Software :: Macbook Pro Showing Incorrect HD Volume?
Jul 24, 2008
I just noticed my available HD volume as approx 4 GB. This is strange because I usually have about 28 GB. I don't think I have done anything in the past few days which has loaded 24GB onto my harddisk.
Furthermore, everything is running just as smoothly/quickly as usual whereas any available space under 20GB would slow things down immensely.
Therefore I get the impression that the available HD space is not what it shows, and in fact, much more.
I have tried to 'check volume' in the help programme but this gives an error. Unfortunately the text is in Dutch but the error translates as : 'volume needs to be "corrected".
I am afraid to do this as I may erase my entire harddisk?
Is my Macbook Pro having a breakdown?
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Nov 8, 2009
I am pulling my hair since friday trying to get my MBP's time machine work with a 1TB drive connected to a early 2009 AEBS. First I spent half a day doing the first backup by connecting the hard drive directly to Mac using USB and later when I connected that drive to AEBS, time machine would not recognize the drive as the same one and I had to spend a good part of yesterday backing up my complete drive again.... and just when I thought I can rest easy knowing that my eternal dream of getting time machine work wirelessly, I saw time machine complain that there is not enough free space left to backup my paltry 103 GB worth of data on just second day.
Turns out, the Time machine backup volume (volume created by time machine on the AEBS disk) shows that the used space is 1TB.... but the size of the sparsebundle is only 103GB and my airport drive mount itself shows plenty of free space (800GB).... I have tried to search for similar problem, but I couldn't find much help... can anyone help me out here....
Btw, when I tried to repair the volume in disk utility, it says something about incorrect allocation blocks and then says it cannot repair and I need to backup and reformat the drive or something of that sort....
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Nov 22, 2009
I've got MacBook Unibody late 2008 and Snow Leopard. I've got an issue, becouse sometimes when I turn on my MB it shows on battery bar 0%, and when I look to the iStat Nano/coconut battery it shows that battery capacity is about 3%, sometimes I cannot turn on my MB, but it was fully charged a few minutes before, only if I connect AC Adapter and it starts also with this Service Battery. But after some restarts everything goes normal. Capacity is 100%, battery charge is same as before this issue (or a bit less, due those restarts etc...
Sorry for this chaotic explaination, but it's really annoying, I do not think that I should buy a new battery, becouse it has 166 cycles, so it is not so much to change battery (I don't think it's nothing, but of course it is not huge no. of cycles). I tried to restart SMC, calibrate - but it does nothing.
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Aug 10, 2009
I have my imac apart right now and replaced the internal HD as it was not working. I assume the problem is the new one is not formatted with OSX, so from the INSTALL CD I opened the disk utility and see only one drive called "MEDIA".? Or is that just part of the install dvd that looks like a HD? In the system it shows as not formatted, 0 bytes. When selected in Partition it says :
"This voume is the startup volume and cannot be erased. Size 7.1 GB The disk is not writable and cannot be partitioned"
So i guess thats not my new HD I am seeing? Other than that there is only the two OSX install CD icons.
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Mar 15, 2012
Eg '4' in 'Inbox' and '54' in 'Drafts' which are not actually there? This is on Macbook pro in 'Mail'.Iphone seems synced OK.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 24, 2012
Whenever I try to turn up my volume, a little circle with a line through it shows up and the volume wont work. I cant listen to my music any more!
MacBook, iOS 4, not so sure about the operating sys
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Jun 12, 2012
My IPad (1) keeps showing " user name or password incorrect" .I go to settings and all is okay ,I even deleted email account and reentered the info .How do I correct?
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Aug 31, 2014
When I use the F11, 12 buttons, the pages go away or the dashboard comes up. I've tried to change the settings but that didn't work either
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Feb 13, 2010
I have a Powerbook G4 running Panther OS 10.3.9 I don't receive the entire warning that was pictured in the prior thread ? RE: this [URL], just the Incorrect Valence (-61) from Tech Tools. Will the fix described for Tiger also work on my Panther 10.3.9 Powerbook? Also- can I upgrade to Leopard straight from Panther, or do I need to buy all of the newer versions to get there? (I'm hopin' to be able to have someone at the Apple store do that, as I don't have alot of $$ to upgrade...).
