IMac :: Boot Time For Windows 7 Running On SSD?

Aug 14, 2010

has anyone ever tested the boot time of Windows 7 running on iMac 27'' SSD? If you boot Windows 7 on SSD with VMFusion 3 or Parallel 5, what is the boot time? I am concerned because the main reason for me to get an SSD is to get a faster Windows 7 boot time.

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Windows On Mac :: Running Boot Camp, Volume With Windows

Sep 23, 2009

i run boot camp and work on Microsoft to work with auto cad, and the volume keys and the pause and mute for some strange reason stopped working.

ive gone to control panel boot camp and turned on and off the option to use the f1 keys and still nothing. i have uninstalled the driver for the keyboard and still nothing.

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Mac Pro :: Boot Camp Running Windows 7 On Separate Drive?

Jan 10, 2011

is it possible to have a boot camp drive with windows 7 on a seprate drive on a mac pro?

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Windows On Mac :: Running Boot Camp Vista Through Parallels?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm trying to run Boot Camp Vista through Parallels but i don't know how to set it up and can't find a guide anywhere. There's one in the settings but that skips over the most complicated bits. Anybody know of a guide for doing this or know how to do this?

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Applications :: Running Windows 7 With Boot Camp And Parallels 5.0

May 13, 2010

I finally made the switch from PC to Mac buy selling my HP laptop and desktop computers and buying the new MacBook Pro. However, I have licenses for Creative Suite 4 for Windows and still need to run it on my Mac using Boot Camp and/or Parallels until I can afford to jump to CS5 for Mac (this MBP took a big chunk of my cash). I'd like to run Windows using Boot Camp AND Parallels - Boot Camp when I need all system resources and Parallels when I need to hop over to Windows to type a Word document or something quick (got Office 2007 for Windows too).

Can I use both Boot Camp and Parallels with one serial number for Windows 7? If so, how do I install? Would I install Windows on Boot Camp or Parallels first? If anyone has some guidance for installing one copy of Windows 7 on both applications

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IMac :: 27" Wont's Boot Up / Takes A Very Long Time To Boot?

May 15, 2010

I have a 2 week old iMac 27", i7, 2tb Hard Drive, 16gb RM

In the second week the boot up times became very slow.

I would turn the machine on and get the chime within 5 seconds or so.

Then just a black/blank screen.

Eventually after about 10mins I would get a white screen then it would boot up normally.

Now the machine just doesn't get to the white screen. So I get the chime and then just darkness. It does sound like the machine is on (usual quiet imac whirring).

I've tried various key commands when I turn the machine on including pressing C with the install disk in the dvd drive and the alt, control, P, R pram reset.

I've also tried unplugging all the cables, leaving the machine for a minute and switching back on. I did manage to perform the PRAM reset once. I reset the machine and it booted fine.

But now when I switch it on just darkness.

I've called after sales and will try to get the machine replaced but in the meantime is there anything I could try that might make the machine work? I need to do a remix this weekend (deadline Monday) so really need to get it working.

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Windows On Mac :: Have A Really Slow Windows 7 And/or Snow Leopard Boot Up Time?

Dec 18, 2009

I want to know if you guys have a really slow windows 7 and/or Snow Leopard boot up time?I get a nasty white screen before the main selector kicks in.I'm using a mac mini late 2009.

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Windows On Mac :: First Time Windows Installing Boot Camp And Parallels?

Feb 22, 2010

I have a 15" MBP. Hardware in my sig.

I'm getting Win7 this week. I'm getting it free from school and unsure at this point whether it will be 32 or 64 bit. That said, here's what I want to do with my setup.

1: School. I have to use Office 2007 for my classes. Office 2008 for Mac is not supported, because some of the formulas that you create in 2008 won't convert correctly into 2007 format and I can't have that. I will also use IE due to the fact that neither Firefox nor Safari will play my Mediasite classes correctly in Silverlight. Only IE allows me to speed up the playback. I am going to use Parallels 5 for this.

2: I game, but not much. The one game I love and will definitely put on my Mac is Morrowind. I want to use Boot Camp for this reason.

Soooo, I have been told that if I'm going to install Windows under Boot Camp that I should do that install first. Then install Parallels. I'm really not sure how to do any of this. I understand that I will only need to install Windows a single time and that it should work under with Boot Camp or Parallels.

i have the Boot Camp install PDF from the Apple site, but I'd love some tips, tricks, help, advice, words of wisdom, etc., from this forum. Please tell me what you think about which to install first, what approach to take, how much HDD space I should partition when I install under Boot Camp, etc.

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IMac :: Cannot Boot From DVD For Running Disk Utility

Sep 28, 2010

Well this is an ongoing saga with my iMac. Looks like my third hard drive has gone south after 4 years. All Seagate Barracuda drives. But now I can not even boot from the the snow leopard dvd to at least run the disk utility. I tried the following: holding down 'c' and nothing, hold down options and I get the mouse cursor but nothing else.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac A1225 Crash Running AHT Then Goes Into A Boot Loop

May 1, 2012

I have an iMac A1225 EMC2211 that is exhibiting some weird behaviour. After about 5 minutes of using it (cold boot) it will either have a kernel panic, freeze and go into a blue (bondi blue I think) screen, or shut down. I ran an extended AHT on it and after 10 minutes it shuts down (black screen) then goes into a boot loop (screen stays black and system chimes once every 2 seconds). If the system is warm it will not boot (goes to blank grey screen). The consol reports something with the NVRAM (havent had the ability to post the log yet).

