OS X :: Icons Now Displaying In Low Resolution?

Feb 4, 2010

So I'll admit it, I'm a freak when it come to changing icons on my new mac, I want everything to look "pretty".. pretty organizedso then yesterday I tried downloaded a new icon pack and the first one was unpacked normally and the rest looked like they were made in microsoft paint program by a 5 year old...so I re-downloaded to no avail, so I tried applying one of my old icons to a folder that had worked before but it also showed up in bad quality...so I tested with lots of different ones and they all look bad, also now my shared applications folder in the dock from paralells pops up in bad . Im not doing anything different from before, anyone know whats going on?? (Pic attached below)

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OS X :: Icons Not Displaying In Stacks/Dock But Are Displaying In Finder?

Aug 30, 2009

Anyone else having this issue or know how to solve it?

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Software :: Photos Not Displaying At High Resolution?

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Canon PowerShot A610 digital camera, and I've recently switched laptops to a Macbook Pro. This camera worked perfectly on my old laptop, and appears to work perfectly here too... on the surface.

The photos are automatically brought into iPhoto, which I'd rather not use because I need to move files around and do some editing. But OK, I can always go to the folder they're stored in and open them in another program, right? ...Wrong.

Bizarrely, my photos display well in iPhoto, but come out in a terribly small size if I open them in any other program. If I open the original files in Premier and Photoshop, for instance, I'll get a tiny little thumbnail shot about 300 pixels wide - and if I zoom in, it becomes very badly pixelated. So it really does look like the file has been downloaded at an insanely small size.

Yet when I view the slideshow in iPhoto, my pictures are displayed in a higher resolution... although they're the same files! I therefore know that the actual photos have been downloaded to the computer, not just thumbnails. To use the iPhoto versions, however, I have to start a classic slideshow (because "classic" gives the biggest pictures), take a screenshot of the slideshow, and then open the new screenshot file to get a decent-quality picture. But these are still much, much smaller than the size the photos are actually supposed to be, and it means I have to edit out the frames the slideshow put around the pictures. I have no way of accessing the files at their real size.

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MacBook :: Customized Icons Not Displaying?

Nov 22, 2009

I downloaded some icons, but they won't show when I paste them onto the original.

I'll select, then paste the .icns onto it, but it just shows up like this:

That "ICNS" picture, instead of the icon...

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IMac :: Displaying Resolution On External Monitor With Dual Link DVI Cable?

May 4, 2010

I'm in the process of replacing my MBP with an early 2k9 iMac as my DAW machine. I'm shopping around for external monitors, and I'm leaning a 27" monitor that natively displays 2048 x 1152. My question is, if I get a dual link dvi cable- will my iMac be able to display this resolution on an external monitor?

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OS X Yosemite :: Sidebar Icons Displaying Incorrectly

Nov 30, 2014

I recently used LiteIcon to change how my folder icons look (because the oversaturated blue folders in Yosemite are ugly, in my opinion) and in the process, it messed up my sidebar icons.I did this one time before I updated LiteIcon and it did the exact same thing but I thought they would've fixed this since the update.

MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Applications Folder - Icons Not Displaying Correctly In Stack

Oct 28, 2007

Has anyone made their Application folder a stack? When I have a newly installed program, the icon does not display correctly in the stack. It shows a crossed out application icon. In finder the icon displays correctly.

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Safari :: Extensions Icons Not Displaying In Color On Toolbar?

May 1, 2012

My Safari windows look grey and bleak, just like the weather. I've double checked my security preferences and allowed third party plug-in access etc, is it that extensions just don't install as coloured icons in Safari? My friend's web browser allows colour and it makes icons easier to find in the Toolbar.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), (13-inch, white) Late 2007

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Mac :: Replace New MacBook Air High Resolution Screen With A Lower Resolution?

Nov 16, 2010

1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Antiglare - High Resolution Or Normal Resolution?

Apr 29, 2010

It is clear there are people who love their high-res antiglare display; the ability to have more pallets open in Photoshop, see more of what you are doing in Logic. However, there is a fair few of us who dislike the high-res because of decreased fonts, smaller graphical interface things.if you had the choice to go for a high-res or normal res antiglare 15", what would you go for?

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MacBook Pro :1680x1050 Resolution Can Be Done On Standard Resolution Screen?

May 5, 2010

i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this

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MacBook Pro :: Gaming - High Resolution Vs. Standard Resolution

May 6, 2010

Who has actually played games on BOTH the 2010 high res and standard res macbook pros?Reading through that gaming benchmark thread isn't much of an indicator as most people don't post their resolution and if they have they have only played on one or the other.Im trying to get a better indicator on the performance difference with newer games. Are we talking 2-6 fps drop or 10-20 or more?

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Mac :: MBP 15'' Mid 2010 High Resolution Using 1440x900 Resolution Appearence

Jun 10, 2010

For those who would like to try adapt to hi-res screen of the 15'' but the not sure if they can, if they can't adapt to the hi-res, it's possible to set the resolution to 1440x900 with no appearence differences from the standard res screens?So the appearence and quality of the hi-res screen set to 1440x900 is the same of the standard res screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Use Custom Resolution For Tv / Best Resolution For An LCD HDTV?

Aug 17, 2010

So i'm trying to figure out the best resolution for using my macbook pro in clamshell mode. I think ever since i installed snow leopard the new resolution choices i have are not longer pixel x pixel, but actual TV resolutions, such as 1080i, 720p, 420p. In the past I've used SwitchResX to do custom resolutions for my tv but that dosnt seem to work anymore.

