Software :: WD 98 For Mac Not Displaying Fractions?
Aug 15, 2010
My wife's iMac G3 is running OS 9.2.2 with Word 98 for Macs. She receives Word documents with the fractions 1/2, 1/4, etc, but they do no show in the document. Only blank spaces. She must forward the document to me (PC with Windows XP and Word Viewer) to print the document. Is there a symbol set missing or what is a solution?
In Word, some of my fractions resize to 1 character, like 1/2 and 1/4. But some, like 5/8, 1/8 remain large. How can I get them all to be the same size?
I was having problems before the battery sign desided to display an 'X'earlier in the day the system was not regestering the trackpad's 'click'I spoke to an apple support guy and it was sorted in about a half after a few tries of some restarting and command holding about a couple of hours later the same 'click' problem thought it'd bloody come back! and so i tried to repeat the restarting and command holding to see if i could get my book going by myself...but then the moment i restarted the book the fan sound (a sound i had never heard my macbook make before) was there, loud, and i knew somthing was not right. Â
Quicktime Player 10 on OS 10.6 is absolutely useless as it doesn't support 16:9 aspect ratio and no matter what you do the aspect ratio in Quicktime 10 cannot be display in this ratio and no way to alter the ratio. Fortunately I have Quicktime 7 Pro which does give the ability to alter Video to 16:9.
I am running Tiger and I don�t know if I am being thick but my images thumbnail in Finder just show a white square with the file type, Tiff, Jpeg, Raw unless I have saved them in Photoshop, then they are actual thumbnails of my images. Is it possible for them all to show as proper thumbnails as soon as I import them from my CF cards?
I've noticed that whenever I'm on Facebook or some other similar site that some characters will not display.
I was just reading people's statuses, and noticed that a heart wasn't being displayed... It is merely a "|". I opened up Safari, and everything was shown like it was supposed to be. It is not only with hearts, but other characters like that.
So I'll admit it, I'm a freak when it come to changing icons on my new mac, I want everything to look "pretty".. pretty organizedso then yesterday I tried downloaded a new icon pack and the first one was unpacked normally and the rest looked like they were made in microsoft paint program by a 5 year I re-downloaded to no avail, so I tried applying one of my old icons to a folder that had worked before but it also showed up in bad I tested with lots of different ones and they all look bad, also now my shared applications folder in the dock from paralells pops up in bad . Im not doing anything different from before, anyone know whats going on?? (Pic attached below)
I recently embarked on a quest to reorganize my font libraries and I think I messed something up! Capital A's with boxes around them show up in many of my emails (using Mail) instead of text, and the emails from my iPhone Notes don't load at all. I don't understand this because the MarkerFelt.ttc font is in the HardDrive-->Library-->Fonts folder.
Basically, I had organized my fonts within the HD-->Library-->Fonts and the Username-->Library-->Fonts folders with Font Agent Pro and moved them to a separate location so that I could manage them more directly. Everything was fine at first and then things started looking wacky in Mail. I moved everything back to its original font folders and it's still displaying incorrectly. I've attached screen shots of what I'm talking about so it makes more sense. I would really appreciate any advice on how to get things back to normal.
Tried 1 (newer model) at the office that worked fine but my older one at home doesn't display. I still get the blue flash screen though. Also tried a new Fujitsu monitor that didn't display either (claims no input signal). Does the xternal monitor through TB/MD port to VGA adapter only work on some models or if it works on one should it work on all? What can I try?
I am having issues opening PDF in preview. Sometimes the txt comes through blurry making it unreadable. When I open the PDF file in Adobe Reader its views perfectly, so its just in preview this is happening. Now for myself it is not an issue as I just set my default PDF viewer to Adobe Reader but we have clients that use MACs and we may loose some business if the presentation is up to scratch.
Is there a way that I can make the PDF view properly in Preview. I have the original presentation so if I need to convert it differently then I can.
We've got roaming accounts for our macs, but we get issues sometimes when students log in that the icon for the hard disk doesnt appeard on the desktop or in the finder. Weirdly related to this is when this happens neither firefox or safari can load any webpages. However, if students log out and log back in again the internet works fine. Im assuming when the hard disk isnt available, then firefox and safari cant access its preferences and necessary files properly, but what would be causing the hard drives not to mount/be visibile?