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), A1225 - EMC2211

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OS X Mountain Lion :: IMac Running 10.8.5 - Applications Starting On Its Own After Boot Up

Nov 30, 2014

I have a problem with my iMac which is running OSX 10.8.5. I think the easiest way to explain this would be to just give a simple example. For example let's say I have Excel and Word both open. I shut them both down. Then I completely shut down my computer. Power off. I go to bed. Next morning I boot up and guess what? Word and Excel are now running again, just as if I had never shut them them down.

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Windows On Mac :: Correct Time Zone Running Vista?

May 21, 2009

I'm running Vista SP1 64-bit on a 17" unibody macbook pro. Whenever I start up windows, it sets the time to GMT/UTC. I have set it to the correct time zone, and enable internet syncing. However, no matter how many times I reset the clock, whenever the computer is restarted, it sets itself to UTC again.

Now this could have to do with the fact that Boot Camp is not installed on the Windows side. I find that it takes too much effort to update drivers that way, so I install all of the drivers manually. I have a feeling that this time issue may have something to do with that, as I believe apple's bios is set to UTC, and os x corrects itself via software, where windows sets the bios itself and runs off of it.

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Windows On Mac :: Keyboard For Running Windows On IMac?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm a 25-year PC user looking to switch to iMac that also runs Windows 7 virtually. Wondering if there are recommended keyboards that map seamlessly to both Mac to PC programs as I will run these side by side. I'm looking for one with backlit keys, a gaming keyboard would be ok though I am not a gamer.

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Windows On Mac :: Running Win7 (BootCamp) For Significant Amount Of Time

Jun 14, 2010

I'm a potential switcher and I'm still going back and forth between a top of the line Thinkpad T410 and MBP 15. A big reason I'm heavily considering the MBP is that I'm interested in using Mac OS, if for nothing better than it being different and new. I'm a long-time Windows guy, and I'm actually pretty impressed with Windows 7, but I have admired Mac OS from a distance. A recent line of thinking has been: I might as well get the MBP because it can run both Windows 7 and Mac OS, whereas the Thinkpad T410 can only run Windows 7. Since I've never really used Mac OS, my fear is that in a month, i'll miss Windows 7 (unlikely, but still a possibility...). In the event that I used MBP as primarily a Windows machine, I've heard that it runs hot and the power management support is poor at the moment. I plan on leaving the MBP plugged in as a desktop about 90% of the time.

So several questions:
1) Do any of you run Windows 7 through bootcamp for a significant amount of time on your Macbook Pro's?
2) Apart from poor battery management, how is Windows 7?
3) Just for reference, is there eventually going to be improved power management support and driver updates? (From what i googled, it seems like they missed their 2009 deadline, but I can't seem to find any word that they intend to eventually release updated drivers)

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IMac (Intel) :: Powers Down While Starting In Safe Boot Mode Running OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 9, 2014

My 2014 21" iMac powers itself down after about 10 seconds while trying to startup in safe boot mode. I'm not even sure why it is trying to start in safe boot mode. I shut it down after a power outage while plugged into an APS UPS. I'm guessing that since I interrupted the auto shutdown it is restarting in safe boot mode. Either way, I get a grey screen with a big apple and a progress bar. The progress bar gets to about a tenth full and the power just shuts off. 

I've tried starting up while holding the alt key to select the Macintosh HD. The same thing happens.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Installed Boot Camp And Windows On New Imac?

Jun 26, 2006

I just installed boot camp and windows on my new imac. Everything seems to be working great. I noticed, however, that on the mac keyboard there is not an "insert" button or a "num lock" button. Is there a link or manual to figure out which buttons I can use for the windows apps?

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Mac Pro :: 27" IMac Running Windows 7?

Dec 1, 2009

Buying an new 27" iMac for the display for my Mac Pro, then installing Windows 7 via Boot Camp on the iMac for use as a second machine. Will I be able to switch modes using the command-F2 keyboard shortcut?

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Software :: Running Windows On IMac G3?

Jul 18, 2008

Is it possible?

I have a imac g3 with 400MHz, 512ram, and 80 Gb hdd?

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IMac :: Windows Aero Not Working In Boot Camp-2009 IMac GT120

Mar 28, 2009

I think it worked at one point, but sometime around the point when I set up Fusion with the partition, Windows Aero turned off and is no longer an option in the display settings. I installed this driver with the modded INF to see if it would do anything, but Aero is still not an option. I also have issues playing some games in Fusion, while they work fine in Boot Camp.

