IMac :: Video Card For Snow Leopard And Adobe CS3?
Jun 11, 2009
I'm selecting my wife's new iMac and I'm uncertain which video card to get. She uses Adobe CS3 professionally and will upgrade to Snow Leopard. But she doesn't edit video, watch movies, play games on her Mac. And her CS3 work seems not too heavy, since it still works well on a 6-year old dual G5 system. But I understand Snow Leopard has support for GPU acceleration. For graphic design work, are the GT130 or ATI 4850 worth the upgrade price over the GT120?
I have 2 iMac G5's both running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.Suddenly one decided that it woud not allow Photoshop 9 (CS1) to work so I tried to reinstall. It seems to reinstall but will still not save files. Tried to reinstall Photoshop CS2, and the whole CS2 suite and the discs will not load at all. I have tested the disc in the other iMac and it's fine. I have tried all the obvious repair routes - disc utility, restarting from the system CD, creating a new user, software updates, but still cannot get any of teh Adobe sofatware to reinstall properly.
I have a Mac pro part number FA356LL/A - it is currently using NVIDIA Geforce 7300GT I am wondering if this can be upgraded to a more current card the system itself is working great till I installed Adobe CS6.It still works fine but the redraw tends to stall and give weird artifacting at random times I have 2 screens 24" EIZO main display for color 15 inc NEC for pallets and extra realestate?
My sd card adapter is not recognized on my imac with os 10.7.3. I cannot see where I can download the photos in iphoto. How can I find out if recognized by computer
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), sd card adapter not recognized in
I just bought a new Mac, and find that Adobe Reader 9 does not open PDF files. I get a message saying that Adobe Reader 9 will not work on my Mac. Is there any other software that can use to open PDF files on OS 10.6.1? Mac 10.6.1 Intel Core 2 Duo.
Leopard 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard (10.6 and 10.6.2) since then, most of the Adobe CS3 crash at launch (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash) some others (Indesign, Flash VE) lost their SN.
Am unable to uninstall and make a new install of CS3, installer said: System Requirements Error. This software cannot be install because the file system of the OS volume is not supported.
I download then Photoshop CS4 Trial from Adobe. It says too:
System Requirements Error. This software cannot be install because the file system of the OS volume is not supported. The OS volume should be local, writable and should have non-sensitive file system.
Isn't Snow Leopard supposed to bring hardware acceleration better to the OS? I know adobe flash has never been good in OSX but it is worse in Snow Leopard! I use SMC Fan Control to keep my temps down but the temps rise so rapidly I have to go on 6000rpm to keep it below 70 degrees ? In Leopard it was fine on 3000rpm! This is standard definition we are talking about never mind HD!
I recently upgraded my HD and did a clean install of Snow Leopard. Before the upgrade, I could view PDFs in both Safari and Firefox in-browser with Adobe Reader. I prefer this to Preview because of the toolbar options. After the upgrade, even though I have Adobe Acrobat Pro and Adobe Reader installed, I can not view PDFs in-browser with it. Safari defaults to Preview as a reader and Firefox defaults to download the PDF (I thought it would install the plugin when I installed the Reader. I can not find an independent reader plugin for firefox online). I am running Safari 4.0.4, Firefox 3.5.5, Adobe Reader 9.2.0, and Adobe Acrobat Pro 8.1.3.
I have been able to open pdfs perfectly well up until I changed the security settings on Adobe Reader. As I read somewhere that Apples have an inbuilt pdf reader I trashed everything Adobe, but still can't open pdfs. Tried using Preview to no avail.
Is there some other way of opening pdfs without reinstalling Adobe?
I'm not a gamer at all, but I will be attaching a second 1920x1080 monitor to a new iMac. Does it matter for general purposes if I have 512 vs 1Gb of RAM in the video card? Will, I dunno, Expose suck on two HD monitors if I only have 512?
I do some infrequent video editing, and I have one specialized program (not video-related) that supposedly gets a boost out of extra video RAM (though no one has provided benchmarks on different setups.)
