I know there have been threads about this topic already, but I haven't found a single one that suits me. I just purchased a new i7 and want some framerates and a decent idea of what to expect when I get home and start using this bad boy. I don't do any real heavy gaming - mostly just old school titles...quake 3, counterstrike, escape velocity (kidding). I plan on playing some starcraft 2 and was mostly curious if I would be able to run the game on utlra at native res. What sort of framerates are you all seeing with sc2?
I've ordered a 27" i5 (quad core) iMac with 256 SSD + 1 TB drive. I know that the SSD drive used by Apple are not so fast as the fastest SSD available in the market but anyone know what are his performance?
I' m pretty sure in that in daily use the computer is much faster and responsive whit this SSD drive but anyone can tell me how much this benefit are visible?
I want to buy a mic to put on my desktop and use it like the built in mic of iMac: I want to use it to make Skype calls and allow me to move around my room (5m x 5m) and have no problem to my Skype calls.
I currently use a macbook pro, but it's getting on at 3 years old now, I never use it as a portable device and I'm desperate for a more powerful iMac.
In terms of performance I need something that can play the latest games - WoW and CoD specifically - as smoothly as possible. At the moment I'm drawn between the better 21.5" mac, or the 27" with the same settings.
1st Question: I'm fairly sure the 21.5" would play the games well, but if I upgraded to a 27" screen, would the games play slower as a result?
2nd Question: The 21.5" iMac comes with an i3 processor. Is there a big difference between the i3 and i5 in terms of performance (specifically, again, for gaming). Would it be worth getting the i5?
I currently own a iMac G4 700 MHz and I was wondering if a iMac G4 1,25 GHz 20inch is a lot better than the 700 MHz ? Im not thinking of video editing or gaming, but basic use in Leopard.
If someone has any experience with a 1,25 GHz with Leopard, please tell me so I can compare.
I'm looking to improve my gaming performance. I run The Sims 3, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2 and a few other games natively on my MacBook Pro 13". By no I means do I care for getting unrealistically high performance, but I would like to know how an SSD would effect gaming performance. Would it give a notable increase in terms of FPS? or responsive?
Before the update I was gaming perfectly fine on pretty much Medium - High settings. The only game I have been playing lately is HON - Heroes of Newerth. Everything ran exactly as it should and I never had any problems. However, a couple of days ago I booted up the game and tried to play and noticed my FPS dropped by a lot. I even tried cranking down everything to low, and all it does is make everything pixelated, but my fps does not move at all.
I then realized the day before, I ran Software Update and ended up bumping up to 10.6.5. I honestly cannot think of what other reason in why performance would drop. I ran both a disk permission repair and a verify disk repair. Ran onyx to do a clean up scan. Flash online, video files, music, everything else I have tested is performing as it should. Anyone else having issues with the recent osx patch?
I have a 13" mid '09 MacBook Pro. How do I improve it's graphic performance for gaming? I have version 10.7.4. On my buddies system he can go to system prefrences > Energy Saver > Optomize for better graphic performance, but I don't have this option...
Where can i but xp cheaply? And wich version for gaming? i am also under the impression that you can boot the computer into mac or windows, is this true?
bluetooth and I am positive one of you are going to say bluetooth and gaming dont go together, but I did not ask that. Also, already know about the Razer Orochi but would like to stay away from it after I read alot of problems with the micro-sleep mode disconnecting the mouse every 1.5 seconds.
I've heard several people reference they have drastically improved their gaming performance by optimizing things in Windows 7. While I wait for mine to arrive I would love it if anyone can post their tips and advice on getting the most out of this mediocre GPU.
I was just wondering what everyones views are on gaming on battery power. I have a new 2010 MBP and was wondering if I should leave the AC adapter out and plug it in when the power gets low, or just keep it plugged in gaming all the time.
I don't know about everyone else, but I literally cannot wait to sink some gaming hours into this wonderful machine that up until recently I did not thing would game at all!
Although my Air is still on a conveyor belt somewhere with cool lasers and stuff I know there are some people out there with there machines in there hands ready to do some showing off , well here is where you can do it!
I will keep an updated list of games people have requested to see benchmarked here in this first post. All you have to do is pick a game (preferably one you already own) and benchmark it! You can add your benchmark to this thread and again i will direct link to your benchmark in this first post. Useful and awesome eh? Games can be mac or boot camp just so long as you let us know which you are trying out! I'll get us started on a list but request away.
Games awaiting benchmark:
- World of Warcraft - Dragon Age - Mass Effect 2 - Half Life 2 - Left 4 Dead 2 - Team Fortress 2 - Crysis - GTA IV
Benchmarked Games
- Call Of Duty 4 - OSX - Thanks to theunits3 - Starcraft 2 - OSX - Thanks to theunits3
when I get my new MBP (when they release them *sigh*), I intend on doing some moderate gaming on it. Things like MW2, Starcraft, Sims 3, Battlefield BC2, and some others I can't think of right now.
