IMac :: 27" I7 With LED Light Bleeding?

Nov 19, 2009

I've got an 27" i7 which has got a significan amount of light bleedthrough from the LED backlight in the upper right side of the screen, about 5 inches from the far right. I don't have access to the display currently, but will take a photo when I get home.

It's not an annoyance when the screen is displaying bright colours, but when the screen is supposed to be black, the amount of bleed is quite visible (this is bleed down into the screen, not through the joins/seams of the unit).

Very much similar to the examples shown in this thread:

Specifically like [URL] except for being on the top right side of the display.

Does anyone else have these issues? I realise that it is impossible to get it perfect, but this could turn into an annoyance for me, and just want to know if anyone else has a similar issue.

I also dont' want to run against Murphy if I have to send it back, as the one I have isn't suffering from anything else...

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MacBook :: Screen Bleeding - Light Shooting Up

Jun 1, 2009

I just bought a new unibody Macbook (YAY), but when i play full screen movies, at the bottom of the screen you can see the light shooting up. Is that worthy of a replacement? Or is that normal on a LED screen? I just purchased it yesterday, so I can just go exchange it if its neccessary.

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IMac :: 27" Backlight Bleeding Along With Yellow Screen

Jan 1, 2010

I have not seen any posts comparing these two symptoms together, but I am wonding if both exist on the same screens, or if they are infact seperate issues. I returned a 27" iMac i7 because it had both slight yellowing and terrible backlight bleeding. I have seen multiple machines first hand (3 Core 2 Duos week 41s) at different stores (Apple and Best Buy) that had no yellowing and no backlight bleeding. I won't get into how to check for yellowing, you can read about that issue here: [URL]

But to check for backlight bleeding is both easy and impossible not to see if you have it. To check for backlight bleeding, a quick way is to bring up a site like or any other black background, and check for an inconsistent white glow on the edges of your screen. I had serious backlight bleeding in the lower corners of my screen, which happens to be where the yellowing was happening. I don't know if they are related, but hopefully we can determine if there is any correlation here.

I did order a second machine, because I know Apple knows how to make a 27" iMac with a perfect screen (as advertised), since I have seen 3 of them in the wild. Hopefully they will be back to the quality that they had is their early production units very soon.

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IMac :: Yellow And The Buzzing / Backlight Bleeding On Week 6 27"?

Feb 9, 2010

How common is this? I prefer darker backgrounds and this may be an issue.I'm over the yellow and the buzzing, but this too? Don't take me the wrong way - I love my Macs but I can't say I'm crazy about this..See attachment. Ignore the image noise, the big spot that bothers me is on the top to the right.

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IMac :: Yellow Tint With Bleeding On Sides / Prominent Yellow Tint Streaking On Screen

Jul 4, 2009

Alu 24" 2.4ghz when they first came out with aluminum, got it at the store. since august 07 My imac had a small yellow tint, i noticed, when i got it and it was not worth anyhting screaming about, i also noticed it had bleeding issues ath the bottom and sides. I wanted to return it or trade but i was convinced out of it.

Now i noticed that from left to right their is a prominent yellow tint streaking it's way across and fading around the half way point.It is irritating and sad to see this display on this mac was ok, at first but it is geting slightly worse.I have apple care, can i trade this/replace it at an applestore, or would they need to fix it?

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Penryn LCD Screen Bleeding?

Dec 15, 2008

so my LCD has these crazy lines


Anyone know if I can go to the AppleStore to fix this? I've had this Penryn since March. Also any idea how long?

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PowerPC :: G4 Bleeding Screen Or Dead Pixels?

Apr 18, 2007

I have an eyelash-sized dark streak on the center, bottom (dock area) of my Powerbook G4 15". At first, I thought it was dirt, or another external blemish, but if I move the cursor over it, it obstructs the view of the blemish (instead of appearing beneath it.) Also, I have a small, almost white, faded dot which appears to grow and expand larger if the Powerbook is running for longer than 4-6 hours.What is frustrating is that neither show up under screen captures. Is my monitor full of external stains and blemishes which I cannot remove, or is there something actually wrong with my display?

