Windows On Mac :: Microphone Not Working On BootCamp Win XP
Aug 28, 2010
Mic doesn't seem to work at all. On Skype or on Sound Recorder that comes with Windows XP. I have done a lot of searches on the net and tried a lot of advice offered including some from this forum - reinstall driver, tick boxes, until boxes, scale up, etc. Its a 2008 iMac with XP SP3 installed on Snow Leopard. the driver is from Realtek. I have an important meeting to do on skype while having to run Windows application.
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Apr 19, 2012
Yesterday I bought the steel series 7H gaming headset (no USB external soundcard included) to game in hardcore pro Korean mode on my mac once in a while, but when I try to connect it to windows 7 (under bootcamp), I get no input from the microphone! The headphones do work, but the mic doesn't. I have a 2010 15" i5 macbook pro. I have reinstalled all the cirrus and realtek drivers, and nothing. The mic connects via line-in. headset webpage: [URL]
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15"
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Oct 31, 2009
I have iMac mid 2008 and I've been using it with Vista before for gaming a lot, but have just installed 7 instead and everything would be great if my microphone doesn't stop working Actually the system can see it but there is no record at all on any recording level. I never had any issue with XP or Vista, and on S-Leopard it still working, so my question is -Have anyone here experienced any problem like this and is there a way out? I tried re-installing BootCamp 3.0, installing Vista's 2.1 Bootcamp drivers instead and also tried the Realtek's drivers from their site -
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Apr 25, 2012
i have this headset (without USB connector): [URL]and a adapter that allowes unifies the two 3,5mm connectors (3 pin) to a single 4 pin connector.under mac os x everything works fine: headset and microphone work excellent.but other situation under windows: only headphones work, external microphones don't.
MacBook Air, Windows7
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Sep 24, 2009
Last night I installed Windows Vista to run a game on here, but I got several issues. I already installed the drivers from the Snow Leopard DVD, but the problems still persist.
The issues are:
1. Sound is very very low and uneven. I have the volume all the way maxed, but the loudest it can go is less than half than the potential volume in Snow Leopard.
2. Headphones don't work. I've tried like 3 pairs of headphones and none of them work. When I plug them in, the sound still comes from the left speaker (I can barely hear the right speaker) on the laptop and not on the headphones. Also, the headphone jack is emitting a red light out of it.
3. The lights on the keyboard won't shut off. I used the F5 key to turn off the keyboard backlighting, and while it goes very dim they won't shut off.
I already tried the suggestions on this thread but none of those fixes work. I need help! Especially with the sound! Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running a MacBook Pro 13" from June 2009, 2.26GHz Intel, 4GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce 9400M. I instlled a 64bit version of Windows Vista (OEM).
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Jun 8, 2010
i'm running windows 7 on bootcamp. on my skype version 4.0 i test the mic on the control panel is ok but when on skype it isnt. i have no idea why? when i'm on call with my friends they cant hear me speak but when i play music through youtube they can hear me. why is it so? my hardware is cirrus logic. this is weird? is there some configurations wrong?
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Sep 27, 2010
I recently started using bootcamp and I can't seem to find out why my graphics card isn't recognized. I'm running vista home premium 32 bit and it recognizes the graphics card as a basic VGA. I installed the drivers and it still doesn't work.
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Oct 27, 2008
I've probably had Bootcamp running for almost a six months and last week I got on my Windows like normal. But to my dismay my trackpad, mouse, and keyboard were not responding. It just seems completely random since I didn't change anything or do anything different. Anyone have any solutions besides reinstalling?
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May 5, 2009
I cannot "see" my Windows partition from the preferences pane in bootcamp (osx) (where I would go to set Windows as a boot partition). The only way I can make Windows to start is by using the Option key at boot.
Strange this is, the partition is visible on my Osx desktop (mounted), I can browse the files etc... but Bootcamp somehow thinks it's gone.
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Aug 21, 2009
I have some problems with starting Windows 7 RC 64bit with WMWare.
I got Windows 7 RC 64bit installed on my Bootcamp Partition.
Windows 7 works fine and everything.
I want get it working with VMware.
I have VMWare 2.0 installed.
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Sep 2, 2009
I installed a beta version if windows 7 into my computer last night. Now everytime I want to use snow leopard I have to use press the option button. Windows boots automatically. I took windows off and now snow leopard wont work at all. The screen just goes black and it says a few words like install. How do i get snow leopard to start when I turn my computer on?
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Apr 30, 2008
Been searching and can't find the answer here. I setup Bootcamp last week and had internet connection and everything working fine. I've setup Parallels now as well and I am connecting to the Bootcamp partition with this via OS X.
So, everything is working well, I can view my local websites on Leopard via Parallels, the only thing that has stopped working is my wireless internet connection in windows.
My only guess is the Bootcamp is now connecting to everything via my OS X connections, but not sure. Does anyone know how to set the wireless internet up again?
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Aug 29, 2009
Has anyone really tried out the ability to access your OSX Partition from Windows yet? I'm able to see mostly everything but the one folder I want to see, my home folder! It just shows up empty. Maybe it's because I have my account password protected, but just for installing programs, not for logging in. Plus, if that was what is causing it to not work, Apple should have asked for a username and password to login to the folder. Will Apple ever get its Windows Bootcamp software working correctly? They sure can never get it on the first try.
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Aug 29, 2009
I just bought a new MacBook pro 1 week old. I partioned my hard drive and installed a clean copy of Windows Vista Ultimate on one side. I then downloaded skype, but my internal microphone will not work. I tried everything. Can someone help me out with this issue.
