ICloud :: Email Doesn't Download To Mail
Jul 2, 2012Why doesn't e-mail download to Mail?I can only view it on my Web browser.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Problem: emails have stopped downl
Why doesn't e-mail download to Mail?I can only view it on my Web browser.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Problem: emails have stopped downl
Mail won't download on my Snow Leopard Macbook Air. Activity icon keeps spinning then it asks for my MobileMe password and keeps spinning. What's the issue? I have iCloud on my Lion Mac Mini and iPohne 4S and they work fine. Is this the same old legacy system not supported aggravation?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
for over a month I have been unable to use search in email on the icloud. If I search for ANYTHING at all, eventually it comes back saying it can not download emails. The email list is blank. Then, even after deleting the search criterai, I can see no emails whatsoever anywhere, not in Sent, not in Trash, and not in Inbound. The only way I can see emails again is to log out and log back in again. Email on the icloud has been like going back 10 yrs in functionality. It has been painfully slow and I see the Can not Load message frequently. All of this is while using my Macbook Pro.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I can read my incoming email at iCloud.com, and on my iPad, but it no longer flows from iCloud to iMac Mail. There have been no configuration changes on iMac Mail. Apple says "All systems go," but I'm skeptical; I think the incoming mail IMAP server is broken. In Mail "Accounts" the incoming mail server is set to "p02-imap.mail.me.com" and the entry is greyed out so I can't change it to the recommended [URL] Outgoing email works normally in Mail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Switched over to Icloud. Now my email doesn't show up in my google account. Is it a different server address?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've had this email account with AT&T for a few years and it has worked with Mac Mail with no difficulty for a few years. Recently the account has been able to receive messages. Every time I hit Get Mail it asks for a password. I have installed all the latest updates through Software Update. I have a Mac Mini with OS Lion. After struggling for awhile, my inbox eventually comes in. I have reset all the incoming and outgoing POP Server accounts, as well as used the Web-mail version through [URL] and it all works fine.
Mac mini (Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
os x 10.9.3..I can't see iCloud mail in os x mail, even though I activate it in the system settings. I tried to deactivate it but I can't - I get a message to do this in os x mail. So this is a vicious cycle.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMail doesn't download emails with large attachments. Moreover, it doesn't download messages that arrive after this email with large attachment.
Attachments upto 5-6 Mb are no problem. This problem occurs on all my email accounts, including hotmail.
I have to open my email from the browser and delete the email with the large attachment to be able to receive emails again on my Mail application .
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
My problem: since Lion I'm really happy that I can use my Yahoo mail account in the official Mail app. It works also fine, but a fiew weeks ago suddenly mail stoped loading mails. I logd out in in the settings of Mail and reloged in but now I've the problem that Mail doesn't accept my datas...
AppleScript, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am using Apple Mail on my Mid 2010 iMac (27", 3.6 GHz i5, 12 Gig RAM, 10.8.5) and have recently run into a bit of strangeness. I shut down the iMac every evening, without shutting down Mail. Mail opens on startup, as expected. However, my list of emails is not current, with the latest email from about 1AM that morning. I know this is the case because I see many more recent emails on my iPhone. When I quit Mail and restart it, all the emails show up. How I can get Mail back to its old behavior, namely showing me all emails in my inbox on startup?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was trying to email someone from a certain company/vendor, but I didn't remember the reps name.
I knew that their business name was in their domain name though, so I tried typing that into the To: field.
To my surprise, Mail didn't find anything.
Is there a way to turn this feature on, or else can I submit it as a feature request?
I realize that it's possible to use the search box to search for past emails containing a domain name, but this clearly is not my intention, I wanted to compose an email ...
OS X Mavericks (10.9)
Emails I send on my iPad are not showing up in the Sent items box in Mail on my iMac at home.I am using Gmail, and they of course show up in the Sent items mailbox there in Mail.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I configure my mail on my mac to receive my icloud e-mails? ever since mobile me wnet dark - I can't get e-mail on my computer. thanks to an iphone and I pad i am still connected but this is a major pain.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't send email from mail. It saids problem with server. But I can send mail directly form the icloud page.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How can I use my Mac email address to receive mail through the MAIL application on my Mac?
Today it stopped accepting my @mac.com account but my other email accounts work fine.
I do NOT want to use a browsed to access my email when a program like MAIL or others will do it better and more reliably than through the Cloud.
