MacBook Pro :: Reload Mac OS X But Keep Getting Restart In 4 Languages?

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to sell my 2010 Mac book Pro 15". it has 10.6 right now, but had 10.5 when bought. I am trying to reformat it so that I can sell it, but when I restart with the install DVD I keep getting the message to restart in 4 languages. I have tried restarting with the DVD in and restarting from the DVDs option when you run it while the computer is on. I have also tried holding c when I restart. All roads lead to the same place.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Keyboard Languages Switch From My Setup To Default After Each Restart?

Jul 5, 2009

I am running leopard, on a macbook pro aluminum 2.53.

I use two language layouts - British, and Russian. Every time I restart my mac I only have one layout left - US. What's the issue?

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OS X :: Error Messages Popping Up - Several Different Languages - Restart Computer

Oct 19, 2009

this is my first post here and i hate that it has to be on these terms. however, my mac mini today just out of no where popped up with an error message stating "you must restart your computer...." and so on in several different languages. im not a total this shouldnt be racking my brain like this. ive read every website and forum relating to this subject, and nothing anyone has to say seems to help. i understand this is a kernel error this message pops up quicker sometimes than others. sometimes it pops up at the blue screen just before my computer prompts me for my password. sometimes, it lets me log into my computer, then the error message will appear. and sometimes it wont even make it to the blue screen, it just gives me a gray screen then the error message. ive tried booting in safe mode and it lets me log in, loads my icons and my desktop, then as soon as i click a single click on the mouse, the message pops back up. ive read some people saying to try reinstalling osx, or to try loading the install disc and repairing some things. i cant get the computer to even seem to boot the disc when i put it in. i am trying to avoid reinstalling osx but if i have to reinstall osx, then i will. i did NOT install anything, upgrade anything, change any system files, change any hardware or anything. i was just downloading a torrent, left my house for a bit, came back and the error message was there. im a graphic designer with work that needs to be done...i can't have a broken computer. does anyone have any clue what to do?

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MacBook Air :: Get Rid Of Languages And Stuff

Nov 2, 2008

all these languages and stuff that takes up so much room that is unneeded. How do you delete these things to free up some space. Is this a major ordeal or just a quick file delete kind of thing.

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MacBook Pro :: Unlock Or Reload Safari?

Sep 9, 2014

My Safari on my MacBook was locked up by malware demanding $$$. Unfortunately, I cannot reset Safari or erase the history as those options are not active. I tried forced quitting and rebooting my computer. neither works. Is there another way of unlocking Safari or can I reload Safari?

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MacBook Air :: How To Set Up The Initial Welcome Languages Animation

Mar 15, 2010

I'm reformatting my MBA for it's soon-to-be new owner, and I would like them to have the same purchase experience I had, which includes getting the animated travel through space with the music and "welcome" in all different languages when they first turn it on.

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MacBook Air :: Reload A Purchased Version Of Lion?

Feb 11, 2012

I just erased my harddrive and reloaded OS X Leopard (0riginal OS with a disc). I purchased Lion via Itunes several months ago and all I have is a receipt for the purchase. How do I get lion? I've alreayd purchased the software.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: IOS 7.1.2 / Grey Screen On It - Can't Use Disks To Reload

Sep 8, 2014

I Have a MacBook Air which is opening with a grey screen.  I have tried to reboot but the instructions say load a disk, which you cannot do as there is nowhere to insert disk.

MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Way To Reinstall OSX - Saving Space From Languages?

Mar 19, 2008

first off, I study Japanese. I would have Japanese and English back- to- back on a computer. So my questions arise as I might be a future MBP owner.1. If I reinstall OSX, can I choose what languages I want/ don't want?2. If I am left with no other supported languages other than English and Japanese, will I get little square boxes that cover the unsupported languages if I happen to run into them on the internet or any program? .

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MacBook Pro :: Erased Hard Drive, How To Reload OS Lion Without DVDs

Apr 7, 2012

I made a huge mistake of erasing my hard drive. When I turn the computer on it only appears a question mark.

I dont have the restore DVDs or restore image. Is there another way of restoring OS X Lion 10.7.3?  

