Software :: Unable To Browse Network - Workgroup Name Changes To Default
May 16, 2008
I am using my mac powerbook G4, OS X VERSION 10.4.11 in a windows workgroup environment. All was working well and I was able to see all the windows PCs in the workgroup "CCIL" and access their shares. On checking I noticed that the workgroup name IN THE DIRECTORY ACCESS UTILITY was set back to the default entry "workgroup". I changed this back to "CCIL".
I am still not able to see any PCs on the network and the Network icon in Finder is not effective any more.Unable to understand this problem.How do I debug?
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Nov 17, 2009
So on my Mac Pro, when I get into my NAS (linux based), the files take like 3 seconds to actually appear in the window after I click on the share. On my Windows 7 machine, that is next to the mac, on the same switch, takes not even a second, it's instant. I have always had an issue that the Mac is slow when browsing network shares. Even if it's another Mac.
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Jun 24, 2012
I have a weird problem when i try to connect to the internet with my MBP. I run on Lion (10.7.4) and it the problem appeared a few days ago, internet was working before. So here's the deal : Airport is working fine, and when I check my network settings and ask for a diagnostic, the assistant tells me i AM connected to the internet and claims it works alright. But when I open Safari or Chrome, I can't go on any site, because each time it says the operation timed out. My family has others computers connected to the same modem and they all have a working connection.
I tried entering manually the address to check if it was a simple DNS problem but it isn't. I tried restarting the modem and my computer, turning Airport on and off, deleting all the network datas my computer had saved to set up this network as a new one, adding a new location, renewing the DHCP lease.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 21, 2010
Is there any way I can safely browse the internet on my Mac using an unsecured wireless network? I know people do it all the time now and I'm wondering if there are any precautions I can take like when I'm paying bills for buying something online with my credit card?
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a macbook aluminum 2.4 ghz processor. I bought the mac in March, and the wireless has always worked fine. I came to school in september and we had to connect to the schools wireless and for the first 3 weeks it worked fine. Now everytime I try to connect it will say im connected but give me the self assigned Ip address stuff. Now I can connect and it sais I'm connected and I can go to my main schools webpage and browse on that but when I try to go to a website such as google it will say it is connecting to the Cisco authentication page that we have to sign into like once a week and it will stop trying to connect to that page and safari sais it can't connect to the internet.
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Apr 8, 2012
I work IT and recently switched a user from a PC laptop to a 13" MBP.
When at home our users connect to our VPN in order to access particular work websites. For some reason though this user is unable to browse to one particular work site from her MacBook. When she types in the address she gets taken to a generic D-Link page saying that the web address cannot be found.Â
I know she's connected to our VPN when trying on the Macbook because she sent me a screen cap of our intranet site. But for some reason the MacBook and her dlink router are just not getting along. Â
The reason I say this is for two reasons...
1) I gave her back her old PC laptop to test, just got an email from her saying she was able to access the site with no problem.
2) I took her MacBook home with me this weekend, fired up the VPN and successfully browsed to the site. I currently have like 200 other Mac users and none of them have had this issue.Â
Is ther anything in OSX 10.6.8 that can be set to allow or limit router traffic? Since the PC has no problems accessing the site I have to assume that it's a setting on the Mac.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 13, 2010
When I set parental controls to automatically prevent access to adult web content, it also seems to be causing a problem with access to gmail, ebay, and some other websites. However, instead of getting the "oops!" message you get when you try to access an adult website, the page says, "Failed to open page. Safari can't find the server." When I change parental controls to allow all web content, the problem goes away. When I change it back, it comes back, so I'm sure it's the parental control setting.
I've already tried adding ebay, gmail, etc, to the list of allowed websites in parental controls, but it has not worked. How can I fix this problem?
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Apr 6, 2009
So to preface my problem let me just say that ive got my own macbook which works on the same wireless network with no faults at all, so i assume its not an error with the networking hardware. For xmas i bought my parents a macbook, recently (not sure how recently as theyve only just told me its happening) they can be browsing the web then all of a sudden the internet takes ages to load, it stalls on 'trying to connect' for a long time (40+ for each web page).
