Software :: Number Pad Doesnt Work On IMac G5 1.4?
Jun 24, 2008
my number pad on my keyboard doesnt work. I have a iMac G5 1.4
I know I didnt spill anything on it, because this happened on my sisters account on the computer, while mine still worked. Now mine doesnt work. I like using it, so Id like to gget it to work again.
When I try using the 10 numbers and the decimal on the keypad (everything else in that section of the keyboard works), the computer freezes, and i have to shut down.
Oh, and I recently started using the program Blender, and I noticed this problem during that program, so it might have something to do with that.
i brought my mbp in aug 2011 from the usa without apple care. i am currently living in saudi arabia.i bought apple care from amazon usa and they shipped it to me ,, since apple store doesnt accept foreign credit cards and doesnt ship store saudia arabia doesnot have apple care.
on trying to activate apple care on my computer it sayss that it cannot be activated from this region
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 500 GB HDD 8GB RAM
My university has a Wifi all other the grounds but i can only use it occasionally with my macbook for some reason. It sometimes loads things like google reader or google searches but i cant look at google images or anything. Everyone else just loads safari or the equivalent and enters an email address and they can browse. Mine does that but then stops and starts working every so often.
Basically I really dont understand imovie used to work on my ibook but now there just seems to be a box popping up saying I need to change my resolution to 1024 x 768 for imovie to be able to work.
I went to system preferences, displays, and I get a window which is titled VA1916wSERIES and the only resolutions on offer seem to be 800 x 600 then behind it there is a window called VGA display and that has more options and I changed this to 1024 x 768 60 Hz....but it didnt make much difference, I then thought maybe I should change the option on the VA1916wSERIES window to 60 hz so it matched...but apart from that I dont see how to change that window. Imovie still isn't working, still telling me I need to get a bigger resolution, even though I have.
Now I have no clue what any of that actually means, I'm just blindly following instructions so maybe I did something really obvious wrong. If not, could anyone recommend any free video editing software I could download to my ibook?
nyone know why why the isight doesnt work eventhough the green light goes on everytym i sue an application using isight. when i open the photobooth all i see is black screen on the photobooth, still the camera light goes on. it was fine at first but aftr not using it for a just doesnt work.
So I have an Early 2009 Octocore 2.93 and I have a flashed ATI Radeo HD 4870 video card that is supposed to work on a PC but its flashed so it works on a mac. I know its not officially supported but the issue im running into is that the operating system cannot recognize the full resolution the HP LP3065 30 inch display is capable of. The display can run up to 2560x1600 on any other system but not with my ten thousand dollar machine. The windows side can display at the full resolution but Snow Leopard can only run 1280x800 and it makes the OS look like a pile of dog **** on sunday.
Anyone else run into this issue?
Heres the link btw to where this guy shows how to flash the card.
I was wondering if somebody knows which is the best way to download streaming flash videos, I have been using Skysoft itube, but ask for a serial, Videobox doesnt work quite well for me...and keep it it is not working these days..
The + key on the number keypad doesn't work, but the one on the main part of the keyboard does. On turning on the computer, as soon as (for example) I open Safari and the Google page appears, a row of plusses appear; +++++++++++++. The plusses will keep appearing until I press the space bar. Then I can delete them.
The right hand shift key works with everything but the " key, but the left hand shift key is fine. There were problems in the past; I had the "you have stupidly pressed the wrong key" chime repeating and repeating. this stopped, many months ago. I did wipe the keyboard down with a cloth that was slightly too damp and some keys stopped working, but after leaving the keyboard in the sun for a couple of days all was fine. That was months before the +++ problem started and months after the "you have stupidly pressed the wrong key" stopped.
The +++ problem was worse at one time, occurring at random while the computer was in use. I also suspect that some keys do not always function when tapped, but that may well just be my typing. Having typed this out and thought about it, it would seem that I may have damaged the keyboard when I wiped it down, but you may know better.
For the past few months i've been having issues with my imac 2.66Ghz 24 inch. I'd say almost half the time when i put my imac to sleep it doesnt wake up no matter how many keys i press and it just stays stuck on a black screen. I know that when you put the computer to sleep you hear absolutely no noise however in this case i hear a slight fan noise despite it 'sleeping'. When this happens i always have to use the on/off button to do a reset. What seems to be the issue here??
i just got an iMac a few weeks ago and i used migration assistant to move everything from my macbook pro. but ever since then when i hook up my ipad and ipod they dont show up in itunes, they're charging though. im going to reinstall itunes now. any advice on how to make it work if this reinstallation doesnt work ?
But i notice one my new macbook & my hubbys macbook air, the correct date will show even if its not open. Only once i click to open the calender on my imac will the date change. My imac version is 10.4.11, is this something to do with it?
Does the logic board serial number match the computer serial number?
My reason for asking is that 4 months ago my sisters G5 17" logic board supposedly got replaced with a new or refurbished logic board but it seems by the workmanship of the board something fishy is going on.
so i bought an imic since i heard it was suppose to work.i plug in my microphone jac into the IN, switch the imic thing to mic, and my microphone still doesn't work.
I am on a mac Mini, and I have bootcamp installed with XP. when I am in Leopard the number pad works, but when I am booted into XP it does not. The keyboard is a wired apple keyboard, the white one not the alluminum.
My apple keyboard number pad doesnt work on windows via bootcamp (works fine on osx 10.5.3), I have the latest firmware for the keyboard on macos and have checked the software update on windows but nothing fixes it, what can I do?
I'm using Fusion with my Boot Camp partition on my MacBook. I've got an external keyboard (Matias OSX Keyboard). My number pad doesn't work in Windows but does in OS X. I'm not sure if there is a num lock key or how to access it if that would make the difference.
I have macbook pro 10.4 with iWork '08. I plan to get the serial number key to fully activate it. I went through the apple store but couldn't locate anything helpful to help me get the serial number key for the iWork '08, i only found the serial number key for iWork '09. Would the keys for '09 works with '08?
The 1 to 9 keys on the top part of my keyboard stopped working.The ` 0 - = keys all work fine. It is a wireless keyboard (model no. A1314) without a number pad on the side. Nothing has been spilled on it. I have tried it on another Mac and it does not work there either.
I have searched this forum and the internet. My number pad on the right side of my keyboard works with everything EXCEPT the calculator. What did I do? cannot find anything anywhere to address just that. The numbers work fine everywhere else.
I did all the jumps to make sure on the system pref and the mouse off, holding my tongue just right and jumping five times...hitting the option key five times, the fn button and the clear button. the number work everywhere but on the calculator.
Only the number keys on my keyboard are malfunctioning besides the number 0. For example when I press 1 it appears as q1. When I press 2 it appears as w2.
I am not sure if I accidentally pressed something on my keyboard that has changed the functioning of my number keys. I've tried fidgeting with the keyboard settings in System Preferences and holding down the f6 key but nothing has worked.
I was told my date and time was pre 2010 ?!?! checked and yup it was showing Jan 1st 2001.. set the date and time manually charged the iphone via USB then went out.Tried to text my wife and noticed her number was no longer recognised (Number only showing, not name) and that all texts sent this morning where appearing at the bottom of my text list not the top as normal (Figured this out as the iphone had synched with the messed up time and date on the Mac). I re entered her number and when I try to call it it tells me the number is not recognised??
Could someone please tell me the part number for the 24" iMac 2.66GHz model, as I'm looking at purchasing one through work therefor I need the part number. And hints and tips for a first-timer?