IMac :: System Ability To Run Fine For Gaming?
Dec 9, 2010
For the longest time (since 1998) I have built my own PC's for gaming. I finally decided to try a Mac for the first time two weeks ago. I wont go back. I have the 1499 3.2 ghz core i3 21.5" model and I am having a blast. This is what computing should be like. I play World of Warcraft on mine and enjoy it. I am selling the gaming PC I just gave my wife to get her a 3.02 ghz core i3 1199 model iMac with the ATI 4670 at 256mb, 4 gigs of ram.
I am thinking this should be able to run World of Warcraft ok. Not expecting the settings maxed, more on fair or good. I am just looking for a good playing experience. The 1199 is more in the budget for what we can do. Other than that it will be used for basic writing and email surfing. I know the 4670 is not much by todays standards but with a i3 in a mac I am thinking it should run fine, and work for at least 4 or so years down the road.
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May 15, 2010
I've been a Mac user for about 2 years now. It's a great OS. I currently have a 2008 (quad-core) Mac Pro that I will be selling to a friend. I've been saving up some money and will be buying an iMac (with money from Mac Pro) and a Gaming PC with my saved money. My Mac Pro currently has three drives in it - a 230GB drive with the OS, Apps, Music, etc; a 500GB drive with Movies, Photos, etc; and another 500GB drive with Windows 7 and games.
I have all my Mac files backed up onto a 1.5TB external drive (of which I have less than 1TB filed). My question is about file transferring. Will I be able to transfer the files from my backup Mac Pro drive to the new iMac? It has a 1TB drive so space isn't a problem. I'm just kinda worried about how the files will be transferred since it was copied from two drives and is going to be copied back onto a single drive.
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Dec 29, 2008
I have an iMac, it's the early 2008 model and I was just wondering it will be able to support 64 bit rite?
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Dec 21, 2008
I noticed that my system stopped making system (i.e. Mac OS X) sounds for some reason. Sounds from applications are fine. I checked and unchecked the "play user interface sound effects" check box in the preference panes to no effect.
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Jun 28, 2014
I have a mac desktop. Just recently, possible since an upgrade to mavericks, it loses its ability to use wifi its clearly recognises as connected. The temporary solution I have involves opening the network and running wifi diagnostics. It always comes back and says it is all fine but it fixes it. ie the act of running diagnostics resolves the problem.
Happens every 10 mins or so when using and is now becoming a sore point.
I am not even slightly technical. I turn on, I type, I turn off.
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Jan 7, 2010
I'm in desperate need for a new computer, for Gaming/school work.
I Am very interested in the New 27" Imac quad core-i7...but I'm scared.
I have read threads upon threads about the screen flickering/yellow glow and such and my question to you all is, when to buy my new imac?
I want to buy it without these problems of course.
Does anyone know when Apple will be fixing all these problems? (If they havint already)
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Feb 3, 2010
when I get my new MBP (when they release them *sigh*), I intend on doing some moderate gaming on it. Things like MW2, Starcraft, Sims 3, Battlefield BC2, and some others I can't think of right now.
My question is, if a game is available for both OSX and Windows, would it be better to get it for OSX, or Windows? I was wondering if I should have like all my games in the windows partition, or have ones that I can get for OSX separate.
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Aug 28, 2009
The scroll on my Mighty Mouse will not scroll down, only up.This the second Mighty Mouse I've owned and the last one had this problem too.Is this a common fault? The settings in System Preferences are fine.
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Mar 31, 2009
Here is whats happening: my 3 y.o. 15 MBP is connected to external speakers (Bose MusicMonitor) and every time there is a sound, any system sound, say an email in, a volume chirp, or a Skype chirp, anything at all, I hear an audible POP, before hearing the actual sound, in fact the POP sort of overlays the sound. I hear the second POP sometimes, after the sound has sounded, so to speak, and sometimes the second one does not happen at all. To me it reminds me of the Pioneer Amp my dad used to have in the 70's, when you first turn that thing on, it would produce an audible POP. So, back to to this, it sounds like an amplifier POP by being awaken by the system, and I'm inclined to think it is the MBP's audio "amplifier" on its board. Oh, btw, both the speakers and the MBP's volume is set to low.
