IMac PPC :: How To Reset Account Password Without Disk
May 25, 2012bought my mac on craigslist and now i cant softwear update because i dont have disk or password
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
bought my mac on craigslist and now i cant softwear update because i dont have disk or password
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I recently bought an early Imac G5 1.6ghz with 256mb ram and a 80gb hard disk. It came with no keyboard or mouse. All seems fine but when I try to change any settings it comes up with a password box which I obviously dont have and the guy I bought it from is not available. Its got Mac OS X v 10.6 operating system on it. Can anyone tell me how to reset the password without having the original DVD operating system disk.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow do i reset admin password if i forgot password and do not have start up disk
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I'm trying to reset my password on the main account I tried to enter the same that I had created on the computer an it's not letting me.
iOS 5.1
I've had this computer a little over 2 months and this is the second time that my password won't work. At first I thought little of it since it worked after the 4 or 5 time, but now it's not working and I can't install system updates. How can I reset the password or will that require wiping the system?
View 1 Replies View Relatedforgot my password for parential blocks now im bloked from view websites
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), great product
How can I change my account password without using my apple id credentials to do so because that doesn't work. It doesn't prompt me to change my account password after entering my apple id credentials. It will not recognize my credentials.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1
Whenever I go to download a program, it asks for a password but I have forgotten the password due to it being changed several times. How do I recover/reset it so I can allow downloads?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was speaking with a friend and he asked me about resetting his mac without the install disk and I told him well you can despite what other people tell you the only major downside is that you'll lose all keychain passwords, but if you've really forgotten your password, it's better than nothing. So I decided I would write a post telling you the simple way to reset your password without the install disk. Trust me this does work! It may take you a few times until you get it right. [URL]
Hold Apple+S when booting to enter single user mode (type every thing exactly the way you see it below in single user mode)
passwd yourusername
passwd yourusername
shin /mount-uaw/
rm /VAR/db/.applesetupdone
I have a PowerMac G5 OSX 10.5. I bought it used without install disks. My password doesn't work for some reason.
I've checked with the seller to confirm the password and I'm sure of caps and spelling.
Can I reset the passworde without an install DVD?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5), G5
Is there a way to reset the login password without the installation disk? Or is there a way to get a disk sent to me? I don't have mine anymore. I'm using OS X Lion v10.7
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a 2008 iMac running Lion 10.7.2. I am trying to reset my Admin P/W,( I do not remember setting one up in the first place, but trying to use Terminal recently to do Maintenance scripts, it asked for one, which I cannot oblige it with). (I only put in a Master P/W).
The method I have been reading requires using the original software disk supplied with the Mac. My iMac came with Leopard, whch I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now to Lion.
Will the original Leopard disk be suitable for the above? or do I require the Lion recovery or whatever to do this task.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Can I reset my administrator password without my disk?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have created user accounts on my iMac for each of my kids. Whenever we try to login to my daughter's account, we see the standard 'galaxy' background, then a flash of gray, then the background again and then that process repeats over and over. The DVD Player app is running, but I cannot figure out a way to kill it or get out of the endless loop. Everytime she logs in, I end up having to hold the button on the back of the computer to shut it off, then restart everything.
Is there a way to sign in to her account without having all the applications launched that were running when she signed out? I think that might be the first step to fixing everything, but I can't figure out how to do that. Is there a preferences file I can kill? Or are there aliases in a folder somewhere that contain the items to be relaunched at startup? Her account is managed under parental controls.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
basically i have an old imac computer which doesnt come up with cd and i forgot the password, I have read some tutorial that tells how to reset the password by:
holding down the command +s key when we hear the tone of imac at the startup and then insert some command line.
The issue with me is that i tried it in mnay ways but i cant get to the terminaleverytime at the startup i use apple+s key ,nothing happens ,it loads normally and gets to the login screen, keys seems to be fine what can be the issue and is it there any way to get to the terminal w/o having cd etc.
I am locked out. How to reset password?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
I have an old school Indigo IMac. It was my uncle's and unfortunately he just passed away. I am attempting to install software but it wants the password. Obviously I cant ask my uncle. If I can not install my apps then this Mac will be worthless to me.
View 8 Replies View Relatedi cannot reset my password on a used imac and i used the general directions , such as reset and hold down c key
View 14 Replies View RelatedI haven't used my iMac for years and now want to pass it on to my son. I don't remember my administrator password. When I start up using the install disc and go to Reset Password only the install disc is displayed.
What do I need to do to get the hard drive Macintosh HD to display so that I can reset my password on it?
I upgraded my imac to yosemite and now my kodak printer won't work. I have figured out how to fix this problem by reading through the community post but now need my system password to proceed. However I have forgotten it and not sure how to reset it.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
How do I reset the admin password without the startup disc? My dad just gave me this old gem but it has not been updated in years. He cannot remember the password and he no longer has the startup disc!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
iMac won't allow a recovery password reset .It allows you to change firmware password but won't allow it to boot or login
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
What do I do if I have forgotten the password for my Intel iMac? I'm using System X v.10.9.4. Is there any way to get around it and reset it or turn it off?
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I recently came across an old iMac G3 by a dumpster (It is perfectly functional, the fact that I found it by the dumpster has nothing to do with the problem). I brought it up to find out that every user created on the computer is password protected. I've been trying to get past it, but it's impossible. I can't afford an install CD, resetting the PRAM and the PRU doesn't do a thing, and Open Firmware is a pain. Is there any way to get into the iMac without having to buy a disc or go all around town trying to find the original owner so I can get his passwords?
iMac G3 (CRT Slot-loading), Mac OS 9.2.x
I've recently started work with a new company and the previous employee has left, but has setup the adminstrative account on the work computer. When asked for a password, I don't know what he used. My boss and I have gone through some various passwords he used but none work. What are my options?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to run Cache Out. The program asks for the system password. I type in my usual password that I use for installing programs, or trashing stuff from the system folder... It won't allow me to run the program, saying the password is wrong.
I am having trouble remembering th initial password I set up for my mac when I first bought it. I am having difficulty downloading programs because I cannot remember my key chain password (login password).ow to reset it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedMy mother recently passed away and I've inherited her Mac Pro. She was the official "administrator" and no one knows her password. Is there any way to reset the password without knowing the original password? Or, is there a way to reset the whole laptop to factory settings? I'm not concerned about losing content from the laptop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
MacBook Pro 15" mid 2009..After my 2 year old had a tantrum and threw a toy at my Mac which unfortunately had a drink next to it-with a consequential spillage-my MacBook is rebelling.
Issue: keys Cap lock, R and 4 do not work and Mac boots only in safe mode. Account is pw protected-my pw begins with R and have no guest a/c active. Do i need a new keyboard or is there a cheaper way?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5
I'm working on a Mac-mini running OS X Tiger. I've got one admin account setup and 5 or so standard accounts. I'm configuring a connection to a shared folder on a network server on the standard accounts and I wanted to connect to that share using an account id that is DIFFERENT than the standard account id. I enter that id and the correct password and I check "save password in keychain" (or whatever that check box says) and I get prompted to enter the "keychain password" to unlock the keychain. The problem is, I never setup a keychain password for the standard user account. I'v tried the password for the administrator account (even though I can't specify the admin id anywhere) and I've tried the password for the standard user account, neither of which work.
However, I can still get successfully connected to the shared folder. I just don't want the user to have to enter the password each time they login.
Additionally, after going through this, Safari is now asking for a keychain password for the "login" keychain when it first starts up and loads the default home page.