I am needing to install a pdf reader on a Mac Classic 7.0. It is the only computer that can connect to the Laserwriter IINT (I have a Mac G3 OS 10.2 but am not seeing how to connect to the Laserwriter. I'm needing to edit/print old Cricket Draw and Pagemaker files and found when I updated the Pagemaker files on the G3 and printed them on the Classic - some of the graphics I added caused printing errors. After much googling it appears to be a compression problem in the older Pagemaker when printing. I tried replacing the graphics with cricket draw PICTs but still had errors.
SO plan 'B' was to edit the files on the G3 - print to PDF - then print the PDF from the Classic. I found a PrintToPDF 2.4.5 that says it will run on the Classic but the Classic doesn't have Stuffit - can't seem to get the PDF installed.
Maybe I am looking at this whole thing wrong and need to concentrate on connecting the Laserwriter to the G3.
OR - can I connect the 2 machines so that I can run the classic from the G3 similar to how I use Remote Computing on PCs to run another PC from a main one. I do not know what would be involved - cabling or otherwise.
The situation is I can edit the Pagemakers on the G3 and print them to PDF and would print them to the Laserwriter if I could figure out how to connect and install the printer on the G3
I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.
I was looking for a Safari Reader-like add-on for Firefox and finally stumbled on Firefox Reader, which seems to have more customizations, and options. Has anyone else tried it? What are your impressions?
I just tried NetNewsWire, and Vienna, NNW is nice but Google Reader has a great feature that these both are without.
In GReader, when I mouse over or scroll down it marks that one article as read. No pushing buttons, clicking next, nothing. Just read.
I want to be able to pre-download all of my current unread items, AND the pictures. Gears for GReader does NOT download the pictures. I have a lot of picture only feeds, like lolcats, that I would like to let build up for a week and then on my long plane ride home, check out.
In NNW I can smash the space bar and get this accomplished, but I'd rather just scroll through, or at least have the option to.
I don't really like the look of Vienna, it's too unpolished, NNW is a tad better and has better options for like the prefs.
It would also be interesting to be able to give specific instructions, or adjust certain settings on a per-feed basis. Such as filter out cartain keywords (Without using a service such as feedrinse).
I hat vienna because once I click on a feed, it marks everything as read. That's bad for me as I sometimes just open a mega feed and read one or two items. I have maby 20 or 30 feeds, but usually get 2-300 new items a day. Most are junk like Joystick, but I like to sit down and go through the important ones while im taking a break or eating lol.
I know you can't but it'd be interesting to allow some feeds to auto queue an embedded movie, let me view it offline (or off my VPN.
It's a Dual 2 GHz PPC from 2007 running 10.5.8. I have old disks for 10.2 but they don't include Classic OS. I have OS 9 disks but they're for a G4. What are my options, including buying Classic OS somewhere or re-formatting the hard drive?
We have over 300 users of a special land surveying software LANDESIGN 1.17 made for Classic OS9 and we were able to run it successfully with the modified Sheepshaver 2.3 "Classic On Intel 4.01" installed on OSX 10.5.1 on an MB Pro Intel but after updating to OSX 10.5.4, this Classic application it is not working properly in COI 4.01 The OS9 loads ok but when I tried to open the Landesign application from within OS9, a dialog windows display "the application could noy be opened because the application that was used to create could not be found" It was running great before. Is there any other OS9 application that runs in OSX 10.5.4 on an Intel Mac?
How do I get Classic to run again under OSX 10.3.9? I am getting a message stating that I need to have at least 128MB of RAM to run Classic... I have 1.5GB of RAM.
I am currently running Mac OSX on my G4. For some reason my classic 9 won't run any more. I can't open any programs that run on classic 9. I tried to reinstall classic 9 from the installation disk and that won't run either. Anything that has to do with classic 9 won't run.
Can I install my OS 10.2.2 disk, which includes OS 9 Classic, to fix Classic and maintain my hand-me-down 10.3.9 (with no disks)? My attempt at installing 9.2.2 disk shows "more than one system found, please choose" (available folders) which show the same message. I've been in cummunicado for a long time (years) and am wondering if the abandonment of 10.3.9 means the loss of use of my beloved pinball and Scrabble (legacy?) games in any new Mac?Â
I need the Classic to use my library of legacy games, but the 10.3.9 as a (somewhat) useful internet so I can put this old goat (the device!, not me)out to pasture to live its final year(s) doing good deeds like running UC Berkeley's BOINC program to search for extraterrestrial life (SETI). No kidding. I'm currently using an HP Pavilion with Window Vista.Â
Info: PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.3.x), PowerBook G4 12" OS 10.3.9
I recently upgraded an iMac 400 Indigo from OS 9.2 to OS 10.2.8. It wasn't the first time I have done that. This time, however, when I tried to install an older software program, I got a message saying that the classic environment couldn't be found. This never happened before. What can I do to restore the classic environment so I can run older software?
