MacBook :: Customized Icons Not Displaying?

Nov 22, 2009

I downloaded some icons, but they won't show when I paste them onto the original.

I'll select, then paste the .icns onto it, but it just shows up like this:

That "ICNS" picture, instead of the icon...

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OS X :: After Restart Icons On Desktop Realigned To The Right Not In Customized Pattern?

May 15, 2010

i have g5 with fresh leopard install . after restart my icons on desktop realigned to the right,not in my customized pattern. that happened from the first restart after the installation.

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OS X :: Icons Not Displaying In Stacks/Dock But Are Displaying In Finder?

Aug 30, 2009

Anyone else having this issue or know how to solve it?

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OS X :: Icons Now Displaying In Low Resolution?

Feb 4, 2010

So I'll admit it, I'm a freak when it come to changing icons on my new mac, I want everything to look "pretty".. pretty organizedso then yesterday I tried downloaded a new icon pack and the first one was unpacked normally and the rest looked like they were made in microsoft paint program by a 5 year I re-downloaded to no avail, so I tried applying one of my old icons to a folder that had worked before but it also showed up in bad I tested with lots of different ones and they all look bad, also now my shared applications folder in the dock from paralells pops up in bad . Im not doing anything different from before, anyone know whats going on?? (Pic attached below)

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OS X Yosemite :: Sidebar Icons Displaying Incorrectly

Nov 30, 2014

I recently used LiteIcon to change how my folder icons look (because the oversaturated blue folders in Yosemite are ugly, in my opinion) and in the process, it messed up my sidebar icons.I did this one time before I updated LiteIcon and it did the exact same thing but I thought they would've fixed this since the update.

MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Applications Folder - Icons Not Displaying Correctly In Stack

Oct 28, 2007

Has anyone made their Application folder a stack? When I have a newly installed program, the icon does not display correctly in the stack. It shows a crossed out application icon. In finder the icon displays correctly.

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Safari :: Extensions Icons Not Displaying In Color On Toolbar?

May 1, 2012

My Safari windows look grey and bleak, just like the weather. I've double checked my security preferences and allowed third party plug-in access etc, is it that extensions just don't install as coloured icons in Safari? My friend's web browser allows colour and it makes icons easier to find in the Toolbar.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), (13-inch, white) Late 2007

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OS X :: Customized Dock - Revert To Default?

Nov 6, 2009

I customized my doc by messing with the png files and plist etc. How do I get the old ones back? I tried a program but it looks funky.

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OS X :: Customized Desktop Icon Has A White Background?

Mar 19, 2009

When I paste my customized icon to my desktop folder, there's a white background. I've tried creating a clipping path in photoshop and saving it in various formats (gif, jpeg, or pict) and to no avail, the stubborn white background just won't go away.

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MacBook :: Customized - Change Color Logo To Apple Classic Color

Jul 16, 2009

i really want to customize my macbook. i want to change the color logo to apple classic color. (but not for a while) the main thing i want to do is something like this [URL] the second picture to last. the guy with a suit and a hat, being covered with the apple logo. i want something like that, only not that image. you get the idea though. where can i get something like this? are they stickers as well? or are they laser engraved? i do not want it permanent on my macbook, since i get easily bored with the same look

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MacBook :: Slow Customized Macbook

Aug 14, 2010

I received my MacBook in the mail today and got excited, but could not use it because it moved so slow and seemed to lock up or just not move. It boots up okay but when I try to move the mouse, it staggers around the screen and eventually, nothing works. I ran the act. monitor to see if it was still tracking processes and that froze as well. Sometimes I can get a good five minutes then it just goes out on me. It seems to move normally when I am in safe mode so i dont know where to go from there...

Macbook (Mid/Late 07)
Intel Core Duo 2 @ 2ghz

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OS X :: Getting Avahi Devices To Show Up In Finder With A Customized Icon?

Apr 20, 2010

Our device is broadcasting out its model name "DeviceX" on the network?

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Remove Conduit Customized Search From Browsers

Sep 6, 2014

Conduit customized search has taken over all of my browsers. How do I fix this?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Customized Trackpad - Make Four Finger Swipe Left / Right Switch Tabs In Safari?

Jul 21, 2009

Just curious as to whether or not I could assign gestures to commands? I want to make a four finger swipe left/right switch tabs in Safari. It's possible to do with with my Logitech mouse but when I'm not using my mouse I feel as if a four finger swipe would be much easier than command+shift left/right.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To View Program Icons - Double Tap Shows Icons

Feb 20, 2009

I have to hit program folder twice to see the icons in this folder.I have a 17" 2.9 GHZ Unibody,
When I go into the finder and hit "Programs" the folder opens but no icons are shown, If I hit it a second time (via left menu in window) they are shown roght away.

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MacBook :: Battery Sign In Displaying An 'X' Battery Sign In Displaying An 'X'?

Apr 2, 2012

I was having problems before the battery sign desided to display an 'X'earlier in the day the system was not regestering the trackpad's 'click'I spoke to an apple  support guy and it was sorted in about a half after a few tries of some restarting and command holding about a couple of hours later the same 'click' problem thought it'd bloody come back! and so i tried to repeat the restarting and command holding to see if i could get my book going by myself...but then the moment i restarted the book the fan sound (a sound i had never heard my macbook make before) was there, loud, and i knew somthing was not right.  

