MacBook Air :: How To Set Up The Initial Welcome Languages Animation
Mar 15, 2010
I'm reformatting my MBA for it's soon-to-be new owner, and I would like them to have the same purchase experience I had, which includes getting the animated travel through space with the music and "welcome" in all different languages when they first turn it on.
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Jan 12, 2010
Does anyone know any animation applications with can do any of the following..
Stickman animation or ANY animation
and is simple for beginners
I am just looking for something to create a normal/stick animation for a bit of a project nothing massively complicated.
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Mar 4, 2012
It seems no one has said Final Cut Pro is the optimum app for stills to animation and I have tried and can only agree, am unable to reduce the stills to 1 or 2 second flash to get 200 plus jpg's into short enough animations for holding interest of grandparents. Although this was secondary to what I purchased it for, bit disappointed after changing from 20 years of Windows..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New to Apple at 60+
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Feb 28, 2012
I have an 15-inch EARLY 2011 MacBook Pro and I'm just after installing the new EFI update 2.7. The animation now jumping in and out of mission control has gotten extremely choppy. This is very annoying as I thought an update was meant to improve workflow and efficency of the OS.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 2, 2008
all these languages and stuff that takes up so much room that is unneeded. How do you delete these things to free up some space. Is this a major ordeal or just a quick file delete kind of thing.
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Jun 7, 2012
I am trying to sell my 2010 Mac book Pro 15". it has 10.6 right now, but had 10.5 when bought. I am trying to reformat it so that I can sell it, but when I restart with the install DVD I keep getting the message to restart in 4 languages. I have tried restarting with the DVD in and restarting from the DVDs option when you run it while the computer is on. I have also tried holding c when I restart. All roads lead to the same place.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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May 31, 2010
I've had a look on these forums and had a look on the web but I'm still confused by what I need to get to meet my external storage needs. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Background I'm going back to university next year to study animation so I've just ordered a Macbook Pro and I will be selling my '08 Mac Pro fairly soon to pay for it. I'm doing this because I need to be able to work from where ever. I know if I need to do any massive renders University has equipment I can use. What I am looking for Animation obviously takes up a lot of Hard Disk space so I need someway of storing, accessing and backing up all of my work that wont fit on my laptop. This is a basic summary of what I need it to do.
- Store old projects (that can be 100's of Gb)
- Easily backup MBP harddrive (500Gb) & old projects on other drives.
- Work directly on it on large animation projects.
- Be expandable in the future.
- Fairly easy to set up and use.
- Cheap is good but I'm happy to pay more if the benefits are obvious.
- Any extra bonuses are good (like working wirelessly, etc) but only if it's not loads extra.
I don't know if all these things are possible but be very grateful for any help regardless.
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Mar 19, 2008
first off, I study Japanese. I would have Japanese and English back- to- back on a computer. So my questions arise as I might be a future MBP owner.1. If I reinstall OSX, can I choose what languages I want/ don't want?2. If I am left with no other supported languages other than English and Japanese, will I get little square boxes that cover the unsupported languages if I happen to run into them on the internet or any program? .
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Jun 12, 2012
With the Apple sign and the timer spinning. I am unable to get to the screen where i can input my password at all. The macbook is about 6 months old and is running on Lion. whether this is hardware, software or virus? I have tried some different key press combinations to reset the MacBook to factory default setting but the problem is, no image was taken of the macbook in time machine and when bought, it did not come with a disc with OSX on.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
I got my first Mac-book Pro earlier. Tomorrow I'll be charging my mac, but what's the initial charging?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 10, 2008
do you think the new MBA's (hopefully released Oct 14?) will be capable of handling simple modeling / animation / dynamics work? Nothing too fancy, I'm not going to be rendering massive vfx quality stuff.. but maneuverable and not too sluggish.
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Mar 3, 2009
I have a white macbook. Today, I downloaded "handbrake" off their site. I didn't realized that it would use almost all of my processing power, so I tried to convert a DVD to mp4 while doing other things. that didn't work so i restarted the computer and did it again, this time having that be the sole program running. it worked beautifully. Then, when I tried to get the mp4 file to iTunes, my computer froze and so i restarted it, and tried again. My computer froze again, so i restarted it again. This time, my computer did not load the desktop or anything after the initial startup By initial startup i mean first the ping, grey screen with apple and loading gear, and then the loading bar on the next page. it does all this, and if im correct, it is now supposed to show me my dock/desktop and everything, which it does not, it is simply a blue screen which occasionally flashes.
I've tried restarting the PRAM, running a hardware test, and repairing the permissions. After repairing the permisions, the blue screen does not flash but rather has a loading gear which does not stop spinning.
What should i do? i have an appointment at the Genius bar, but im sure they are going to make me buy some stuff that wont actually work. Is there anyway to fix this without losing my memory?
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Sep 17, 2009
I haven't been able to find out an answer for this. I bought a MB467LL/A model Macbook (2.4ghz previous unibody version that became the Macbook pro). Local store had them on closeout and it was a hot deal. Anyway, it was brand new and had a 0% battery when I brought it home. It's been about 12 hours and still isn't quite charged fully. Almost though.
Is this normal for a brand new battery? I can't imagine it usually takes 12 hours to fully charge the battery. I've never had a computer ship with a dead battery before so I'm wondering if it was bad or simply that's how they come now a days.
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Jul 9, 2010
The volume level for the built-in speakers is remembered across boots, but it is not remembered for headphones.
I.e. Whenever I plug in the headphones after a boot, the volume level sets itself to 50% - too loud for my ears and possibly damaging to the headphones.
