MacBook Air :: Hdmi Connected To Samsung TV Image Size Incorrect?
Jun 21, 2012
I have a MacBook Air that i hdmi-connected to Samsung tv but the image on the tv is not sized correctly, meaning the image frame on the screen is smaller that the full sized tv screen. It's not evenly shrunk around the screen. It's about 2 inches on the left and 3 inches on the right, and 1 inch from top and bottom.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), Thunderbolt-2-HDMI
I just bought Samsung UN46C7000WFXZA. I want to connect my macbook pro to the TV and i got all the cables that i need.
1- HDMI cable 2- Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Female Adapter. 3- this sit that include Audio Cable
[URL] I did connect everything my macbook pro very well to the TV using HDMI cable from the laptop to HDMI/DVI port in the TV. Also I connected the Audio cable from my Headphone port in my laptop to PC/DVI Audio IN in the TV. Yes I got the pic and everything is good but no sound at all. I tried everything and i searched the net but no luck or answer at all.
i just bought a DVI to HDMI cable, to plug my macbook pro to my big samsung tv. I successfully connected them to eachother, but there was only 1 problem which ruins the whole experience. There are weird fuzzy colours all around the screen and is almost impossible to see anything.
Here you can see the DVI cable plugged in the MBP:
And on the tv screen everything looks messed up:
this is a brand new cable so i don't think it would be the problem, im only afraid maybe my DVI input would be broken.
I'm running a Macbook Pro 4 (Year '09-'10) w/ a Intel Core 2 Duo, Speed 2.4 GHz. I've a Samsung 720 HD TV and am wondering if there is a way to play video directly from my Macbook Pro to my TV's HDMI port? Is there a USB to HDMI?
Is it possible to stream the Macbook Pro wirelessly to a Samsung Smart TV as you can with an HDMI lead? For example playing a film off my hard drive. Not streaming Youtube or netflix...
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Samsung Smart TV
I recently purchased and Mini-Display to HDMI converter, which connects to an HDMI to HDMI cable which connects to my television. The video is working fine, but for some reason audio isn't working at all.
I've noticed something: when I use 'view info' on files on my usb memory stick, the file size is much bigger than when I use it on the same file on the desktop.
For example: I've got a gif file on my memory stick. Using 'view info' on that file it says: Size: 32 KB on drive (7.129 bytes) When I copy that same file on my desktop it says: Size: 8 KB on drive (7.129 bytes)
Which makes more sense. Why does it give 32 KB for a 7.129 bytes file when I vied the info on that file on a usb memory stick? It does that with all files on usb drives. The 7.129 bytes in this case seems to be the true file size, but for some reason 'view info' adds a significant file size to it.
I currently use an LCD TV to play movies from my Macbook Pro via the MiniDVI - HDMI cable. At the moment I just connect everything up and then use the Mirror Display in the arrangement settings. So my laptop screen is the same as my LCD TV screen. What I want to be able to do though is watch the movie on the LCD TV and also use the laptop to go on the internet, is this possible?
I just bought a Samsung XL2370 monitor to hook onto my MBP 15".
Problem: the image is pixelated and blurry green. I can slightly see the background though. Screen works fine on a Windows pc. Before I hooked up a 19" on my MBP and that also worked.
I tried the menu but no luck. And when I choose the auto adjustment a message appears 'not available'.
I have a MacBook Pro and I connected the TV through HDMI and I get the video but no audio and I dont know what is wrong. TV is connected through HDMI cable and the MacBook is Connected with Belkin adapter through the Video port.
I broke the disk into two logical volumes. In one volume, had an operating system. In the second volume of stored programs. Then I needed to increase the size of the system drive.What I did:1. Booted from installation disk.2. Remove the second partition.3. Increased the size of the first (system) disk.4. Check the disk and partition for errors.
I also took the time to search on this topic and couldnt find anything related
heres the sitch!