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Sep 18, 2008
installed vista on my mac. When I boot into vista, a message saying " boot camp manager has stop working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. " the fn keys dont work. So I reinstalled boot camp and everything was fine until the next time I log into vista and same message pops up. Reinstalled again and same thing happens everytime.
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Nov 30, 2014
My imac is around 4 years old and has been running both windows bootcamp and os x snow leopard for at least 3 years without any problems. My default operating system is mac and when I tried to turn it on this morning it gets stuck on the white screen with the grey apple icon and the loading icon spinning. Also a bar appears below this that I have never seen before. I have tried opening the mac in recovery mode but it does not respond and goes to the same logo screen.
I have tried holding the 'D' key down while the mac comes on and doing the apple hardware test but once the window pops up it does not complete the probing and appears to freeze just before its completion. I have also tried booting in safemode but the script stops at these commands:
-launch tl: Please convert the following to launchd: etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisory.plist
-launch_msg(): socket is not connected
However, the windows bootcamp is working fine and I can access my mac files from there.Also worth mentioning is that it is not a grey screen that appears on start up it is just the normal apple icon screen.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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Jul 2, 2012
I just bought a $2000 27 Inch Imac and a few weeks later the microphone quit working and Apple is ignoring the problem and will not stand behind this new imac, anyone else having the same problem. I talked to a repair guy who said you can expect problems from an Imac because all of its parts are cheap made in china, he has encountered a lot of issues with the new Imacs.
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Dec 3, 2008
On my MBP, I have tried both XP and Vista and they work well. I have the Bootcamp 2.1 update installed and no missing hardware/etc. Currently, I'm using Vista64, but XP32 had the same problem.
I pair my Logitech MX900 BT mouse using the BT Control Panel applet and it finds the mouse, pops-up "installing drivers" and everything works well. In the "services" tab for the BT device, it shows a general HID mouse/keyboard.
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Apr 17, 2009
So the internal microphone on my 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro just decided to stop working a few months ago. In the sound tab of system preferences I get nothing. Although when Skyping with it, the person I'm talking to says they can hear some kind of noise when I tap the left speaker (where I assume the mic is at.) I didn't use it all that much but it was pretty handy for when I needed to record a spontaneous song with my guitar. It had rather good quality.
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Jun 21, 2012
Whenever I try and facetime or record something the microphone isn't picking up anything but I have a look on system preferences and sound and the microphone is working perfectly but not when I try to do something else!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 25, 2010
so i bought an imic since i heard it was suppose to work.i plug in my microphone jac into the IN, switch the imic thing to mic, and my microphone still doesn't work.
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Nov 15, 2009
So I just got the 2.53 GHz 15.4" MacBook Pro, and I had the Windows 7 RC laying around so I partitioned the drive and installed it. It's running great, I really like it, but here's my problem. Windows and all applications can see the iSight camera, but not the Microphone. If I go into the Sound control panel and click on the Recording tab, the microphone is there, and when I say something I can see that Windows DOES see it, but no other application shows it. I have all the Boot Camp drivers installed.
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Jun 17, 2009
I just got my new 2009 15" MacBook Pro. I have installed Vista and loaded my Boot Camp drivers. I am trying to use the built in microphone (in the left speaker) for Skype. It appears in the Sound menu in the control panel as a working audio input and sound recorder works perfectly as well. However, whenever I select the microphone in Skype, there is no sound. The mic comes up as a Cirrus Logic CS4206A(AB75) device. Again sound recorder is fine, its just Skype that won't get any input from the mic. I also tried this earlier in Windows 7 RC1 64 bit with no luck. Does anyone know how to use Skype in Boot Camp with the new MacBook Pro hardware?
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Jul 17, 2009
I'm running windows 7 through boot camp on my mbp, and the sound works fine, however the microphone isn't working.
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Feb 10, 2010
When running windows 7 x64 my microphone does not work. I have tried on both Skype and AIM. I can hear my friends but they cannot hear me. When I log into OSX it works fine.
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Oct 23, 2008
I have recently purchased Apple macbook 13" 2 Ghz, 2GB laptop and I am
using it in dual boot (MAC leopard and Windows XP) . Recently I have
purchased external Headphone of Creative (HS-390) and tried hell like things
in WINDOWS XP but it is not detecting my Microphone....The headset is working
fine the only problem is with Microphone (I have tested Microphone on Desktop
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Aug 28, 2010
I'm on the latest MBP and when I'm in bootcamp on Ventrillo, I sound like darth vader when I talk. I think the problem lays in the internal microphone (and the driver that doesn't seem to work)? So if I get an external one and plug it in, I'd rather not want to go buy an external mic and just have it not work still.
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Jul 18, 2010
My MBA gives out squeaking sound around bass beats. Doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen, it irritates me. When I listen to the same song on the iphone, I get a very clear sound. Can anyone do this for me? Can you listen to "Speak to me/Breathe" by Pink Floyd on your headphones / earphones if you have that track? Along with the first few heartbeats, I hear squeaking noises. Do you hear anything like that?
This squeaking noise could also happen sometimes when I am minimizing / maximizing windows, or doing something processor intensive.
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Jan 30, 2009
Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.
Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....
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Jul 5, 2010
I want to know if anyone can point out the advantages and disadvantages of using a line-in microphone (for the 1/8" analog jack) compared to a USB microphone for a Mac Pro. Do I need some kind of amplification for a head-set microphone with a 1/8 analog jack? I can't get mine to work, but I wonder if there's something I haven't selected correctly in my Preferences.
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