Windows On Mac :: Easiest Route To Get 7 On MAC?
Oct 10, 2010which edition is the best deal? I was gonna do a student edition, but I seen in small print i need a key for XP or something.
View 4 Replieswhich edition is the best deal? I was gonna do a student edition, but I seen in small print i need a key for XP or something.
View 4 RepliesI know we can goto my computer click eject disk and then close it manually.
Is there anyway to do this? Is there a way to route the disk open/close button on the kb to work?
I am trying to get windows on my air without much success. I installed parallels. I set up a virtual machine of windows vista from my HP laptop. I entered the windows product key. But I can not figure out how to get the iso image. How do I find the ISO image on my hp if I can't find any windows cd?
Alternatively, is there a faster way to get windows on an air then through parallels? Is the windows for mac program put out by microsoft availalbe for legal download anywhere?
I'm a bit confused, i've been using a mac for 4 years now, i'm a designer so use InDesign, Photoshop & Illustrator day in day out. Opening and saving 100s of files a day.
Whenever i've needed to import multiple pictures, i've always been able to navigate to the folder I want to import from (through InDesign), place my selected picture and then the next time I try import a picture my mac remembers the folder I last imported a picture from.
Its the same if I'm saving multiple files from an email (in entourage), save the first attachment and then when I go to save the 2nd file it remembers where I last saved to.
Its been doing that for the best part of 4 years and has now stopped for no reason, every time I go to save a file, import a file, even "save as" it takes me to my "Documents folder" meaning I have to navigate back through the severver and several folders to get to where I want to save each time.
It's not a massive problem, just really annoying. Maybe i've changed a setting by mistake but can't see how or where for the life of me.
i want to know how I can put a static route in my system MAC OS X 10.4.0 when i restart my computer.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to connect my Mac pro to two different networks and have mail traffic run through en1 and all other traffic run through en0. Basically our corporate email is on supported accessible on Network A, but the majority of the work I have to do is only accessible on Network B. So to get access to both I have to use two computers and a KVM switch. Not the prefered workflow. I thought about using a virtual machine, but then I'm using up a bunch of valuable system resources just to run Mail. Seems like I should be able to point all traffic for a specific IP address to route through a specific network interface, but I can't seem to figure out how.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I noticed my VPN connections overrides the default route set by my WiFi connection. With an active VPN I can browse my office network but not the WWW. When I type in terminal …Â
sudo route delete default
sudo route add -net default
sudo route add -netÂ
… I can access (via VPN) my office network and can still browse in the WWW. Is there any way I can prevent to override the default route when establishing a VPN connection (IPSec Cisco via Network > Add VPN)?Maybe I can create an AppleScript or something like that?Â = local network (home) = remote network (office) = remote virtual client IP
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27", i7, 256 SSD, 8GB, 1GB graphic
Can I use Microsoft Auto-route on my Mac
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am having the darndest problems with routing on my internal network, specifically with my Mac Mini Server which originally came Snow Leopard Server and was upgraded over the top (no clean metal) wtih Lion and Lion Server (10.7.4) Router is a Cisco/Linksys E4200 with firmware 1.0.04, but have had same problems with 1.0.02 and 1.0.03.Internal LAN/WiFi is defined as Router is and gateway. DNS is supposed to be served by the Mac Mini on, which also hosts my DHCP server to configure others on my home network.
With WiFi off on the Mac Mini "netstat -rn" returns essentially the same thing as on my Mac Pro (10.7.4 not-server) but for the MacPro at In this condition the Mini will ping the MacPro and I can ssh between, through the ethernet switch on the E4200. The MacPro can ping the E4200 but the Mac Mini can not. The E4200 has some ports opened to forward to the Mac Mini.But, enable WiFi on the Mac Mini and suddenly the ethernet starts working through the E4200.
Sometimes I can change the static IP address on the Mini's ethernet with WiFi off and then it starts speaking to the E4200 and internet. For instance tonight I changed it to and it didn't work. But did. Moved it back to and it still didn't work trough the router but it did work internally Mini to MacPro through the enthernet switch on the E4200.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Server
I have my Xbox 360 sound out-putting through an optical digital cable to the digital input of my Dual 2.3ghz Power G5. My mac recognizes the signal but I was hoping I could somehow use the incoming sound to output through my headphone speaker jack on the front of my mac. Both my mac and xbox 360 use the same monitor.
I noticed it doesn't work that way. Is there a way to switch the incoming digital signal to route through my headphone port on the front of my mac? There has to be a way.
Powermac G5 Dual 2.3 Mhz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
i successfully rerouted iTunes so that the program would find my music library on external hard drive. Two days ago, my Apple MacBook computer was updated to the Lion operating system. iTunes was also updated.Now I have to go back into iTunes and give the program new instruction to go find the music files on external hard drive.My folder on external hard drive, called "iTunes Music," contains various music files and also, I notice, a folder called "iTunes." Within that "iTunes" folder, the following folders or files are located: [code] I do not understand any of this. I do not understand WHICH FILE OR FOLDER I should instruct iTunes to go to in order to find the desired music files.Once the desired files are found, they should appear in the iTunes window on screen. This is not happening.
I have tried holding down the Option key while starting iTunes, which yields a window that asks for me to CHOOSE LIBRARY. I choose the iTunes library file ( iTunes Library.itl) that is located on external hard drive. However, NOTHING HAPPENS. iTunes does not do anything. When the program opens, nothing is visible in the iTunes window, where normally songs are listed. No playlists on the lefthand side. NOTHING.
No DVI or HDMI inputs, so what is the best way? Only the composite cables?