I am finding that it is tough (if actually possible) to run the Classic Environment with Leopard on Intel-based Macs. However, I have an iBook G4 from mid-2005 that came with Panther. I upgraded to Leopard, and so lost the capability of running Mac Classic.I recently bought a study book for a college exam, but the software it came with requires Mac Classic, which I cannot run. Is there a simple way of making this work? I tried SheepShaver, but I couldn't figure out how to make that do anything useful
I am trying to play an old mac game called warlords on my intel mac laptop running leopard. I have yet to find a version of the game created for something other than mac os classic or windows. Is there any way around this? If I used boot camp and dual booted into tiger would that fix my problem cause tiger has the classic environment but I dont have a ppc. If that would work I am wondering if there was the potential for some of my stuff on my 100 gb hard drive to get deleted in the process because I only have 30 gb left and no external hard drive to back stuff up on.
I have a classic mac pro and I restored Snow Leopard on my 8gb usb stick.
The stick is recognized on osx and works very well and when the installation process reboots, nothing appens, the usb stick is not recognized on startup, even with the alt command.
I tried on other machines and everything is going perfectly except with my mac pro.
Can you plz guys tell me how can I make my mac pro (classic) recognize my usb stick on startup ?
In classic, Page Set-up (Laserwriter 8) no longer shows "Letter" or "Legal" sizes. Instead, it shows "na-letter" and "na-legal" and when I select either and print, my printer informs me that paper size "A4" is selected, and, of course, the margins of the printed document are all messed up. Also, my printer stops at each page and asks me to check the paper size. I'm guessing "na" is for "not applicable." Everything worked fine until I installed the 4.4.11 Combo update back in April. I had 10.4.x before that. The Laserwriter 8 Page Set-up dialog box is different than it was prior to the update (although it is a version that's familiar to me from years ago). I've tried deleting the new driver and installing an older Laserwriter driver from another Mac on which I had not run the combo update. Although doing this makes printing fail completely, in the Print Dialog box I do actually see the version of it I remember, and I CAN select "Letter" and "Legal" (and there's no "na-letter" or "na-legal").
If I restart my Mac, it tells me that it needs to update the driver and does so, and then I'm back to "na-letter" and "na-legal" and a different Print Dialog box. I'm printing on an Epson Aculaser CX11NF. Again, it used to work just fine and nothing I know of changed besides the Combo update. Non-Classic printing usually works fine, but sometimes my printer thinks that a document is "A4" when it isn't. Since I end up changing the paper size directly on the printer's front panel (to avoid it stopping with each print and asking me to check the paper size because I don;t have A4 loaded), I'm guessing that this is my fault. Sometimes when printing from iPhoto from another Mac on my network, iPhoto automatically selects A4 instead of letter even though Letter is the default paper size for that Mac. The application is MYOB Accounting Plus. I've had to change the formating of my checks and reports, and I can no longer print on the top inch-and-a-half of the page. I have re-installed the system, the Epson software, and anything else I could think of.
We have a group of legacy apps running on Classic and we are moving to OS X 10.5 or 10.6. We want to see if there is a way to serve up the legacy app by using something like a Citrix Presentation Server or would I just have to do remote access. I am trying to avoid the need for 1 G4 for each user.
I have a second G5 with 10.3 that I would like to upgrade to 10.4. Will this affect the functionality of Classic mode? I use it for Typestyler. Their OSX version is funky.
I have an indigo iMac G3 with OS X 10.2.8 and OS 9.2.2. I run lots of apps on OS X with the Classic Environment feature, but lately it tells me that a "Error occurred while updating system folder with Classic-specific resources."
I really need Classic Environment to work. how to fix this without reinstalling anything?
Info: iPod touch(iOS 5.1.1), iPod nano 5G, iMac G3(OS 9.2.2, OS X 10.2.8)
I still have a couple of OLD apps that require System 9. When I attempt to open either of them I get the "Classic is starting" progress bar, but it never quite finishes. I can start Classic okay with extensions off but then I can't use the printer, and my old copy of Photoshop Elements won't load no matter what I try. I get an error message when I try to run "Install Applications and Classic Support" from my installation disk. I really don't want to part with the $$ for System 10.4 AND two new pieces of software right now.
I cannot get the Classic environment to not automatically start when either I restart or turn on my PowerBook.
I've had this problem ever since someone needed to use my computer with a program that was for a prior operating system, once we found out that the only way for it to work on my Mac would be to wipe my current operating system and revert back to the Classic operating system, which of course at that point we stopped with the process.
Ever since then, the 9 is always bouncing in my dock, and when I go into system preferences I cannot uncheck the "Start Classic when you login" option, it is greyed out for some reason.
I've attached a screen shot, I have more of what happens when I login and I can post if it would be helpful
I have an old Powerbook G4 1.33GHz. Which is Mac OS9 Compatible. Is it possible to dual boot this system with OS9 and Leopard. I really want to upgrade from tiger but I don't want to lose classic support. If it is possible to do this could you tell me how or point me to a website that can show me.