Windows On Mac :: Internal Microphone Will Not Work On Windows Vista Partion?
Aug 29, 2009
I just bought a new MacBook pro 1 week old. I partioned my hard drive and installed a clean copy of Windows Vista Ultimate on one side. I then downloaded skype, but my internal microphone will not work. I tried everything. Can someone help me out with this issue.
I'm on the latest MBP and when I'm in bootcamp on Ventrillo, I sound like darth vader when I talk. I think the problem lays in the internal microphone (and the driver that doesn't seem to work)? So if I get an external one and plug it in, I'd rather not want to go buy an external mic and just have it not work still.
I was able to get Windows Vista 64 running on my 17" MBP, it is pretty slick. I set aside 32 GB for Windows, ran the install, loaded all the appropriate Boot Camp drivers and everything is working perfectly in Windows. I boot back to OS X to attempt to configure Parallels...
So I fired up Parallels and follow the guided instructions. However, when I get to step 2 Im not sure what I should be doing. I already have Windows on its own partition, but Parallels is asking me for a CD/DVD image. Im a little leery of putting the Win disc back in, I dont want Parallels to always want to boot from the disc. how do I tell Parallels to load Windows as a Virtual Machine off of the Boot Camp partition?
The partition Boot Camp created now appears on my Desktop in OS X as Untitled, I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to change that. If I eject that volume will I still be able to Boot to Windows? Will Parallel still work?
I cannot write to my mac partition from my windows xp pro bootcamp installation. when it try to save a file from xp/bootcamp to my mac partition i get this error message:
"Cannot copy xx from xp: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use"
Bootcamp is formatted in hfs, and I am trying to use a program called MacDrive 6.1.5 but it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm running 10.5.1 and Windows Vista Ultimate x64 on my Mac Pro. I just installed Vista, and then just taking a random guess, I decided to insert my leopard disc into the Windows OS, and sure enough, it showed up as "boot camp" and installed a whole bunch of drivers. Is that how it's supposed to be done? I couldn't find another way to get drivers into Windows.
Anyways, the volume keys work, but the eject key doesn't. Is there any way to make it work?
I used Bootcamp to install Vista on my Mac Book Pro 2.4 Ghz (April '08). It has been working very well until Dec 2008. While running a PC game on battery, Vista operating system would just shut down unexpectedly. If the machine is plugged in, it would work fine. Currently the problem is getting worse; when I boot up into Vista on battery, it would shut down in about 2-3 minutes.
Initially I thought it was a battery problem. I booted up into Leopard and checked the battery information in System Profiler. I didn't see any problem. 332 cycles and condition is "Good." In addition, Leopard works just fine on battery.
I've followed the Bootcamp procedure correctly, but when I load my Vista Ultimate disk all I get is a blank screen. I've left it for a while, but even after half an hour still nothing.
What could the problem be, any tips?
It is a MacBook and 32 bit Vista if that if of use.
I'm running vista 64bit. On Mac OS, the headphone jack works fine. However, on Vista, there is a red light shining out of it and when i plug either speakers or my earphones into it, no sound comes out (the Macbook Pro's speakers work fine though). Any ideas? I reinstalled the bootcamp drivers with the install DVD.
Is it better for me to buy the upgrade for windows 7, from vista to windows 7 or to buy the full copy? If i buy the fully version, should i get rid of my pardon, and re-do it with bootcamp, or should i just do it over my current pardon? (Vista) I just want the best way, less pain, less anger. Im willing to pay more for full IF IT IS THE BEST way to do it.
So I just got the 2.53 GHz 15.4" MacBook Pro, and I had the Windows 7 RC laying around so I partitioned the drive and installed it. It's running great, I really like it, but here's my problem. Windows and all applications can see the iSight camera, but not the Microphone. If I go into the Sound control panel and click on the Recording tab, the microphone is there, and when I say something I can see that Windows DOES see it, but no other application shows it. I have all the Boot Camp drivers installed.
I know a lot of us have the Elgato Eyetv Hybrid and would love to use it on our Macs in conjunction with Bootcamp & Windows. Well I finally figured out how to do it! All I had to do is slightly modify some Windows drivers.
