MacBook Pro :: Use It For Editing Photographs In Conservatory?

Feb 27, 2012

I want to use my Mac fro editing photographs in my conservatory but the glare is too much, has anyone found a good solution for this?


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MacBook Pro :: How Does One Recover Lost Photographs On The Computer

Jul 4, 2012

How does one recover lost photographs on the computer?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Copying Photographs To External Hard Drive - Unable To Render File For Export

Dec 9, 2014

I've bought a Seagate External Hard Drive, and want to copy my photos from the Macbook Pro to it. Every time I try and copy them, a message appears 'Unable to render file for export' followed by the drive details and a string of numbers. How I should be copying them? I've already accidentally deleted and appear to have permanently lost photos from iCloud, which is why I want a spare copy on an external drive.

MacBook Pro, Photographs

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Applications :: Not Picking Up Faces In Photographs For To Tag

Jan 27, 2009

I just installed iLife '09 and had it go through my image library. It didn't pick up a single face of anyone in any photograph. Does anybody else have this problem? (I'm not saying that it doesn't tell me who is who, obviously that needs to be added by me. It just is not picking up faces in photographs for me to tag. Even as I tag faces myself, the 'other photos this person may be in' isn't picking any up).

Also, 'Places' seems rather awkward right now. My hometown is (according to iPhoto) called 'Biglis', even though it is clearly marked as 'Barry' in Google earth (which is correct). Incase anyone is wondering, I'm using an iPhone. My problem is NOT that my library isn't automatically geo-tagged, but that the photos that are geo-tagged have the pin in the right place, but the locations name is 110% wrong). Again, anyone else have this problem? right now, these features are nice but a huge letdown for me.

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Software :: Webpage Photographs Have Bad Resolution - How To Fix It

Oct 23, 2009

I have a 24" iMac vintage 2008 or so (aluminum body). My problem is that photographs and fonts on websites, even when not stretched, display very poorly--lots of extra pixels, noise between font letters, etc. I have the system preference set to the finest (1920x1200) setting and almost the brightest setting, but the situation continues.

I know that some of this may be attributable to the size of the photo file originally uploaded by the site, but the lack of clarity even extends to little thumbnails, say 1" by 1", as on Facebook, that are still cloudy and fuzzy.

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Intel Mac :: Photographs Get Out Of Order After I Burn Them To A CD-R

Apr 4, 2012

Why do my photographs get out of order after I burn them to a CD-R?  They are in a folder in desktop and in order before I burn the CD.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Power Mac G5 :: Adding GPS Data To Digital Photographs

Dec 4, 2007

I want to add GPS data to my digital photographs. I was thinking of using the Sony GPS-CS1 with HoudahGeo. However, I've read that there seems to be a bug which means PPC machines can't recognize the Sony device, whereas Intel Macs can. Does anyone know if this bug has been fixed. Or can they recommend an alternative GPS logger which is available in the UK.

Daul G5 2 Ghz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
2 gigs memory, 250 gb hd

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Mac Mini :: Recommended Monitor - Use For Processing Photographs

Dec 28, 2010

Very new to all this but would love some advice on the best monitor to get for my Mac Mini. I dont play many games or Movies but would use it 99% of the time for processing photographs. My Mac Mini is a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo running Mac OS X version 10.6.5. Budget is around the �200 GBP mark.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keep Only Documents, Photographs And Videos In Backup?

May 9, 2012

I would like to keep only my documents, photographs and videos in my backup in Time Machine. What is the best way to set the exclusions in the Time Machine? It little complicated.

Time Machine

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Move All Photographs To External Hard Drive

Jun 29, 2014

I have a 1TB external hard drive , and I would like to know how to move all my photographs to it and use that file when opening my photos . I have conflicting issues ( but I think the process will be the same ) , I use Nikon , my wife prefers Canon , and i try not to use iPhoto (it's the worst piece of software I have had the misfortune to use ) now that my memory is sparse i want to put our photos (raw and jpeg) into the external hard drive and open it from the Mac ...

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MacBook Pro :: Fcp Editing On I7 Mcb?

Sep 15, 2010

Has anyone had any experience editing uncompressed SD and prores HQ files in fcp on one of the new i7 mcp?

Also how does color and motion run on it?

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Laptops :: What Video Editing HDD RPM For A Macbook Pro I5

Nov 8, 2010

i am going to buy the new macbook pro with the i5 card and I was wondering what would be the best option for me because i will use the laptop more often for graphic design then for video editing.

1. to get the macbook with 5400rpm hd, this way my laptop wont over-heat and will be sufficient for graphic softwares such as photoshop. when i will want to use the laptop for video editing i will hook it to a portable hd through firewire cable for maximum data transference speed.

2. other option is to get the 7200rpm hd, but i'm afraid for the well being of my laptop because it will already get quite hot with the fast i5 processor. and the great graphic card.

