Software :: Dreamweaver Cs4 Connecting To Access
May 7, 2009
I am taking an evening course on web design. I am learning with asp to connect to an access data base. The computers are all Pc and all works fine. When I try to do the same on my mac it wont work. Is is just not possible or is there a work around?
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Feb 16, 2009
I have a Windows version of Dreamweaver 8 and I want to transfer the files and webpages over to Dreamweaver CS3 on a MacBook Pro.
Is there any particular method of doing this so that all the files stay intact?
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm wondering if there is a way to tell which base station I am connecting to my network through. my setup is one timecapsule which is creating the network and it is extended by another airport express through ethernet. The network is 5ghz N only if that makes any difference. I was wondering if there is an application or some other way (terminal??) of finding out which one my computer is connecting to.
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Dec 10, 2008
We have some friends visiting that would like to join our wireless network. We cannot get them logged on because we would need to have our provider add the computer ID# to our account. They are closed today and cannot do it. Is there a way we can connect them to the internet via our macbook computer?
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Aug 24, 2009
I already have an Airport Extreme Base Station which has a shared printer connected by USB. I have an external hardrive which I also wanted to access wirelessly. Since my Airport's USB is already taken by the Printer, can I buy an Airport Express and use that to access an External Hard Drive?
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Nov 7, 2009
I have a 13" MBP running 10.5.8 My wifi works fine everywhere except for my school.
The airport connects, has full "signal" and it seems to assign an ip. BUT when i open firefox or safari the redirect/authentication page that is supposed to open never does; instead i get "page not found" or its equivalent. So i can't login or access the internet obviously.
Here is the other part, there are about 40 or so macbooks in every class I have running leopard and snow leopard and no one else seems to have a problem.
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Apr 6, 2010
I have recently bought a Mac Book Pro. This is my first experience with a modern computer from Apple and in very first contact with Mac OS "Snow Leopard".
I am trying to configure that Mac to share the resources of my Windows XP small network at home. For that I have followed several instructions I found published on the Internet by other Mac users who were trying to do exactly the same as I am trying to do.
Unfortunately I face a quite basic problem all the time: when I follow any of the posts/ instructions, sooner or later, I cannot move forward because I cannot find where exactly the DIRECTORY ACCESS (or any functionally equivalent configuration program like that) in Mac OS Snow Leopard is located.
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Mar 21, 2009
I'm connecting my new Macbook Pro 15" running Snow Leopard, to my home network and of course it hooked up with my wireless router right away.
I have a NAS hard wired to a wireless router. The Mac sees all the folders and files just fine and can read/write.I have a Vista Home Premium PC hard wired to the same wireless router. The Users Folder is shared with full privileges as are the individual users folders. The firewall is off. It runs no "security software".
The Mac can see the Vista PC and also see the Users individual account folders but when I open them I can't see any of the files.I really don't know what direction to go. The Vista PC networked fine with an older Toshiba laptop that the Mac replaced.
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Dec 27, 2007
I do some website work on the side (my own site, weddings, and a few non-profits) never really for money, just for service in kinc or fun. I currently use 8, and have an opportuinity to pick up a super cheap copy of CS3 from a friend who is migrating back to Windows.
Is it worth $100? What are the new features. I was lead to believe it makes CSS layouts extremely managable and had some cool new stuff.
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Sep 13, 2010
If I need training in Dreamweaver and I use a Mac but my trainer uses a PC are there major differences that I should be aware of?
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Feb 17, 2009
Well the title says it all, is anyone using Dreamweaver on your MBA?
Is the screen estate enough and is memory and cpu speed sufficient to make it useful?
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Jun 8, 2009
I'm currently using a Mac Pro 2.66 with 2 gigs of ram.
Every program I run works fine...I use parallels and remote connect to a pc all the time. No problems
When I open Dreamweaver to do simple edits and work I get a pinwheel that wont go away. Must force quit.
The rest of CS3 works just fine, I use photoshop and illustrator and have no trouble at all. Anyone have any guesses on what could be wrong?