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Hardware :: What To Do About Cinema Display Backlight Bleeding

Jun 22, 2009

So I got my 24" Cinema Display 2 weeks ago and just noticed this backlight bleeding on the bottom right and its really pissing me off when I watch movies or use frontrow.Does anyone know the best way to go about with an exchange or something?

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MacBook Pro :: 13" MBP / 2.53 - Backlight Screen Bleeding

Jul 15, 2009

I've had my new 13" MBP for about a month now and I am noticing what looks like backlight bleeding spots at the bottom of my screen. It is most noticeable on the bottom left and appear blue-ish on a black screen at maximum brightness. It is getting irritating when I am watching movies at night. I have the 9CBD screen. Others have said they have no problems with this screen model. So is this normal or is it a defect? If it is a defect, what can I do to fix this? My 14 day grace period is over, so I'm assuming an easy exchange at the Apple Store is out of the question?

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MacBook Pro :: Bleeding Along The Bottom Part Of The Screen?

Jul 22, 2009

I did a search and could only find information about the last rendition of mbps, and I see they had problems with bleeding along the bottom part of the screen. I just got my umbp a week ago, but I've been so busy finding a place to live for grad school that I haven't had the chance to use it. I looked at it in the dark yesterday, and I'm super anal. I saw a small amount of backlight bleeding on the bottom left corner of the screen, perhaps half an inch on the left side of the screen, just in one area (not along the entire left side).I wish I could take a picture, but my digital camera is nowhere to be found. Is a small amount of backlight bleeding acceptable, or should I exchange for a new umbp?

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PowerPC :: Screen Bleeding-will It Wreck Computer

Mar 15, 2010

I cracked my laptop screen and along some of the crack lines there is a blue, magic marker looking bleeding going on. It has been getting progressively worse. The menu bar on top is fully covered in blue. The blue coloring migrates. My question is, will this destroy the inners of the computer in any way? I am trying to wait for the updated MacBook Pros, but don't want to wait if I am risking frying all my info. I can still use the computer, I just have to move screens around so I can read around the blue blood.

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MacBook Air :: Screen Bleeding Shown Like Mountains On Display

Jul 1, 2008

I just got a new 1.6 MBA but it is going back tomorrow. It has screen bleeding showing like mountains on the bottom and top of the screen. In addition, it is HOT (CPU 63-83 C). Way hotter than what I tested at the store (CPU 40-60 C). In addition, it has a tiny flicked (ripped) paint at the back which I am somehow ok with. I just wanted to share this with you and know if any of you facing similar issues? I have never ever seen screen bleeding in MBAs before since the MBA has the "best" screen ever. I hope that I'll get a better replacement.

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MacBook Air :: Thin Stripe Of Bleeding On Top And Kind Of Two Blobs On The Bottom Corners?

Mar 4, 2009

All the screens I have seen have at least a stripe of bleeding on top and some screens have more bleeding on the bottom in addition to that!I just opened my machine today with week5 production and it has a very thin (thinner than others) stripe of bleeding on top and kind of two blobs on the bottom corners.As for the lines (for the curious ones) they are there but this is the best screen I have ever seen since it is way harder to notice them compared to the rest. It is a model 9C90.

Would I return it you might ask, well, I am kind of sick of waiting more for a MBA since this is my second machine since the release of revB so I am kind of 50-50 now on keeping it.BTW, I bought this from Amazon so I was wondering if any of your returned a MBA due to the lines/bleeding issue and got a full refund from them.

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PowerPC :: Ambient Light G5 2.0 Imac Shut Off?

