MacBook Pro :: Why Does Power-book Screen Go Negative Then Rain Pixels
Jun 22, 2012
My room mate turns on his computer and the screen is fine. After about 15 miuntes the screen image basically goes negative for a minute or so. After that little pixels begin to rain down until the entire screen is pixelated. When it is pixelated I can use an external monitor to view my desktop perfectly, which eliminates the graphics card as the issue in my opinion.
MacBook Pro, bought in 2008
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Apr 29, 2012
The display looks like a photgraphic negative. Is there a simple way to change it back?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 28, 2012
My screen suddenly went xray/negative/black & white. Everything on the internet says to hit "control+option+command+8," but that doesn't fix it--the screen just goes white. Going to system preference and adjusting the universal access items doesn't help either.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 28, 2012
suddenly my screen color changed to negative/black on white. but when i inverted the screen did not back to normal quality. the trace or shadows remains when i move the window. when i log out it turns again to negative form. and when i log in it seems back to normal. but it does not have the same quality and sharpness.
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm wondering how uniform the backlighting is on everyone's mid-2010 MBPs. The screen on mine is sort of a gradient, with the screen becoming progressively brighter towards the left side. There are also what appear to be columns where the screen is slightly darker than the surrounding area. This makes it annoying to read in low-light conditions because the left side of the screen will be at a comfortable level when the right side is slightly too dim, or the other extreme. I absolutely cannot stand dead/hot pixels though which makes me hesitant to have the screen replaced. I just bought the notebook a week ago but I don't want it replaced, as I installed a Moshi PalmGuard before I noticed the screen issues. I also installed an InvisibleShield but I can have that replaced at no cost.
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May 14, 2010
So after waiting 4 weeks my High-res Glossy MBP FINALLY arrived...I was so happy. Got home switched it on and WOW it really is a beautiful machine...After using it for about 30 mins however i noticed a small dot to the lower right half of the screen... I looked closer and realized it was either a dead or stuck pixel( I dont exactly know the difference). I did a few test on it, and its ONLY visible when a light color is on the screen (White, Gray etc) However when the screen is DARK blue, Dark green or black it cant be seen at all...
It kind of looks like a TINY speck of water or liquid the size of 1 pixel stuck under the glass... I noticed that it does get lighter and darker when i adjust the brightness of the screen. Can anybody give me some tips? Anything i can do to fix it? Is it in fact a dead or a stuck pixel? I tried the JSscreen fix which is basically a online tool that opens up a flashing screen...Ive had it on for about 30 mins...but no luck
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Apr 11, 2012
Any fix for a screen that looks like a negative?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 25, 2012
my Macbook Pro's display has been acting up. There's these little yellow squares that keeping popping up on my screen while scrolling through something. They then disappear as soon as I scroll up or down again or open a app, tab, etc.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 23, 2008
It seems that in his nasty habit of taking naps while resting a body part on the keyboard, he has managed to press some obscure key combination that has inverted the colors on my screen (like a color photograph negative). I've searched everywhere to try to revert this, but had no luck so far. When I restart, and/or log out and back in again, the screen is normal during the booting sequence till I choose the account I want to log in with, then it immediatly goes into "x-ray" mode. If I choose another account, it will boot and log in with no screen problem whatsoever. So this must be either a preference option has been changed via keyboard command or the account is corrupted. Right?
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Oct 18, 2008
It seems one of the defect possibilities of the new manufacturing process is that the new Macbooks or Macbook Pros can get dust trapped behind the glass screen. At least, that's what happened to my Macbook. So they let me return it, and I got a Macbook Pro, and now the new Macbook Pro, though a thing of beauty, has a bright dead pixel in the top middle screen, as well as a dimmer dead pixel 2 inches to the left of that one. I heard that Apple's dead pixel policy was three dead pixels or no deal on an exchange, but I just bought the computer a few hours ago. Do you think I have a shot at them replacing it? I hate to think of staring at this, (bright) dead pixel for three years, (not to mention the other dimmer dead pixel).
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Jul 5, 2009
the screen has about 6 stuck pixels! 2 are big and the others are quite small. The notebook is covered under AppleCare until 2011. So if i take it to the Apple reseller near me, will they repair it???(they helped me out with my Mac mini before)
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Jun 19, 2014
I have only had my Macbook for about a week now and I noticed that when my screen is black I can clearly see a TON of little specks all over the screen.I found out that these are most likely dead pixels or dust under the glass.
1. Is it normal for my screen to have this many dead pixels after only a week of having it? (I bought it brand new from the store.)
2. What should I do about it?
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Jul 23, 2009
it makes everything on the screen a negative. I like to use it for design ideas, and screenshots sometimes. Hit Ctrl+Option+Command+8 and see the madness.
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Jul 17, 2009
i am working on my website, and notice a few "stars" on the screen. I thought maybe it was my desktop image, as it is the standard leopard galaxy deal. I verified it was my screen. Will Apple even do anything about this, or will they say it is just cosmetic? I took in my MBP (i bought it 10/08, it is the version before the UMBP) to the genius before because the screen has some lines in it, but they said it caused by the keyboard hitting the screen and they wont fix it because it is cosmetic. I think they should fix it, but at this point, it isn't the biggest deal, but now that i spotted it, i can see it everytime i am on a dark screen/page
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Aug 27, 2014
I have an early 2008 version of the 17" MacBook Pro. During the process of uploading photos to iPhoto, the screen froze and pink and green pixels appeared. I shut down by the off button and upon on turning it back on found the screen as shown below. The apple appears and then the clock spins for a moment then freezes. I cannot get any further.
I've tried booting in Safe Mode and other options I've read when trying to boot but to no avail.
