This may really seem like a simple question, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to load pictures onto my Mac laptop. I have a Kodak camera and I put it on the dock and plugged in the USB Port, but my computer doesn't recognize that something is plugged in.
I feel like i'm going mad! For some reason on some websites my browser will not load thumb ball or main pictures. The browser keeps doing it's loading thing, but nothing happens. I'm using a mac book on 10.5.8.
I'm having some problems loading pictures on Safari. The browser loads only half the image and the rest of it is just gray.. I've tried resetting Safari but it doesn't work.
Certain photos in my iphoto library cannot load. When I attempt to enlarge, move or edit these photos a grey screen with a large "!" appears. What is wrong? Can I fix this and save the affected photos?
I have been using my 13" MBP since the 7th of August and since the first day the internet has been slow and it won't load pictures half the time! It will load a little blue question mark instead of the picture! I have three other apple computers and a netbook on wireless (not all at the same time, just to check internet speeds) and they all work perfectly so it isn't the router and it isn't 10.5.8 because I have not installed it!
Lately whenever I load websites like pinterest or netflix the pictures never load. Instead blue boxes with white question marks load. My sister has a mac as well and this has been happening to her too.
Over the last couple of weeks, I am having trouble with images loading while on the internet. Some are just blank spaces, others have the "blue question mark" in the space.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iPhone, Macbook's, iTouch, iPod, Nano's
I can't get the iMovie to import photos from iPhoto without crashing just a few minutes into loading. Anyone know what I should do besides restart my computer (that doesn't help the problem).
Sometimes my laptop will load a program automatically when I start it up. Most often it's Firefox, but it has also done this with OpenOffice. I've checked my Start Up items and neither of these are on there. Everything on my laptop is up to date and I've run Disk Utility. What could be causing this?
I've been loading pics to Shutterfly for years with no problems. I have no idea what happened but I suspect it has something to do with my teenage children. Now when I go to load pictures I can't find them.
I have lost all my pictures stored in iPhoto in my mac after upgrading to os x yosemite. how to revert back to old version and get all my pictures back?
I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.
Is there a way to get pictures that are part of the library on my iphone on to my macbook. I find it completely unbelievable that Apple has purposely made it impossible to be able to get 4 YEARS OF PICTURES off my Iphone and back onto my computer.
also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
Messages keeps switching the conversation view from "Show Names and Pictures" to just "Show Pictures". This is in the menu under: View > Messages > Show Names and Pictures. I have to change it multiple times a day, including every time I open the app from a closed state.
This is very confusing in group iMessage conversations where all the iMessages are coming from the same grey silhouette icon. The issue is only happening on my Mac mini. It's not happening on my MacBook Air. Both are running Mavericks 10.9.3...So I keep changing the setting here, but it somehow just switches back to Show Pictures only:
I have recently switched most of the company I work for from PC to Mac. I have been having reports that [URL] will not load most of the time and when it does there are no graphics.
I have checked this on three different machines all with 10.6.4 using Safari, Chrome, and FireFox (one 27" iMac, one new mini, and one 15" MBP). They all act the same. Either the site times out and is not loaded at all or it loads in really large blue fonts that are all squished to the left of the browser window. The main thing these machines have in common is that they all have Parallels installed with Windows 7 installed. Two have Parallels v5 and the iMac has v6.
Initially I thought it was our ISP, BUT if you try it on any other mac that does not have parallels installed the site works fine in all three browsers. Also if you launch a browser in windows inside Parallels the site loads up correctly.
All other sites that are visited seem to be working fine on these same machines.
I have checked DNS and all seems well. All machines on the network (PC and Mac) are using the same DNS servers. All PC's work fine regardless of the browser used.
When my mac boots there is a loading bar underneath the apple, it doesnt take that long, but It is a brand new hard drive that apple just replaced, none of the disk repairs/verifications worked. If I replaced the hard drive with another SATA would that solve the problem? I have a 1tb that I am waiting to install because i think my computer might be frying hard drives.
My mates just got himself a g5 mac of ebay and brang it to me to help him get it working.Im no mac expert just use them at work and have a mac book, but no more than him on the subject so trying to help!In the product description of the item it said it just needed a start up disk to work, i have no start up disk for it so cant test this right now.Is this common with macs? im sure my book came working right away with out this trouble?
when i press the power button the led lights up and makes 'the mac on noise' and apears to be working, the display doesnt do anything and it sits there sounding on but doing it possible that the machine has no os installed?has my mate been ripped off and paid for a broken mac?im out of my depth here, ta
As of yesterday my battery no longer holds a charge. Was running fine on the power cord. Now this morning when I boot up the computer. It goes on the apple loading screen, gives me the apple sound but instead of loading into the desktop. It goes back to the gray screen with the apple in the middle loading. It does this repeatedly and won't load onto the desktop. Need some advise on what I need to do. I'm also not sure if I have any of the original boot disks.
My pandora app will not load. I had it on there, did an update via the app store, and in the process it is stuck. The pandora app is gray and has a blue status bar with a message underneath stating "loading". How do I fix this? I have resynced my iphone, but no luck. It tells me it is a purchased app, and I cannot delete it off my phone either.
I have a MacBook Pro 2.4GHz running OS X 10.5.2 in 4Gb of RAM with approx 60Gb hard disk space free. GarageBand goes through initialising process, the programme menu items appear briefly and then it terminates with no further indication of what is going on. Anyone else suffering the same problem ? I am using the latest updated version of GB.
I have 4 tabs open in Safari, each one has a Youtube video loading in HD and its really loading slowly, taking forever. Is this normal? its a MacBook 2.4GHz Unibody that I just got a few weeks ago. just checked iStat memory shows wired 173mb active 1.04gb inactive 292mb free 330mb.
The problem i'm having is that, itunes keeps loading on its own. i don't have an ipod plugged in, no 3rd party widgets or anything running, and it will just suddenly load itself and start playing without me doing anything. i do have the app, but its only set to load once itunes does. even after quitting itunes, it still reopens on its own every 15 mins or so.
10.4.11 Intel 2GB MB This is the 2nd $29 SL disc that won't load on my MB. I returned the previous disc for this disc and am getting the same issue. MB tries to read the disc then spits out the disc after about 20 seconds. No message shows up on the screen or anything. Not a disc drive issue since other CDs work fine. Were both discs defective or is there some other issue? Haven't others been able to upgrade directly from Tiger to SL?