Computer = Mac Mini 1.42 model
TV = Samsung TXR3079WH HDTV
DVI to HDMI cable connected to a Samsung HDTV TXR3079WH
the tv doesnt come with dvi connectors so i opted out and purchased the dvi-hdmi cable. i hook it up to the samsung tv and then boot it up and nothing appears on the screen. it just freezes the television to the point that i cant even change to a different source input.
I tested it with different resolutions (i had an LCD next to me to interchange with) and neither resolutions worked. I then thought it might be the DVI-HDMI cable so i hooked it up to my Comcast HD Box and it worked perfectly fine. I then took the Mac Mini to a neighbors house and hooked it up to his 47" Panasonic HDTV and the Mac Mini fired right up and worked beautifully on the Panasonic HDTV using the same cable. Went into System Preferences and under diplays it actually said "Panasonic HDTV" so it recognized the tv. and the resolution automatically reset itself to 1900x1200. Then afer seeing that the Mac Mini was capable of this and all the settings must have been right, i walked back over to my house and the initial problem started again. No Picture on the Samsung HDTV. After all this i found out that the DVI port on the Mac Mini works, The DVI-HDMI cable and the HDMI port on the back of my Samsung TV works as well. So i think it might just be a samsung driver issue? dont know how to resolve this issue.
What has changed in IOS 10.7.3, when MacBook Pro connected to television with HDMI cabel and Thunderbolt adapter? It was working earlier, but not any more!
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have just ordered a Macbook Air. I have an external monitor that has speakers seperate. If I use a minidisplay port to hdmi adaptor to connect to the monitor, will the sound be able to be played out of the speakers of the Air? If not, can I connect an audio jack and have it play through the seperate speakers?Â
Mac Book Pro retina ( OS X 10.9.4 ) 10 months old; Apple Tv 10 months old connected to Sony TV . Get picture but no sound. I then connected Mac Book to Sony TV via a HDMI cable. Again picture but no sound. Rebooted Mac Book tried again, no success.
I would like to connect my Macbook Pro to my hometheatre via HDMI. Normally no problem with the mini display port and an HDMI adapter, but the port is already used for the 27" cinema display... Is there another adapter available that let`s me connect both, an HDMI device and the cinema display to my Macbook? I only care about the sound - I want to get digital sound to my receiver. (I am not interested in the solution via airport express and then connect via analogue audio cable - I am looking to get a digital sound signal all the way through...) about Macobook Pro: mid 2010, 17", Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB) Â
I have a 13" MBP and just bought a new 23" external monitor connected via mini DVI to HDMI adapter.The monitor is recognized fine, but there is extreme jitter on the screen - basically very annonying and unusable.
I have a Late 2011 MBP, just recently I also go an Xbox and wanted to hook it up to my external display that I have been using for a long time with no issues. I went and bought this: be able to easily switch between the two inputs. The xbox works fine, however when I view my Macs input the screen flickers a static image very frequently.Â
I know what you're thinking, it's probably an issue with either a cable, or the device. But when I boot into Windows via Bootcamp with the same exact setup, there is no flicker at all. The display is a dell s2440L, the HDMI adapter is a rocket fish.Â
Here are the troubleshooting steps I have tried:Â Resetting PRAM/SMCChanging out HDMI cables on both the Splitter output, and the inputs (I tried 3 different cables on both the inputs, and outputs.)Downgrading OSX to 10.7 (And then went back to 10.9)Lowering the resolution on the monitor (Lower resolutions flicker just as much, if not more.)Resetting the splitter by unplugging the HDMI cord powering it and plugging it back in.and of course, plugging my computer into the splitter input that the Xbox works fine on, as well as taking the xbox one out so the computer is the only input on the splitter.Â
Like I said, the Xbox works fine, and even the computer works fine in Windows, but whenever I boot into OSX my screen flickers with this static. I should add, the display works fine when not connected to the splitter on OSX.