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Aug 1, 2010
It appears that either disk utility or finder are misreporting the free space available on my main partition. Finder indicates there's 33GB available and disk utility inidcates there's only 23GB available. Anyone know why there's a discrepancy? Which figure is the right one?Also I'm trying to resize the partition (to be smaller) but disk utility always errors out on my. I want to increase the size of my windows partition since i'm finding I need the space there more than I need it in OS X.
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Feb 5, 2012
My Macbook Pro is running slugishly. Sometimes I request a HELP dialog box and it never appears or it appears blank. Sometimes applications don't work. I went to Disk Repair and ran a VERIFY on disk permissions. There were a thousand of permissions that were not correct. Mostly they were from EPSON and from AIR PORT UTILITIES.Â
There was one warning:Â Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.Â
I installed Rosetta Stone recently. Most of the AIR PORT UTILITIES are language related (French, Spanish, English). Should I repair my permissions? I wouldn't want my printer or Rosetta Stone or something worse to stop working because I repaired my Hard Disk permissions.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Kingstons 32 Gig Thumb Drive
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a 2 year old macbook that just refuses to connect to my wifi, I also have 4 other apple devices that connect seamlessly. it registers the network, it joins the net work and then fails, I have had several different error messages as follows while re entering my password I get a dropdown box saying I have changed settings, this then sends me back to the preferences to start again. and then i get error message that my password is incorrect (I can confirm it is correct) I have also been to the genius bar, and we managed a connection for the duration of the visit ( a healthy reading too apparantly)they carried out a hardwear diagnoistics check and it was given a full bill of health. I was advised to insert the reinstallation disk and carry out a reinstall - I have done this and the problem is still there. Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5)
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Jun 25, 2014
In calendar, when I minimize it to the dock, the date is incorrect. It used to be today's date but is now stuck on June 17. I've restarted my Mac--no change.
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Oct 20, 2009
I have a Mac Pro and not too long ago I swapped from a fat, heavy and filthy white Apple Keyboard to a new skinny silver one. I like it, and also love that the F7-9 Skip Back-Pause/Play-Skip Forward keys work for iTunes, even when another app is active (what's the word I'm looking for - in focus or whatever). But I use Optical output, so the volume keys (F10-12) don't do anything. I know that, when iTunes is the active app, I can command-+/- to change the volume, but I'd love to be able to map the F10-12 keys to do that - without having to have iTunes active (playing, but not the active window).
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Mar 9, 2010
Recently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
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Apr 6, 2012
widget world clock shows incorrect time.. how can i fix this?
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Apr 13, 2012
Last night I left my charger at a friend's house, so it ended up dying completely. When I turned it on again, it alerted me that my date was set to something prior to 2008, (Actually December 2000) and that this could cause problems. Also, it no longer remembered my wifi password (which I have had saved for a little over a year now, with no problems.)I also noticed that my hard drive icon was missing!
I restarted the computer, hoping that would fix my problem. When it didn't, I checked for an update and got everything updated. The date is now correct, but my hard drive icon is still missing. I did at some point back up my computer onto a portable hard drive via time machine, but it has been a few months, and I don't know if I would lose any data that I have used or obtained until this point?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm trying to download itunes update. I get a message, update cannot be installed. The digital signature for this packae is incorrect. The package may have been tampered with or corrupted since being signed by "Apple". What do I need to do to update?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 21, 2012
I have a MacBook Air that i hdmi-connected to Samsung tv but the image on the tv is not sized correctly, meaning the image frame on the screen is smaller that the full sized tv screen. It's not evenly shrunk around the screen. It's about 2 inches on the left and 3 inches on the right, and 1 inch from top and bottom.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), Thunderbolt-2-HDMI
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Jun 19, 2014
Had a breach on my gmail a couple of days ago and changed my password but then, the iCal on my Air then stopped syncing with my Gmail calender even when I checked that the password was correct. It just keeps saying: Â
iCal found a CalDav server but couldn't login with the username. Make sure username and password are correct and try again.Â
I've done the following:Â
1) Deleted off iCal and tried to reinstall
2) Tried to install as CalDav with the /calendar/dav/ with 443 SSL Â
Both ways don't work for me...
