Software :: Webpage Photographs Have Bad Resolution - How To Fix It

Oct 23, 2009

I have a 24" iMac vintage 2008 or so (aluminum body). My problem is that photographs and fonts on websites, even when not stretched, display very poorly--lots of extra pixels, noise between font letters, etc. I have the system preference set to the finest (1920x1200) setting and almost the brightest setting, but the situation continues.

I know that some of this may be attributable to the size of the photo file originally uploaded by the site, but the lack of clarity even extends to little thumbnails, say 1" by 1", as on Facebook, that are still cloudy and fuzzy.

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Applications :: Not Picking Up Faces In Photographs For To Tag

Jan 27, 2009

I just installed iLife '09 and had it go through my image library. It didn't pick up a single face of anyone in any photograph. Does anybody else have this problem? (I'm not saying that it doesn't tell me who is who, obviously that needs to be added by me. It just is not picking up faces in photographs for me to tag. Even as I tag faces myself, the 'other photos this person may be in' isn't picking any up).

Also, 'Places' seems rather awkward right now. My hometown is (according to iPhoto) called 'Biglis', even though it is clearly marked as 'Barry' in Google earth (which is correct). Incase anyone is wondering, I'm using an iPhone. My problem is NOT that my library isn't automatically geo-tagged, but that the photos that are geo-tagged have the pin in the right place, but the locations name is 110% wrong). Again, anyone else have this problem? right now, these features are nice but a huge letdown for me.

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MacBook Pro :: Use It For Editing Photographs In Conservatory?

Feb 27, 2012

I want to use my Mac fro editing photographs in my conservatory but the glare is too much, has anyone found a good solution for this?


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Intel Mac :: Photographs Get Out Of Order After I Burn Them To A CD-R

Apr 4, 2012

Why do my photographs get out of order after I burn them to a CD-R?  They are in a folder in desktop and in order before I burn the CD.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Power Mac G5 :: Adding GPS Data To Digital Photographs

Dec 4, 2007

I want to add GPS data to my digital photographs. I was thinking of using the Sony GPS-CS1 with HoudahGeo. However, I've read that there seems to be a bug which means PPC machines can't recognize the Sony device, whereas Intel Macs can. Does anyone know if this bug has been fixed. Or can they recommend an alternative GPS logger which is available in the UK.

Daul G5 2 Ghz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
2 gigs memory, 250 gb hd

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Mac Mini :: Recommended Monitor - Use For Processing Photographs

Dec 28, 2010

Very new to all this but would love some advice on the best monitor to get for my Mac Mini. I dont play many games or Movies but would use it 99% of the time for processing photographs. My Mac Mini is a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo running Mac OS X version 10.6.5. Budget is around the �200 GBP mark.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keep Only Documents, Photographs And Videos In Backup?

May 9, 2012

I would like to keep only my documents, photographs and videos in my backup in Time Machine. What is the best way to set the exclusions in the Time Machine? It little complicated.

Time Machine

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MacBook Pro :: How Does One Recover Lost Photographs On The Computer

Jul 4, 2012

How does one recover lost photographs on the computer?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Move All Photographs To External Hard Drive

Jun 29, 2014

I have a 1TB external hard drive , and I would like to know how to move all my photographs to it and use that file when opening my photos . I have conflicting issues ( but I think the process will be the same ) , I use Nikon , my wife prefers Canon , and i try not to use iPhoto (it's the worst piece of software I have had the misfortune to use ) now that my memory is sparse i want to put our photos (raw and jpeg) into the external hard drive and open it from the Mac ...

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MacBook Pro :: Copying Photographs To External Hard Drive - Unable To Render File For Export

Dec 9, 2014

I've bought a Seagate External Hard Drive, and want to copy my photos from the Macbook Pro to it. Every time I try and copy them, a message appears 'Unable to render file for export' followed by the drive details and a string of numbers. How I should be copying them? I've already accidentally deleted and appear to have permanently lost photos from iCloud, which is why I want a spare copy on an external drive.

MacBook Pro, Photographs

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Mac :: Replace New MacBook Air High Resolution Screen With A Lower Resolution?

Nov 16, 2010

1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Antiglare - High Resolution Or Normal Resolution?

Apr 29, 2010

It is clear there are people who love their high-res antiglare display; the ability to have more pallets open in Photoshop, see more of what you are doing in Logic. However, there is a fair few of us who dislike the high-res because of decreased fonts, smaller graphical interface things.if you had the choice to go for a high-res or normal res antiglare 15", what would you go for?

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MacBook Pro :1680x1050 Resolution Can Be Done On Standard Resolution Screen?

May 5, 2010

i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this

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MacBook Pro :: Gaming - High Resolution Vs. Standard Resolution

May 6, 2010

Who has actually played games on BOTH the 2010 high res and standard res macbook pros?Reading through that gaming benchmark thread isn't much of an indicator as most people don't post their resolution and if they have they have only played on one or the other.Im trying to get a better indicator on the performance difference with newer games. Are we talking 2-6 fps drop or 10-20 or more?