I have the new iMac 21.5 Inch with a Thunder Port connector that looks like a mini display port. I have the adapter from Apple that includes the mini display port and converts that to a HDMI Cable to my Samsung Synch Master P2530. The monitor cannot be recognized my the iMac. This monitor worked with my older iMac and it's large display port which adapted to HDMI. Info: IMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
My Mac mini is connected to a Samsung widescreen (1360x768) display using mini port to VGA adapter. When starting, the both sides of the screen is not used, left black. Mac mini thinks the display is a 4:3 display, but does not recognize this as a 16:9 display. What can I do?
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
screen resolution of the MBP 13" is too small to do video/image editing with tools like the iLife suite, Final Cut Express, Photoshop..? And for using developers' tools like XCode? I would use it in my freetime and not for work.. It would be my first MBP and I'm using a 15" laptop with 1680x1050 resolution, so I would loose a lot of pixels, but I don't want to spend so much on a 15"/17" MBP since I do not think they've yet entered the next level Steve Jobs was talking about.. So I would buy a 13" just because I'd really like to jump in the Mac world , and maybe I'll sell it next year when (I hope) there will be much more innovation (maybe new design
I want to watch movies from my hard drive or disc drive of my Mac is OS X version 10.6.5 3.06GHz Intel core duo 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3, on my panasonic viera plasma tv.
Got 2011 Mac mini and connected via HDMI to 15 months old Samsung 46 inch LED TV using 1080p and 50Hz. From start (dec 2011) I have had the problem that occationally (>50% of the times) the TV starts to flicker heavily. It is "war of the ants = cannot see anything" on the TV for like 3 seconds and then I can see the desktop clearly for around 3 seconds an then it is back to the flicker.screen. It keeps on like that until I shut-down and restart the Mac mini. Sometime restart works an sometime it does not. Anyone with similar problems that know what to do?
I am pulling my hair since friday trying to get my MBP's time machine work with a 1TB drive connected to a early 2009 AEBS. First I spent half a day doing the first backup by connecting the hard drive directly to Mac using USB and later when I connected that drive to AEBS, time machine would not recognize the drive as the same one and I had to spend a good part of yesterday backing up my complete drive again.... and just when I thought I can rest easy knowing that my eternal dream of getting time machine work wirelessly, I saw time machine complain that there is not enough free space left to backup my paltry 103 GB worth of data on just second day.
Turns out, the Time machine backup volume (volume created by time machine on the AEBS disk) shows that the used space is 1TB.... but the size of the sparsebundle is only 103GB and my airport drive mount itself shows plenty of free space (800GB).... I have tried to search for similar problem, but I couldn't find much help... can anyone help me out here....
Btw, when I tried to repair the volume in disk utility, it says something about incorrect allocation blocks and then says it cannot repair and I need to backup and reformat the drive or something of that sort....
I have a MacBook Air (11.6") and a Philips 234EL monitor whose native resolution is 1920 x 1080.
However, when I connect the monitor to the laptop with an Apple HDMI cable and a Moshi Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter, the maximum resolution I can get is 1600 x 900.
i have a white macbook (2009 version) and am looking to get the best video possible from it on my 52" lcd hdtv. currently i am running a mini dvi (from mac) adapter to vga adapter that then connects to the hdtv using a 25' vga cable. resolution is ok, but isnt it possible to use one of the hdmi inputs on the tv for better quality???
I have a mac mini 2011 connected to an amplifier Denon AVR 1912 via HDMI.Sony TV is plugged into the amplifier, via hdmi too.I have a display problem: the top menu bar and dock appear and are off screen. I tried changing the output resolution of Macintosh without success.
(I'm not sure if this is the correct Forum page, if not then I apologise - I'm new to MacRumors today)
I have a new 27" desktop Mac with the latest software.
I'm trying to send a photo by email without any loss of image size or resolution.
I've tried three ways of doing this:-
- from within the IPHOTO page and clicking on email at bottom - from within an email in MAIL and clicking on 'Attach' paperclip - by dragging a photo from IPHOTOS into the mail message
No matter what I do the 2.0 MB photo is automatically reduced to 23 KB even though I click on 'Actual Size (Full Quality)'