The hardware being used is very similar to the Hauppauge USB Sticks.
Elgato made 2 versions of the hybrid; the older version without QAM and the newer version with QAM. (It has been brought to my attention they also have a new version out with radio capabilities).
I have only been able to test this on the hybrid WITH QAM.
I was able to slightly modify the Hauppauge drivers which allowed the Elgato Eyetv Hybrid to work under windows using both the Windows Media Center and the standalone player by Hauppauge.
So here is what you need to do:
Go to Device Manager
Vista users: Right click on Computer > Click Properties > Click Device Manager
Now you should see some devices under "Other devices" with a yellow question mark next to them. Both should be called "EyeTV Hybrid" There are two because the USB stick has both a digital and analog tuner.
Right click on either device > Click Properties > Click Details tab > Where it says Property, scroll down to Hardware IDs
If the bold numbers match, these drivers will work for you. (If they don't match please provide me with your numbers so I can try and make drivers that will work for you.) USBVID_0FD9&PID_0008&REV_0005&MI_03
Now we can close the EyeTV Hybrid Properties windows which brings us back to Device Manager.
Download both the modified drivers (an attachment below) and the manufacturer software here:
Unzip and open the manufacturer software, navigate to the Drivers folder, and replace: HCWemBda.inf and HCWemBda64.inf with the modified drives you downloaded from me. (You also have to unzip and open the folder you downloaded from me).
Now go back to your Device Manager window, Right click on one of the EyeTV Hybrid devices with the yellow question mark next to it and click Update Driver Software...
Click Browse my computer for driver software > Click browse and navigate to the drivers folder from the manufacturer's software > Click Ok.
Do the same for the other device in Device Manager.
Now go to the manufacturer's software you downloaded earlier and double click Setup.
I'm running Windows vista ultimate on my Imac and lately the mouse started acting weird on Vista, it's jumping around and moving unpredictable,and also i use windows in spaces, and i can't switch to spaces anymore until i click control + command, please let me know what the problem is, ohh i'm running a USB G9 Logitech mouse.
I have a Macbook Pro and I'm hoping to install Windows Vista via Boot Camp. Is it possible to do this with a Dell reinstallation DVD that came with my Dell laptop?
I installed Windows Vista, and Vista boots up fine. However, I hold down the command keys when starting my computer up again, and it won't let me select Mac OS X. It just starts Vista.
On "My Computer" in Vista I see "Bootcamp (C" and "Macintosh HD (E in my Hard Disks Drives. Also, whenever I start up Vista it tells me something about a wrongly formatted drive. My files are still all in the Mactintosh HD drive, but I don't know how to start up Mac OS X.
Does anyone know how can i install Vista home premium on my imac? ive been using boot camp to do all the steps but im stuck at where i should choose NTFS format partition had disk. Seems like mine is FAT32.
This is what ive done; 1.Open up bootcamp assistant 2.Partition, divide equally(116GB each) 3.Insert Vista disk and start installation 4.Install Vista and insert CD key 5.custom installation 6.Now this is where i stuck
I have 4 options, and i should choose the last one which says bootcamp 116gb, but i cant click it since it says the disk need to have NTFS format. How can i set so that i partiton it to NTFS?
I recently installed Windows vista using going through parallels because my bootcamp failed a while ago. This partition also acts as my bootcamp. Well The internet on parallels works fine because it is using osx network, but when i boot into bootcamp the network drivers seem to be missing. I cant figure it out, but it says the ethernet and network drivers are not there. I cant find the drivers on the internet anywhere and when i use the vista disk i have it still does not want to install them.
Last night I installed Windows Vista to run a game on here, but I got several issues. I already installed the drivers from the Snow Leopard DVD, but the problems still persist.
The issues are:
1. Sound is very very low and uneven. I have the volume all the way maxed, but the loudest it can go is less than half than the potential volume in Snow Leopard.
2. Headphones don't work. I've tried like 3 pairs of headphones and none of them work. When I plug them in, the sound still comes from the left speaker (I can barely hear the right speaker) on the laptop and not on the headphones. Also, the headphone jack is emitting a red light out of it.
