I have been trying to find out how to do this for a while and can't seem to get it right. I just got my brand new beautiful MBP, but am also new to Macs in general. I want to transfer my files from my PC to my MBP through wifi, but I can't figure out how to get the MBP added to my workgroup so that my PC laptop can see my MBP. Right now I'm on the network, but my Mac cannot see any other computers connected to it.
I've read is related to 10.4 or before and it appears there's some differences in menu options so I'm not putting two-and-two together. Just bought myself a new unibody macbook for x-mas. So the deal is I'm having trouble getting it to see and recognize my windows workgroup home network. I see tips on enabling windows networking or smb or other stuff but i can't seem to find those options in 10.5.5 (now updated to 10.5.6). If there's a manual or reference document specific to 10.5.5/.6 that's available.
i have a machine in a workgroup called 21. the machine name is icey.i have a domain called avery. i am able to access files on the domain from icey but when i try to connect to a printer it says i dont have sufficient access. the printer in question is a resource on a machine called marble. and the printer itself is called new_printer and yes its being shared. actually i cannot connect to any printers on the domain from icey.
everyone on the domain can access the all printers however no one from 21 can connect to it. it was necessary for me to build 21 but it is still important for 21 to be able to use avery resources. is there any way i can get this to connect?
I want to access 2 shared printers on my network. 1 is shared VIA a Win XP machine, the other is a network printer. I'm trying to join my XP workgroup but cant for the life of me figure it out. I go to the network folder and it's completely empty - sit there for 30 secs and nothing loads. I found some tutorials that said I need to go to finder > apps > utilities > directory access Problem is, I dont see anything called directory access ANYWHERE on my mac. Can you guys help me? Windows machine is running XP Mac is running Snow Leopard Tried manually typing in the workgroup name in advanced network prefs on Mac - didn't seem to do anything.
I currently have 2 Partitions. One of them is of the Mac OSX And one of the Windows 7 through Boot Camp. Now i've been wondering if it's possible and how, To add more space to my Windows 7 Boot camp partition.
I have a Mac, which I love deal, but the evil people at the MBA program I will be attending next year are dead set on me having a PC (They have a "special deal with Dell" that isn't a deal). The compromise is that I can just add Windows to my Mac. I know that this is possible through Parallel, but am really concerned about performance issues and viruses. I have the entry level computer, not the Pro, so I'm very concerned about this proposition. I'm hoping to fight them on this issue, so I'm really looking for your adding Windows to an entry level Mac horror stories.
I recently purchased a 15" MBP which is replacing an old PB G4. I used the PB at home and at the office and it performed brilliantly. I thought the transition to the new MBP would be seamless and it has been, save for one major issue. I cannot connect to my office server. In the past I simply brought my PB in, connected the ethernet cable in, clicked on "Network" and my office servers would appear in the Finder. When I tried the same thing with the MBP, I clicked on (my name)'s MacBook Pro>Network only to see a small icon of an Airport Extreme Base.
When I clicked on this it pointed me back to my HDD at my home which is plugged into the AEBS. That's all well and good and I love the ability to read my HDD at home from my desk at work but that's all that clicking on "Network" makes available to me. I have tried manually connecting though Finder>Connect to Server>Browse to no avail. Has Leopard made this so simple that I am overlooking a simple step or is it so complicated now that I need to bring in the IT professionals?
I just bought a MacBook Pro and while I love somethings about it, I miss being able to use some windows functions. What are the problems with adding Windows to it? I have time to return it and go back to a PC but I think if it had the other operating system as well I would love it..seems like a lot of money though to keep it if I am running windows on it..
First time Mac owner here! Purchased an iMac last week and love it. Have been a Windows guy all my life until now. Having trouble adding my Windows networked printer. So I downloaded the print driver from here and ran the installer. Then I connected to the networked printer I have and selected a driver from the drop down box, not sure if its the one that was installed or not. Tried printing a test page, no such luck.
I have a HP OfficeJet 5610 printer connected via USB to my Windows XP computer, this printer is shared over our wireless network, I know this because my old laptop running Windows Vista could print to it, the Windows XP computer just had to be turned on. How do I add this printer to my mac?
I have macbook pro with os x lion and I am trying to connect my mac to the existing network. all i really care is to be able to access files from my existing pc's.All my computers are on workgroup called HOME and I want to change that from WORKGROUP that is the defaul setting in mac. However after I change it, it automatically goes back to WORKGROUP.
Im running snow leopard (10.6) and running Workgroup Manager from the 10.6 admin pack. Im trying to set up mobile accounts but when i try to save the settings i get " Error while saving record, The directory system schema does not support storing Managed Desktop settings." The mac is binded to AD and im logging in as a AD user. Do i really need to extend the Schema on the network? or is there a work around?