I'm new to Mac (as of Oct. 3rd), but I'm a long-time user of Firefox. I notice that when I have FF running for long periods of time, and I go to, for example, to check out my friends list on the computer, often times the page shows up as plain text, no graphics or images or anything. Then I come here to create a post, and all of the buttons and formatting tools appear as plain text as well, instead of the images/buttons. I don't regularly visit a wide variety of web-sites, but the one I mentioned earlier seems to consistently trigger it. Usually the only way I can get pages to display correctly again (no matter where I try to go) is to completely quit Firefox and reopen it. I included a screen shot so you can see what it's coming up as, vs what it's supposed to look like. I've never had this problem with any websites as long as I've been using Firefox until just recently. [URL]
currently when I use quicklook on avi movies it does not display the video, it does however work when i open the video in quicktime. an upgrade or program that will fix this?
When I open the app or open a new window all that is displayed is a bit of the top menu bar - just enough to diplay the red close button. I can't see any of the other buttons and nor can I resize it to actually see th text in the terminal window.
This behaviour seems to be resticted to just one account - I logged in to another account to check. I've tried repairing permissions and removed from the library/preferences folder I my home directory.
I recently changed my hard drive in my macbook, I managed to download my photos on to the macbook but they don't show up in iphoto
I can see them if I go to pictures > iphoto library > originals, but not if I just open up iphoto
I have tried File > import to library, but all I get is a message saying "the following file cannot be imported.(The file is in the iphoto library folder)"
I have the latest versions of FF (3.5) and Safari, so it�s not a browser issue (at least i don�t THINK it is). Also, this problem started before i updated to these versions. I noticed 2-3 months ago that in websites such as YouTube, and several others, if there�s two lines of words below a thumbnail, the 2nd line of words is half-hidden, as if one could scroll down to see them. But of course there =is= nothing to scroll down *to*. IN addition, on some sites, words get superimposed on top of other words. I�ve tried doing some google research on this topic (including eliminating duplicate fonts), and have come up empty.
I've had my White Macbook for the best part of about a year now, and I'm really pleased with it. Recently though it's been getting a little sluggish, I checked the specs out and I have 1GB of RAM on board, I though fair play, and got a 4GB Kit. I've just plugged it in and it's only displaying 2GB on board.
I could understand if it maxed at 3 as I am only running a 32bit OS and it wouldn't be able to index the extra gig. I'm now looking closer at the RAM Modules and its saying that they are 1GB each. It seems as if one of my DIMM Slots isn't working, any ideas what I can do or is it back to the Apple store for a hefty repair bill?
this happened a few weeks ago when i installed an update. i tried to fix the problem by changing the default serif and sans serif fonts, but it didn't work. does anyone know what's up with this? here are some screen shots. as you can see, i did a search for the word "boogie" (first word that popped in my head) and the search results SHOW the word boogie but nothing else.
i just used safari these past few weeks, but i should probably fix this problem.
I have a SSD I use for storage in my Macbook, I was running out of space so I removed some old junk. Anyway, now OSX doesn't seem to see the free space correctly. Just wondering what the deal is. It is showing 1.6 GB free, but only about 30 GB is being used:
I have a Sony Bravia 32 inch HDTV and would like to display movies downloaded to the iMac on the TV. TV has HDMI inputs as well as a USB socket. Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to achieve this aim?
I recently bought an external harddrive and its been working properly for about 2 weeks now. however, i accidently moved my iBook G4 and my external harddrive that was connected disconnected from the Mac. the error message of "please do not remove harddrive before ejecting..." popped up and since then it has not been working properly. i've read many articles and forums and nothing seems to be suited for my situation. it is a 400GB WD portable external harddrive and it plugs/runs by the USB port. the disk utility says when i try to repair disk:
"Disk Utility stopped repairing �My Passport� because the following error was encountered:
The underlying task reported failure on exit"
and i've checked the finder preferences and everything is what it is suppose to be. am i going to have to but that diskwarrior program in order to fix this? seems like there should be an easier, less expensive, way.
I've just upgraded from an iBook (OS 10.4) to a MacBook (10.5x). Since my old version of Dreamweaver MX refused to open on the new system, I downloaded the 30-day trial version of DW CS4 (my time is about half up). It recognizes my website, but when I open it in site view, it doesn't display any of the file names. If I mouse over the empty white space next to the little file icons, the name appears, but it's impossible to work on the site this way, of course. I posted my problem in the Adobe forum with no response; I've googled my way through bazillions of other DW-OS 10.5 problems, but haven't found mine. Maybe I'm missing something completely obvious, but I've been using DW for many years and have never seen this weirdness before