Software :: USB Hard Drive Going To Sleep Then Becoming Inaccessible?
Dec 12, 2008
I will try to be a little more clear in describing this one: I use a 500GB USB Hard Drive for storing Music, Videos, Photos, etc. I have my entire library for iTunes, iPhoto in there. Here's the problem. When I mount the drive to use it, it works fine. If I stop iTunes for 5 minutes or so and then try to open up another file from the drive I can hear the hard drive start to spin inside the enclosure, but it just hangs, forcing me to unplug it from the USB port, giving me the fail to eject warning message. When I re-mount it again it works fine, but I imagine doing this is damaging to the files and folders. Anybody else had this problem? Is there any way to adjust how much time of inactivity will cause the drive to sleep?
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Jul 1, 2012
only the sleep button under the apple logo puts the hard drive to sleep it doesn't do it automatically though energy saver and a timed sleep?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 12, 2012
For the last few days, since carrying out a software update (dont know what update!) when I select "sleep" from the main apple menu my screen goes to sleep but my hard drive keeps running, how do I correct this so the whole thing goes to sleep?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 13, 2012
a couple of days before my wireless track pad and keyboard would have trouble connecting when computer is waken after sleep mode. Then one day my mac mini just suddenly stopped going in a physical sleep state. When I go to the apple sign and put the mac mini to sleep the screen turns black like usual but once its put to "sleep" the light indicator on the mac mini will not blink neither will I hear the hardrive slow down. whats going on. This is the standard $700 model mac mini mid 2011.
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Apr 20, 2009
As I've read in many threads there's no way to turn off the blue light, even when my imac is off or sleep, and even thou the hdd is (or might) be asleep, the light always stays on... over all this is not a huge deal, but since the imac is in my room sometimes the light it's a little annoying. I was wondering if anyone here has an external hard drive that goes to sleep and even the lights turn off completely..
Specially if it's a famous brand.. like WD or anything along those lines.. since I'm looking to upgrade my external HDD i figured it's a good to know.. otherwise i'm going to just upgrade to the 1tb Lacie.. I'm considering the 1tb "My Book" because even thou I read that the 500gb had a lot of issues apparently the 1tb one is a lot better.. has anyone has had this drive? Any issues?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a new 17" MBP and recently it stopped going to sleep on its own. I can force it to sleep my apple menu or shutting the lid. I have tried everything I can think of... all programs closed, nothing running (to my knowledge) and in activity monitor it shows the disk activity writting every 20 seconds or so... my only conclusion is that it's not letting the HD become inactive long enough to send to sleep... can someone please help me with this?
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Mar 16, 2012
I just got a new Mac Mini, and I notice that when it's in sleep mode, the hard disk is constantly spinning up and then spinning down again. It spins down roughly every thirty seconds, the power light starts blinking in the "I'm sleeping" pattern, but then the drive spins back up in a matter of seconds and the light is on constantly until the next spin-down. I've tried turning off the network, disconnecting the display, fiddling with the Energy Saver settings, quitting all programs, all to no avail. All updates are installed.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 19, 2010
I bought an optibay clone and put it in my 2010 Macbook i5. I have an SSD residing in my standard hard drive bay (because of potential hibernate issues) and the 5400rpm Apple drive + optibay clone in the Superdrive bay. How do I sleep/spin down the 5400rpm drive ? Unmounting doesn't seem to help. Put disk to sleep option in preferences is selected, but it keeps spinning and spinning. What options do we have for sleeping/spinning down this drive within OSX ?
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Sep 18, 2007
The last couple of times I have woken my MBP up a box has popped up with a big red sign in the middle saying my external hard drive was removed unexpectedly and could have caused loss of data. I know this is not healthy and I would like to stop it doing this as soon as possible. It is connected via firewire 800 and is a western digital 250 gig my book pro if that makes any difference. I close the lid of my laptop with it still on and connected and everything is supposed to sleep. It used to work fine, I would open the lid and everything would wake up and I could do what I was doing before with no error messages and the hard drive would still be mounted on the desktop.
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Mar 19, 2008
i dunno if this is new or everyone already knows bout it, but when i stacked one macbook air on top of the other with the bottom one sleeping, the one stacked on top also goes to sleep even if it was turned on. i tried this on a friends macbook air and this happens. is it coz of the magnetic fields in the hard drive? anyone with 2 macbook airs on hand should definitely try this.