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Oct 6, 2009
I have a Unibody MBP (Late '08 - first model) running Snow Leopard. After the installation of SL and the upgrade to 10.6.1 (which I did in the same days), I have problems with my trackpad.
Basically, every once in a while the system ignores hard clicks for some minutes: if I tap it, the click is registered. If I press it down the click is not registered.
I do not think it's hardware-related: nothing happened and the noise/pressure/feeling are the same as before.Is there anyone else with a similar problem?
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Jan 13, 2010
I need to find a better download management application than Speed Download. Whenever I run speed, and download more than one file at a time, my memory usage skyrockets and maxes out. System runs VERY sluggish, and i basically can't use my MBP until downloads are done.
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Jul 28, 2010
I'm a long time lurker first time poster and have anxiously been awaiting the new IMac refresh and now that it's here, I just want to make sure I get the proper system for my needs. So I plan on getting the higher end 21.5 model. However I'm wondering if it's worth it to get 8 gb of ram vs the 4gb standard? Now I don't play a lot of PC games but I would love to run Starcraft 2 close to high-ultra settings as possible. So will that extra 4gb of ram help SC2 run smoother or is that overkill? Also anyone with the new macs yet test out how well SC2 runs on them? Also is it worth it to upgrade to the 3.60GHz Intel Core i5 [Add $180.00]?
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Dec 9, 2010
So i have been using macbooks and macbook pros for a long time but i am looking at getting a 27" imac for the desk so i can use my macbook pro for mobile tasks. At the moment macbook pro stays plugged in and i take my macbook everywhere...... Another side task being i wouldn't mind getting back into a bit of gaming CSS and Guildwars (run though crossover) as i have heard good reviews about it working well, i do miss GW..... anyway i have been looking at the refurb store and i am rather tempted but i can't seem to work out what would be a better trade off, only 512 of gfx ram with a i7 or 1Gb with a i5 now obviously for the gaming side the i5 is the better option but i kinda want the i7 can anyone advise what they picked for playing games ?
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Sep 1, 2010
I know there have been threads about this topic already, but I haven't found a single one that suits me. I just purchased a new i7 and want some framerates and a decent idea of what to expect when I get home and start using this bad boy. I don't do any real heavy gaming - mostly just old school titles...quake 3, counterstrike, escape velocity (kidding). I plan on playing some starcraft 2 and was mostly curious if I would be able to run the game on utlra at native res. What sort of framerates are you all seeing with sc2?
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Jul 27, 2010
Debating whether or not to get the core i5 for 1999 or i7 for 200 more.. Will I see a difference in gaming between the two processors? It seems like everyone is getting the i7 to future proof but is there really that big of a difference in the two CPUs ?
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a iMac 24inch early 09 so I installed boot camp with vista ultimate right and some games
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Apr 17, 2010
I have an iMac with a 3.06 ghz intel core 2 duo processor, snow leopard 10.6.3, an nvidia geforce 8800 gs, and 2 gb of ram. I wanted to play games like Counter Strike: Source and Left 4 Dead 2. How would those games work on my iMac?
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Jun 24, 2014
my computer has recently crash due to a game call leaque of legends. During the game, the game has crash, some awful sound occurred and I just force shut down. My Mac, after that my Mac occurred the no entry sign which stands for 1 hour or so.
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Mar 14, 2012
Since doing a clean install of Lion onto my system, I have not been able to play music cd's bought from the high street. My system keep ejecting them after about 20 seconds. Movie DVD's play straight away.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 25, 2010
I'm using my old gaming mouse (Logitech MX518) and when I push one of the bottons above the thumb area (MOUSE 5 I believe) it does the minimization to where it shows all the pages open on the computer and all programs running.. I've gone in the mouse settings and I still cant fix it. Any help?
