds (Leopard and Snow Leopard) in the future?

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