Anybody know of a way to change this behavior? - To set an initial volume level for headphones?
I have OSX 10.5.6.
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Jul 10, 2010
I've just noticed trying to upgrade from 10.5 to SL that my Superdrive is acting funny. Anyone that's heard a superdrive knows that when you put a disc in the machine it spins up to a first "plateau" and then spins up to full speed. In my case, it spins up to the initial plateau and then spins down again. It will do this cycle maybe 3 - 4 times and then sometimes spit the disc back out. Occasionally it will continue this spin-up-spin-down cycle until I restart and hold the click button (eject does nothing). I am screwed (I'm just out of warrantee). Its a real shame - I use the optical drive so infrequently that I would never notice there was a problem until it's too late. This is a 2009 15" MBP, 2.66 ghz with 4gb ram running 10.5.8. I have a MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-868
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Mar 29, 2012
I purchased a new MacBook Pro last night and am unable to get past the initial setup screen where you select your country. The mouse will move around, but won't actually allow me to click on 'continue'. I've also tried the keyboard commands to move to the next screen. Nothing...
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Dec 10, 2014
How do i transfer information from my external hard drive to my new mac during initial setup?
Mac Book
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Jun 14, 2007
Did anyone else notice the app Jobs used when he demoed Core Animation? I'm going to assume it was a custom app for internal use only but I was suitably impressed with it. If Apple doesn't release it in some form can someone else write it or something pretty similar? That thing was awesome.
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Nov 1, 2010
How do you turn on the animation of the dock? I would like to see the stereotypical dock where the icons "jump" when you click on them...
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Feb 10, 2006
I'm not sure if it's called "Preview", the standard program for viewing pictures in Tiger. But when I open a .gif file with, for example 36 frames, it won't play the animation. I can select every frame but it won't play the whole animation. I already checked the Help menu, but it didn't work. I can drag the file to Safari, but that's not the way I want to view .gif files.
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Nov 27, 2007
Is it possible to disable QuickLook's zoom animation? I don't like it when my folders zoom, so I would also like turning off QuickLook's zoom too.
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Jul 26, 2009
I want to start a cg animation studio and we will work only on in house projects.The software will be: Maya and Final Cut StudioI will want to buy a Mac Pro in January or February at the most and it will be either 2x2.26 or 2x2.66 Nehalem if Apple will make an update to the Mac Pro and the new price is around what the 2x2.26 is now.
I will also get 6x2GB RAM and 4 1TB hdd's.My problem is that I can't figure out a viable solution for performance and redundancy. I want to have fast speed for importing sequence of files rendered in Maya and converting and editing them in Final Cut Studio with ProRes 4444.But also security so that my data will always be safe.
Any ideas how I can achieve this? I thought maybe setting up one hdd for boot and 3 in Raid 5 mode. Is this a viable option for the workflow i described?
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Dec 26, 2009
How do you add a flash animation to iWeb 09 or a wordpress page?
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Dec 30, 2009
Looking for best software to design,create, animate etc, Space scenes and warships including movement, scenes etc etc.
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Apr 9, 2008
I tried Flash and found it good, but too expensive as I'm not going to be using actionscript and any other advanced flash thing that's in it. I also tried Pivot stick figure animator (on DarWine) but found it too limited as everything must be made of stick figures.
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Nov 3, 2008
Everything seems ok until I wanted to animate a picture. I guess this version doesn't come with ImageReady because I don't have it. But I have found a way around that. The problem is when I say "Save for Web" and it comes up with all the options. I keep it transparent and click the animation box. The animation options are now available for use. But I can't change the delay per frame or whether I want it to loop or not. When I click on these options nothing happens.
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Jan 3, 2010
Do you know these 2 icons on the right, one for apps and one for docs? How fast are your animation before it shows up the menu wiht all apps inside? Mine seems a bit slow, like on a pc with an old or not updated video card. My MPB is 1 month old. i'm sure it was faster with fresh MACOS installed. More icons in it = slower?
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May 29, 2010
I have an I Book G4 and am not having much luck with it! I have had these grey shut down notices before, which led to freezing and loss of applications. I had it in to a Mac store where they told me I had serious hard drive damage (? hardly used, may have been dropped with out my knowledge..) They were able to fix it, and its been great for over 10 months now.Today I was in my yahoo msgr account and wanted to open safari. My screen went grey and told me to shut down. Bad sign right?I cant seem to find anything that is a panic file in my history, but in my logs, for that crash it did say= Reason: Data stall on channel 7 while on a call, and then it lists a bunch about various signal strengths
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Jul 18, 2010
As a recent convert from PowerPoint to Keynote 09, I can't figure out how to do the following: In PowerPoint, I'd often have text animations (e.g. bullet points would appear in a certain way when the mouse clicked) such that the bullet points would appear in groups. For example, the first two would appear together, then on the next mouse click, the next three would appear at the same time. In Keynote it seems you can do this, but the bullets don't appear together, the second will only appear when the first has finished "appearing". Is it possible to get the bullets to appear in groups on a mouse click?
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Sep 4, 2014 (Version 7.3 (1878.6) under 10.9.4) is driving me nuts with its superfluous animation. I run dual displays. I keep my main Mail window on my secondary display. When I click Reply (or Reply-All), the email I am replying to flies out and does its cute little flyover to the main display.
Is there a way to control this lame behavior? I thought Apple was against animations for the sake of animation. It's completely useless and a UI hindrance. Jakob Nielsen laughs at this, by the way. (Suggesting that I use my main display is not a fix. The software should adapt to my behavior, not vice-versa.)
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