I haven't used my iMac for years and now want to pass it on to my son. I don't remember my administrator password. When I start up using the install disc and go to Reset Password only the install disc is displayed.
What do I need to do to get the hard drive Macintosh HD to display so that I can reset my password on it?
I forgot the Name and Password I set up to log into my imac. It is an older imac, from 2006 and I can't remember which version operating system. I have tried to use the install disc to reset the password, but it does not allow me to do so. Is there a way to reset the name and password without the install disc? For as long as I can remember whenever I would turn on my mac there would be an image that I had chosen and then a field to enter password. Just recently I turned on my mac and the image or avatar was no longer coming up and it asked for Name and Password. I have tried every combination I can think of and nothing works. I have tried to reset using my install disc, but it says that I do not have a password to reset.
Info: iMac, Mac OS 9.2.x, unable to verify operating system
How do I reset the admin password without the startup disc? My dad just gave me this old gem but it has not been updated in years. He cannot remember the password and he no longer has the startup disc!
My 2009 aluminum 15 in. MBP running 10.6 snow leopard has a dum guy (me) running it as administrator. I forgot the exact password I set it up with in June when I opened it. So, I used password assist in the accounts setup to reset it. Well, I 4got that one right away, didn't write it down!
The Help index above steps one thru using the OSX installer and its Utilities tab to restart. The original two OSX discs didn't have that option, the recent Snow Leopard upgrade does - but, I tried the restart process with its Utilities path and got the dreaded rainbow pinwheel of death all night while I slept.
Anybody, I plead for assistance in reseting this system admin. password when I have the actual OSX discs - yet they do not work. Becuz I never logged out (and I have another Mac in the house), I am able to post & read here still with some spell of luck.
My wife and I have forgotten the administrator password on our 27" Mac OS X computer. We are running Version 10.7.3 on our computer. I tried to used the previous help discussions posted on the page (holding down the C Key at start-up, but none of the suggestions seems to be working to get me where I need to be at (Factory Start-up page). Also I do not have a operating disc at this time.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to reset my administrator password using the Mac OS X disc, but I don't want it restored to factory settings which would make me lose all my music, doctuments, etc.
I was speaking with a friend and he asked me about resetting his mac without the install disk and I told him well you can despite what other people tell you the only major downside is that you'll lose all keychain passwords, but if you've really forgotten your password, it's better than nothing. So I decided I would write a post telling you the simple way to reset your password without the install disk. Trust me this does work! It may take you a few times until you get it right. [URL]
Hold Apple+S when booting to enter single user mode (type every thing exactly the way you see it below in single user mode) sh/etc/tc passwd yourusername reboot sh/etc/tc passwd yourusername Reboot /sbin/fsck-y shin /mount-uaw/ rm /VAR/db/.applesetupdone Oasswd
I have a 2008 iMac running Lion 10.7.2. I am trying to reset my Admin P/W,( I do not remember setting one up in the first place, but trying to use Terminal recently to do Maintenance scripts, it asked for one, which I cannot oblige it with). (I only put in a Master P/W).
The method I have been reading requires using the original software disk supplied with the Mac. My iMac came with Leopard, whch I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now to Lion.
Will the original Leopard disk be suitable for the above? or do I require the Lion recovery or whatever to do this task.
The computer asked me to log in. This is odd, because he has the computer set to automatically log in. Anyway, I input his username and the new password. The computer rejected the new password, which I am absolutely sure was spelled and typed correctly. I tried entering the password using both his short name and long name. Neither worked.
to make a LONG story short, I ended up with the MacBook and he got the couch! thing is we dont speak and i don't know the admin password. I've read the threads but sadly am still at a loss to understand. Can this be fixed without the original install disc?
basically i have an old imac computer which doesnt come up with cd and i forgot the password, I have read some tutorial that tells how to reset the password by:
holding down the command +s key when we hear the tone of imac at the startup and then insert some command line.
The issue with me is that i tried it in mnay ways but i cant get to the terminaleverytime at the startup i use apple+s key ,nothing happens ,it loads normally and gets to the login screen, keys seems to be fine what can be the issue and is it there any way to get to the terminal w/o having cd etc.
I forgot my administrator password and i know I have to change it by using the mac install disc but I am afraid of loosing all my settings and all my files. Resetting the password causes any lose of files or documents?
I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?
I have an old school Indigo IMac. It was my uncle's and unfortunately he just passed away. I am attempting to install software but it wants the password. Obviously I cant ask my uncle. If I can not install my apps then this Mac will be worthless to me.
I upgraded my imac to yosemite and now my kodak printer won't work. I have figured out how to fix this problem by reading through the community post but now need my system password to proceed. However I have forgotten it and not sure how to reset it.
I forgot my admin password on my iMac recently and so i used the reboot with OS X snow leopard install disc to reset the keychain, but now on my login screen, it used to be just my account name, there is one called "Other" so i went into accounts in system preferences and tried to delete it but it isnt there?is really annoying me p.s. the "other account" isnt actually an account it says "Other" and when you click on it asks for your username and password...so i type in the admin accounts name and password (admin account is the only one on this computer), and it just opens up my admin account.
I recently bought an early Imac G5 1.6ghz with 256mb ram and a 80gb hard disk. It came with no keyboard or mouse. All seems fine but when I try to change any settings it comes up with a password box which I obviously dont have and the guy I bought it from is not available. Its got Mac OS X v 10.6 operating system on it. Can anyone tell me how to reset the password without having the original DVD operating system disk.
What do I do if I have forgotten the password for my Intel iMac? I'm using System X v.10.9.4. Is there any way to get around it and reset it or turn it off?
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Ok, I recently bought an imac used. I formatted it to get all the previous owners junk off, thinking I could use the disc to my macbook to install leopard. I quickly found out that doesnt work. I read a little about modifying the disc image and re-burning it, but it kinda seems like a pain.
My iMac in my sig is what's giving me the issue. I was updating to 10.6.1 and I got a folder with a question mark symbol on reboot. So I tried reinstalling sl and nothing happens. Put the disc in and nothing happens. Is there a way to get the disc out at all? I tried the eject button on the keyboard.
I have in my office 2 Dell PCs that came with Win XP Home which were installed and activated, but are no longer used at all since I had to replace XP home with Win XP Pro due to office networking needs.
So, can I use the Dell Win XP Home Disc (which I really, no longer use) to do the install on the Imac and will Microsoft let me activate it? (I suspect I will have to call them.) I can get the Product Key Number off the side of the Dell tower. That would be a nice savings.
One more question, if I can't use my existing disc and have to buy a fresh Windows OS, would I be better off buying XP Home or Vista Basic. My real need to install Win is just to run MS Money and Word Perfect (I have Word on the Imac but all my previous docs are in WP).
My G5 iMac PPC hard drive needs to be replaced. It came with Tiger. I have the Leopard Install Disc that came with my other new Intel iMac. Can I install that Leopard onto the new internal hard drive on my PPC iMac?