Adobe announced this week that it has not tested and will not support its Creative Suite 3 line of products, including Photoshop CS3, on Apple's new Snow Leopard operating system. John Nack, the principal product manager for Photoshop at Adobe, announced on his official blog that CS3 and earlier have not been tested on Snow Leopard. He provided a link to a compatibility document from Adobe that went even further. "While older Adobe and Macromedia applications may install and run on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6), they were designed, tested and released to the public several years before this new operating system became available," the document states. "You may therefore experience a variety of installation, stability, and reliability issues for which there is no resolution. Older versions of our creative software will not be updated to support Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6)."
General support for CS3 applications, the company notes, exists through Adobe's paid support program. Adobe released Creative Suite 4 in 2008, effectively replacing CS3. Clearly this latest move is designed to encourage users to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe's software. The Mac upgrade retails for $699.99. Nack said that there are a few minor problems with CS4 in Snow Leopard, though most of the suite works fine under Apple's new operating system. He said that problems remain in Flash panels and Adobe Drive/Version Cue.
The company's support document states it will support and upgrade CS4 within Snow Leopard. Currently, none of the applications in the CS4 suite require an upgrade to work within the new operating system, to be released Friday. "Adobe will support Creative Suite 4 software running with Snow Leopard according to its standard customer support policies," Adobe said. "Older versions of Adobe Creative Suite software were not designed to run on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6), so you may experience issues installing and using the software for which there are no solutions."[View this article at [URL]]
D/Loaded Adobe 10.3.1, now all pdfs from internet are just a gray screen. Pdf's attached to emails OK. I'm on latest Safari Browser. Can't find earlier non-troublesome Adobe REader on Internet.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Latest Safari Browser
I'm on a Mac OS X, version 10.6.3. Processor 2.66 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. Memory: 2 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I'm a graphic designer so I always have Photoshop CS4 & InDesign CS4 running simultaneously 8 hours a day. (Firefox 3.6.3 is also running). Never had a problem until recently - the screen would suddenly turn WHITE, or BLUE w/ VERTICAL STRIPES. Then I have to reboot.
I had 3 crashes today. I did notice when I was scrolling w/ my (sorta old & ghetto Kensington mouse) that it froze the iMac twice. IS THERE A PATCH, OR SOFTWARE UPDATE FOR THIS? Anyone else having similar crashes?
Why does Minecraft look like this on my iMac? Is my video card messed up or something? It all flickers and changes as I move and look around. And it's not the mods, it did this stock, before I install the MrMMods.
If I bought the cheapest iMac at base model right now, in a month or two could I buy more RAM for it? Then could I later buy a better video/graphics card and get that put in And could I have these things done by official Apple peoples. Not that I care much - I'd just like to know if official people do this.
Recently my 20" iMac has been showing some strange graphic problems when starting up, it doesn't happen all the time. Its hard to explain, what it looks like so I was able to capture a video of it on my iPhone, it happens near the end of the boot cycle; Here's a link to the video; [URL:...] I've tried clearing the PRAM etc and no luck. The iMac will be two years old this August, I don't have AppleCare. Do you think the video card is dying?
Was having Adobe shockwave/flash problems while running Chrome, which is not completely unheard of. Restarted my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), which included a software update (though I'm not sure exactly what programs were updated). Now Chrome will not run at all. Every time I start, it crashes immediately. Have tried SEVERAL times to trash/download it, but the same version seems to keep appearing in my Applications folder. Have also tried trashing the Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome folder to no avail. Appears back in its place after dragging it to the trash.
In addition, Adobe flash videos for Safari and Firefox (which I just downloaded as a tester) also will not work. Each attempt to update Adobe Flash also ends in a crash. And now I've discovered the same for everything Microsoft (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). The program shuts down and the Microsoft error message appears breifly, followed by the same crash "Mircrosoft Word Error Reporting Quit Unexpectedly" box. Again, have tried several times to download Chrome & Adobe Flash to no avail. All system updates have been made to date. What to do next?
Just wondering, if I were to go for a higher specd Imac with a more powerful video card (thinking possibly the refurb with the 8800), would this be a significantly bigger energy drain, or does the card not kick in to full force unless a task requires it to do so?