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May 29, 2008
I'm on an early 2008 mac pro - used to be on a Powerbook G4. I have a 300 GB LaCie d2 Extreme external HD connected via firewire 800. Both are in 10.5.2. While on my powerbook, the drive behaved normally - fell asleep after no use, then awakened when I needed to access something. On my new mac pro, the drive behaves strangely. I only use it for backup, so it's only accessed once a day. The rest of the time I do not use it. When it's not in use, the drive sporadically wakes and sleeps. I've tried to pinpoint the cause to no avail.
I've tried all the usual suspects: browsing the forums, checking the "hard disk sleep" preference in energy saver, switching the firewire 800 cable with usb and firewire 400, watching activity monitor to see if there's a program accessing the drive (haven't found anything, but that doesn't mean it's not there). None of it works.
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Sep 6, 2009
So basically, my hard drive is dying (clicking/chirping noises, random freezes), but for now it seems to keep working and until it finally breaks, I want to put as little load on it as possible and was wondering whether its better to put the machine to sleep at night or turn it off completely? I realise it's fairly minor by itself, so in addition I'm trying to stream as much video as possible instead of downloading, I've got it constantly hooked up to an external making hourly TM backups, also got a carbon copy bootable clone made.
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Oct 3, 2009
I've bought 8 months ago external hard drive Seagate FreeAgent 1TB (USB 2.0 7200 RPM 32MB cache), till last week disk was plugged in to pc and everything was great. Now its plugged to mac and the problem is, the hard drive all the time going to sleep after minute or two. I've turned off sleeping disk in system pref., also i used command sudo pmset -a disk sleep 0. App from seagate is a piece of **** I've made full format from ntfs to mac hfs. Nothing helped! Is there any solution to resolve my problem?
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Oct 6, 2009
I'm running out of space on my Mac Mini's disk because of all my iTunes video files. I am thinking about buying an enclosure for my spare 1 TB hard drive, and using it as the location of my iTunes library, but I wondered how it works with the Mac Mini's energy-savings mode. My Mini is set to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity, then wake when iTunes content is requested by my Apple TV or Airport Express. I like it, because it's very energy efficient that way! My question is, will the disks also sleep along with my computer, and will they wake properly when the computer wakes?
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May 5, 2010
My computer (MBP 5,5) makes this sound several times throughout a day of use. It sounds exactly like the little "click" sound the computer makes, when i close the lid and have it go into sleep mode. I guess it's the hard drive going to sleep sound? If i'm right, i really don't understand why the hard drive goes to sleep at these random times. I've disabled that in System Preferences - at least i think so. It's this option, right?: [URL] Also, my MBP is always (only use it as a desktop with an external monitor connected to it) on a mStand on my table, so it can't be the Sudden Motion Sensor either.
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Jun 4, 2010
Is there a way to disable hard drives from automatically going to sleep mode (spinning down). Energy saver (System preferences) already has "put hard disk(s) to sleep whenever possible) turned off, so this must be done from the drive itself. The drives in question are a 3.5" ATA drive from Western Digital (WD5000AAKB) and a 2.5" Seagate SATA drive (Disk utility doesn't tell me which drive model it is, so I have to physically open the enclosure to find out). They're both placed inside external Firewire 800/USB enclosures.
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Oct 3, 2010
Lately I've noticed that whenever I put my Mac to sleep, I lose a few megabytes. At first I didn't think anything about it. Until one day I let sleep for a while I was doing something, and came back to, and saw that I had lost about 300 megabytes. While it was in sleep, no applications were running and nothing was downloading. My mac is Macbook pro, 3 years old, 120 gigabyte, 2 gb of ram, 2.33 Ghz Intel Core duo, Model Identifier: 2,2, and Serial Number:W86481HGW0H Right now it's running leopard. I'm about to upgrade to Snow Leopard. So why would it lose this hard drive space when it's in sleep mode? By the way, I bought it used one year ago. So I've only had it a year. I haven't downloaded anything from any untrustworthy websites. I only download things from trusted sources(i.e. itunes.) Please help. Right now my only solution is to keep a close eye on it, and make sure that it does not go to sleep!