I'm just fed up!

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: When Starting MAC On Home Page With Icons / How To Arrange Icons Alphabetically Left To Right

Sep 6, 2014

How does one arrange icons from left to right a Windows.  I would like the Mac disk icon in the upper left of the window followed by app and file icons to appear in alphabetical order from left to right.  I know it will go vertically and then to the next row. 

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), late 2008

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Sidebar Document Icons Change To Folder Icons?

Mar 20, 2012

I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Delete Icons / Application Showing Icons On Desktop

Oct 24, 2009

On my desktop the little disk image icons are coming up when i open certain applications. I wanna make them disappear, but still be able to see ipods, cds, and external drives.

Also(somewhat irrelevant), occasionally when i open firefox, it asks me to drag it in the applications folder, but it's already there. please help. its so annooying

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Software :: Desktop Doesn't Show Any Icons - How To Get Back Icons

Sep 29, 2008

i am a tad stumped by this issue i'm having right now with my new imac. i noticed one day that none of my desktop aliases show any longer. in fact if i go to the desktop folder through finder my files and such show in there however none of my aliases nor those files show on the actual desktop. another thing i've noticed is that whenever i now try to drag and drop anything to the desktop whether it be a URL from safari or an alias i made in finder the dragged item simply just drags itself back to where i pulled it from.

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OS X :: Changing Dock Background - Folder Icons And App Icons?

May 1, 2010

First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.

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MacBook Air :: Displaying Computer On TV?

Feb 11, 2012

I have hooked up the macbook air by HDMI/Mini Display cable, now how do I get it to display the computer on the tv?

MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: Not Displaying On Through VGA To All Projectors

Mar 22, 2012

Tried 1 (newer model) at the office that worked fine but my older one at home doesn't display. I still get the blue flash screen though. Also tried a new Fujitsu monitor that didn't display either (claims no input signal). Does the xternal monitor through TB/MD port to VGA adapter only work on some models or if it works on one should it work on all? What can I try?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: No Icons/no Desktop On Imac - How To Get Back Icons

Dec 15, 2008

Powered up my Imac today..goes through the usual gyrations get to a blue background but no icons present..not locked just no icons and cannot pull down any menus..

ran disk utility off off OSX fixed some block count on a .pub file but still get same thing after restart..

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MacBook :: Half RAM Displaying On Board (32 Bit OS)

Oct 10, 2009

I've had my White Macbook for the best part of about a year now, and I'm really pleased with it. Recently though it's been getting a little sluggish, I checked the specs out and I have 1GB of RAM on board, I though fair play, and got a 4GB Kit. I've just plugged it in and it's only displaying 2GB on board.

I could understand if it maxed at 3 as I am only running a 32bit OS and it wouldn't be able to index the extra gig. I'm now looking closer at the RAM Modules and its saying that they are 1GB each. It seems as if one of my DIMM Slots isn't working, any ideas what I can do or is it back to the Apple store for a hefty repair bill?

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MacBook Air :: Finder Not Displaying Applications

Jun 11, 2012

When I access the appications by HD>Users>(my user name)>applications, finder wont display any applications what so ever (in any vew or arrangement selection). However, when I went into preferences and added the applications option to my side bar in finder, it pulled them all up just fine.applications are still able to be accessed by using launch pad as well as from a folder from the dock, the only way they are blank, is by accessing them through the sequence above.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13' Intel Core i7, 4GB ram

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MacBook Pro :: Displaying Images In IMail?

Aug 24, 2014

How do I get mail to display images instead of able square with a ?  

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Images Not Displaying In Any Browser

Jun 17, 2014

Recently I bought a Macbook Pro 15 inch 2.3Ghz intel core i7.  

Since I bought this machine I cant see some images in any browser (safari, chrome, firefox) in some websites. I have tried in different machines and the images in these websites are there but in my computer the images links appera as broken and it becomes anoying. I have cleared the cache memory, erased history, cookies and nothing seem to work.  

This is my business website and I cant see the logo on the top left or the cart image in the top right. This is what I see using chrome safari or firefox  [URL] ....

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 2.3 Ghz Intel Core I7

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MacBook :: Won't Stop Displaying Subtitles During Movies

May 28, 2010

I've been having troubles with my macbook CD drive lately, and this new problem is very annoying. When watching a CD movie, no matter what I do subtitles are displayed. It's not a foreign movie either. I go to the menu and select subtitles off, but still they're displayed once I hit play.

All the movies that now have subtitles, didn't use to. I've been playing movies on here for three years and suddenly everything has subtitles turned on and I cannot turn them off.

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Software :: Macbook Screen Only Half Is Displaying?

Nov 1, 2010

The screen on my macbook (07 White 13" Macbook) is only displaying the top half of the screen.The bottom half is filled with colored vertical lines.On occasion it will clear up partially but mainly stays this way. I have reset the smc and pram. I have also disassebled and reseated the connection on the back of the lcd screen only.I have not reseated the connection wher it goes inside the computer body itself.

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