I got the idea to scan in business cards and use it as the image in address book but after it is in there the image is too small to read. Is there a way to change the image size?
I've tried copying an image from the clipboard and then pasting it into Address Book notes. I've also tried moving the image in different formats, TIFF, JPG, PNG, directly to the notes section of Address Book, but still with no success.
When I added contacts in my address book on my computer I ticked the "company" button... now I want to change ALL my contacts in the address book at once to not be known as "company".... I have 1600 contacts and do not want to do them one at a time!
I'm an idiot. For all my contacts, I put the company that the person works for in the Suffix field of the Address Book entry. I would like to change all my contacts such that the information in the Suffix field is moved to the Company field. Is there an application or an AppleScript that I can use?
Last December I ordered two books through iPhoto, and was very happy with them. Just tried to order another to ship to a friend in the USA and somehow iPhoto won't let me change the address to a US address, just gives me a list of European countries. I'm in England.
i dont undersatnd why they took something that was working fine and than took away features.i use a lot of categories / groups in my address book and this is not nearly as easy to use as it used to be.i would like to have the OPTION to bringing the 3rd pane back. does anybody have a hack or solution to this?this appears to be part of a wave of DUMBING down the mac platform. (iphoto is now a lot harder to use as well)
I'm looking to convert a whole slew of telephone numbers in Address Book to make them Skype compliant. There are a variety of find-replace patterns I want to use. One example is an area code in parentheses. For example, I want to change (215) to +1 215. There are thousands of numbers in my address book to change, and manually is not an option. Address Book doesn't have any way to do this on its own. I checked out Automator but it doesn't have many useful Address Book functions. I dug around for a bit online for an AppleScript that would just go straight to editing the AddressBook.data file, but didn't find anything.
I tried to edit the AddressBook.data file myself using TextWrangler, but when I saved it, AddressBook.data's icon changed from a blank file icon to a plain text file icon and Address Book stalled out while opening, necessitating a force quit. So I reverted to my back up and am no closer to solving the problem. Is there a way to do a find-replace or a batch change in Address Book, whetever via AppleScript or otherwise? If not, how can I edit AddressBook.data and save it without it become a text file that Address Book chokes on?
How do I change the Font Sizes in Address Book and Mail? I have done what the mail instructions say to do but does not work. Address Book I don't see anyway to change them.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad2 and iPhone 4s
I wonder is someone knows how do a batch change in address book. I'm changing phone operator and I have to change the phone number prefix from "041" to "015" to all my contacts. I've tried to find some applescript but I've found only to change the whole number.
Is there a way to out-right remove the 'Leather' skins that Apple has used with iCal and Address book. We had a client jokingly ask us if we were working on kids computers the other day. Not impressed to say the least. We've read about the hacks floating around in the internet wilds but would prefer a Mac-enabled way of changing this. Why isn't this an option in the app preferences?
In Entourage�s address book view there are the following categories under the drop down menu:
�Changed in the Past 7 Days �Due Today. �Family Category. �Personal Category. �Work Category.
How can I add other categories under the address view (eg: friends)? How can I add a view of contacts that have no category association. How can I change the current default views?
Address-book doesnt work after update from Snow Lepard to Lion 10.7.3 PB says your address-book is 5.0.3. PB says You have adressbook 10.5.3, yes, but now?
Many records in my address book have multiple email addresses. No big deal but I wonder if there is a way to tell Address Book / Mail which address to pick as the default.Â
For example I send a litttle news email one a week to a group of contacts. I want to send this email to people's personal -- not business -- email address. I've created a group in Address Book and type that group name in my Mail to line and the group pops up. But a few of the records pick the corporate address and I have to go in and change those addresses.Â
I just tried editing one record ... I deleted both "work" and "home" addresses from a record. Then reentered them "home" first, "work" second. But when I closed the edit Address Book listed them in the original order (maybe alpha).Â
I am running Address Book 5.0 on Snow Leopard on one machine, and want to share my contacts on another machine running OSX10.4.11, Address Book v4.0.....can this be done?
