Mail won't download on my Snow Leopard Macbook Air. Activity icon keeps spinning then it asks for my MobileMe password and keeps spinning. What's the issue? I have iCloud on my Lion Mac Mini and iPohne 4S and they work fine. Is this the same old legacy system not supported aggravation?
Since yesterday the mail programme on my iMac does not download e-mails from the gmail server, but luckily I still can send e-mails. On the iPhone I still receive e-mails and I can send e-mails. The iPhone is connected to the internet either via 3G or the same router I am using for the iMac.
Via the Safari browser I do have access to all my e-mails on the gmail server. Mail: Version 4.5 (1084)
After clicking on 'get mail' the download bar shows activity but no mail is downloaded to the inbox. Checked to see if for some reason mail is being downloaded to another box but not so.I know that mail is being sent because I can receive it on my iphone under same email address.Email was working ok until yesterday when this started happening. Not sure what to check or how to correct.
For some reason my mail application I use for my Gmail account is retrieving a discarded mail draft that I created a while ago that just keeps downloading into the "Recovered Messages" folder. It keeps downloading the same piece of mail, and no matter how many times I try to delete them, they continue to be retrieved by the application until my laptop runs out of space. What should I do? I've looked everywhere for any possibilities. All I pretty much have to do is find that mail message and delete it right? The only thing is, where is the application looking to find this piece of mail?
I'm having problems with mac mail. It won't accept my icloud/ mobileme password. So I'm unable to get my mac email on mail... It was working fine for years, no suddenly not...Â
I followed the steps outlined in [URL]to move my Snow Leopard's MobileMe mail account to an iCloud account in the Mail app (deleted the old MobileMe account from the sidebar and followed the steps to create a new one for [URL]. Before doing that, I had gone online and changed my very old AppleID's password so that it conformed to the new requirements. I also set up the MobileMe in System Preferences to be using that new password. It seems to be happy with the new setup/password. Â
I can get my iCloud mail on my iPad and on my MBAir when I use Safari. But the Mail app continues to loop, asking me to enter my password -- and then informing me that "The MobileMe IMAP server "" rejected the password for user [URL]I compared my Mail settings for the new iCloud account to what's given in the instructions and cannot spot anything amiss.Â
Info: Mini + Air11, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPhones, iPods, iPad, MacBook Pro (10.6), PB G4 (10.4), ATV
I recently did the mobileme to icloud swtich to keep my email.Since Snow Leopard doesn't have an iCloud option and the MobileMe account option no longer works, I had to switch to create a new IMAP account with all of iCloud's server info.Ever since, the mac has been downloading messages practically non-stop.Every few minutes it will download 5000+ messages and growl notifications will fill up my screen. My mail folder is currently at 20gb and growing. I know there isn't that much mail data on the server as I originally had my mobileme limit set much lower. I tried deleting the account and creating a new one again, however it still happens.Â
I am losing random incoming emails in my .mac email address. I first discovered it last week when my wife was getting emails that I was copied on that I never got. Checked inbox, trash, junk, iCloud and never could find them. Then today, just by chance, I had to verify a link via that email address. When the verification is sent, I see it hit the inbox with the new email counter and then it immediately disappears. I have disabled all my Apple Mail rules and Smart Mailboxes. As I mentioned, I have checked everywhere I could think of that it might be going.
Info: MacBookPro7,1 2.66 GHz, Mac OS X (10.7), 8 GB 1067 DDR3 SDRAM
I launched Mail as I ordinarily do. It opened up, but the header bar was grayed out. Finally I managed to open program via Message/Go To/ Inbox, but no messages appeared in any of my mailboxes (even though I had several still in there from today). Nothing is happening, I even can't quit teh mail program.
Why have the Mail servers seem to have forgotten my password, when iCloud and Apple servers have not?Username and password are the same for all). Why,when Apple had a much better system than Windows, does Apple tyr to be more and more like Windows: more complicated and less useful?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Emails I send on my iPad are not showing up in the Sent items box in Mail on my iMac at home.I am using Gmail, and they of course show up in the Sent items mailbox there in Mail.
How do I configure my mail on my mac to receive my icloud e-mails? ever since mobile me wnet dark - I can't get e-mail on my computer. thanks to an iphone and I pad i am still connected but this is a major pain.Â
Have an email with 18 attachments (word and excel stuff) is my only option to click (or right-click) each one to download them?? or is there a quicker (read simpler) way.This is via web browser iCloud, as I'm running an older macbook Pro.
After being threatened to get hacked, I've decided to clear out all the emails on the mailserver (gmail's online mail client). But before I do, is there a way to download all the emails from my mail server from all time? I only set Leopard's Mail client up on March 8th, so I only have emails from March 8th and after on Leopard. I want to have email from since I registered my Gmail account years ago.
My husband's computers use Tiger and Leopard (10.5.8) to access his email on the Mail program. His mail is from Comcast and uses the Comcast server, not apple or iCloud. His mail suddenly stopped working a couple of days it did on one of my machines that still uses Tiger. He had not done any updates that could have broken the software. He does not have iCloud except on his phone and he doesn't even have a .mac address. There is no reason for the comcast server to not be able to be accessed by Mail app. He did finally update everything that needed it and it still does not work. Why would Apple's change over to iCloud break email access from other servers and how can we fix it. He really doesn't want to do his mail on Comcast's web site as it's slow and awkward.Â
I have a MB Pro 15'' that's almost 4 years old (=it's the previous model).
I bought a Snow Leopard CD to upgrade from 10.5.8 a few days ago. I tried it on Thursday and the driver wouldn't accept it, it would try a bit to run but then it would get spitted out. I assumed it is because of the scratches the CD had. So I bought another one. And I am having the exact same problem: Although the CD is in perfect conditions, it just won't run. This time the driver tries a bit harder (I can tell by the sounds) but in the end it just won't get accepted.
Even though this may be a naive thought/ question, it is a honest thought/ question.Since OS X,version 10.6 is marketed as Snow Leopard, and not as 10.6, it seems to me that us relatively new Mac users could benefit from Apple actually using the words Snow Leopard in the "About This Mac" screens.I say this because a lot of tines I hear the question "are you using Snow Leopard", and to a newbie Mac user, it's not immediately clear when you check "About This Mac", unless you know 10.6 is Snow Leopard.
Or is Snow Leopard 10.6.1 and not 10.6? Now remember, all of us start from ground zero in computing be gentle with me and if Snow Leopard is actually stated somewhere.