PowerPC :: Cannot Disable Classic Environment At Startup
Sep 1, 2010
I cannot get the Classic environment to not automatically start when either I restart or turn on my PowerBook.
I've had this problem ever since someone needed to use my computer with a program that was for a prior operating system, once we found out that the only way for it to work on my Mac would be to wipe my current operating system and revert back to the Classic operating system, which of course at that point we stopped with the process.
Ever since then, the 9 is always bouncing in my dock, and when I go into system preferences I cannot uncheck the "Start Classic when you login" option, it is greyed out for some reason.
I've attached a screen shot, I have more of what happens when I login and I can post if it would be helpful
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Sep 22, 2009
Has anyone had any problems running the Mac Classic Environment under 10.4.11 on a G-4?
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Jul 3, 2008
i new to using mac. recently i try opening a file but when i double click the file, it says that ' classic environment ' is no longer support.
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Sep 10, 2008
I recently upgraded an iMac 400 Indigo from OS 9.2 to OS 10.2.8. It wasn't the first time I have done that. This time, however, when I tried to install an older software program, I got a message saying that the classic environment couldn't be found. This never happened before. What can I do to restore the classic environment so I can run older software?
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Aug 25, 2010
When I try to run a game on a CD from 1995, I get this error:
You can't open the application Connections because the Classic environment is no longer supported.
In General Info it says the Application is Classic.
How can I make this run in Snow Leopard?
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Jul 4, 2012
I have an indigo iMac G3 with OS X 10.2.8 and OS 9.2.2. I run lots of apps on OS X with the Classic Environment feature, but lately it tells me that a "Error occurred while updating system folder with Classic-specific resources."
I really need Classic Environment to work. how to fix this without reinstalling anything?
iPod touch(iOS 5.1.1), iPod nano 5G, iMac G3(OS 9.2.2, OS X 10.2.8)
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Jun 30, 2012
I have an eMac (the 1GHz USB 2.0 educational model) and retail copies of OS 10.3 and 9.1. OS 10.3 is installed, and I would like to install the Classic Mac Environment using my retail copy of OS9, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. The machine won't boot from the OS9 cd, and when I run the installer in Panther, it stops with a message that I need to update OS9, but cannot unless the drive is writable (which it isn't, because it's a cd). Is there a way to get OS9 onto my HDD so that I can actually update it, or do I need to buy another copy of OS9 to get this to work?Â
eMac (usb 2.0), Mac OS X (10.3.x), 1GHz educational model
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Oct 2, 2009
I am trying to find an application that I used when I was much younger in the classic environment. It was called Cocoa and was a basic game/application builder that was object-orientated and worked around creating rules for each object. I can remember that the sample level involved moving away from a dog to get a key and open a door - not specific I know but it is something...
I've been trying to find it, but it is hard to find considering there are so many other things called Cocoa. Hoping that someone else knows what I'm talking about, where I could find it or if it's been brought to OS X.
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May 7, 2012
I'm running 10.7.3 software, but im trying to install a program but every time i try to stall it.. this comes out '"You can't open the application Diablo Installer because the Classic environment is no longer supported."I was wondering if i could buy or download some type of program to run a old system...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), help me...
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Oct 6, 2008
I just brought 2 eMacs from the States to Europe (Spain), thus both machines are not "out of the box" ready to cope with the european 220V.
I've googled searching for answers on and found this post. Apparently, removing a jumper does the trick just fine. My question is which one, because there's two jumpers in that region of the motherboard. See images:
I have taken some images (sorry, with my cellular), I wonder which of the two jumpers has to be removed, the one with two lines (as shown in the picture), or the other one (single cable) in the left-bellow.
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Oct 23, 2010
I have some MS word documents on my MacBook (intel) that I'd like to transfer to my white iBook. I tried plugging an enternal HD into the iBook (that HD contained the docs) but the iBook said that the HD wasn't compatible with it. So I went back on my MacBook and transfered the files from the HD to a memory stick.
However when I plugged that in and tried to open the files, MS word opened but the file did not. The word files are Word 2007 and on the iBook is an older OS9 version of Word. The iBook has Mac OSX panther on it, but the MS word opens in "classic mode". Any ideas on how I can get the docs to open on the iBook?
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Jul 24, 2010
I would like to disable some processes from starting upon login, but can't figure out how. I am not referring to the Login Items of System Preferences>Accounts. I have checked /Library/StartupItems/ (empty), /Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist (essentially empty), and ~/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist (which only contains the things that i do want, it matches my account preferences).
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Aug 6, 2010
1. Step 1, Right click at the Application Icon at your Dock (bottom usually)
2. In right popup small window(menu) for the Application, then select �Open At Login� to disable the application auto-start at login.
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Aug 27, 2010
How to stop skype from auto launching every time I reboot my computer?
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Dec 24, 2010
I'm referring to the two second sound that comes whenever you hit the power button. Is there any way to disable it?
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May 20, 2010
I have a problem with my Dropbox in Snow Leopard because it is all the time being started when I login and I'd like to disable that. I tried unchecking the option in the Dropbox preferences and deleting Dropbox from the "login items" of my account. But when I restart the computer it's there again.