Ive tried using firefox and the same thing happens so it looks like its not safari specific, during this time i cannot ping through a terminal either or if i can the response time is unbelievably slow. Now, ive tried disabling ipv6, ive set the dns servers to opendns and none of this has fixed it. if i click on the airport utility and turn it off and the back on it fixes the problem for a short period of time before it happens again.
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Aug 11, 2009
When I moved in there was a USB ADSL modem so I replaced it with a Belkin 54g modem router. I followed the belkin set-up cd and have a network up and running. Initially I could connect and browse wirelessly without problems. Then I got a few "timeouts" when trying to connect, that seemed to go away but now I connect with the password, full signal shows for a couple of seconds then it seems to disconnect and I can't browse wirelessly. All through this there have been no internet problems if I go 'wired' with the ethernet cable.
Is there anything I can try? When attempting to use wirelessly I've been in the same room as the router, no more than a couple of meters away. Is it a problem of G routers instead of having N?
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Jul 22, 2010
i have an imac 21' with OS 10.5 leopard and all the updates installed and everything is supposed to be running smoothly.and i use the iStat pro to track everything. a week ago, i noticed something really strange. something is downloading on my computer and eating all the bandwidth to the extent i can't even browse the internet. i quit all the programs running but still it was not faltering. the only thing that seemed to work is to turn off airport and turning it on again, is there any other way to know what is doing that to me and how to stop it. i read somewhere about littlesnitch but it did not help me. any suggesstions on what does this and how to manage it?
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Apr 15, 2012
On my Macbook pro i can connect and browse the internet at home but when i connect to another wifi network i can't browse even tho i am connected to the network. I think it may be a little setting that I changed by accident..
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Dec 11, 2009
My neighbor has an IMac with OS 10.4.11 installed. When I open System Preferences and select the Network icon, the Network window comes up but it is overlayed with a message that states: "Your network settings have been changed by another application." When I click OK, this same overlaid window comes back.
The only way I can get out of System Preferences at this point is to do a Force Quit. In other words, because this overlaid window appears, I am unable to access the Network window to look at TCP/IP settings, make changes, etc.
Next I went into System/Library/Preference Panes/Network.prefPane(more info) to look at the application that appeared in the "Open with" field. It stated "System Preference." I replaced this with a new "System Preferences from the Applications Folder, but the same thing happened - even after I rebooted the computer.
Please let me know how to solve this problem so I can access the Network System Preferences properly.
Thank you.
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Dec 5, 2006
I have a home network running 3 PC's(with XP) and 2 Macs (with Tiger OS X 10.4.8). Mysteriously one of my Macs(MacMini) refuses to show a Network icon in the Finder sidebar? I have used the Go > Network menu to try to get a Network icon, but this does work. Yesterday I did a scheduled Mac OS system update, and it seems that since then I have not been able to see/get a Network icon in my Finder.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? PS - I am able to use the old 'GO > Connect to Computer' method, then type in the smb://myOfficePc, and access shared files on other PCs on the network. So networking is configured properly on this MacMini.
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Jan 11, 2009
I am recently bought my mother a macbook and everything has been going great except for one thing. Everytime we turn it on I notice that we are on another wireless network that isn't hers. I looked in the Internet Network System Preferences but I couldn't find anything. How to change the default wireless network in Mac OS X.
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Sep 14, 2009
Today the IT department at my university set up my Early 2008 MBP to work with the library WiFi. While doing this they completely messed up my airport settings so now I cannot connect to my home network. Is there anyway I can reset the network settings to default like they way they were before? I am running Snow Leopard.
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Mar 20, 2009
What are the steps needed to set the OS X Network Settings to the way they were when the computer was new? I want all the locations and settings I currently have removed and I want it the way it was. I am using OS X 10.5.6 Leopard.
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Dec 31, 2010
I have Alltel Mobile Broadband. Up until the other day, it's been working fine. I'd set up a network on my macbook after connecting to the Alltel network, then I'd enable internet sharing. Then my iPod Touch, iPad, etc would all be able to go online.
The past couple days, however, the connection just won't share.Anyone have any idea what could be doing this and how to fix it?
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Aug 7, 2010
I've searched everywhere and have one nagging issue. After I uninstalled Parallels I keep getting two Parallels Virtual Network Connections under Network in System Preferences. It happens every time I restart, I have to redeleate them. Has anyone had this problem after uninstalling Parallels?
