Software :: OSX In Different Languages - Way To Get OS In English
Dec 31, 2008
If I buy an iMac here in Brazil, I assume the OS will be in Portuguese. Can I get an OS in English (my Portuguese is not good) and re-install the OS so I have everything in English? Or is there a way to choose the lamguage when doing the installation?
How do I change the language on Pages from American English to Australian English? I have changed it on my system preferences but it doesn't seem to affect Pages!
I have a around 45 OS X 10.4.11 clients in a school that I have recently installed iWorks 09 on and through this I have realised that the clients language is set to English (US) which is causing some issues in the spell checker. I don't fancy changing the language on all of them manually so I was wondering if it was possible to write a script in AppleScript that would do this for me..
I have an I Book G4 and am not having much luck with it! I have had these grey shut down notices before, which led to freezing and loss of applications. I had it in to a Mac store where they told me I had serious hard drive damage (? hardly used, may have been dropped with out my knowledge..) They were able to fix it, and its been great for over 10 months now.Today I was in my yahoo msgr account and wanted to open safari. My screen went grey and told me to shut down. Bad sign right?I cant seem to find anything that is a panic file in my history, but in my logs, for that crash it did say= Reason: Data stall on channel 7 while on a call, and then it lists a bunch about various signal strengths
my mac is for two people to use and two separate languages. When changing languages in system preferences to chinese, not everything will be in chinese, eg. applications, etc.Would I need to make two partitions and install two different language versions of OS X? Or buy a Chinese version of OSX?
I would like to add these 3 languages to the Apple Dictionary:SpanishGerman PortugueseHow can it be done?I'm only able to add those languages for the Wikipedia source.
all these languages and stuff that takes up so much room that is unneeded. How do you delete these things to free up some space. Is this a major ordeal or just a quick file delete kind of thing.
I just bought a MacBook a few months ago, and I am having trouble with languages. On my old PC, if you are switching between languages, such as Japanese and English, it remembers which languages you are using in which applications, and keeps them separate. Thus if I am simultaneously using an online dictionary (typing in Japanese), and typing a research paper in MSWord (in English), it keeps these separate and I can do both at the same time. However, on my Mac, it seems to change the language for *all* applications at once, so I have to constantly switch back and forth. Also, Word seems to change the font every time automatically to a Japanese font, so actually every time I switch between Firefox and Word I have to do things 3 times (switch languages, switch back, then switch the font back).
Since Mac OS X Tiger, you can listen to your computer with VoiceOver's help.Basically, you define trigger key strokes in the Preferences Pane and the system generate an utterance of the text you've selected in your document.For the rest of us, because of the localisation, Mac OS X does not come up with the same polish.Similarly, the displays a fine New Oxford American Dictionary. Even when you purchased your mac in a non-English speaking European country, like France.
Am I the only one who strips out the language support on my desktop computer just because? I leave about 5 languages in it but for my work computer, I am never going to use any language besides English to operate in. So why don't I do this?
Are there more people out there that strip this stuff out?
my girlfriend has the last updated 12" iBook (1.33 ghz) and a coworker has a late model 15" PowerBook. Both of them last night got the same error. It's when that scary grey box pops up with 3 different languages that basically says something bad happened, hold the power button to turn off the computer. Forgive me for not knowing the exact name or text of that message. Anyway - 2 things 1)what does this error mean? (I believe both got it off and on repeatedly) and 2) Is it a coincidence that they both got the same problem the same night, and are any other G4 laptop owners experiencing it?
The way I understand it, is that it is possible to set difference languages for different accounts. I set up an account for my girl and set her language, Slovenian to the top of the list, with English next. However, only the calendar showing dayname is in Slovenian, rest remains in English. Do I need to download some xtra language packages? Slovenian keyboard setup is working fine...
yesterday trying to juice a bit to much my space through cleanmymac i accidentally erased all the option languages in all my applications except english(I speak primarily spanish and use that language of pc/mac use).When i say apps i mean all, like aperture,iworks,ilife,photoshop
When I go to System Preferences >> Language & Text >> Language Tab, I see a language which is in there.Yet, when I go to the Input Sources tab, that language is not listed and so I cant use it.How do I get the language into the Input Sources tab if it's not there?