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels Boot Time - Why Does It Take So Long

Oct 1, 2009

I hit "Start" in Parallels to boot Windows, it takes like 1:45 min till I see the wallpaper on my desktop. I use Windows 7 on Parallels. I remember it also took about the same time for XP Pro to load on my Parallels/VMWare before.Why does it take so long?? Does it also take so much time to boot for you guys? If I boot my Windows through Bootcamp (not Parallels) though, it only takes like 45-50 secs for the desktop wallpaper to display

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IMac :: Running Games On Windows 7 Under Bootcamp

Jul 15, 2010

Thinking of buying an iMac in the next couple of months and want to know know if anyone has experience of running games on Windows 7 under Bootcamp? Do they run ok? I know it depends what sort of game you are playing so I usually play MMO's & FPS. I will be using OSX for all non gaming stuff but if the gaming under Windows 7 is not that good I may just buy a Macbook for my OSX stuff and buy a seperate PC just for gaming.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safe To Use IMac While Time Machine Running?

Feb 12, 2012

If I run Time Machine for the first time, do I have to stop using my iMac until the program is finished? Or can I continue to use it?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Long Boot Time Caused By HD With Windows Install?

Dec 26, 2010

I had a spare drive bay in my Mac Pro, so decided to install an extra HD, partition into two, and put on Windows XP on one partition and Windows 7 on the other.

I've now done this. I didn't install using Bootcamp, since it doesn't support two Windows partitions on the same drive, so I removed all my Mac HDs and then installed both versions of Windows as though installing on any other PC, only using Bootcamp to install the Windows drivers after.

The Windows HD is formatted NTFS with MBR partition scheme. With my three Mac OS drives (1 system, 1 Audio Data, 1 Timemachine) now back in, everything is now working, with holding the option key on startup giving me the choice between Mac OS and Windows. Selecting Windows brings up the Windows 7 boot menu, with the option to boot into XP or 7.

The only problem is that boot up now takes an extremely long time, and the part of the sequence that is taking a long time is worrying me.

When you press the power on button, you get the boing as normal, but it's now about 50 seconds from the boing until you see the grey startup screen (or boot menu if you are holding option). Once into the grey screen, start up time is as it was before.

Is this normal behaviour with three normal HFS+ and one MBR NTFS drive with two Windows partitions in a Mac?

I have tried resetting the PRAM but it made no difference.

If it's normal, I suppose I can put up with it, but it would be great if I could do something about it.

This is a 2009 Mac Pro, Quad 2.66 GHz, 5GB RAM.

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Windows On Mac :: Using Boot Camp And Vmware Fusion At The Same Time

Jul 30, 2009

I have recently got my first mac, and unfortunately I do have to run Windows-only software at school.

Is it possible to have a Boot Camp partion and a Vmware Fusion at the same time, so that I can run the "small" applications using Vmware Fusion and the applications with high system requirements using Boot Camp?

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IMac :: Different Speaker Sound While Running Windows / BootCamp

Jul 26, 2010

I just noticed that the sound of my 21.5" iMac speakers kinda changes notably when I'm using Windows (BootCamp). Compared to the sound while using Snow Leopard, it sound very thin, bass-less and... just strange. More like MacBook speakers, or just small speakers. Another thing is that the headphone input doesn't work on Windows. Could these issues be related to audio drivers? I don't know much about that sort of stuff.

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OS X :: IMac Running Slow - Top Left Buttons In Windows Grayed Out

Dec 3, 2010

I started using my iMac today (not this gen the last gen) and it was fine yesterday but today it has been extremely slow. Its only a year old and now its suddenly taking 30 seconds to open up Finder and Mail and Chrome take a long time to start up. Also I noticed that the 3 buttons (red, orange, and green) at the top left of every window are grayed out.

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IMac (Intel) :: Speakers Work But Cannot Get Any Sound Output Running Windows 7

Sep 13, 2014

Speakers work but cannot get any sound output.  Running windows 7 on Intel iMac.  Speakers sound on booting and graphics in Control panel and on toolbar indicate sound is being recieved but nothing comes out of speakers or headphones.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp - Cannot Use IMAC

Jul 14, 2007

i am new to these forums, i have recently purchaced a imac and i previously installed parralells on it which worked fine other than the fact i could not play games on it. I was told to install bootcamp to overcome this issue, however when i downloaded bootcamp and proceeded with the install at the windows stage of the process (the dos looking blue screen where you choose the partition) the partition bootcamp created for me did not show up, therefore i cancelled the windows setup but when the computer re booted it is stuck on a grey screen like when you turn it on, you cannot boot from the OS X cd's which came with the computer you cannot log in on safemode you pretty much can't do anything. I have backed up all important things prior to doing this but how would you format the computer if its not responding to the command to boot from the CD?

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IMac :: Using Windows 7 Boot Camp

Dec 20, 2009

Where is the boot camp update that was promised by Apple before the end of the year? I know its not even Christmas but they are sure cutting it close, I can't wait to finally install Windows 7 on my new iMac.

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OS X :: Imac Won't Boot Up After Restoring From Time Machine Backup

Nov 14, 2009

I just got an imac and use the option to restore from my MacBookPro Time machine Backup.

When I restart the machine after the restoration, it won't boot pass the grey apple logo

why i'm not able to boot up from my restored high drive

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