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Oct 23, 2010
has anyone had a chance to run Dreamweaver CS5 on their MBA 11.6
i'm just wondering how the performance is and is the screen resolution enough to do work on it.
i'm trying to decided between 11.6 and 13.3 ... i like 11.6 as it is very portable and easy to carry around
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Jan 30, 2009
So I just got Dreamweaver CS3 in the mail today and tried to install it. I bought it from a retailer online because I learned on CS3 and didn't want to have to learn a half-new interface. It was also A LOT cheaper.
So the problem is, I get 1/3 way through the install and Setup ejects the disc. A message pops up saying I need to insert Dreamweaver CS4 disc. It has an option to Cancel or Ok. I hit Ok and the message just pops back up. I hit Cancel and I message pops up saying the user terminated install by request. It then list that it successfully installed the Shared something and failed to install Dreamweaver CS3 and a bunch of other apps that came with it like how Photoshop comes with Bridge, Device Central, etc. I think this is what's causing the problem because most of these extra apps are CS4, but I don't know how to not install these things. I do want them installed, I think, but they are causing this problem, I think.
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Apr 23, 2010
Anybody knows where I can download a trial version of Dreamweaver CS4. I would like to try it before purchasing it. I tried but they don't have it anymore, they just have CS5
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Dec 17, 2008
I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.5 on a Macbook Pro Core Duo, 2 meg RAM.
Dreamweaver CS4 installed just fine, and starts up just fine, linking to the web site home folder on my computer just fine. Problem is when I attempt to connect to Host I get the following message:
An FTP error occurred - cannot make connection to host. Dreamweaver cannot connect to host "". This may be due to one or more of the following reasons:...
I've made all the adjustments and corrections suggested thereafter in the error window, but to no avail. I've even did a clean install of the software, and have also did a complete wipe of my hard drive and reloaded all system software and application software from scratch, and still the same problem. The Adobe site's information and links to forums dealing with this problem have been no help whatsoever.
My connection is through a DSL protocol, both hard wired (via Ethernet) and wireless, depending on where I'm located. Have no problems with other internet related connections with other software that accesses the internet.
My Dreamweaver 8 application, on the same computer, loads up just fine and connects to the host just fine with no FTP errors whatsoever to which I'm able to do any updates, work on the site, etc, with no problem, whether I'm connected via a hard wire Ethernet connection or via a wireless connection.
The problem appears to squarely set with Dreamweaver CS4 itself. I also had the same exact problem with Dreamweaver CS3, and got so frustrated I simply dispensed with working any further with the CS3 version and have continued using Dreamweaver 8 as a result. I really need to make the change to CS4 now as my business needs are closer to requiring its use.
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Mar 18, 2012
Just installed Lion and now Dreamweaver 8 and Fireworks 8 and Flash 8 are broken. Need these programs.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Jul 4, 2012
I am at present studying Dreamweaver at home on my Mac Pro OS10.6.8.
Part of the process of making a webpage, one has to open it through the internet. Firefox is my choice but unfortunately when pressing F12, Firefox opens but does not open my Dreamweaver based work.
I have searched online and it appears quite a few years back alot of people were experiencing the same with their (now older) versions of Firefox.
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Mar 3, 2008
I'm finally looking to move from GoLive to something more modern and ready for the future.
I got RapidWeaver as part of MacHeist, but I find it a bit too restrictive. I'm a WYSIWYG kind of guy.
Adobe, in their infinite wisdom, does not allow for an upgrade from their old web development program to their new one. This means I'll have to pay the full $399. for Dreamweaver if I decide to go that route.
I'm intrigued with the news about Softpress' new version of Freeway, which is out this month. Anybody here have experience with this product?
I'm less than enamoured with SoftPress' own site, which is text-heavy and lacks screenshots and clean design. Not a great advertisement for the software itself.
However, the Pro version is half the price of Dreamweaver and seems to have a lot of the core functionality.
Being an InDesign user, their appeal to designers who want to engage in web design is compelling.
Can anybody here vouch for this approach? Is there any good reason to pay double the cost for Dreamweaver?