I'm reformatting my MBA for it's soon-to-be new owner, and I would like them to have the same purchase experience I had, which includes getting the animated travel through space with the music and "welcome" in all different languages when they first turn it on.
Fyi---found A Very Good App. Called Monolingual--installed It And Ran It-- It Removed 2.6 Gb's Of Languages On My G-4-os 10.5.3. Everytime You Install A New App. It Puts In All The Languages For Its Operation. I Ws Amazed At The Memory It Was Using On My Hd.Most Of Us Use English Only And Can Get Rid Of All Others. Just Google "monolingual ".very Simple To Use App.
I'm wondering if i can add languages, rather than English and Japanese, to the default Dictionary app, on Mac OS X 10.7.3.I searched in the forum for similar topics
I am trying to sell my 2010 Mac book Pro 15". it has 10.6 right now, but had 10.5 when bought. I am trying to reformat it so that I can sell it, but when I restart with the install DVD I keep getting the message to restart in 4 languages. I have tried restarting with the DVD in and restarting from the DVDs option when you run it while the computer is on. I have also tried holding c when I restart. All roads lead to the same place.
I was wondering if there is a keyboard short cut to swtich language input of the keyboard than manually clicking to swtich language. I'm an English user, but sometimes use Korean keyboard. i tried to look in keyboard --> shortcuts but don't see that option nor understand how you can manually set up that short cut like in windows.
first off, I study Japanese. I would have Japanese and English back- to- back on a computer. So my questions arise as I might be a future MBP owner.1. If I reinstall OSX, can I choose what languages I want/ don't want?2. If I am left with no other supported languages other than English and Japanese, will I get little square boxes that cover the unsupported languages if I happen to run into them on the internet or any program? .
My mom re-invented herself and decided to use my laptop..thats fine with my but she got this ability to mess up with stuff so i created an account on my MB so she can log in under her name but my account is in english and hers do i install two firefoxes in 2 different languages? When I install FF when logged in as she it will change the localization of my FF.
I downloaded a program called "Clean My Mac" . I got rid of things that were unused. I don't know why this happened except I wasn't thinking but now all languages are gone (didn't think at the time that would be an issue) but...I have a son taking Greek and I had to print out a test for him. I didn't notice it but it did not print out in Greek. How do I get back languages without having to re-install the OS?
I have an old, but lovely iBook (G3 300mhz, 320 MB, OSX.3.4), and running the "localizer" making the effort of creating some more HD space... erase all the languages, except for Spanish (and american english that can't be dispose, as I understand).But here the stupid problem:- the machine is Dutch, and was running OS9.2.2 in dutch!!!could this be the problem why Classic won't open any longer..?And if this is all, can I simply copy the missing folders from my iMac that is originally Dutch as well to my iBook(the wrong one)?
I use English, Korean and Google Japanese. I used to use Windows with the same set of languages and it was even more difficult than in OS X, because each IME may have multiple languages (for example, Korean IME has both Korean and English mode). Now in OS X it is better than Windows because each IME has only single language, but still there are some troubles.
I use long command + shift. It shows the list in the middle of the screen, but the order is change depending on the current IME. And it only has text, no flag icon, so it is difficult to get the IME I want without carefully watching the screen.
It looks like OS X does not support assinging a shortcut for each langauge. For example, if I could assign F1 for English, F2 for Korean and F3 for Japanese it would be much easier. Or if only the popup language screen had flag icons...
Is there any third-party app that helps switching between multiple IMEs?
When I updated to Lion the language was French.I selected English and continued.A few times now I have encounted a pop up window e.g. in printing that is partly in English and partly in French.What on earth is going on?
Ok, so I ran into this app called iSpeak it that sells for $1.99, that I'm very interested in and that is for iPhones and iPads, but I would like the version that is for Mac desktops, which sells for $4.99. My question is, does the desktop app have all the other languages that the app for the iPhone and iPad has? I see that the app version for desktops says only language is English on the description. It wouldn't make sense that the app for iPhone and iPad has other languages and that the iSpeak it app wouldn't have it for the desktop.
I just purchased iWork 09 and I'm using a language that writes from right to left. I notice that Numbers, after I deselect the cell switches the writing from right to left to the opposite. Does this mean Numbers doesn't support RTL languages??? Pages seems to work fine but Numbers doesn't