OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail 4.5 Does Not Delete Junk Emails In Trash
Mar 6, 2012
I have much of the junk emails that come to me auto set to go to the Trash folder through Junk Filter settings. However, when I do a Command>A, to choose all the email in the Trash folder, and then click on Delete, the junk emails I never opened don't delete until I do it again or click on each one and then click Delete. All the other emails I moved there manually will disappear using the Command>A and Delete, just not those that went there by filter rules I set up.
Info:Mac Mini 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logitech mouse, Apple wired keyboard, acer monitor
I empty my trash bin and junk mail bin sometimes several times a day.I usually review the junk mail folder and after that just empty the junk and than the trash bin.Is there a way, to disable the the pop up menu, asking me again, whether I am fine to erase the messages?
Today, I am not able to delete messages, I get this; The message "message name here" could not be moved to the mailbox "Trash On My Mac" The operation couldn't be completed. File exists.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27 inch core i7, 1TBHD, 4GB Ram
I checked my junk folder (said I had one junk item). I checked it as non junk. After looking at it, I erased it. When I went back to my inbox everything was gone. It didn't go to the trash. I checked the trash, the deleted emails are still there. How can I recover my inbox emails?
i want to receive emails from different companies that always end up in my junk mail and id like to receive them in my normal inbox i use apple email system but i have a gmail address
Is there a way to completely remove files from my system without moving them to the Trash?  I've read about the Trash, but I'm not clear on EXACTLY how it works. Can I empty A file from the trash or when I click on a file & choose "Emtpy the Trash" does it empty ALL of the files in the Trash or just that one file?  Is there a way to just empty ONLY 1 file from the trash or restore ONLY 1 file from the Trash if so how? ALSO, what are the "rules" for MOVING files rather than COPYing them? I thought files that went from one folder to another on the same drive, were moved & ones that went to different drives were copied. It seems like I've run acrorss instances where that's not how things work.
We've noticed that we no longer have Junk or Trash mailboxes located in the sidebar. How do we get these to show up in Mail - and will the messages still be there?Â
I have several email accounts that come to my mac.  When junk appears I hit the junk button.  Does it take awhile to train the junk or is there a way to set up mail so that it automatically goes to junk and does not appear at all in my inbox?Â
I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox. This happens repeatedly. How do I get rid of these emails permanently?
If my mail is in iCloud (so says my Mac Pro running Mavericks), can I safely go and delete all emails languishing in my older iMac running Snow Leopard? I have hundreds of thousands of emails.
On a fairly regular basis I finde non-junk emails in my junk folder. In other words mails that are black and not brown and from people that I would like mails from. As they are black I do not have the option of marking them non-junk. Â
- there are some settings under Junk Mail - advanced, not to put mails from previous recipients in the junk folder. But it keeps doing it. Â
- also, the mails in question are not necessarily from one company, from hotmail, Gmail, etc., It can be from anyoneÂ
- I have 9 different email accounts and the junk folder in question is the one under "Mailboxes". Not the junk folder under the iCloud accountÂ
- there is no "system" in regards to which of my account the mail is sent to, which makes me believe that this is not an iCloud issue. It can happen with mails sent to my work mail and also with mails sent to my iCloud mailÂ
- the funny thing is that when it happens to an email sent to my iCloud mail address, then it does not go into the "online" junk folder under iCloud, but into the junk folder on my mac. Â
On some occassion I have tried to add the sender to my address book, but that doesnt guarantee that it does not happen again.Â
I have 4 mail boxes configured in to my Mac Mail. The problem is, in one mail box, when i receive emails to that mailbox, the messages are already marked as Read. It's configured as IMAP.
Has anyone had a problem where image attachments in the message preview pane appear to reduce in resolution (i.e. become fuzzy, blurry, or pixelated) after they hit "reply" in Mail.app?Â
I am seeing this when using an account on an "Exchange 2007" mail server. To reproduce:
1. View email in the third-pane preview, or open it by double-clicking. Inlined image attachment appears full resolution.
2. Hit reply (using command-R or the GUI button)
3. Inlined image immediately becomes pixelated in preview pane -- looks fine if you double-click and open the message.
4. Quitting Mail.app and restarting it resolves the pixelated image (until you hit reply again).Â
Mail.app Version 4.5 (1084)
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM
I finally switched to Apple's Mail app 4 months ago after 12 years of using Eudora (because of the inevitable - that Lion or Mountain Lion, when I upgrade, will not support the foundation architecture that Eudora is built on).There are (AT LEAST) two functions available in Eudora that I very much want to do with Mail and currently cannot figure out how to do. I'm hoping that someone knows of a plugin that will do these functions, or will write such a plugin, or will tell me how to make this suggestion to Apple to include in a future update.
