Software :: Spooky Negative Screen Effects?
Jul 23, 2009it makes everything on the screen a negative. I like to use it for design ideas, and screenshots sometimes. Hit Ctrl+Option+Command+8 and see the madness.
View 1 Repliesit makes everything on the screen a negative. I like to use it for design ideas, and screenshots sometimes. Hit Ctrl+Option+Command+8 and see the madness.
View 1 RepliesAny fix for a screen that looks like a negative?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
It seems that in his nasty habit of taking naps while resting a body part on the keyboard, he has managed to press some obscure key combination that has inverted the colors on my screen (like a color photograph negative). I've searched everywhere to try to revert this, but had no luck so far. When I restart, and/or log out and back in again, the screen is normal during the booting sequence till I choose the account I want to log in with, then it immediatly goes into "x-ray" mode. If I choose another account, it will boot and log in with no screen problem whatsoever. So this must be either a preference option has been changed via keyboard command or the account is corrupted. Right?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe display looks like a photgraphic negative. Is there a simple way to change it back?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My screen suddenly went xray/negative/black & white. Everything on the internet says to hit "control+option+command+8," but that doesn't fix it--the screen just goes white. Going to system preference and adjusting the universal access items doesn't help either.
MacBook Pro
suddenly my screen color changed to negative/black on white. but when i inverted the screen did not back to normal quality. the trace or shadows remains when i move the window. when i log out it turns again to negative form. and when i log in it seems back to normal. but it does not have the same quality and sharpness.Â
View 8 Replies View Relatedi am currently on my imac 5.1 intel core 2 duo 2.16ghz. my 2 year old son managed to change my screen into negative color this includes everything from start up picture to screensaver to photo booth to skype etc etc etc. i have tried everything to get my screen back to normal and can't do it hoping you have any idea on how to fix this
View 2 Replies View RelatedI saw this little "trick" command, control, alt, 8 in a Mac article a few weeks ago. It was nothing more than a cool, little screen alteration that makes the screen go negative. I tried it after first getting my Mac. Just this past week, I tried to do it again and it is not working. Not that it is a serious issue however it is more of a curiousity why it stopped. Did some application I installed on my machine cause this feature to halt? Just curious if anyone has the answer. I tried disabling Shades, Growl and even turned off my power settings to see if that was interfering.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy room mate turns on his computer and the screen is fine. After about 15 miuntes the screen image basically goes negative for a minute or so. After that little pixels begin to rain down until the entire screen is pixelated.  When it is pixelated I can use an external monitor to view my desktop perfectly, which eliminates the graphics card as the issue in my opinion. Â
MacBook Pro, bought in 2008
I accidentally deleted the DesktopScreenEffectsPref.prefPane and I can't get it back without reinstalling Mac OS X. I already tried repairing permissions, and all that stuff. The file is gone (for sure). I am using Mac OS X 10.4.11
View 1 Replies View Relatedfor only one user on the system, the colour scheme has gone negative. Backgrounds, files, programs, etc. have all been affected. I can't find anywhere that would have this effect - it's not in system preferences or anything like. How can I fix this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a slide and negative scanner. All of the ones that I have found in the under $1000 price range say they are compatible with some variety of Windows.
Which is great for them.
But what about Mac? I don't want to spend the money just to find that I can't use the thing.
Any recommendations?
Time Machine told me I had to erase the files on my external hard drive and I had to put them in trash, so, I did and it is deleting 55,000 files (Old Time Machine backup) and now it's going into negative numbers? Is there another way I can delete the back up?
MacBook Air (Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Running Lion
I have a MacBook and the display is much different and an option that i cannot find on the settings. The display on my screen has a negative view to it. As if you were looking at a picture film. I have all the current updates on it, the hard drive is only months old. I don't know what is wrong with it, if a setting what changed that I can't find or if my computer is messing up?
Can someone recommend me a decent negative scanner? I want to digitise all my old photo negatives in a format good enough to keep in iPhoto and upload to Flickr. I'm not interested in ultra professional resolution, but something in the region of 5MP would be good enough.
I've read that Veho are going to be updating their scanner hardware to work with the Mac, but I've heard some stories about the quality being awful. I wish someone would actually upload some of the results so we could decide for ourselves, but it has put me off.
I don't want to spend a fortune, but I am willing to spend a decent amount of money (low hundreds of ���, NOT thousands!!) to get what I want.
I have an old SCSI dedicated slide and negative scanner. It produced scans so much superior to the two newer scanners I've tried, so I'd love to put it back into use. The available SCSI-USB adaptors are expensive, and the software for the device isn't available to work with Tiger or Leopard OS anyhow. I am thinking of looking for an ancient Mac to use the scanner with, or maybe even an old PC. Any feedback on what a smart way to bring my old SCSI Polaroid Sprintscan 3500 scanner back to life?
View 2 Replies View Relatedit is almost like a negative effect, but not the actual negative effect that you can do by pressing "ctl+alt+com+8". The other odd thing is that is has seemed to get a little better in the past day or two on its own. I have attached a picture (the problem is best seen in the upper left portion of the display although this problem does cover the entire screen). Does anyone know if this is a fixable problem?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I make negative numbers red on a spreadsheet while keeping positive numbers black?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
when I turned my macbook on the display has a "photo negative" look to it.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am trying to delete files from an external disk where I had my time machine backup. I dragged the files to the trash and tried to delete them. It now says Items to delete: -99,661 Â
What can this mean and how do I now empty my trash?Â
iMac, MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
My Macbook Pro clock is running negative numbers.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
my desktop and all browser windows have a polarized/negative effect on and i cannot disable.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy iMac's monitor appears as invers--like a photo negative. Turned off computer. Re-started, and still inverse.Â
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
As you can see from the info at the bottom of the post, I own the 2008 model. Now, with my hardware slowly becoming obsolete and the wear starting to show its effects, I would have to get a new laptop in the near future. However, as I discovered, all new models have batteries that cannot be removed. After 2 years of service my battery swelled and had to be replaced. That's 2 years. With a new battery, my laptop's life has been prolonged.Â
How long will a new laptop last? Will I really have to buy a brand new expensive computer every two years just because of a design flaw?Â
A1278 aluminum 2008 MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), it's still alive
When using CSS 'letter-spacing' style with negative a EM value, Safari (5.1.7) incorrectly renders the text spacing. For example, the following code shows correct spacing on Firefox and IE, but not Safari:Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Strange thing happened to my iMac, the background and icon colours has turned to dark colours like raw photo negative. This is the screenshot:
iMac, iOS 5.1
Does anyone know if they have any additional minimize effects available for Leopard? Although the Genie is cool, I'm wondering if anyone has developed any themselves or if Apple supports additional for download. I didn't see any anywhere and Google has proved to not be very helpful, but thought I'd ask.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI downloaded it off the Apple website year or so ago, and it had effects like these:
Now, they seem to have updated the effects and these have been replaced by duller, not so good ones! Anyone know where I can get the originals?
Hi, I have a question to Owner of the New Mac Pro Nehalem (4 Cores):
How many CPU you see in After Effects CS4?
I'm trying to export an animation as an swf file and want it to loop continuously.So I tick 'loop' in the export settings box. Except the outputted file just doesn't loop and just plays once.
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