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Jun 2, 2014
I've been having a weird issue for a few days, my computer is connected to the internet and I am able to login a messenger and use spotify and other programs that run through wifi but for some reason none of my internet browsers open any page.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 30, 2014
My imac is around 4 years old and has been running both windows bootcamp and os x snow leopard for at least 3 years without any problems. My default operating system is mac and when I tried to turn it on this morning it gets stuck on the white screen with the grey apple icon and the loading icon spinning. Also a bar appears below this that I have never seen before. I have tried opening the mac in recovery mode but it does not respond and goes to the same logo screen.
I have tried holding the 'D' key down while the mac comes on and doing the apple hardware test but once the window pops up it does not complete the probing and appears to freeze just before its completion. I have also tried booting in safemode but the script stops at these commands:
-launch tl: Please convert the following to launchd: etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisory.plist
-launch_msg(): socket is not connected
However, the windows bootcamp is working fine and I can access my mac files from there.Also worth mentioning is that it is not a grey screen that appears on start up it is just the normal apple icon screen.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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Aug 25, 2014
My recently coded app, is not opening in my iMac, the apps works fine in eclipse but when i try to open through desktop app it doesn't open. Since i'm new to iMac struggling a lot to resolve...
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 5, 2009
I am using this wired mighty mouse for the pass 6 months and recently it had a problem regarding on the track ball... the track ball is able to scroll up just like normal... but when scroll down, it is no longer as sensitive as scrolling up...
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Feb 7, 2012
I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a 2.8GHz CoreDuo iMac from 2007 and on a Macbok Air 2.13 GHz Core duo from 2010. The iMac has 4GB of RAM the Macbook has 2 GB RAM.
I run Microsoft Office 2011 on both machines. For the same file the Macbook operates normally on Word and Excel. The iMac is slow at best and when I try a Save As it hangs for up to 15 minutes brfor letting me change the FIle Name. This effectively makes it unusable.
As far as I can tell the set up of Office on both Machines is identical and I have eliminated duplicate Fonts as suggested by some posts but the problem remains. I have checked Activity Monitor and I am not getting any Page Outs so RAM does not appear to be an issue.
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Dec 30, 2008
I got a refurb 500gig Time Capsule for Christmas, and was able to set it up fine with my iMac, but when I tried to set it up with my Macbook Pro that I use through school it wouldn't show up/mount via wifi or USB. When I tried with my moms Macbook just to see, hers sees it fine.
I have a feeling its something to do with the image the school uses on the machines, but when I emailed IT, they said "Typically the images that are set up for each program are just a collaboration of programs required for you to complete course work in your specific program. There are no specific permissions turned on or off that would not allow you to connect to this device."
I had my dad play with the router, but its not the issue because the other two machines can access the Time Capsule with no issues. I can give the Time Capsule its own IP in Airport, and it shows it as connected but still won't show it when it scans to set it up with Time Machine. I can ping the Time Capsule from both the iMac and Macbook Pro. The software has been installed on both machines as well.
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Jan 8, 2009
Any way to customize gesture commands? For instance, I would like to be able to 4 finger swipe left/right and flow through my Spaces. Anybody? If not now, should we expect this customization ability in the future?
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Jun 28, 2010
I have had my macbook pro for a week, & so far so good, it currently has snowleopard 10.6.3, since it does not have an internet connection right now, I downloaded the 10.6.4 update from the pc in our home onto a thumb drive. If I install the update, & start to have problems on my macbook pro of any sort, is there a way I can go back to 10.6.3? I just think of the saying if it is not broken do not fix it, & so far I have had no trouble with 10.6.3.
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a PPC iMac G4 running 10.5.8. Both in Safari and Firefox, some sites open right away (,, But others will not open or will take minutes to open (,, Bizare for sure. Set up static IP address to find this mac on my network. No settings have changed since this system was set up a few years ago. Other PCs on my network work fiine. Also rebooted DSL modem, and router.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Also HP Notebook Win 7 SP2
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May 31, 2008
A family member is going to NYU for film. For her graduation we want to get her a mac laptop. What laptop should we get her? It needs to be able to edit HD videos.
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