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Mac :: MBP 15'' Mid 2010 High Resolution Using 1440x900 Resolution Appearence

Jun 10, 2010

For those who would like to try adapt to hi-res screen of the 15'' but the not sure if they can, if they can't adapt to the hi-res, it's possible to set the resolution to 1440x900 with no appearence differences from the standard res screens?So the appearence and quality of the hi-res screen set to 1440x900 is the same of the standard res screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Use Custom Resolution For Tv / Best Resolution For An LCD HDTV?

Aug 17, 2010

So i'm trying to figure out the best resolution for using my macbook pro in clamshell mode. I think ever since i installed snow leopard the new resolution choices i have are not longer pixel x pixel, but actual TV resolutions, such as 1080i, 720p, 420p. In the past I've used SwitchResX to do custom resolutions for my tv but that dosnt seem to work anymore.

I'm trying to find a resolution where text is easy to read. 1080i looks pretty but text is extremely small. 720p the text is larger and easy to see but is very fuzzy and not easy on the eyes. I guess this has something to do with the pixels on a tv being farther apart than that of a computer monitor. It's a 32" LCD TV. I'm using a DVI to HDMI cable (Non-Unibody Macbook Pro).

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MacBook Pro :: Comparison Pics Of High Resolution Glossy And Standard Resolution Glossy?

Oct 4, 2010

1) Having a difficult time finding anything good on this. Anyone got direct comparison pics between the two on the 15"?2) Also how much brighter are the mid-2010 15" displays compared with the late-08 15" displays? IIRC the 2009 screens got a wider color gamut and more brightness than the original unibody screens.

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MacBook Pro :: Merged High Resolution Glossy Or High Resolution Antiglare?

Apr 14, 2010

How does the Antiglare screen look? Does it look cheap and flimsy like the matte screens on the pc laptops?This is my first Mac and i'm looking at going all out and getting the top of the line 15". I know I definitely want the HD screen, i'm just not sure which screen looks better. What about a 5400 vs 7200 rpm hdd? Is this upgrade worth it?

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OS X :: Webpage Not Loading?

Oct 20, 2010

I have recently switched most of the company I work for from PC to Mac. I have been having reports that [URL] will not load most of the time and when it does there are no graphics.

I have checked this on three different machines all with 10.6.4 using Safari, Chrome, and FireFox (one 27" iMac, one new mini, and one 15" MBP). They all act the same. Either the site times out and is not loaded at all or it loads in really large blue fonts that are all squished to the left of the browser window. The main thing these machines have in common is that they all have Parallels installed with Windows 7 installed. Two have Parallels v5 and the iMac has v6.

Initially I thought it was our ISP, BUT if you try it on any other mac that does not have parallels installed the site works fine in all three browsers. Also if you launch a browser in windows inside Parallels the site loads up correctly.

All other sites that are visited seem to be working fine on these same machines.

I have checked DNS and all seems well. All machines on the network (PC and Mac) are using the same DNS servers. All PC's work fine regardless of the browser used.

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OS X :: How To I Refresh A Webpage

Nov 7, 2007

How to I refresh a webpage? I know in Windows it is one of the F keys.

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OS X :: How To Widen The Webpage

Nov 2, 2009

I have just started using Rapidweaver and it seems quite good, but I am trying to widen the web page as the default setting is 500 and I would prefer it to be almost full screen?

I have tried doing to the page editor and changing the settings but when you look at the preview half the site just disappears. The actual size of the border does not seem to change.

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OS X :: Saving Webpage As .pdf?

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to save some information from a webpage as a pdf. Usually this works for me but i am having problems. When i open the pdf file the sides are cut off. How can this be avoided?

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Applications :: How To Set Webpage As Wallpaper

Dec 5, 2010

I came across this site [URL] and thought it'd be nice as a christmas wallpaper. You have to click on "Let it Snow" to start the animation.

I'm guessing I need extra software.

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OS X :: How To Save A Webpage To The Dock

Aug 19, 2009

This may sound like a newbie question but I've searched all over and couldn't find a thing. I'm starting to think it isn't possible to do so? Maybe someone here will come along and prove me wrong.

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OS X :: Removing A Webpage From Dashboard?

Apr 10, 2010

How do I remove a webpage (not a widget) from dashboard? I accidently added/saved a webpage to dashboard awhile ago, and don't remember what I did or how to undo it.

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OS X :: Webpage Redirecting To Myspace?

Jun 28, 2010

About 70 percent of the links I go to on google redirect me to myspace, which I don't even use or have a account.It has a message that says:"Oops, we couldn?t locate the page you are looking for.Here are a few things you can try:Search for what you're looking for in the box to the rightCheck out the links listed below
Login to MySpace to take advantages of special features"

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Safari :: Can't Open A Webpage In It

May 9, 2012

I can't see the address bar in safari....I am new to Mac and

Info:Mac Pro

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Intel Mac :: How To Create A Webpage On It

May 18, 2012

I am wanting to create a web site on my computer.  I heard it is so easy on a mac!  I can't find the app needed for this.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Safari :: It Cannot Load A Webpage

May 19, 2012

For some reason only fire fox browser is working on my mac... Safari will not load a webpage

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IMac PPC :: Can't Open A Webpage

May 25, 2012

I use the webpage in question frequently - all other pages and email use ok. No problem with site - other sources confirm they can open it.  Have cleared caches etc


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