Oct 28, 2009

So I've done all I can find on the internet on helping my broken computer. It used to have the noisy fan issue and then it would shut off. Now after being off for 12 hours, it may shut off in 2 minutes, maybe in 30. I have reset the SMU by unplugging for 10 seconds and then plugging in while simultaneously holding the power button, then turning it on. Ive also reset the PRAM, but it still seems to shut off. Is it a bad power supply? I dont ever hear the fans blowing hard anymore.

If anyone has basic things to do, I'm all ears. I know last step is probably just reinstall OSX.

I'm on 10.4 right now.

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OS X :: Green Camera Light Does Not Turn Off On IMac?

Aug 15, 2010

I did not use any program that would activate the camera, but the green light does not turn off. I tried restarted the computer and it is still on. I tried opening Photo Booth, and it said the camera is already in use by another application, but no other application is open.

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OS X :: ISight Light Won't Turn Off And IMac Freezes At Shut Down?

Jan 7, 2011

tonight I started having trouble with my intel iMac (running OSX 10.4.11). I'm having issues with two things (bolded for those skimming):

Out of seemingly nowhere, my iSight light turned on and now wont turn off. The only program I had open at the time was Firefox. When I try to open up PhotoBooth it says this:

There's nothing listed under USB High-Speed Bus in the system profiler either.

I've tried logging out of my user account, restarting, shutting down, unplugging and holding the back button for 5 seconds ...none of that worked. I tried resetting my Mac's PRAM and NVRAM. That didn't work either, and that's where a second problem appeared: when I try to shut my computer off, it freezes. I have to shut it off by holding the back button.

Is repairing the permissions and/or disk worth a shot? Or should I just take it straight into the Apple store? I hope it's not a hardware issue because I just recently had a new hard-drive installed after it broke down on December 15.

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IMac :: One Stuck Pixel In Light Blue Colour?

Aug 19, 2009

Yesterday I received my first brand new iMac 24". After a few hours I notice that it has one stuck pixel (in light blue colour, so I think it's not dead).I read Apple policy about 7+ stuck/dead pixels

My question is what can I do? If I want to return it, I will have to wait 1-2 weeks and then again play lottery with panel and HW (also that option would cost me additional EUR - I received 10% discount as a student and this is the only store where I have discount (and only for one computer per year I have 10% discount) - If they won't want to switch it, I would get back 1300EUR, while new one is 1500EUR in other stores).

Second option is to try fix that myself. I read tutorial on the net and the author claims 90% success with stuck pixels (with "massaging" pixel). The only problem here is the glass, I know how to remove it, but probably there would be a lot of new dust after doing that between panel and glass - and the imac is only one day old . I try with softwer and "epileptic" videos unstuck that pixel but it didn't worke (I try this for one hour).And the third option to simply forget that exists (is there a bigger chance to get another stuck pixel if I already have one???).

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Desktops :: IMac G5 ISight Won't Start - White Light Keeps Flashing

May 16, 2010

I have an iMac G5 iSight. When the power button is pressed there is no sound and a white light flashes, but nothing else happens. I tried the power reset method and replaced the power supply, but the same thing happens. The white light just keeps flashing.

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IMac :: See History Of Attempts To Use Wifi Network - Light From System?

Sep 28, 2010

Woke up thinking I had slept longer than I thought with the sun already rising, until I realized it wasn't sunlight but the light from my awakened imac. I had put it to sleep hours before when I turned in. This one was purchased new last December. Is there any way of viewing what was going on in my computer that would have awakened it from sleep mode? Any way of seeing a history of attempts to use my wifi network?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Not Connected To Internet - Ethernet Light Green

Mar 10, 2012

We just bought a new iMac this afternoon. Haven't been able to connect to the internet, although the assistant says the connections are working fine. The ethernet light is green. Safari continually shows a message that says, 'your computer isn't connected to the internet."

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Light Humming And Light Vibrating?

Nov 16, 2010

When I am in a quiet room, I notice a light humming coming from my macbook pro and also a light vibration on the right side. Is this just the hd spinning or something to be concerned about? it is 2 weeks old.