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Jun 2, 2012
Every time I boot or restart my iMac, MacOS folder always opens at login. How do I disable it? This doesn't happen on my Macbook only on my iMac, I can't find the folder in FInder to disable it.
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Jan 13, 2009
I'm sure many of you know how using bootcamp can cause slow startups when switching OS's because it has no cache to use. For example I'll be in Windows and then need to swap back over to Leopard to get something done, but it takes forever. The worst part is the list of login items... I've tried using scripts to separate them by 10 seconds or so, but nothing really made it faster. I was wondering if it was possible to login but cancel or disable the startup items for that login that one time... Sometimes I just need to login to grab something off the internet or something quick, but it takes me awhile because I have to wait for everything to load.
Do I make any sense? :P
And no, safe startup mode does not count. I don't want to disable the entire system... just the login items.
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Apr 15, 2012
In OS X Lion I have to login each time my computer starts up. How do I make it login automatically?
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Apr 24, 2012
Is there any way to disable the ability to open the Startup Manager by pressing the option key?
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Apr 14, 2012
how I can disable one of my video cards in my MacBook pro. The better of the two recently crapped out, or at least if am able to get it to turn on and can login to switch to the other video card it works fine.
Basically the screen glitches up and freezes the computer. I think it could have potentially taken damage from possible prolonged over heating from high temperature spaces, and a lot of dirty air over time blocking the vents. (after multiple cleanings)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 17, 2007
i turn on my powerbook, after about 10 minutes a loud vibration along with noise comes from what i am sure is the dvd drive, and crashes my finder (computer). there is no disk in the drive and I have tried using it with a disk in the drive, but the same thing happens.my warranty is well over, i just need it to work and don't need the dvd drive.so, my question:is it possible to disable or remove the drive from the computer and it still function?
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May 24, 2010
I just purchased a powerbook and I loaded up limewire...but the program won't connect. I have the internet running just fine.
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Apr 5, 2007
My brother's iBook G4 (I think it's a 2003 model) has a problem with the screen. When the computer is turned on, the screen stays black, although the backlight is on (the apple glows). Sometimes, on start up, the screen works normally for a random amount of time before going fuzzy and then black again.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it likely to be a problem with the hardware in the actual computer, or just the screen? Or is it a software thing?
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Mar 14, 2008
I am working on a hardware hack with an iBook G4 800MHz where I can only power the iBook with the AC Adapter--NOT using the battery. When the compy is turned off and turned back on, I am getting this huge error message on the display that my time and date are wrong.
I gather there is no battery on the MB that sustains the internal clock--the compy uses the powerbook battery to keep the clock up to date?
Is there any way to set the system software to bypass or ignore the time and date? This computer is not connected to the internet, and time and date are irrelevant to my application.
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Mar 16, 2008
I'm running Leopard on my iBook G4, 1.33GHz. I am using it with an external keyboard, mouse, and monitor, but the "clamshell mode" is not supported on iBook G4s. I've tried Sleepless and InsomniaX, but they both don't work.
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Jul 20, 2010
I Googled around, and found a Microsoft forum post detailing how to do this. However, whenever I enter the command, I get an access is denied error.
bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
That's the command, which I get the following error:
The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access is denied.
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Nov 21, 2010
I have a G4MDD that has start up issues.
When I push the start up button, nothing happens. If I pull the power plug then reconnect it, the computer will start using the start up button on the front, but I noticed the start up chime is different (like older G4's) and the big fan doesn't start. Also icons in the dock don't bounce. If I then restart using the apple menu, the normal chime comes on, icons react normally, but the big fan still doesn't work.
Just had the big fan replaced so I wondering if I have bigger issues lurking.
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Aug 28, 2006
-Essentially what im trying to obtain is any and all information that would help me convince a Windows-based IT team that a Mac Server with network home folders is a much better solution for a Mac-based design studio, than trying to create these home folders on a Windows 2003 AD server (which i believe doesn't work).
-I have seen and heard that connecting from a Mac to 2K3 via SMB causes corruption to all sorts of files (not all the time, but some times) -I have read pages and pages of forums listing all sorts of glitches that people using 10.4.X are having with integrating into the AD. -I also believe that "home" folders on the 2K3 box isn't proper Mac "home" folders, but instead is just a sharepoint that isn't capable of taking all the library, prefs folder, etc.
-I need to convince this IT dept that Mac really would be best for the Mac environment, and while i know im right and it would be so much better and work much more reliably, etc, im having trouble digging up really good evidence to hand to them. Anything from Apple's or Microsoft's websites is preferable but at this stage anything will help me out!
Any help is greatly appreciated, my meeting is in about 15 hrs but the info will help me beyond this one particular client.
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Jun 12, 2008
The computer is an iMac and it has 9.2 on it. It has some programs that are quite old, but that are still used. How do I upgrade it to Tiger so that both OS 9 and OS 10 can be used?
Also, after upgrading, if I install a printer for OS 10, will it also print in the OS 9 environment, or will I have to install the OS 9 drivers for that printer? That's one of the issues that we're having right now, is not being able to print files that in in a very old format.
For example, the Word docs, I tried moving them to a PC to open and print them there, but the files did not even have an extension in the file name. I added ".doc", but it still could not be read by Word 2007. So we need to be able to print the old files, but we're having trouble installing the printer on OS 9.
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