ICloud On Mac :: Cannot Delete Mail In Trash?
Jun 3, 2014My storage is maxed out, I bought more, but emails are still bouncing back to senders...
View 1 RepliesMy storage is maxed out, I bought more, but emails are still bouncing back to senders...
View 1 RepliesI've tried everything to empty my mail trash to no avail. Mac OS X 10.9.4..When I delete my emails they won't appear in the trash, and they re-appear in my in box...The couple of emails already in the trash since this problem started will not delete using "Erase Deleted Items"
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm in Mail and my trash has about 80 deleted messages. I cannot figure out how to do a mass delete. Please don't tell me this has to be done one delete at a time. I've tried a few key strokes and mouse/key combinations, but obviously not the right ones. Now, this is not in MAILBOXES, where a right click and Erase Deleted Items does the job. This is under my 'GMAIL' box, which is linked to MAIL. I can right click--erase deleted items there until I am blue in the face to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a MacBook with Yosemite. No matter what I set in mail preferences, my trash is only saved for seven days. I can set it to a month or never but it always deletes after seven days. Is there a conflict with the settings for my Mail when I use iCloud on the web?I've got that set for a month. For some reason it doesn't have the same choices as Mac mail.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I empty my trash bin and junk mail bin sometimes several times a day.I usually review the junk mail folder and after that just empty the junk and than the trash bin.Is there a way, to disable the the pop up menu, asking me again, whether I am fine to erase the messages?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know which folder to use clearing out old messages, spam, junk and other detrious I might want to recover in the future and which folder for highly sensitive or personal in formation I want to keep confidential.
kMail, Mac OS 9.0.x
I have much of the junk emails that come to me auto set to go to the Trash folder through Junk Filter settings. However, when I do a Command>A, to choose all the email in the Trash folder, and then click on Delete, the junk emails I never opened don't delete until I do it again or click on each one and then click Delete. All the other emails I moved there manually will disappear using the Command>A and Delete, just not those that went there by filter rules I set up.
Info:Mac Mini 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logitech mouse, Apple wired keyboard, acer monitor
Today, I am not able to delete messages, I get this; The message "message name here" could not be moved to the mailbox "Trash On My Mac" The operation couldn't be completed. File exists.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27 inch core i7, 1TBHD, 4GB Ram
I cannot delete messages from my mail box ...
Mac Pro
I cannot delete my ICloud account from Mail...It keeps returning.
In Gmail, I cannot permanently delete Sent mail, it just comes back.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), plus 24 iMac
Can change or delete mail me account on iPhone and iPad, but not on mac
I received an iCloud error message yesterday twice for me.com mail. One finally went through but the other one I can't cancel or delete.Try to send email again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
How do you delete individual items from Trash without emptying entire Trash? If I highlight one item in Trash, the only option is the Empty button. I'm afraid it will empty the whole thing. I don't want to do that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI dual boot my iMac using Boot Camp and I'm having problems deleting a bunch of files in my Trash. A short history. I purchased a OWC external hard drive case and I've been going through my old hard drives which originally were used in my Windows XP computer. The drives were contaminated with Windows viruses and so I installed the drives one by one in the OWC case and proceeded to delete files and programs which I didn't need in each drive while in OS X and keeping the files I wanted to save in each respective drive. Now what I'm faced with is a Trash bin filled with Windows XP software (including Windows XP itself) which I cannot delete because OS X says I don't have permission to delete those files.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do I setup Mail so that when I delete a message it goes in Gmail's Trash instead of ALL Mail folder?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I use the iCloud suggested settings as per: ENTERING iCLOUD MAIL SERVER SETTINGS IN SNOW LEOPARD
as per Roger Wilmut's suggestions -[URL]...will all my other incoming and outgoing mail accounts still work as usual?Â
iMac 7,1 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4Ghz
I was cleaning up my jumpdrive and accidently put a locked safegaurd file in the trash so when I went to empty the trash it emptied everything but that. Then I went in and moved a copy of the safegaurd file from the trash to the desktop then to the jumpdrive. Now the file is safely back on my jumpdrive, but I have useless files in my trash that I can't delete. How do I do it??
Anyone know what I can do?
I have this file that has appeared in my trash bin, this file stays there when I empty the trash. The icon shows full. When I try to "get info" on the file, nothing happens. I drag it out onto the desktop, and it disappears.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have tried everything and I cannot delete this folder from my trash. It's an empty folder because everything inside it is already deleted. I get this message when I try to empty trash.
"The operation cannot be completed because the item "xxx" is in use."
I have tried going into Terminal and typing "sudo rm -rf" etc etc. Get the message "directory not empty".
Tried secure empty trash.
Tried using Cocktail.
Tried using Permanent Eraser.
Tried holding down "option" and emptying.
Tried logging out, logging in then emptying. Tried restarting and emptying.
Nothing seems to work. I've looked through every thread on every forum I could find on google. I can move the folder back to my desktop. I can rename it. It's not locked or anything. Also, I tried emptying it in safe mode, but I can't seem to start up on safe mode!!! I turn off the computer, turn it on, hold down shift after I hear the startup noise, release shift when the grey apple logo comes up, and then it just shuts down on me. I can't boot up on safe mode!! It's so weird!
I'm gonna try repairing disk permissions, but before I do.
I'm on a PowerBook G4. Running Version 10.4.11. Everything is up to date.
I'm trying to empty my trash bin..
But this pops up,
I don't think it's in use..
PS. A question I have about gaming on my iMac LINK
There is a certain file in my trash bin that won't delete, I don't believe it is locked or anything, it just says, "The operation can�t be completed because the item �sixtyforce� is in use."
"sixtyforce" was this emulator that I downloaded, but it was the older version of it, so I wanted to delete it, but that message keeps coming up.
Im using a MacBook with OS X 10.6.2 and a Maxtor 1Tb External hdd.
I was running out of space on my External hdd, so decided to turn off time machine and delete all the backups and then do one latest backup and turn it off again, so i turned off time machine and deleted all the backups from the external hdd into the Trash.
I went to deleted the trash and after it prepared to delete some 48,000 files it came up with an error message saying:
"The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)."
So i researched this, tried a secure empty trash also held down the Option key and emptied the trash and also tried various different Terminal codes (I am nowhere at all competent with Terminal so i was probably doing it wrong).
I've also gone back into time machine and deleted any other backups from with time machine.
None of these have worked, and i have movies, music etc also on the external hdd so a re-format is out of the question.
I've been organizing some files on my external hard drive and after I had all the files where I wanted, I had to delete all the individual folders that they were in. They are all aliases which is really weird and I have no idea what happened. When I try to empty trash nothing happens, no pop up or anything tell me what's wrong. When I tried to secure empty trash I get this
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to delete my trash can (secure or not) it never empties the contents of teh trash..
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Dumped files to trash.  but when I go to empty each file says its in use.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
is there a way to delete mail on your computer and have it automatically delete from your iPhone as well?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1.1
Can I delete individual items from the trash can or as it seems, it is all or nothing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to remove the msn messenger from trash it gives me an error saying the MSN.Messenger.icns is in use. When I restore and try to open it, I can't because it says the file is corrupt.
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