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Won't Quit Or Reload And It's Not Allowing To Turn Computer Off

May 30, 2012

Safari won't Quit or reload and it's not allowing me to turn my computer off.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Random Clock Restart On Restart On Early 2009 MBP?

Feb 2, 2010

I restarted my computer, and when it booted back up the clock was reset to Dec 31 2000. I did not change the clock, and my control settings are password locked.

Should I be concerned about this, and has this happened to anybody else?

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OS X :: Way To Shut Down My Mac In Various Languages

May 29, 2010

I have an I Book G4 and am not having much luck with it! I have had these grey shut down notices before, which led to freezing and loss of applications. I had it in to a Mac store where they told me I had serious hard drive damage (? hardly used, may have been dropped with out my knowledge..) They were able to fix it, and its been great for over 10 months now.Today I was in my yahoo msgr account and wanted to open safari. My screen went grey and told me to shut down. Bad sign right?I cant seem to find anything that is a panic file in my history, but in my logs, for that crash it did say= Reason: Data stall on channel 7 while on a call, and then it lists a bunch about various signal strengths

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OS X :: Safari Dragging - Can't Reload

Dec 21, 2008

I've been kicking around the idea of reformatting my iMac and starting fresh. It's not slow by any means (2.4ghz aluminum, 4gb ram, 320gb hd), but when I create a new user account I can tell the new account is faster. That is what is primarily pushing me to go ahead and reformat the computer with a completely fresh install, however it seems like I really don't need to go that far since it is only that user account that is drug down with over a year of accumulation in preferences, add-ons (such as Candybar 3, Perian, etc). The master account just is not "snappy" like a fresh account and I don't see a need in reformatting the computer if it is still fast on a new account, so. what to do? I don't want to reload all my apps in a fresh install if I don't have to, and one in particular (iMovieHD) I CAN'T reload since I can't find the disk anymore (one out of 30 disks I have goes wandering, it had to be that one).

What's REALLY been bugging me though, is Safari. I'm on 3.1.2 and it really just isn't cutting it. On my test account it is easily faster than on my master account. What all should I delete in my Safari app to get it back to factory fresh speeds without attempting to reinstall it? It takes about one full second longer to load on my master account Safari than on the fresh test account I made on my iMac. I can open Adobe Photoshop CS4 in under 4 seconds so I know the computer isn't dragging. It seems like it is mostly Safari that is sluggish, but then at times it seems like that neck snapping speed of opening windows in finder also is just slightly delayed making it feel not as fast. I dunno, what should I do from here to snap things up in Safari and maybe finder as well? It can't be much slowing me down with CS4 opening in under 4 seconds. I mean.... I can almost open Photoshop CS4 as fast as I can switch web pages so. Safari really isn't working out at the moment. I'm on the upgraded 22Mbps comcast package so I have plenty of pipeline behind my internet.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: It Won't Reload After HDD Failed

May 10, 2012

Was running Lion on a Macbook mid 2007, when the 160GB HDD failed. Ordered a new Momentus 250 gigger reinstalled Leopard to 10.6.8, pulled the last backup off of my external drive and have everything back, but can not re-install Lion. My iTunes wont load, I have a bunch of icons from the old Lion OS with the circle with the line on them. 

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Was Lion

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Reload Without Disks

May 15, 2012

We had an issue with our macbook about a year ago and when it was sent into and Apple authoized service they upgraded it machine from 10.6 to 10.7.  Now a year later we want to totally clean the machine and restore to factory status (to seel it as we  have upgraded to an new macbookpro)but it seems we need a dik to do that - any options??

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Mac Mini :: Reload And Repair The OS On It?

May 25, 2012

My Mac Mini has started showing the spinning rainbow and then not responding.  I'd like to wipe the HD and reinstall the OS that came with the system (no DVD).  Can I do this?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 500 TB HD, no DVD

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OS X :: Way To Write Documents In Two Languages

Nov 27, 2010

I want to write documents containing English Language and Arabic language. How could I do this?

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OS X :: Run OSX And Switch Between Different Languages ? - Two Partitions

Jan 10, 2011

my mac is for two people to use and two separate languages. When changing languages in system preferences to chinese, not everything will be in chinese, eg. applications, etc.Would I need to make two partitions and install two different language versions of OS X? Or buy a Chinese version of OSX?