1) I want the freedom to EDIT a received message - to correct a subject line, or make it more relevant for my reference, or add a key word/prefix to the subject for future searching and archiving, along with being able to edit the message itself, so that it is the equivalent in a book (or an eBook) of adding comments/marginalia for future reference. (In my opinion, once I receive an email message, it is MINE - so I should be able to do what I want with it (which includes the responsibility of not rewriting a message to resend to appear as deceptive or fraudulent).
2) Write up a draft email, that would reside in the "Send" folder of Eudora, and for which I could select a time in the future that it should be mailed (dependent on the fact that Eudora would be running at that time, else it would send the next time Eudora was opened. I would LOVE to be able to do that in Apple Mail. Rationale: Often, when I receive an actionable email, I want to respond at that moment while the subject is fresh, but due to priorities or scheduling reasons, I don't want the response to go out just then. Maybe I want the response to go out after an event three days from now, but I want to process the message right now, and I don't want to have to remember to make a ToDo item to remind me in 3 days.
I synched my work (.org) Gmail to Apple Mail with IMAP, and then took the account "Offline" in Apple Mail. I now want to delete messages in my work gmail, But want to make sure that the messages in my Apple Mail will save there forever, even after my work gmail account is archived or deleted?Is there another setting I can click to keep the gmail account on Apple Mail from updating, so myI can start deleting personal emails from my gmail ?  Â
Since yesterday the mail programme on my iMac does not download e-mails from the gmail server, but luckily I still can send e-mails. On the iPhone I still receive e-mails and I can send e-mails. The iPhone is connected to the internet either via 3G or the same router I am using for the iMac.
Via the Safari browser I do have access to all my e-mails on the gmail server. Mail: Version 4.5 (1084)
when i run a search in mail it is totally cluttered up with what appear to be DRAFTS of outgoing emails that are in the TRASH.is there a way to stop mail from creating these or to hide them from my search results?it's like someone upturned my trash buckets onto my desk over here.
I have an item in my junk mail which I cannot delete. I just get a spinning colored circle and must resort to force quit my mail to continue. How do I delete this problematic junk email
for some reason, I can no longer delete email in apple mail (v4.5). I can drag it over to the Trash folder, but when I simply click delete, it says a sub-folder within my deleted mail folder "does not allow messages to be moved to it."Â Interestingly there are also two sub-folders within that folder - "on my mac" and the name of my mail account.
It seems it should be easy enough to delete a mail account! But I cannot. I highligh the mail account I want to delete, control + click and ONE of the options is DELETE MAILBOX. I have clicked it over and over again, I get a message like "are you sure?" Since I am I select DELETE, not cancel. And I just cannot get rid of this mailbox.Â
I have a Mac OS X 10.6.1 I have been having trouble with my MAC Junk mailbox. For a while it worked very well and I was able to review junk mail. All of a sudden, I am receiving no junk entries in my junk mail box. Preferences: Enable junk mail filtering, When junk arrives, move it to the junk mailbox, sender of message is in my my address book, sender of message is in my previous recipients, filter junk mail before applying my rules. What must I do to SEE received junk mail back in my junk mailbox?
I'm using Mail 4.5 on OS X 10.6.8 - I'm using a late-2008 aluminium unibody MacBook with a 250GB hard drive and I only have 4Gb of available space left. I'm trying to free up space on my hard disk and I downloaded Disk Inventory X to check what was taking up so much space - apart from my iPhoto library and Pictures folder which together account for about 125GB I see that the folder containing Mail messages is 42.8GB in size!Â
I'm assuming that this is because I've received a lot of photos via email but I've added the ones I wanted to my iPhoto library so I assume I no longer need the images that were emailed to me. Â
where I can find these email attachments so that I can delete them all at once - I'm hoping that I don't have to go through all my emails one by one to select and delete them individually?Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4GHz 13inch MacBook (late 2008)
junk mail has been showing up in my mail box and not going to junk mail folder.Also some mail from known senders has been appearing in Junk Mail folder.I think that I have Preferences set up properly.