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MacBook Pro :: Editing Images Colours?

Aug 31, 2010

I know how to change the look of the picture in "ISIGHT", but how can I put color back in certain parts of the picture. A friend helped me with a picture, and I liked it, I would like to add more color to it? Is there a pre-installed app already on any MB or MBP that is almost 2 years old. (16 months old according to coconut battery.) I'm going to keep trying on my own. I might already know, I've never tried to use photo booth on the picture yet. So if I am wrong, let me know what I need to use.

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MacBook Air :: Video Editing With IMovie?

Nov 5, 2010

Has anyone tried this with the 4gb version on the 13". What will slow these things down, or what can you not do? Streaming HD video? Does anyone seeing the memory being an issue in the future?

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OS X :: Is There A Picture Editing Program On My Macbook?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm a mac noob. But is there a picture editing program. I know there's iphoto but is there anything that's similar to like... paint on windows. I don't need anything complex like photoshop. I just want to be able to like draw an X on a map or easily edit it for printing.

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MacBook Pro :: Editing Video On 15"?

Jul 5, 2009

I've noticed from some other threads that the 17" MBP is the way to go for video editing but I'm getting a good deal on a 15" MBP. I'm going to use mainly for editing video using Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

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MacBook Pro :: Editing Pictures/videos?

Oct 4, 2009

I am currently attending college for motion picture/video editing and am at a stand still on what laptop I should purchase since my old one from 2006(HP) just doesn't cut it for HD video editing.

My main question is will I be able to edit HD video(720p,1080p) smoothly without many hitches on the new macbook pros?

I would be using the new final cut studios and be getting the 3.06ghrz, 4gigddr3 ram macbook pro.

Everything was good to go, but then I saw a sale for an HP laptop that had nvidia 130m graphics card, 4 gigs ram, and a 2.0ghrz core 2 quad processor.

The price of the hp with those specs was about $500 cheaper and if I wanted to up the ramm to 8 gigs and give it a 3.06ghrz core 2 duo processor, it would have been roughly the same amount.

Some drawbacks from getting the hp would be my inability to use final cut so I would need to get Adobe CS4 instead.

I would only be using my MBP for video editing/mac apps/diablo 3(when it releases), so would all that extra power on the HP be necessary?

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MacBook Pro :: One Screen Better Than The Other For Photo Editing?

Apr 14, 2010

Is one screen better than the other for photo editing?

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Choose A Macbook Pro For Music Editing

Feb 20, 2012

so ive just started TAFE/college doing sound production and i can't decide if i should get the high end 13" 2.7GHz i7 MBP or the low end 15" 2.0GHz i7. both refurbished. or if i need one at all? my current pc is abit old and i would like a new computer to run either logic or cubase depending what i end up with (pc/mac) so i can do music edits and mixing (maybe with visuals) for TAFE and possibly for my future career, i also plan to do home recordings when i can get the equipment. Nothing too fancy just basic home recordings. I can afford the 15" but wuld i be better off getting ther 13" and saving the money to buy the recording equipment i.e interface, cond mic.


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MacBook Pro :: Editing Audio (AAV) Files Mac OS X?

Apr 5, 2012

What's the recommended way to edit/cut a segment of an AAC audio file (Mac OS X, MacBook Pro), so that I can create a separate AAC file that contains just a segment of the original audio file?

iMac 2.4GHz,, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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MacBook Pro :: What Is The Best Video Editing Software

May 4, 2012

What is the best video editing software on a Mac? I have heard that the two popular ones are Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. Which one is better, why and how much is it. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Editing IPhoto Videos In IMovie On MBP?

Nov 16, 2010

I used my iPhone 4 to record some video taken over a vacation in hopes of making a movie whenever I could. Today, I imported my videos from my iPhone into my Macbook Pro using iPhoto, and then iMovie automatically synced the videos just placed in iPhoto
First of all, I posted the exact same topic in the "Digital Media" section, however it's been about two weeks since, and I've received no response due to the section's user traffic, or lack thereof.

Now, my problem is that I recorded about 5-6 hours of footage and iMovie has it all in one location called "iPhoto Videos." Furthermore, whenever I click into that location (folder), iMovie lags ridiculously it's very hard for me to navigate between the various days as it's all compiled into one location/folder.

Also, I'd like to mention that I've made movies before, however they were neatly organized by date as I was able to import the footage straight to iMovie instead of iPhoto (using a digital camera with a video recording feature).

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MacBook Pro :: How Can I Do Video Editing On My 2010 MBP 13"

Dec 18, 2010

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 2010 MBP 15 with i7 2.8, 8GB ram and SSD!
BUT, the most I do is convert DVD TO .VOG OR .M4V. Once I get the movie to a very HQ I than import the movie to iMovie to edit the scenes I don't like or want.
So, I'm wondering if I made the wrong choice here and spent to much money for my needs.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Powerful Enough For AVCHD And RAW Editing?