Someone said I need to run the AHT but as this was purchased from a friend, I don't have the installation CD's. I've found a DMG file of the AHT but am completely at a loss as to what to do with this.
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Nov 24, 2009
i am currently on my imac 5.1 intel core 2 duo 2.16ghz. my 2 year old son managed to change my screen into negative color this includes everything from start up picture to screensaver to photo booth to skype etc etc etc. i have tried everything to get my screen back to normal and can't do it hoping you have any idea on how to fix this
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Sep 3, 2008
Towards the lower right hand side of my monitor there is a series of pixels that are dimmer than all the rest. It forms basically a backwards J. It is most obvious when there is a white background (like on this site). Is this something that would be covered with Apple Care?
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Aug 29, 2014
The last few days I've been experiencing a problem with my MBPr screen. I can "see" every pixel/pixel outline on the screen. It looks like I'm running a really low resolution but zoomed in. My screen has always been very clear and smooth, with no pixels visible. Is there something wrong with my screen/GPU? I can't be more specific, but I don't know how to explain it. It pretty much looks like the screen was put together by small building blocks. It is especially visible on white background. The pixels appear to have a black "outline".
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2
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Jul 27, 2009
I saw this little "trick" command, control, alt, 8 in a Mac article a few weeks ago. It was nothing more than a cool, little screen alteration that makes the screen go negative. I tried it after first getting my Mac. Just this past week, I tried to do it again and it is not working. Not that it is a serious issue however it is more of a curiousity why it stopped. Did some application I installed on my machine cause this feature to halt? Just curious if anyone has the answer. I tried disabling Shades, Growl and even turned off my power settings to see if that was interfering.
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Feb 13, 2010
for the last week or so my MBA has been showing a ~3 inch bar running vertically along the middle-left of the display. Until today, the area looked just like blurry pixels (some things like graphics would still appear, so I don't believe the problem is with the pixels themselves). Now the area has become a gray bar of pixels.
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Dec 13, 2010
I'm going to be going to grad school in the Fall and I have to walk across campus several times a day. The only case I have found is the SF Waterfield sleevecase. I spoke with a rep. there and she told me that the bag is water resistant, but that water could still get into the opening, even with a flap. Any owners of the bag have any experience in the wet weather with this case? I really like the case, just don't want to risk my investment or my data.
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Sep 27, 2009
Which of these would you say is better (both for looks and use)?- Twelve South BookArc - Rain Design mStandI really like the BookArc, but I'm not keen on having to wait 2-3 weeks for it. I have seen it on eBay though.I know both have different uses, but I won't be using the laptop screen when connected to an external screen (at least not planning on doing so).
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Aug 16, 2010
I received my new 27" i7 1TB HD on Friday. I was amazed at how fast the shipping was. I'm in the UK and I was told it would be shipped from China and arrive in a week and a half, but instead it turned up from Ireland the very next day! After unboxing it I ran all the tests.. yes, call me a sceptic and tell me I'm looking for trouble! No yellow screen, no grey shadow, no scratches on cds, no dead pixels on photo booth. So far so good. I could swear my Superdrive is making an odd off-key noise when accepting discs, but second opinions tell me it's normal. The Seagate drive can make 'processing' noises every now and then but it doesn't bother me too much. I think in Europe we're stuck with Seagate for 1TB from what I've read here
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Sep 21, 2006
I have a few stuck pixels on my screen which i know is inevitable, but I've heard these can be fixed with flashing programs. I came across this and was wondering if anyone has had any success or has any insight on this.
[URL] is the link to the pixel flasher thing. I already tried the pressure technique found here [URL] but it didn't work, unless I didn't do it right. I didn't want to press too hard.
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Apr 18, 2007
I have an eyelash-sized dark streak on the center, bottom (dock area) of my Powerbook G4 15". At first, I thought it was dirt, or another external blemish, but if I move the cursor over it, it obstructs the view of the blemish (instead of appearing beneath it.) Also, I have a small, almost white, faded dot which appears to grow and expand larger if the Powerbook is running for longer than 4-6 hours.What is frustrating is that neither show up under screen captures. Is my monitor full of external stains and blemishes which I cannot remove, or is there something actually wrong with my display?
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May 23, 2009
I have RightZoom, so when I click Maximize it always fills the whole screen. I hide my Dock unless I mouse over it, and my windows won't maximize over the bottom 5 pixels of the screen. I drag the bottom right corner of the window, and it doesn't make it any bigger.
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Jun 4, 2009
I use an Intel white iMac 2.0gHz as my primary computer. So far, it has given me no trouble. However, lately I woke the computer to discover a yellow line of dead pixels all the way to the right of the screen. It was discouraging but since the line was out of the way, it wasn't a great deal. However again, later today, I woke the display to find another line running down the middle of the computer. Oh gosh! Anyone know what is going on? Is it the display or the graphics card?
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Mar 13, 2009
My new 24" 2.93 1tb iMac arrived today after ordering it March 3rd. Everything is great about it except for a cluster (like 8-10) of dead pixels in the upper right of the screen. This bugs me, so I want to the it replaced. My question is how does Apple go about replacing computers? Do I get a new one first then send back the old, so I am not with out a computer for a week?Also do I send everything back with all the accessories or just the physical computer?
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Dec 12, 2009
I recently got the Core i5 iMac. Basically, while I'm working doing everyday things like browsing, coding, iMovie screen just freezes and there are squares of white noise pixels scattered everywhere. I can see the mouse cursor as I move but the image is so distorted that I dont know what Im clicking. Restarting the machine fixes the problem.
I made a youtube video so you guys could see what I'm talking about here:
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Apr 29, 2012
the migration assistant of my new MBA (10.7.3) does not communicate with my old powerbook G4(10.4.11).What can I do?
MacBook Air
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