My question is, if a game is available for both OSX and Windows, would it be better to get it for OSX, or Windows? I was wondering if I should have like all my games in the windows partition, or have ones that I can get for OSX separate.
On one hand, I've got an Intel X25M 160GB SSD available that could go into my MBP. On the other hand, it would replace a WD 640GB drive that I really like for the capacity. Oh I also currently have time machine running to an external FW800 drive.
I tend to use a lot of space because for my work I have to use a LOT of unique virtual machines for connecting to all of my clients. I think this alone is pushing me away from the SSD.
I am considering putting in the SSD and having my OS/apps be there. Then adding another external FW800 drive (fast one I guess) for my VMs. I would then chain my time machine drive from that.
What hard drive performance test software is best for the Mac Pro and Snow Leopard? I need to test in normal config with SSD and HDD and in RAID configs.
Any additions on overall system performance test software for CPU, GPU, etc...
I'm a long time lurker first time poster and have anxiously been awaiting the new IMac refresh and now that it's here, I just want to make sure I get the proper system for my needs. So I plan on getting the higher end 21.5 model. However I'm wondering if it's worth it to get 8 gb of ram vs the 4gb standard? Now I don't play a lot of PC games but I would love to run Starcraft 2 close to high-ultra settings as possible. So will that extra 4gb of ram help SC2 run smoother or is that overkill? Also anyone with the new macs yet test out how well SC2 runs on them? Also is it worth it to upgrade to the 3.60GHz Intel Core i5 [Add $180.00]?
So i have been using macbooks and macbook pros for a long time but i am looking at getting a 27" imac for the desk so i can use my macbook pro for mobile tasks. At the moment macbook pro stays plugged in and i take my macbook everywhere...... Another side task being i wouldn't mind getting back into a bit of gaming CSS and Guildwars (run though crossover) as i have heard good reviews about it working well, i do miss GW..... anyway i have been looking at the refurb store and i am rather tempted but i can't seem to work out what would be a better trade off, only 512 of gfx ram with a i7 or 1Gb with a i5 now obviously for the gaming side the i5 is the better option but i kinda want the i7 can anyone advise what they picked for playing games ?
I am currently in the market for a portable external hard drive or enclosure with usb2+fw800. (Any recommendations BTW?)
Is there any time of performance decrease in reading/writing onto the drive if its formated as NFTS and then use NTFS-3G on my Mac? Compared to HFS+ which is Mac's native partition.
My main issue is wanting this external drive to be compatible between my Mac and Windows machines. Also want to run Time Machine backups on the drive,
I know Fat32 would be another option, but not when it comes to large ISOs and 1080p videos larger than 4GB.
Debating whether or not to get the core i5 for 1999 or i7 for 200 more.. Will I see a difference in gaming between the two processors? It seems like everyone is getting the i7 to future proof but is there really that big of a difference in the two CPUs ?
For the longest time (since 1998) I have built my own PC's for gaming. I finally decided to try a Mac for the first time two weeks ago. I wont go back. I have the 1499 3.2 ghz core i3 21.5" model and I am having a blast. This is what computing should be like. I play World of Warcraft on mine and enjoy it. I am selling the gaming PC I just gave my wife to get her a 3.02 ghz core i3 1199 model iMac with the ATI 4670 at 256mb, 4 gigs of ram.
I am thinking this should be able to run World of Warcraft ok. Not expecting the settings maxed, more on fair or good. I am just looking for a good playing experience. The 1199 is more in the budget for what we can do. Other than that it will be used for basic writing and email surfing. I know the 4670 is not much by todays standards but with a i3 in a mac I am thinking it should run fine, and work for at least 4 or so years down the road.
I have an iMac with a 3.06 ghz intel core 2 duo processor, snow leopard 10.6.3, an nvidia geforce 8800 gs, and 2 gb of ram. I wanted to play games like Counter Strike: Source and Left 4 Dead 2. How would those games work on my iMac?
my computer has recently crash due to a game call leaque of legends. During the game, the game has crash, some awful sound occurred and I just force shut down. My Mac, after that my Mac occurred the no entry sign which stands for 1 hour or so.
I have a new 27inch base model iMac that comes with 4GB ram and a 4670 256mb Radeon graphics card. I noticed that when I copy/paste images in photoshop cs4 and drag the images, the pasted image usually gets blocky and moves in slow motion when i drag it. My friend has a Mac with a 512mb video card and 4gb of ram and has no such issue. I'm wondering if the difference in VRAm is what is causing my sluggishness in Cs4
My question is: should I have opted for the 512 model graphics card? I have another week or so to return my iMac. Or is this a RAm issue, and should I upgrade to 8gb of ram? I guess I'm wondering how much of a difference video memory makes on system performance. Thanks!!