We are a school and recently just added a few students so they can log in with their own user name. When the new students try to log in they get this message "You are unable to log in to the user account "user name". Logging in failed because an error occurred. The home folder for the user account is located on a AFP or a SMB server."I logged on Workgroup Manager and it shows every student and teacher has their home folder on the AFP server. And they all look set up the same. I do not know what the problem is or how to fix it!
I run a windows XP workgroup network in my office and plan to use a mac mini as a file server, coupled with a Time Capsule to use as back up and to provide wifi access to several PC laptops. My question is, will the Time Capsule allow the PC laptops wireless access shared files and printers hosted by other PCs in the workgroup, as opposed to printers connected to the Mac Mini/Time Capsule?
I am using my mac powerbook G4, OS X VERSION 10.4.11 in a windows workgroup environment. All was working well and I was able to see all the windows PCs in the workgroup "CCIL" and access their shares. On checking I noticed that the workgroup name IN THE DIRECTORY ACCESS UTILITY was set back to the default entry "workgroup". I changed this back to "CCIL".
I am still not able to see any PCs on the network and the Network icon in Finder is not effective any more.Unable to understand this problem.How do I debug?
I am setting up OS X Server (Advanced configuration) on a Mac mini. At some time I added a group and then deleted it. I now wish to add this group again and the Workgroup Manager GUI claims that the Name and Group ID already exists although I seem to be able to re-use the Short Name. Also if I try to add group permissions to a shared folder using Server Admin this Group Name/Group ID appear in the list of groups. How can I tidy this up? Another �variation� of this occurs when I create a shared folder. This also appears as a group when adding group permissions, but not in Workgroup Manager. Why should this be?
I'm just setting up a new Mac Mini (5,3) Server but I can't find 'Workgroup Manager' installed, only the 'Server' app. Is this the difference between the Mac Mini and a 'real' server?
The server app seems to do most things but I want to create all the user accounts with a pre set password but force each user to create their own password on first login, I can't seem to find this option in the 'Server' app. I can do this in Workgroup Manager on my old 10.4 server that's being replaced.
I'm trying to setup our xserve so our clients will authenticate against AD but have their prefs managed by OSX Server. So far I've got the clients logging on ok,group folders mount nicely and I can see AD users and groups from workgroup manager. But when I try to add a home directory for an AD user I get - 'Got unexpected error Error of type -14140 on line 1127 of PMMUGMainView.mm'. I get the same if I try to create a new active directory user so it looks like workgroup manager is having problems writing to the active directory.
Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).
When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access.
As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint).
Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.
I can't find any useful info on this. Everytime I try to do a backup of a client machine using Retrospect 6.1 Workgroup on OS X Server, the server drops its TCP/IP connections. The only way I can get it back on the network is to reboot.Can anyone offer some advice on what I need to do to correct this? I need to get my client machines backed up, the sooner the better.The machine is a G4 1GHz DP that is only used as a FileMaker Server and for archive storage.
I have an early 2009 Mac Pro and I'm thinking of adding a new HD. Im a video editor and have already 75% of my space. My questions are.
1. How much will it cost and where is the best place to buy them?? 2. How difficult is it to install yourself? 3. Will it affect my previous hardrive? 4. How much more reliable are they than external HD's???
I'm about to order a new (17") MBP and obviously will take the 4Go model and add myself another extra 4Go. Can anyone recommend model/brand/site to order this? I'm living in Europe but site should be in the USA as i'm ordering it on the US AppleStore to have it (and the RAM as well) delivered to my friend's who lives in Pittsburgh and brings all back to me over here in May.
i have a late 2006 20'' imac that was handed down to me.according to apple official website,this imac can handle up to 3GB of ram(it came with 1GB as 2 512MB rams) can i install 4GB as 2 sticks with 2 gigs each? what kind of trouble might i face if i do so? and do you have any brand recommendations for the purchase of the new rams?
There is a big difference I would notice by adding more RAM to my machine. I use Photoshop, FCP, VMware (windows 7 and XP) and all the basic apps (itunes firefox etc). Haven't done much gaming but want to now that I have my MP. Would I notice a difference by adding 2 or 4 more GB in my 2 empty slots?
I got an HDD from a friend and its pretty faster than the one my Mac Pro has. What I want to do is, put all the system files, apps etc in that new HDD, but have my home folder on my old HDD which is bigger. How can I do that from software side? I am guessing it would cause problems to just move my home folder to another HDD.