Mac Pro
Have an email with 18 attachments (word and excel stuff) is my only option to click (or right-click) each one to download them?? or is there a quicker (read simpler) way.This is via web browser iCloud, as I'm running an older macbook Pro.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have two iCloud email accounts and hoping that when in iCloud I can see both accounts at the same time (like I can in Apple and Outlook Mail). Is this possible? A Real pain to have to constantly logout of one account and login to the other to check mail on my MacBook Pro
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
My iCloud email works without any problems usually. But I keep getting this message at random times — usually after I quit mail, or my computer goes to sleep:What do I do? Is there a correct way to set up iCloud on my Mac's mail in order to avoid this? I'm running the latest Lion Mail on the latest MacBook Pro.
"Enter Password for Account "iCloud" — The iCloud IMAP server "p01-imap.mail.me.com" rejected the password for user "example" — Enter your password again or cancel. — Remember this password in my keychain"
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.4GHz Core i7, SSD, Hi-Res Glossy
how to change my mail account on my mac to I cloud? since i have changed to Icloud on my iphone it seems that I can't access the old mailserver anymore. What do I do?
iMac 20-inch 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5)
How do I receive email on Apple Mail? I have switched from MobileMe to iCloud.
View 2 Replies View RelatedApparently when iCloud took over I lost the ability to recieve emails to Mail from my .mac account. I did all the transitions but it still didnt work.
I can send but not recieve.
Since yesterday the mail programme on my iMac does not download e-mails from the gmail server, but luckily I still can send e-mails. On the iPhone I still receive e-mails and I can send e-mails. The iPhone is connected to the internet either via 3G or the same router I am using for the iMac.
Via the Safari browser I do have access to all my e-mails on the gmail server. Mail: Version 4.5 (1084)
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 4 GB
Will I still be able to use the Mail program w/my .mac email address after moving to iCloud? Will it still reflect the same moves btwn my iPhone and mail program after moving all this BS to iCloud?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I need to send a mass email to all of my iCloud contacts.I select the "+" sign to add email addresses to an outgoing email. Do I really have to check the "to" box on all 700+ email addresses? Or is there a way to "select all"?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
Since updating Safari recently to 5.1.5, if I choose the Mail Link to This Page command, instead of opening Mail.app with a new email with the link pasted in, it launches Google Chrome and, in Chrome, goes to the email login page for Google webmail. If I choose the Mail Contents of This Page command, I get an error message stating: "Safari can't create an email message because Google Chrome.app doesn't support sending webpages from Safari. You can use the Mail application included with Mac OS X to send webpages." Safari is set as my default browser. This behavior started immediately after the 5.1.5 update.I use these commands pretty regularly and, through many version of mail.app and Safari, there has never been a glitch. Any ideas, folks? Or is this a bug introduced by 5.1.5 or some other recent Software Update? (Software updates are completely up to date and on 10.7.3.)
Intel iMac 20, Mac OS X (10.7)
I upgraded to Lion about a month ago. I didn't want to, but I had to to switch to iCloud which was the only way I could retain our family's six-year-old @mac.com and @me.com email addresses.
After working through a half dozen issues, everything seemed to finally be working smoothly. Just yesterday, though, Mac Mail stopped being able to open my iCloud email. It shows the sender, subject and the first couple lines of text in the listing of emails in the column to the left, but when I click on one or double click on one to view the entire message, I get "Loading" and a never-ending spinning wheel.
I have restarted everything, updated software, and repaired disk permissions. I don't want to delete the iCloud account and reinstall it because I have a couple hundred emails stored in folders residing on my machine.
My iCloud email works fine with my iPhone, iPad and on iCloud.com. I just can uses Mac Mail. But I access a half dozen other non-Apple email accounts-- POP and IMAP. Ironically, all the non-Apple email accounts work fine on Apple's Mac Mail.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Receiving e-mail on other devices, but not the iMac? Can't understand why server connection is failing.
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I have just bought a Mac Mini for my daughter.I have set up an aliase email address for her as part of my iCloud account.how do I set up her Mail application on the macmini so it only shows the incoming and outgoing email from her alias address ie without showing the my main email account traffic??i don't want her deleting stuff of my account....
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am losing random incoming emails in my .mac email address. I first discovered it last week when my wife was getting emails that I was copied on that I never got. Checked inbox, trash, junk, iCloud and never could find them. Then today, just by chance, I had to verify a link via that email address. When the verification is sent, I see it hit the inbox with the new email counter and then it immediately disappears. I have disabled all my Apple Mail rules and Smart Mailboxes. As I mentioned, I have checked everywhere I could think of that it might be going.
MacBookPro7,1 2.66 GHz, Mac OS X (10.7), 8 GB 1067 DDR3 SDRAM
os 10.10.1, macbook pro 2.5gh intel i5
when I select the archive button from the tool bar, does mail store the particular email message on my hard drive, or is it stored in a mailbox in the cloud? Does trying to understand actually happens.