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OS X :: In Leopard Dictionary, How To Add More Languages?

Feb 29, 2008

I would like to add these 3 languages to the Apple Dictionary:SpanishGerman PortugueseHow can it be done?I'm only able to add those languages for the Wikipedia source.

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OS X :: What Key Do I Use To Switch Back And Forth With Languages

Nov 23, 2009

I'm having trouble finding out how i can switch from one language to another with a simple key. Im tired of clicking on the language back and forth

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Software :: Different Languages For Different Applications?

Dec 5, 2008

I just bought a MacBook a few months ago, and I am having trouble with languages. On my old PC, if you are switching between languages, such as Japanese and English, it remembers which languages you are using in which applications, and keeps them separate. Thus if I am simultaneously using an online dictionary (typing in Japanese), and typing a research paper in MSWord (in English), it keeps these separate and I can do both at the same time. However, on my Mac, it seems to change the language for *all* applications at once, so I have to constantly switch back and forth. Also, Word seems to change the font every time automatically to a Japanese font, so actually every time I switch between Firefox and Word I have to do things 3 times (switch languages, switch back, then switch the font back).

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Software :: OSX In Different Languages - Way To Get OS In English

Dec 31, 2008

If I buy an iMac here in Brazil, I assume the OS will be in Portuguese. Can I get an OS in English (my Portuguese is not good) and re-install the OS so I have everything in English? Or is there a way to choose the lamguage when doing the installation?

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Applications :: Bigger 2nd HDD / Will I Have To Reload Itunes?

May 15, 2009

I have a MacPro that i use to rip all the dvds I own. I then stream these movies to my Apple TV in the living room. So I have 2 hard drives in 2 out of the 4 HDD bays in the Mac Pro. Drive 1 is my OSX drive with Apps. Drive 2 is a 1TB drive that just stores all the movies. In itunes all the movies are pointed to that 2nd HDD.

I saw a great deal on a 2TB HDD and wanted to use that instead. So I wanted to put that 2TB drive in Bay 3 and copy all the movies from 1TB HDD in Bay 2 to 2TB HDD in Bay 3. Then I will swap the 1TB drive with the 2TB drive and only use that 2TB drive for movies. So now I should have a OSX boot HDD along with a 2TB HDD with movies, and a spare 1TB HDD (used for Time machine later)

The question I want to know is, when I put the 2TB drive in with the exact same movies into Bay 2 will itunes still recognize it? Or will I need point every movie again to the new harddrive?

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Intel Mac :: Wipe And Reload IMac?

Feb 26, 2012

Where can find info to completely wipe my hard drive and then reload Lion and the other programs?

Info:Mac 20 desk Top, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: Delete It So Reload A New Database?

Mar 30, 2012

I have changed usb drives, but i tunes will not let me change the database. I have tried to delete the program from my computer and reloaded it but Itunes still finds the old database not the new one, their has to be a file some where that i can't find that keeps the old info. 

mac mini 1.6, Mac OS X (10.6)

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Safari Needs To Reload Pages In Lion

May 21, 2012

This never happened before I updraded to Lion. I will have a few tabs open and suddenly I get a message saying Safari needs to reload all tabs. It often hangs forcing me to quit and restart Safari. It happens when I am using private browsing and even when I am not.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Safari :: It Won't Reload A Changed CSS File

Jun 16, 2012

I'm working on a website and I make a change to the CSS file but safari stubbornly refuses to render the change. I was finding the same problem with Chrome until I added added a parameter to my file call thus:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css?parameter=1" type="text/css" /> 

I'm testing in Chrome and Safari on Mac, and Chrome and IE on Windows 7. Of the four, Safari is the only one that won't reload the CSS! Obviously this doesn't matter much on my machine, but is there anything I can do in my code to force my viewers' machines to reload the CSS?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Can't Find My Disk To Reload It

Jun 18, 2012

My mail app on my 10.5.8 went into the trash by accident. I can't find my disk to reload it. Where can I download the disk for this compnuter?

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Safari Not Loading Websites Until I Click Stop Loading And Reload It?

Apr 1, 2010

I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.

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