OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Not Showing System Serial Number?
May 23, 2012My iMac not showing System Serial Number.... what can i do? Â when i click on more info it shows...System Number - System Serial#
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My iMac not showing System Serial Number.... what can i do? Â when i click on more info it shows...System Number - System Serial#
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Does the logic board serial number match the computer serial number?
My reason for asking is that 4 months ago my sisters G5 17" logic board supposedly got replaced with a new or refurbished logic board but it seems by the workmanship of the board something fishy is going on.
While helping somebody with their eMac I discovered that System Profiler lists the Serial Number as "-", i.e., just a dash
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to About this mac and click to Serial number, all it says is "Serial Number System Serial#". I wanna fix this
I'm on a Unibody "Collector's Edition" MacBook, btw.
My new 27" Quad i5 Imac will be delivered tomorrow.
Can someone tell me how to read the Serial Number. I did a search, but could not find this information.
My FCP 7 keeps on asking me about my serial number. I've thrown that box a long time ago. How can I retrieve the serial number? Also, I don't want to move on to FCP x. Such a horrible interface and system. I want my FCP 7 back. Is there a place where I can download it again. There doesn't seem to be a download software or software available in the market anymore for FCP 7.
Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
From; system notice - online maintenance. i keep getting calls on Skype saying that my system is not secure and i need to go to some website help!!! does Apple call on skype to update my macbook air? should i worry that my system is not secured?Â
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1
I bought a new warranty for the next two years and when I write my details I'm supposed to find Hardware Product Serial Number..WHERE CAN I FIND IT?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
iMessage does not show my phone number on iMac. My family has 3 iPhones we sync to this computer and only the other two are available to checkmark in preferences on the iMac. I tried updating my profile online, but only my number is listed on my account. iMessages works fine on my phone. I've tried signing out and back in and rebooting.Â
OSX 10.9.3
I just plugged headphones into the headphone port on my iMac(dual core 2.4) I went to system preferences, sound, then output and only the internal speakers show up. I rebooted the machine and still, same thing.
I tried the same headphones on the eMac sitting next to it, and it worked just fine. Still confused about the iMac
Mail is showing one of my IMAP mailbox inboxes as having 8 unread messages, but there's only 1. I've created a smart mailbox to show only unread messages, and even though there's only one message in there, the badge on the smart mailbox also shows 8. I've quit and restarted Mail in case it was a cache problem, but that made no difference.
View 3 Replies View Relatedfinding RAM serial number?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently bought Rapidweaver and received the package today. I installed it, entered all the pertinent information including my email and the serial number, registered, and then went upstairs for lunch. Came back down and found that my cute little golden retriever had decided that the envelope, not the box, and not the little booklet... was tasty, so she ate it. I'm left with some cellophane and tiny wet pieces of white paper and no serial number! The software was installed and it is working just fine, and when I "unlocked" or activated it, it said OK, everything is done. Fortunately, the CD was in the Mac while Daisy had some fun.
I don't need to reinstall... but unlike other software (or on a PC in the registry) where you can look in the "about" section and see your serial number, the SN is not shown in the about window. I'm not about to phone the UK over this, but just for security's sake, I'd like to know how to retrieve the serial number on my mac so I can write it down inside the booklet and put it up high.
I was trying to check when my apple care warranty started on my mac pro through Apple's warranty checker and it tells me it can't locate my serial number. Anyone ever been through this situation?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a problem whit the serial number of a macbook that recently i bougth. The macbook is a second hand and the serial number that i can read in ABOUT MY MAC is different from the real serial number.I dissemble the macbook and i could read a different number.. Is only 2 different thing.. one N that the real is a M and D that the real is a G Why can i have different serial number?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The battery is not working for some reason. Instead of giving me a percentage of how much battery it has left, there is an "X". What does that mean and how can I fix it?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My macbook and ipad were stolen last week. I know their serial number and other information from the invoice, Can I find them?
