MacBook Pro :: Get ICal From Mac To Sync Into IPad?
Dec 2, 2014
I cannot seem to get my iMac Calender to transfer updates to my Ipad... yet I know I did this once before. My OS on the mac is 10.6.8 and so I apparently cannot use icloud and I can't update my OS due to some software that I use that cannot go beyond that yet. So I'm stuck. Is there a way to do this without upgrading the mac?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), also: iPod, Apple TV, iPad 2
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
Also, is it possible to share an iTunes library between my MBA and my PC so I can sync my iPad and iPhone without having to create a new library? The library file is currently on the NAS and just wanted to use the same one. Would it allow me to sync my iPhone with the PC and the iPad with the MBA using the same library on the NAS? I know this is more of an iTunes question, but figured I would post it here instead of starting another thread.
I would like to be able to sync iCal between my desktop and laptop. I'm not interested in upgrading to Lion to take advantage of iCloud, yet. Does anyone know of an app (preferrably free) that can do this?
After discussing the migration to iCloud with Apple Support I bought Lion today. Only later did I learn it won't run on my MacBook (Core Duo, not Core 2). Any fixes, workarounds' for syncing that calendar. My desktop, iphone, ipad and ipod touch will all work fine, of course, but my notebook appears left in the cold. Guess this means Mail is out of luck, too!
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13" MacBook is Intel Core Duo
I have a new MacBook pro. I have transferred my iTunes library to the MB. I would like to sync my iPad 2 to the MB. What is the best way to do this? The MB iTunes library has 2200 songs while the iPad has 1300.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad 2 64G 3G
I recently had a computer crash and lost everything in my hard drive. The weirdest thing is that when I tried to back up with time machine, it erased my external hard drive now I have no back up. I just received a new macbook pro, and would like to now sync all the information to my mac, but how can I do that as my purchases, etc. are linked to a macbook that is not longer working (meaning, I cannot retrieve any ID from there)?Â
I had gotten a book some time ago from a third party source, and it was saved as a .epub file on my computer. After I upgraded to Mavericks, I was able to open this using iBooks. I know that it is possible to sync purchased books (from the iBooks store) to an iPad from a Mac, but I didn't buy this in the iBooks store, and I wanted to read the book on my iPad. Is there any simple way I can transfer the book, preferably wirelessly?
Addition of any event in ICal on my macbook (Lion OS) doesn't sync with ICloud, however, if I create any event on iPhone 4s it does get pushed to calendar on MacBook.
when i add an event into my ical with a special character like a birthday cake for instance. it will show up on my mac and in icloud but icloud will not send that character to the phone, and vice versa.
Had a breach on my gmail a couple of days ago and changed my password but then, the iCal on my Air then stopped syncing with my Gmail calender even when I checked that the password was correct. It just keeps saying: Â
iCal found a CalDav server but couldn't login with the username. Make sure username and password are correct and try again.Â
I've done the following:Â
1) Deleted off iCal and tried to reinstall 2) Tried to install as CalDav with the /calendar/dav/ with 443 SSL Â
I am not being able to sync my iPad, after having been using it for more than a year now! I had been syncing my iPad2 with iTunes on my Windows Vista machine. After my Windows Vista Laptop crashed, I replaced it with a Macbook Air 128GB (MBA). Since hard disk space on the MBA is at a premium, I transferred my iTunes Media Library to a 64 GB USB drive.
Now I tried to sync my iPad with iTunes on my MBA. iTunes on MBA saw my iPad: sync started: backing up completed without any hitch: and then came the error message "The iPad 'Rishav's iPad' cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the selected items (additional 7.88 GB required)". I checked the available memory on my MBA, USB and iPad.
Details: a. HDD of MBA: 86.6 GB out of 120.47 GB Free. b. USB Drive where iTunes Media Library is located: 39.93 GB out of 64 GB Available. c. iPad 2: 7.7 GB out of 58.1 GB Available.
Despite this availability of free memory, the sync is not going through. The memory utilization within my iPad, as seen graphically on iTunes on my MBA (when iPad is connected to MBA) is as follows:
a. Audio: 8.10 GB b. Video: 7.30 GB c. Photos: 7.50 GB d. Apps: 14.00 GB e. Books: 1.01 GB f. Others: 2.60 GB g. Free: 17.94 GB
How I can carry out my sync.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also involves iTunes
So I already had an iPad mini which was synced to an iTunes account on a Dell laptop running Windows. However, the laptop which it was synced to broke down and I am unable to switch it on so I decided to purchase a 2014 MacBook Pro Retina, which I received a couple of days ago.Â
I set up the laptop and I created an iTunes account with the same Apple ID as my iPad.
I then purchased a couple of songs on that iTunes account. I then tried to sync the music from my iPad to my new library and visa-versa, but I got the message warning me that it would erase all of the songs on my iPad.Â
How would I be able to transfer the purchases from my iPad to the library without losing anything?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I downloaded Lion and I was hoping that my Ipad 2 and Iphone 4 would sync with my Ical and photo's but it is not doing that. Is there a setting I need to adjust?
I have an ipad and a Mac for work and use icloud to sync ical. What is infuriating is that the ipad is only retaining details for the preceding month and wiping anything before that. Why is it happening and how do I stop it?
I have an ipad with loads of appointments on. I can get my mac to push appintments to my iPad but I cannot get my iPad to sync with my Mac. I have explored the account information and passwords, all seem to be the same tween iPad, iTunes and iCloud.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPad os 5.1.1
One of several calendars was accidentally deleted from the desktop. It is still present on the iPad and backed up to the desktop. Additionally, the iPad version can no longer be edited, copied or moved.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I would like to sync my ipad2 with my old mac as it has all my old song and photos on, but it does not recognize the ipad in itunes when plugged into the computer
Info: iMac (17-inch Early 2006), Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I am a photographer and am always booking photo shoots. Although my manager has no idea what I'M going to be booking, and what days I'm available. Is there a way to sync my iCal or ANY CALENDAR on my mac (or online) so we both can access what is available and look at the days on two separate computers?
I have Configured my MBA(OS X 10.7.3) mail with the Icloud, Exchange Server, and Gmail. In ICal I have made my Gmail Calender as the Subscription, Exchange Calender, shows as the Separate Calender in Ical. The Gmail Calender entries are Sync with Icloud. But I couldn't Sync the Exchange Server Calender entries from Ical to Icloud. All i need is "Sync my Exchange server calender with Icloud".Â