Software :: ICal Alerts And Sync - Get Two Message From Machines?
Sep 24, 2007
I use Sync on two machines to keep iCal on both synchronized. It works fine, except for one small annoyance. Sometimes I create an alert attached to a calendar entry, to send me e-mail sometime before the event. And, yes, I get two messages, one from each machine.
Okay, I've subscribed to a couple of calendars in iCal, including birthdays from Address Book, but I'm completely stumped. If I want to receive an alert when one of these items is coming up, then what do I do?
I don't want to rely on alerts being added at to the subscription itself, I want to be able to customise on my end when I get an alert for an entry, and when or what that alert will be. Is this possible? I don't see any options for it. If not, anyone know of any good alternative calendar applications that are like iCal?
Is there any application or way to get alerts on my mobile from iCal events? I have set few notifications in my iCal, but it will be shown on my Mac only. If there is any application that can send SMS to my mobile.
I have just updated all of my friends birthdays in iCal. I would like to set it up so that it alerts me 7 days before the date for every birthday. I don't really fancy doing this 60 times, is there anyway to do all of them at once?
Mail does not notify me by giving me the "Ping" sound when new mail has arrived. I actually usually know new emails have arrived by my iPhone making the "Ping" Sound. Right now I am in Safari, but mail is running in the dock (I clicked the red X button). - - Just for reference of how I am using Mail usually.
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
I recently started my own business and have a MP (see my sig) at home where I do all my work. I have CS4, MS Office, MTR, Handbrake, Toast as well as Parallels with WinXP running. Under Windoze I have another copy of office (Enterprise 2007), Quickbooks Pro and several specialized apps I need for my business.For a variety of reasons, I'll soon be getting a 15" MBP. From a third-party I'll bump the RAM for 2GB to 4GB and get the new 500GB 7200RPM drive.
So, the big question is how do I sync up the machines?I need to make sure I've got the same apps (OS X and Win) as well as keep all the documents sync'd up.Initially, can I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my MP boot drive with all my apps, documents and personal settings to the new 500GB drive? What's the best way to do this initially and going forward?
The temptation to buy a Mac Pro is, for me, almost irresistible. Now currently I have a MBP which I carry to and from the office each day (can't bare to work on the PCs in the office) and it has about 3Gb of docs, both personal and work related.
I'll want to have those docs on both the MP & MBP and I'll want them in sync. What's the best way to keep those docs in sync? I'd also be curious to hear how people deal with keep their iTunes library in sync across two machines.
Something happened about 10 days ago and I'm repeatedl getting the same iCal alerts which were dismissed when they first occured. I am also having all the programs that were open when whatever glitch occured reopen every time I start up again including a repeat Excel autosave. Does anyone know where the system keeps the restart information as I suspect that it needs to be cleared out.
I am a photographer and am always booking photo shoots. Although my manager has no idea what I'M going to be booking, and what days I'm available. Is there a way to sync my iCal or ANY CALENDAR on my mac (or online) so we both can access what is available and look at the days on two separate computers?
I would like to be able to sync iCal between my desktop and laptop. I'm not interested in upgrading to Lion to take advantage of iCloud, yet. Does anyone know of an app (preferrably free) that can do this?
I have Configured my MBA(OS X 10.7.3) mail with the Icloud, Exchange Server, and Gmail. In ICal I have made my Gmail Calender as the Subscription, Exchange Calender, shows as the Separate Calender in Ical. The Gmail Calender entries are Sync with Icloud. But I couldn't Sync the Exchange Server Calender entries from Ical to Icloud. All i need is "Sync my Exchange server calender with Icloud".
After discussing the migration to iCloud with Apple Support I bought Lion today. Only later did I learn it won't run on my MacBook (Core Duo, not Core 2). Any fixes, workarounds' for syncing that calendar. My desktop, iphone, ipad and ipod touch will all work fine, of course, but my notebook appears left in the cold. Guess this means Mail is out of luck, too!
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13" MacBook is Intel Core Duo
I cannot seem to get my iMac Calender to transfer updates to my Ipad... yet I know I did this once before. My OS on the mac is 10.6.8 and so I apparently cannot use icloud and I can't update my OS due to some software that I use that cannot go beyond that yet. So I'm stuck. Is there a way to do this without upgrading the mac?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), also: iPod, Apple TV, iPad 2
For a long time I've successfully (and happily most of the time) synced iCal, Address Book, bookmarks, etc. with MobileMe. So my desktop (Mini), laptop (Macbook Pro), iPhone, and iPad stay together. But yesterday syncing went nuts. I was alerted that more than 25% of my calendar items were changing and 1,600 items would be added. I canceled that sync. Then it said 3,800 items would be added, then 11,000, then 85,000! And whole calendars were being duplicated in iCal. (I think most problems occurred in iCal but Address Book seems to have had a few problems too.) Mostly I was able to stop syncing before too much damage was done. But as soon as I turn syncing back on, it goes nuts again. I've deleted as many .plists as I think safe.
I know their have been threads in the past that delt with syncing outook with OS X but I thought I would create a thread concerning iCal. Like many of you, I have to use a PC at work. I can access outlook on said PC either through webmail or Remote Desktop Connection but what I would really like is an automated way to sync my oulook calendar with iCal. I thought AddressX would work but it requires ananymous connectons to the exchange server which is apparently a no no from a security perspective. How have you sync'd outlook calendar with iCal?
I bought a Blackberry Pearl so that I could wirelessly sync my calendar (iCal) to it via bluetooth. However, unlike Outlook in Windows, I cannot do this. I have paired the phone, and can send files to my MBP from the Pearl, but cannot sync it.
I set up the syncing through CalDav but in iCal it creates a new calendar (which is the Google Calendar). Would I have to delete my original calendar called "Home" and just make the Google Calendar (in iCal) my main calendar? Does it do a good job of syncing both ways? Also, if I do this, does it also sync through MobileMe?
While trying to sort out iCal/ gmail sync. (mroogle very handy for this! I had a few errors setting things up, and I noticed the box popping up has what appears to be a typo "Bould" not Could. Made me chuckle. With all my bad typing and spelling I feel that smudge better.
I've followed the tutorials online to sync my Google Calendar with my iCal.The problem however, is that, after doing so, only the calendars that are in Google Calendar are synced.What I mean is that lets say I create a calendar called Birthday in iCal. This would not appear in my Google Calendar! To fix this, I actually have to create the calendar in Google, then sync it!