Using a G4 IBOOK with OS 10.5.8. Recently converted IBOOK from just my wifes computer to both of us so it is now dual usuage with both of us signing in to our respective files/e-mail, etc. My side has a problem never experienced before. My apple mail system address book has all the names the dock address book does but is missing almost 2/3rd of the actual e-mail addressess. I have tried to redo the dock address book in hopes it would change the "internal" mail book, but to no avail. It id difficult to add a recipient to an outgoing e-mail via the dock address instead of the apple mail address book.
how to specify which of several email addresses should be used for a member of a group. It starts by selecting the menu item "Edit > Edit Distribution List." From there it explains how to select the desired address for a specific person. All well and good...Â
Try as I might, doing various combinations of name or group selections in the address book window, I cannot seem to get the "Edit Distributuion List" item to be un-greyed. Effectively, the program is not allowing me to do the edit function I need to do on this one group member.Â
Am I missing the secret handshake in this process? Why should it be this hard to do this simple function?Â
Which raises the larger question of "What did Apple do to the Address Book application in general?" This issue is only the tip of my iceberg. The whole app seems to be harder to use than before.Â
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I must be missing something very obvious, but I can't seem to set Address Book to add all new contact info as "Work" entries. I have to edit every new entry and change all the fields from "other" to "work." This appears to happen when I "grab" phone or email info from an email message.
Info: MBP 2.4 Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.7.1), iPhone 3Gs, iPad 1 and 2
I changed my partition size firstly from (full disk size) about 160GB to 80GBs in order to create a new one which was another 80GBs after that I decided to just leave this 160GB and one partition, so I did what I decided, but now there is a problem. I did everything under Installation CD and than it shows in Disk Tool that the partition is 160GB on diagrams but under it it shows: total size 80GB... and the same is when I launching Snow Leopard. I'm clicking Macintosh HD and informations than it shows total size: 80GB, I tried to change again partition sizes but it does nothing, I cannot do anything under Mac OS and bootable installation disc. I'm completely stuck it shows, always and always that "Spliting in to partitions finished due an error - could not modficate partition's map".
(I'm not sure if this is the correct Forum page, if not then I apologise - I'm new to MacRumors today)
I have a new 27" desktop Mac with the latest software.
I'm trying to send a photo by email without any loss of image size or resolution.
I've tried three ways of doing this:-
- from within the IPHOTO page and clicking on email at bottom - from within an email in MAIL and clicking on 'Attach' paperclip - by dragging a photo from IPHOTOS into the mail message
No matter what I do the 2.0 MB photo is automatically reduced to 23 KB even though I click on 'Actual Size (Full Quality)'
I am a new mac user. I am trying to figure out how to enlarge the screen image so it fills the entire screen.I am aware that I can hold control and scroll with the mouse but that moves the toolbar out of view.I also have found a way(unintentionally) that it minimizes to the lower left side of the screen and when I enlarge it it stays on the left side of the screen.
I am working on a photobook for a family wedding. One photo shows the groom in full and wanted to place this photo in the book. There it did not seem to feet, legs/feet were cut off, the photo does not show in full. How do I adjust or resize this image and with the right dimensions (not losing pixels, etc)?
I have a MacBook Air that i hdmi-connected to Samsung tv but the image on the tv is not sized correctly, meaning the image frame on the screen is smaller that the full sized tv screen. It's not evenly shrunk around the screen. It's about 2 inches on the left and 3 inches on the right, and 1 inch from top and bottom.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), Thunderbolt-2-HDMI
I have a newly refurbished emac running the latest OSX 10.9.3. I used to be able to move images from iPhoto to the desktop and using Preview change the file size. I need to do this to upload images of a specific size to a website. Now Preview will not save the adjusted image size. I adjust the size from a 5 meg image to a 1.5 meg image but when I go to upload the image it is still 5 meg. I try saving it before closing it but it doesn't do anything (by the way I hate the new options or lack thereof when it comes to saving in Preview)