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Dec 14, 2008
I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this- it is a pita to adjust separate volume controls on everything. If I adjust the volume on the keyboard, the volume slider in itunes doe snot move. If I set the volume on itunes with a mouse, then come home and use the volume controls on my keyboard, I have to also manually adjust the slider in itunes. Anyway to link the two?
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Aug 23, 2014
I recently decided to increase the volume of my bootcamp disk, which I had done in the past using a method which ultimately made the disk unrecognizable. This time around I used Winclone to create an image of my bootcamp disk. I was not sure exactly how Winclone worked and to be safe I decided to keep the Bootcamp disk I had, and I created a third partition of a larger volume to which I restored the bootcamp image. Everything worked fine obviously, and the image was restored correctly to the new larger volume. The dilemma is I had two bootcamp disks, so I erased the smaller volume because I no longer needed it. Currently I am trying to restore this empty space within the main disk to the Macintosh HD. Disk util looks like:
I know I can just create a backup of the macintosh HD, another image of the bootcamp disk, and format the disk and start over, but I am hoping there is an easier way to go about this; considering there has been a method engineered such that I can just drag that corner of the mac HD and voila I have instantly more storage after applying, it seems viable that there is something that can be done rather than formatting my disk, unless the necessity for that of course was overlooked. Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 29, 2009
Before I get flamed and etc... I have google and done some research about this issue but cannot find much about it.
I am not sure if this is a very common issue or topic but how do you adjust or modify your apple keyboard so that you can adjust screen brightness or volume? I am currently running Windows XP SP3, on a 2.4Ghz Unibody Macbook.
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Feb 28, 2009
I was flying by the setup of my Macbook and i accidentely registered it under the wrong name, now I fixed my login, and computer name, but my public folder still has the wrong name. Any way to fix it?
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Jun 5, 2010
I just plugged headphones into the headphone port on my iMac(dual core 2.4) I went to system preferences, sound, then output and only the internal speakers show up. I rebooted the machine and still, same thing.
I tried the same headphones on the eMac sitting next to it, and it worked just fine. Still confused about the iMac
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Jan 24, 2009
In order to make my wireless internet network secure, I added a password to it today. Every other computer in the house, as well as my XBox 360, is able to connect to the internet using the password that I set up. For some reason, when I try to connect to my Macbook, it tells me that the password is wrong, yet it works with the other 3 computers in my house. What am I missing? Do I need to change my settings on Airport? My wireless router is obviously working so what do I need to do?
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Mar 12, 2010
My sister's Macbook is set to go to sleep after 16 minutes of no activity.
She went out for half an hour and when she returned the macbook had shut down.
The date is showing as January 1st 2001 and the clock began the time at 00:00.
Everything else on the computer is fine, but she cannot correct the date and time.
When she tries restarting the computer she is given a warning that the date and time are incorrect but still cannot fix it.
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Jun 20, 2010
I recently moved from Illinois to Ohio. Now, when I go to either google maps or the time zone settings on my Macbook Pro, it thinks I am in Illinois. Google maps will update eventually to the correct location, however the the time zone in OS X will not. I have tried deleting .plist files and rebooting.
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Mar 19, 2012
In the last 2 weeks, when I try to search - take for instance at Amtrack - I put in the date I want to travel (March 22) but when I click search it comes up with January 23 and then won't search because it is in the past.And it's not just with this website, I have other travel websites that act the same way.This is getting pretty annoying and as I am a secretary for about 6 people, I need to make travel arrangements, but I can't find an anwer.I cleared the cache and reset Safari and it didn't help.I checked to make sure my date and time settings were okay.
IMac, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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May 4, 2012
How can I correct screenshot times on my iMac? Using Leopard 10.6.8 - Have had this iMac 3-1/2 yrs, screenshot times have never been correct.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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