3. The lights on the keyboard won't shut off. I used the F5 key to turn off the keyboard backlighting, and while it goes very dim they won't shut off.
I already tried the suggestions on this thread but none of those fixes work. I need help! Especially with the sound! Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running a MacBook Pro 13" from June 2009, 2.26GHz Intel, 4GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GeForce 9400M. I instlled a 64bit version of Windows Vista (OEM).
I've installed the drivers, and when I start up in Windows, neither the internet or the wireless pick up.
Using Windows Vista Home Premium. The little wireless icon in the tray just has the big X, so it's literally picking up nothing. I also can't connect via ethernet.
i just installed vista home premium. everything seems to work fine except for my internal speakers it says that they are installed but they don't work. the name that shows up is high definition audio device.
im about to install windows on my macbook via bootcamp. However, i will use the same partition for parallels, which means that my ram is goign to be damaged. I wanted to know which os did u recomment me to install. Does windows 7 hog more cpu and ram than vista?
i have my aluminum 2.4GHz 4gb RAM aluminum macbook with the geforce 9400m. and i was wondering. is DirectX 9 better then DirectX 10?. even if the difference is only 8 FPS it still counts.(really the only game im going to play is elder scrolls 4 oblivion)
so i bought an imic since i heard it was suppose to work.i plug in my microphone jac into the IN, switch the imic thing to mic, and my microphone still doesn't work.
I'd appreciate it if anyone could offer me some advice on whether to go with the 32bit or 64bit version of Vista on a 4-core 'Nehalem' Mac Pro. I've read that some drivers will fail to work under this version of the operating system - is this the case for the hardware in the Mac Pro (particularly the HD 4870)?
I have the "collectors edition" macbook unibody....2.4ghz 4gb ram, 250gb hdd. On apples website it states that x64 is compatible with the new 13" pro but not mine...i didn't think there was any difference really besides firewire and a sd car it possible to install x64 vista via bootcamp or not??? I need to have vista on my laptop for "Examsof" for lawschool and parallels is not allowed.
Is it possible to install Windows 7 on an internal disk via Boot Camp and then remove this disk and use it as an external drive? I have two drives for my mini, one in use and one in an external case; unfortunately, neither have room for everything plus Windows. If the answer to this question is no, then I'll buy a bigger drive. I'd just like to avoid this if possible (I already have a ton of external drives and not enough ports to plug them into).
Mic doesn't seem to work at all. On Skype or on Sound Recorder that comes with Windows XP. I have done a lot of searches on the net and tried a lot of advice offered including some from this forum - reinstall driver, tick boxes, until boxes, scale up, etc. Its a 2008 iMac with XP SP3 installed on Snow Leopard. the driver is from Realtek. I have an important meeting to do on skype while having to run Windows application.
I just got my new 2009 15" MacBook Pro. I have installed Vista and loaded my Boot Camp drivers. I am trying to use the built in microphone (in the left speaker) for Skype. It appears in the Sound menu in the control panel as a working audio input and sound recorder works perfectly as well. However, whenever I select the microphone in Skype, there is no sound. The mic comes up as a Cirrus Logic CS4206A(AB75) device. Again sound recorder is fine, its just Skype that won't get any input from the mic. I also tried this earlier in Windows 7 RC1 64 bit with no luck. Does anyone know how to use Skype in Boot Camp with the new MacBook Pro hardware?
I have iMac mid 2008 and I've been using it with Vista before for gaming a lot, but have just installed 7 instead and everything would be great if my microphone doesn't stop working Actually the system can see it but there is no record at all on any recording level. I never had any issue with XP or Vista, and on S-Leopard it still working, so my question is -Have anyone here experienced any problem like this and is there a way out? I tried re-installing BootCamp 3.0, installing Vista's 2.1 Bootcamp drivers instead and also tried the Realtek's drivers from their site -
When running windows 7 x64 my microphone does not work. I have tried on both Skype and AIM. I can hear my friends but they cannot hear me. When I log into OSX it works fine.