My macbook has just been stolen, but need the serial number to report it. **** l didn't write it down and am not any where near the original box. Any way l can get that information from my profile ?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I bought a mac that came installed with Adobe CS4 but I had to reinstall the OS due to issues - I was given the CS4 installation disks but no serial number, and now Photoshop is asking for it.
do I have any options or am I up ***** creek? Considering I have the actual disks I thought it was worth asking
Sounds easy. Problem is, it's an internal hard drive in an external enclosure, currently in a 5+hour process of a clone job. I want to get the serial number off it without having to stop the cloning, take apart the external enclosure, and finding the serial number.
System Profiler > Firewire shows me SOME info on the hard drive, but not the serial number.
Anyone know of a way to get that serial number? Maybe a freeware app or something? I've struck out so far.
is there a unique serial for every copy of OSX? im not talking about what you enter when you install windows. I didnt see anything on the box for Leopard.
View 8 Replies View RelatedJust tried to request my $10 version of iLife '09 using the online forms [URL] and it can't find my serial number.
Anybody else had this experience? In this day and age I loathe having to phone up for these things
Today when I tried to find the serial number of my MacBook in "About This Mac" and System Profiler it says Serial Number System Sal#. I haven't replaced the logic board or had any service done and I'm wondering why it would suddenly disappear like this. My MacBook also has not been "sleeping" when the battery gets low, the computer just shuts off without the low power sleep state it usually goes into around ~1% battery left.
View 4 Replies View RelatedToday I got an iBook G4 (M9164LL/A) from a friend. When I went into the "About This Mac" menu, the serial number was not displayed (it just said 'Serial Number' when I clicked through). I went into "System Profiler" and got the same results - no serial number. After doing some research on the Internet it seems that the logic board may have been replaced. I am currently reinstalling Tiger to see if that clears it up. If not, does anybody know where I can download the utility to reset the serial number? I bet the Genius Bar wouldn't have the utility and would charge to send it to their repair center.
View 20 Replies View Relatedmy final cut express is asking me for my serial number all of a sudden and i dont have it. but livetype still works!?!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased an upgrade download for windows 7 online. i ended up buying windows 7 professional but now realize it's not eligible for an upgrade from windows vista home basic, only custom install. My question is, if i were to obtain a copy of the windows 7 home upgrade instead of pro, can i use the serial number i purchased for windows 7 professional on a win7 home install, or are they specific to version?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI recently had my MBP taken to the Geek Squad to have the optical drive replaced under the extended warranty through BestBuy (which I didn't know I was getting BestBuy's warranty, not the AppleCare). When I sent it in, they replaced the bottom casing, optical drive, and the logicboard. When I got it back, I noticed that my serial number for my MBP is missing, they didn't enter the number when they replaced the logicboard. Is there a way so I can personally enter my serial number back into my MBP. I figure if I go back to BB, they will send my MBP off to the service center in Kentucky or something.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just bought a MBP 13 off of CL and was checking the serial # info -- W8029. Does this mean that the MBP I just bought was made this week (week 29)? I'm not sure how this would be possible...
View 21 Replies View RelatedI have 2 licenses for Final Cut Studio 2:
1 is an upgrade from FCS1 for MBpro1
The other is a stand-alone (NFR copy) for MBpro2.
I need to transfer the upgrade licence from MBpro1 to MBpro2 And install the NFR copy onto MBPro1 for the first time.
2 problems in one here:
1) On install of the NFR copy, it does not invite me to enter the new serial number.
2) The installation hangs after about 20 minutes.
While it was hanging I noticed I could run the newly installed FCP program and sure enough it still retained the earlier Upgrade serial number.
How do I uninstall the upgrade completely so that I can enter the new licence number.
Were I to fix Q1 would problem 2 go away? or is this a probable installation disc fault? or something else?
My MacBook freezes at login screen since last update. What do I do to fix the problem?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5)