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Mar 11, 2008
Tried googling this with no luck. I'm new to the mac/laptop world. My new mac keeps picking my neighbor's network over mine. It (obviously) fails to connect to the neighbors router coz password is required. I then have to scroll down a list of networks and instruct my computer to connect to my router. Is there a way to simplify my life...
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Sep 8, 2014
When I added a network drive (Ethernet) to my system, my Mac asks for a 'registered user' password. Since I haven't set up a password how do I get access? I have the option of logging in as a guest but does this limit what I can do?
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Aug 7, 2008
Have installed HP 3500 printer driver on iMac, but can't get iMac to recognize that the printer exists so I can select it as my default printer
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Jan 31, 2010
Have installed HP 3500 printer driver on iMac, but can't get iMac to recognize that the printer exists so I can select it as my default printer
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Jun 30, 2009
I recently purchased a 15" MBP which is replacing an old PB G4. I used the PB at home and at the office and it performed brilliantly. I thought the transition to the new MBP would be seamless and it has been, save for one major issue. I cannot connect to my office server. In the past I simply brought my PB in, connected the ethernet cable in, clicked on "Network" and my office servers would appear in the Finder. When I tried the same thing with the MBP, I clicked on (my name)'s MacBook Pro>Network only to see a small icon of an Airport Extreme Base.
When I clicked on this it pointed me back to my HDD at my home which is plugged into the AEBS. That's all well and good and I love the ability to read my HDD at home from my desk at work but that's all that clicking on "Network" makes available to me. I have tried manually connecting though Finder>Connect to Server>Browse to no avail. Has Leopard made this so simple that I am overlooking a simple step or is it so complicated now that I need to bring in the IT professionals?
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Dec 17, 2008
I've read is related to 10.4 or before and it appears there's some differences in menu options so I'm not putting two-and-two together. Just bought myself a new unibody macbook for x-mas. So the deal is I'm having trouble getting it to see and recognize my windows workgroup home network. I see tips on enabling windows networking or smb or other stuff but i can't seem to find those options in 10.5.5 (now updated to 10.5.6). If there's a manual or reference document specific to 10.5.5/.6 that's available.
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Aug 12, 2010
I have been trying to find out how to do this for a while and can't seem to get it right. I just got my brand new beautiful MBP, but am also new to Macs in general. I want to transfer my files from my PC to my MBP through wifi, but I can't figure out how to get the MBP added to my workgroup so that my PC laptop can see my MBP. Right now I'm on the network, but my Mac cannot see any other computers connected to it.
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Apr 1, 2010
Anyone know how to set Finder Window to default size ? I tried looking and cannot find anything about it.
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Dec 30, 2010
i have a machine in a workgroup called 21. the machine name is icey.i have a domain called avery. i am able to access files on the domain from icey but when i try to connect to a printer it says i dont have sufficient access. the printer in question is a resource on a machine called marble. and the printer itself is called new_printer and yes its being shared. actually i cannot connect to any printers on the domain from icey.
everyone on the domain can access the all printers however no one from 21 can connect to it. it was necessary for me to build 21 but it is still important for 21 to be able to use avery resources. is there any way i can get this to connect?
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Apr 10, 2012
I'm trying to connect to a 10.5 server from a 10.7 machine with Workgroup Manager.
After a long timeout, I'm getting the message, "An error of type -14910 occurred." I can connect fine from a 10.6 machine with Workgroup Manager.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 15, 2012
I have macbook pro with os x lion and I am trying to connect my mac to the existing network. all i really care is to be able to access files from my existing pc's.All my computers are on workgroup called HOME and I want to change that from WORKGROUP that is the defaul setting in mac. However after I change it, it automatically goes back to WORKGROUP.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2009
I want to access 2 shared printers on my network. 1 is shared VIA a Win XP machine, the other is a network printer. I'm trying to join my XP workgroup but cant for the life of me figure it out. I go to the network folder and it's completely empty - sit there for 30 secs and nothing loads. I found some tutorials that said I need to go to finder > apps > utilities > directory access Problem is, I dont see anything called directory access ANYWHERE on my mac. Can you guys help me? Windows machine is running XP Mac is running Snow Leopard Tried manually typing in the workgroup name in advanced network prefs on Mac - didn't seem to do anything.
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