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Feb 3, 2009
I have just downloaded Dreamweaver MX onto my mac and when I try to launch the software I get this message: The application "Dreamweaver" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "7<Dreamweaver MX><Dreamweaver MX><MSL_All_Carbon.Shlb><>". I'm using Panther at the moment.
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro. I have a copy of Dreamweaver MX 2004 and Adobe Photoshop CS that I would like to install on this machine. Both of these programs are backed up on an external harddisk.
I used to to have a copy of this Photoshop working on my mac, but a few months ago, it stopped working, and I haven't been able to get it up and running since.
Here are the specs of my Mac:
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
So far I have basically tried copying these programs onto my machine from the external disk, but with no success.
Is there anyone who might have any idea what is going on with these programs, and how I can get them working again my machine?
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Jan 28, 2010
I'm manually moving files to a new hard drive and need the files for Dreamweaver CS4 so I don't have to setup new sites again. Are they in the User > Library > etc...? Or System > Library > etc...? I tried copying the user library Dreamweaver files but it didn't work. Just to be clear I'm not talking about the individual files for my site, I need the preference files? Not sure what they are called, .plist? The ones that will restore Dreamweaver with the correct directories and stuff.
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Mar 10, 2010
i am using dreamweaver 8 and am making a website. On the website i have a page where people can view/download pdf directions. I have it set up so you can view the PDF directions in the browser but i want to add another button where they can directly download the PDF straight off of the site without having to right click anything or open anything.. To make it short i want to be able for the user to click text that says "Click Here" and for a PDF to automatically download to their computer.
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May 18, 2008
I would like to be able to build and maintain a website for my financially strapped public library as a service to them and then build a site for my genealogy. When I taught I developed our school's first website using Adobe PageMill about 12 years ago. I have forgotten most everything I knew.
I recently updated my Mac OSX version to 10.4.11. The rest of my profile is the same as shown.
I have been looking into the Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and I have several questions. First, is this a good choice? Should I also purchase Fireworks CS3 and Contribute CS3 to make the job easier? (Or do I really need everything included in the Adobe CS3 Web Standard package?) Will my present computer system be able to handle this software? Do I need to upgrade my memory?
Also, should I consider downloading PageSpinner to work with in addition to Dreamweaver or will I be confusing myself more?
I have picked out some instruction books on developing websites and using Dreamweaver and I catch on to using software quickly, but I'm not sure about my hardware.
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Oct 18, 2008
i cant download the dreamweaver cs3 trial version.
i'm told the download is complete, but when i click the 'setup' icon it appears on my dock for a split second before disappearing.
beyond deleting it and trying again (which i already did), i dont know what to do.
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Mar 27, 2009
I've just upgraded from an iBook (OS 10.4) to a MacBook (10.5x). Since my old version of Dreamweaver MX refused to open on the new system, I downloaded the 30-day trial version of DW CS4 (my time is about half up). It recognizes my website, but when I open it in site view, it doesn't display any of the file names. If I mouse over the empty white space next to the little file icons, the name appears, but it's impossible to work on the site this way, of course. I posted my problem in the Adobe forum with no response; I've googled my way through bazillions of other DW-OS 10.5 problems, but haven't found mine. Maybe I'm missing something completely obvious, but I've been using DW for many years and have never seen this weirdness before
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Sep 12, 2009
I recently got a new Intel iMac. When getting it started it gave me the option to load everything from my old iMac to the new one, which I did. Since the transfer my 2004 Macromedia Dreamweaver Education Edition (old and sad, I know) won't open on the new iMac. It will act like it is going to start up but then quit just 3 seconds later. Will I have to reload Dreamweaver or is it just not compatible with Snow Leopard?
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Mar 14, 2012
I am working with an accounting program called Publish to Profit and when I export my report it exports it into dreamweaver instead of excel,
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Feb 28, 2010
I am try to fine a trial version of Dreamweaver CS3 for OSX
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Mar 18, 2009
The only difference I see is Dreamweaver edits your site locally and Contribute edits off the server.
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