I'm trying to find a resolution where text is easy to read. 1080i looks pretty but text is extremely small. 720p the text is larger and easy to see but is very fuzzy and not easy on the eyes. I guess this has something to do with the pixels on a tv being farther apart than that of a computer monitor. It's a 32" LCD TV. I'm using a DVI to HDMI cable (Non-Unibody Macbook Pro).

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MacBook Pro :: Comparison Pics Of High Resolution Glossy And Standard Resolution Glossy?

Oct 4, 2010

1) Having a difficult time finding anything good on this. Anyone got direct comparison pics between the two on the 15"?2) Also how much brighter are the mid-2010 15" displays compared with the late-08 15" displays? IIRC the 2009 screens got a wider color gamut and more brightness than the original unibody screens.

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OS X Mavericks :: When Starting MAC On Home Page With Icons / How To Arrange Icons Alphabetically Left To Right

Sep 6, 2014

How does one arrange icons from left to right a Windows.  I would like the Mac disk icon in the upper left of the window followed by app and file icons to appear in alphabetical order from left to right.  I know it will go vertically and then to the next row. 

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), late 2008

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To View Program Icons - Double Tap Shows Icons

Feb 20, 2009

I have to hit program folder twice to see the icons in this folder.I have a 17" 2.9 GHZ Unibody,
When I go into the finder and hit "Programs" the folder opens but no icons are shown, If I hit it a second time (via left menu in window) they are shown roght away.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Sidebar Document Icons Change To Folder Icons?

Mar 20, 2012

I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Delete Icons / Application Showing Icons On Desktop

Oct 24, 2009

On my desktop the little disk image icons are coming up when i open certain applications. I wanna make them disappear, but still be able to see ipods, cds, and external drives.

Also(somewhat irrelevant), occasionally when i open firefox, it asks me to drag it in the applications folder, but it's already there. please help. its so annooying

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Software :: Desktop Doesn't Show Any Icons - How To Get Back Icons

Sep 29, 2008

i am a tad stumped by this issue i'm having right now with my new imac. i noticed one day that none of my desktop aliases show any longer. in fact if i go to the desktop folder through finder my files and such show in there however none of my aliases nor those files show on the actual desktop. another thing i've noticed is that whenever i now try to drag and drop anything to the desktop whether it be a URL from safari or an alias i made in finder the dragged item simply just drags itself back to where i pulled it from.

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MacBook Pro :: Merged High Resolution Glossy Or High Resolution Antiglare?

Apr 14, 2010

How does the Antiglare screen look? Does it look cheap and flimsy like the matte screens on the pc laptops?This is my first Mac and i'm looking at going all out and getting the top of the line 15". I know I definitely want the HD screen, i'm just not sure which screen looks better. What about a 5400 vs 7200 rpm hdd? Is this upgrade worth it?

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OS X :: Changing Dock Background - Folder Icons And App Icons?

May 1, 2010

First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.

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OS X :: No Icons/no Desktop On Imac - How To Get Back Icons

Dec 15, 2008

Powered up my Imac today..goes through the usual gyrations get to a blue background but no icons present..not locked just no icons and cannot pull down any menus..

ran disk utility off off OSX cd..it fixed some block count on a .pub file but still get same thing after restart..

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MacBook :: Battery Sign In Displaying An 'X' Battery Sign In Displaying An 'X'?

Apr 2, 2012

I was having problems before the battery sign desided to display an 'X'earlier in the day the system was not regestering the trackpad's 'click'I spoke to an apple  support guy and it was sorted in about a half after a few tries of some restarting and command holding about a couple of hours later the same 'click' problem thought it'd bloody come back! and so i tried to repeat the restarting and command holding to see if i could get my book going by myself...but then the moment i restarted the book the fan sound (a sound i had never heard my macbook make before) was there, loud, and i knew somthing was not right.  

I'm just fed up!

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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QuickTime :: 10 Not Displaying 16:9?

Mar 11, 2012

Quicktime Player 10 on OS 10.6 is absolutely useless as it doesn't support 16:9 aspect ratio and no matter what you do the aspect ratio in Quicktime 10 cannot be display  in this ratio and no way to alter the ratio. Fortunately I have Quicktime 7 Pro which does give the ability to alter Video to 16:9.

iMac Power Pc, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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OS X :: Tiger Not Displaying Thumbnails?

Sep 24, 2005

I am running Tiger and I don�t know if I am being thick but my images thumbnail in Finder just show a white square with the file type, Tiff, Jpeg, Raw unless I have saved them in Photoshop, then they are actual thumbnails of my images. Is it possible for them all to show as proper thumbnails as soon as I import them from my CF cards?

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PowerPC :: Mac Not Displaying Lines?

Dec 30, 2007

Lines on calendars are not showing. Nor are the input box outlines on websites.

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OS X :: Characters Not Displaying In Firefox

Mar 22, 2009

I've noticed that whenever I'm on Facebook or some other similar site that some characters will not display.

I was just reading people's statuses, and noticed that a heart wasn't being displayed... It is merely a "|". I opened up Safari, and everything was shown like it was supposed to be. It is not only with hearts, but other characters like that.

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OS X :: Mail Not Displaying Images?

Jan 20, 2010

Mail 4.2 not displaying images, even when 'Not junk..ed'. There is no load images option (only with Junk).

Also checked display option in viewing under preferences.. Still no images.

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OS X :: Displaying All My Files In One List?

Feb 21, 2010

Is there some way i can get my computer to display ALL my files in one list, and then sort them by size?

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