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Dec 28, 2008
I have a 2008 Mac Pro with the original OSX drive and then two other hard drives, one I use for Boot Camp/Fusion and the other for my work files. Under Energy Save in system preferences, I have it so that the drives will sleep whenever possible. The issue I'm having is one of the drives, I think the one with my work files, will wake from sleep every 15 minutes or so even if I'm not accessing any of the files. I haven't timed it exactly but it's around 15-20 minutes and happens throughout the day. What is causing the drive to wake? I disabled iStat Pro because before the drives would spin every time I checked my dashboard so that's not the problem anymore.
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Aug 21, 2009
I put it on Craig's list so wanted to wipe the drive and figure I'd play around with OS 9 a little just for fun. While in OS 9 it prompted me to upgrade the firmware on the DVD-ROM drive. I thought that sounded like a good idea since it makes some terrible noises when a disc is in... anyway, I did the firmware upgrade and everything went fine. That's the only real change I can think of that might have contributed to this new issue.Anyway, after that I put 10.3 on it again (I had 10.4 on it before) and it wouldn't sleep correctly. Everything looks like its going to sleep ok, then the hard drive spins up, then back down, over and over again endlessly.
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Dec 20, 2009
So, I just had the original 300 GB hard drive fail in my aluminum 24" inch Mac running the latest update of Leopard. I wasn't able to save it using diskwarrior (diskwarrior said it was some sort of mechanical failure) but I was able to recover most of the data from it by booting from an external hard-drive.
So I went out and purchased a brand new Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB drive. The install went fine, it found the drive partitioned it and installed Leopard successful. Then is crashed and disappeared when I left it alone to run all the software updates. I came back and the computer was stuck on "Restart Required" after downloading all the updates.
I went to hit restart now, and the system just hanged, wouldn't do anything. So I hard powered down the system and restarted it. It came up with nothing, just stuck on the White Screen of Death. So I plugged the external drive back in and booted from it. Mac OSX couldn't find the drive and diskwarrior would crash if I tried to run it. I tried to boot up from the OSX start-up disk and it couldn't find the drive either.
So I took the case apart and made sure all the connections were solid and the drive was mounted correctly. Everything looked fine so I plugged it in and it started up fine. Finished the updates and the iMac ran great. So I thought maybe it was overheating, so I've installed smcfancontrol and started to monitor the temp of the drive. I also took the mac apart again and sucked out any dust in the fans or vents. The drive never goes over a 105 F, so it doesn't seem to be overheating.
However, this is where the problem is consistent: everytime the iMac goes into sleep mode, it crashes and the iMac is unable to find the hard-drive again. Unless I unplug it completely for 5 minutes or so. Once I unplug it, it finds the drive and operates like a champ.
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May 21, 2012
I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8) installed on a solid state drive (SSD). I'm wondering how I can check whether my internal hard drive is spinning or asleep. Is there a diagnostic to test whether a hard drive is spinning?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12 GB RAM
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Jun 19, 2014
When my iMac 27" is in sleep mode I have noticed that the hard drive spins up very regularly every 4 or 5 minutes. Also when placed in sleep, the monitor takes about 30 seconds to go black. It also wakes on its own for no apparent reason. No new software has been added, only normal updates, running Lion. Time machine backup is done every couple weeks.
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Dec 21, 2009
I just had the original 300 GB hard drive fail in my aluminum 24" inch iMac running the latest update of Leopard. I wasn't able to save it using diskwarrior (diskwarrior said it was some sort of mechanical failure) but I was able to recover most of the data from it by booting from an external hard-drive.
So I went out and purchased a brand new Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB drive. The install went fine, it found the drive partitioned it and installed Leopard successful. Then is crashed and disappeared when I left it alone to run all the software updates. I came back and the computer was stuck on "Restart Required" after downloading all the updates. I went to hit restart now, and the system just hanged, wouldn't do anything. So I hard powered down the system and restarted it. It came up with nothing, just stuck on the White Screen of Death. So I plugged the external drive back in and booted from it. Mac OSX couldn't find the drive and diskwarrior would crash if I tried to run it. I tried to boot up from the OSX start-up disk and it couldn't find the drive either.
So I took the case apart and made sure all the connections were solid and the drive was mounted correctly. Everything looked fine so I plugged it in and it started up fine. Finished the updates and the iMac ran great.
So I thought maybe it was overheating, so I've installed smcfancontrol and started to monitor the temp of the drive. I also took the mac apart again and sucked out any dust in the fans or vents. The drive never goes over a 105 F, so it doesn't seem to be overheating.