Sep 22, 2009

I've had conflicting answers on this at the Apple Store today so I'd like to ask the question on here again. I would like to use a Mac for work and consequently would prefer the greater portability of the 13" model (plus it fits in my Tumi bag and the 15" doesn't).

However, at home the computer will be used for editing of AVCHD hi def movies which will be burnt to blu-ray. I will also use the computer for editing of 15mp RAW files from my dSLR camera. The computer will be attached to a 24" dell monitor so screen real estate is not an issue.

I want to emphasise that the video and photo editing are _not_ work related and are for my personal pleasure only (hobby).

Is the 13" up to the job? The lack of a discrete gpu is my main concern. One of the guys at the genius bar told me that without the discrete gpu Aperture 2 can really start to slow down and its quite annoying.

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MacBook Pro :: Video Editing - Able To Handle HD Footage?

May 21, 2010

After purchasing my MBP 13 inch 2.4 ghz, I'm going to buy a dSLR. A Canon 550d (aka T2i). Will my laptop be able to handle the HD footage?

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MacBook Pro :: Large Screen For Editing Photos With 15'?

Jun 3, 2010

a large screen monitor (21 or 24') to use with my mac pro 15' for editing photo's? I am a photographer..i looked at Imac - looks great but glossy screen and i read not best for photo editing for this reason and color calibration...

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MacBook Pro :: Getting A Simple Photo Editing Program?

Apr 1, 2012

getting a simple photo editing program I can use on my Macbook Pro?

Mac Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Going From IMac To Retina For Video Editing?

Jun 21, 2012

I've been using a pretty high specced iMac for video editing for a couple of monthes;Current model 21.5 - 2.8ghz with i7 processor250GB SSD16GB RAMI also run off a second 24inch monitor My main workflow is Premiere Pro 5.5 for editing, After Effects 5.5 for compositing and effects and Da Vinci Resolve 8 for grading. I push the software reasonably hard (footage doesnt stray above full HD res so far though, I use 5D mk2 video footage 99% of the time) and I've been super happy with how the iMac keeps up. 

The general work that the iMac has to chew through is - big Premiere Pro projects with a reasonable amount of dynamic linking with AE. After Effects is used for mostly compositing with quite a lot of visual effects. Resolve is used for grading with a lot of 3D tracking, noise reduction and normal grading stuff - same as the others...quite intensive). 

However..... I have no portable computer and not enough money to invest in a decent one in addition to the iMac. I don't go a week where having a good MBP wouldn't have been a massive help. I'm not a massive geek when it comes to macs. I appreciate that the iMac is a desktop and should outperform any laptop but there are loads of things on the MBP retina that seem to level the field. I'd look at the following spec; 2.3GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz16GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM256GB Flash Storage 

As far as I see the MBP has;the better USB3 sockets (a godsend when you have 64 gigs of footage to download).More thunderbolt sockets (I could use two external monitors).Faster RAM (1600mhz against 1333mhz).Better screen res (although I have some questions on that).More graphics RAM (1GB against 512mb) 

So thats a lot of things that look better. Im not worried about the small 256mb HD as only the footage Im currently using will be on the MBP's HD itself. 

So my questions are as follows; How should the two units stack up against eachother performance wise when being given quite intensive tasks from Premiere Pro, After Effects and Resolve (the MBP just simply being a notebook.....the MBP having faster RAM....the iMac having a faster processor etc)?How should the graphics compare (the iMac having a 6775 chip with 512 memory and the MBP having a 4000 chip with 1GB memory)?How should the screens compare. The MBP obviously has a massive PPI boost the colour balancing meant to be good enough. So far I've been more than happy to use the iMac for colour grading).Am I asking too much of the MBP to run two extra monitors when at home...?Am I just being stupid getting rid of a desktop for a notebook as my main working computer...? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Need Highest Spec For Video Editing?

Jun 22, 2012

I am moving from a PC to a mac for the sake of video editing and using Final Cut. I'm debating on the models so could do with your personal suggestions.For general high def video editing ( non professional ) would I be fine with a 13" MacBook Pro 2.9 or would I regret it and should I invest in a full on retina model and make use of the solid state drive speed?Basically would video editing on the old version be sluggish or would the retina just be overkill for what's want. I don't intend to upgrade every year so ideally I'd want it to last me a good 3-5 years. Note that it will mostly be plugged into a big monitor so screen size is not a big deal.


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MacBook :: Output To My HDTV For Photo/video Editing?

Dec 11, 2008

so since im getting this new MBP, i wanted to ask... is there such as thing as mini display port to HDMI so i can output to my HDTV for photo/video editing?

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