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IMac :: Light Vertical Wavy Floating Lines With Boot Camp?

Nov 5, 2008

I have a 20'' iMac with a 2.4GHz Core 2 and an HD2600XT.

There are light vertical wavy floating lines visible on the screen when running Windows XP. They are more clearly seen when you look the screen at an angle, from down below you look upwards to the screen. The floating lines can be precisely seen on grey backgrounds. These lines are not noticable much, but when you closely look with grey backgrounds, they are visible.

The problem is very strange because I've tried updating the drivers to my HD2600XT, and no luck at all.

I'm not able to determine wether the problem is hardware of software related, due to the problem not existing in Mac OS X.

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IMac :: Wireless Keyboard Caps Lock Light Doesn't Work?

Apr 26, 2010

I got my imac in November '09 and my caps lock works but the green led does not light always.

The only way i can fix it is remove the batteries

Or disconnect and reconnect the keyboard by clicking on the bluetooth icon

So if apple is not going to fix this bluetooth bug im going to see if apple will refund my money so i can get a wired one.

My friends keyboard does this also and im fed up with this bs...

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Hardware :: IMac 17" G5 Won't Boot Up - I/O Button Flashes With White Light

Mar 31, 2008

The iMac G5 (17") doesn't want to boot up, when I press the I/O button it flashes with its white light, and then nothing happens. When I do that with the back-cover off light 1 is lit as long as the machine has power, but light 2 only flashes when I connect the pins that the powerbutton connects. I know that there was a problem with the powersupply, but the soldering I did should have fixed that.

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Monitor - Slight Red Color On Right Side And Light Colored Box On Screen

Sep 24, 2006

I just got an IMac G3 running OS X and OS 9.2.2. I am having monitor problems with it, the monitor has a slight red color on the right side and if there is a light colored box on the screen I get almost a run effect going to the right. This happens in OS X Tiger with all the updates, OS 9.2.2. I also have all the firmware updates, an external monitor looks great.

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IMac (Intel) :: Epson V600 Scanner Will Not Communicate Running OS X 10.8 - Get Blinking Yellow Error Light

Jun 20, 2014

a new epson v600 scanner will not communicate with my iMac running OS X 10.8 - get the blinking yellow error light.  Epson says the scanner is fine.  I have updated all Apple software, incl. Epson drivers. 

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PowerPC :: Imac G5 Powering On - Screen Stays Blank - Light Blue - Picture With Question Mark Appears

Jul 15, 2008

so i go to turn my imac on tonight and it makes the normal noise when it always turns on but the screen stays blank(light blue)....after about 2 minutes this little picture of a folder with a question mark shows up in the middle of the screen. it keeps making this clicking noise as well. ive tried unplugging everything and restarting it here is a pic of what the thing that pop ups looks like [URL]

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IMac :: Screen Is Half Light/half Dark - How To Fix It

Oct 31, 2008

I started up iTunes, checked my email, and looked up to see the top half of my display drop about 15 shades darker than the bottom half! I called Apple Care who told me they had never heard of something like this before and advised me to call the nearest Apple Store. I did, and like Apple Care, they had never heard of this happening.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kebord Light Doesn't Work / Kebord Light Doesn't Work

Apr 3, 2012

i have apple mac book pro and its keybord's light turn off and light buttons(f5 and f6) doesn't work.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Red Light Flash?

May 24, 2009

I was starting up my Mac Pro this evening in a dark room and noticed a flash of red light for half a second upon pressing the power button. Being curious of this I shut down the computer took off the side panel and tried powering it up again. I saw 4 lights on Memory Riser B flash on for half a second then disappear. In System Profiler it shows all my ram is 'OK' but I have never witnessed this flash of red light before. Is this a normal thing to occur when powering up a Mac Pro late 08 model or should I contact Apple over this?

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