However, this is where the problem is consistent: everytime the iMac goes into sleep mode, it crashes and the iMac is unable to find the hard-drive again. Unless I unplug it completely for 5 minutes or so. Once I unplug it, it finds the drive and operates like a champ.
I think maybe there's an issue powering the drive back on? Anyone have any ideas?
And my follow up posting later that day:
So I ran some tests just to see if was an overheat issue, hard drive malfunction, or sleep issue. I decided to start encoding a video, pulled up Word, Power Point, Excel, started downloading all 6000 mail messages off my server (I never delete my e-mail :-/), also started installing iLife 09, and pulled up a bunch of webpages in Firefox with multiple tabs.
However, I shut off all sleep mode options on the hard drive. I let it run for an hour and came back. Everything is fine, hard drive isn't locked up and smcfancontrol shows the hard drive running pretty hot (115 degrees) but not so hot I'm worried. So it's definitely something to do the hard drives going into sleep mode and not powering back on. It's also weird that I have to leave the computer completely unplugged for 10-15 minutes before the drive is recognized again.
So turning off sleep seems to be my work-around, however, this shouldn't be a long term solution. I'm worried that there is a bigger issue with the iMac, but I'm not sure what would cause this. I've been a PC guy for years, this was my first Mac, and honestly I don't know enough about the inner workings to narrow this down. I would assume this would have to do with the motherboard in some way? But I'm not sure how you would even test it.
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Mar 15, 2010
I partitioned my 320GB hard drive into 2 sections, 212GB and 108GB, I removed my 108GB partition with Disk Utility, and tried to only have one partition for my entire hard drive, but the "disk verification" fails! 108GB of my hard drive is inaccessible (it works to make a second partition over the 108GB, but I want a single partition over everything for installing windows with BootCamp) what can I do? would backing up everything and wiping my hard drive and reinstalling everything work?
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Feb 12, 2012
What does not work is:create new smart playlist by option clicking on the iconcreate new smart playlist from menu (or by keyb. shortcut)edit a smart playlist that i created before this problem The common in these are that the next step would be the Smart Playlist Editor to open, but it does not, never. I tried so far:repair permissionscreate fresh Libraryreinstall iTunes Actually while writing this i came across the real problem: There is a syntax problem in the Hungarian localization files of iTunes, this causes an exception that I noticed the system logs.
iTunes[1156]: Error parsing localization!
Key: %[bpm]@ %[is]@ %@
Value: %1$[BPM]@ %2$[]@ %3$@
Error is: No items were specified between [ and ]
How can I contact someone, or file a ticket to make this bug patched soon?
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 1, 2014
My time machine external HD has become readnly and inaccessible.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 25, 2009
I am having an infuriating issue with my Airport Extreme, since updating the firmware it will not let me get to the web site for my gaming group, The Valiant Crusaders. The site is perfectly accessible nationwide and if I remove my AeBS and have my machines directly connect to my cable modem, they can get to that site just fine. It's as if my base station has decided to cut off that website and nothing I do will get around that. I even went and did a hard reset on the base station and renamed it etc but it still will not let me get to this site. I can get to every other site I care about with no issues. As far as I know the firewall in the hardware shouldn't be able to be set to do that.
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May 5, 2012
After OS Lion installation pre migration to iCloud, I can't access Word or Excel - greyed out no entry sign and error message when try to open. "You can't open the application Microsoft Word because PowerPC applications are no longer supported". Didn't see any warning of this pre-installation. Didn't see any warning of this pre-installation. I paid for these two softwares and use them daily on my iMac. Need an urgent fix to access previous files. Any solutions to install a fix perhaps, and then re-install the software from my back up? Plus any Apple solutions to no longer having iWeb?
iPad3, Other OS, iPad3 compatibility issues
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Sep 6, 2009
Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.
Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.
Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.
I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.
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Sep 1, 2009
Got a new MBP last month to replace my white MacBook - loving it as an upgrade but one gripe - if I'm sat using it on my knee I regularly hear the "click" type noise of what I imagine is the protection of the hard drive because it thinks it is being dropped.
I never heard this on my old Mac and while it's not a huge issue it is a bit disconcerting, as though I'm being told off for moving it in a fairly responsible way.
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