View 12 Replies View RelatedExpecting my new MacBook Pro to arrive, looking for the easiest and fastest way to migrate from several PC's to my Mac. Does it make the most since to use a mac formated external disc and copy files from each pc to that then just connect that to my mac? Or should I use an NTFS formatted hard disc and copy from the pc and import to the mac and reformat the hard disc?
I was considering using the migration assistant but with several machines and location of my pcs, think this will take too much time. I do not need to migrate mail, or profiles. I am migrating iTunes library, quicken data, and movies and pictures, with some documents.
In the classic/PowerPC days I used ResEdit and just 'hid' the folders. So whats the Mac OS X /intel version these days?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIve never used any type of video editing software before.Im a complete video editing n00b.What is the easiest imovie to use for a noob?09 is ruled out cause im on tiger and unless i can trick 08 into thinking i have a faster processor its out too.
View 6 Replies View RelatedGoing to setup a raid using apples utitlity to get a raid 0 of two 640 blacks for my 2008 MP. I have adequate back up, including time machine and two separate back up discs that I keep information on. My macbook pro also has the same information with its own time machine back up.
So I have to wipe my original 640 so the new raid can be created I assume. Should I restore from time machine to put my info back on after creating the raid setup? Is there an easier way, one that doesn't require me copying all my information over?
It seems some aspects of my main user account in snow leopard is currupt... need to create a new admit account and move over to that one as my primary account. what is the safest way to do this? I need to move a bunch of files over, and perhaps some preferences and such. Should i create the new admin account, change the permissions on all of the files i want to transfer so that the new account has read/write on them, log in to the new account and transfer the files over?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI received my 2009 Mac Pro the day before the new models were announced. Today I've arranged for its return so that I can get a 2010 model.
I'm trying to work out the easiest / fastest way to get up and running on the new machine.
I've got a client who's got thousands and thousands of files which are in subfolders that contain backslashes. He wants to either replace the slashes with another character or just remove them.
Can automator deal with multiple folders that contain folders in them ..etc..maybe 3-4 nests deep? If not, then maybe a free download that can do this?
I've been having trouble burning cds on my mac air (10.7.3) with the latest version of iTunes. After I import the cd from the superdrive and insert a blank cd, iTunes closes and I'm taken to the desktop which has the "untitled disc" on it. I have no idea what to do at this point. One tutorial says to select "burn disc" but then I end up with an empty disc. I don't know what to try next. I have burned cds in the past and it made sense. Something has changed. I'm lost.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was wondering what the simplest way of sending multiple pictures (regular quality) over the internet between two Macs is (no .mac account on one end). Is FTP the way to go? Simply send through iChat?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a bunch but got errors on them.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to export some old emails from my old hotmail account, as I now use Gmail and the hotmail account never gets used. How would I ' export' emails from my hotmail account and add them to a new folder in Mac Mail without adding the account as I don't want to receive any email from my old hotmail account.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am currently trying to delete a load of stuff off an external hard drive. I have a folder full of music (laid out like an iTunes Music folder, all the artist folders) on the external, and I only want to delete the music that I already have on my computer. Is there a way to select just those folders that I already have, or will I have to do the tedious job of going through each folder? It's like, 50GB worth of music here.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi was just wondering what the easiest way to convert video files to an mp3 file on a macbook?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a huge box of records (probably about 50 or so) that i am recording in order to put on CD. I have about 10 of them done already, with each side of the record in its own garageband project. Now i need to go about splitting each side into separate tracks. Is there an app designed to streamline this process? I've tried splitting the tracks apart in garageband but it just takes forever.I recall hearing that Toast has an app designed to record vinyls, is that what im looking for?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been having a remarkably difficult time finding a "quick and easy" method of doing precise and/or easy screen captures from a DVD.
Things I've tried:
VLC: Works, but recent builds have been crashing like crazy when playing DVDs, so are nearly unusable for that. (Anybody else been experiencing this?) Also lacks the ability to capture a precise frame, since there are no "step forward/back" controls.
MPlayer OSX Extended: Left to its own devices, can't handle playback of many commercial DVDs--it stops playing at the first title change, so is useless. If I use FairMount to unprotect the DVD I can play the .VOB files directly with it, which is semi-functional, but it also lacks precision--no single-frame step commands, and if you do a screencap when it's paused you actually get a frame or two later. Also, this leaves you guessing what part is in what .VOB file, and it chokes badly on multi-angle video.
DVD Player + screencap app: This also works, but I really just want the DVD frame, so I end up having to manually crop out the window border, which is time consuming.
My goal is to come up with a smooth enough workflow I can do, say, a half-dozen screencaps from a bunch of titles quickly, so my primary goal is efficiency. (It's for movie reviews, so it's even completely legal under fair use, if probably anti-DMCA due to the stupid encryption loophole). Secondary is to include deinterlacing and being able to more precisely select a frame.
I want to upload a few big dmgs and so need to split them.Any recommendations for cheap or free apps that will do this?Or within Mac OSX - a tutorial?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm after the easiest way I can link my Macbook to my TV so that I can use it to play dvds (if that's possible). The Macbook spec is as below and the TV has the usual connections (video, audio right speaker, audio left speaker, scart).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there was a way to check what is taking up your hard drive space. I have a 500GB drive and only have about 150GB left, and I really dont no why its that low...
I have a few movies on my computer (maybe about 20), but I cant see that taking 300GB...
I tried to just highlight everything, hoping a total file size would show, but I dont see one.
I just moved a bunch of video files that were about 1GB each onto an external, and it only cleared about 10Gb...But I have a feeling that iMovie might be the reason, as most of those video files were imported into iMovie. If thats the case, how do I clear out iMovie?