Lately whenever I load websites like pinterest or netflix the pictures never load. Instead blue boxes with white question marks load. My sister has a mac as well and this has been happening to her too.
I'm having some problems loading pictures on Safari. The browser loads only half the image and the rest of it is just gray.. I've tried resetting Safari but it doesn't work.
Blue Question marks appear when websites like Facebook have pictures. This began after Uverse was installed in my home. It did not do this previously with ATT High Speed Internet. Uverse claims this is a computer issue.Â
I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.
I feel like i'm going mad! For some reason on some websites my browser will not load thumb ball or main pictures. The browser keeps doing it's loading thing, but nothing happens. I'm using a mac book on 10.5.8.
This may really seem like a simple question, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to load pictures onto my Mac laptop. I have a Kodak camera and I put it on the dock and plugged in the USB Port, but my computer doesn't recognize that something is plugged in.
Certain photos in my iphoto library cannot load. When I attempt to enlarge, move or edit these photos a grey screen with a large "!" appears. What is wrong? Can I fix this and save the affected photos?
I have been using my 13" MBP since the 7th of August and since the first day the internet has been slow and it won't load pictures half the time! It will load a little blue question mark instead of the picture! I have three other apple computers and a netbook on wireless (not all at the same time, just to check internet speeds) and they all work perfectly so it isn't the router and it isn't 10.5.8 because I have not installed it!
Over the last couple of weeks, I am having trouble with images loading while on the internet. Some are just blank spaces, others have the "blue question mark" in the space.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iPhone, Macbook's, iTouch, iPod, Nano's
I can't get the iMovie to import photos from iPhoto without crashing just a few minutes into loading. Anyone know what I should do besides restart my computer (that doesn't help the problem).
I've been loading pics to Shutterfly for years with no problems. I have no idea what happened but I suspect it has something to do with my teenage children. Now when I go to load pictures I can't find them.
On two different computers, Safari will occassionally (although it's getting more frequent), not load a page. I'll click on a link or a bookmark, it will put the address in the toolbar and the progress bar goes across, but it will stay on the current page. I'll reload the page and get the same effect (correct address, progress bar goes across, previous page) The toolbar has the new address, but the page will be the old page. Â
Quiting Safari resets it and it automatically goes to the new page upon reopening. Is there a way to keep Safari from doing this?
Info: Macbook Pro 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.4), iOS 4.0
Safari on both my desktop and my ipod wont open. It just says it's loading but never opens. Never displays any kind of error or message screen. My internet is working fine on firefox.
Whenever I open Safari, it takes over a minute to open the first web page. Once the page is open, it surfs very fast. so it's not a problem with my internet speed. Just a problem waiting for Safari to open the first page.
Trying to open using Safari, the site comes up and runs and runs, but never brings up the signin page instead it comes up with a help page. I tried the suggestion on the help page, but this does no good, mostly settings, and making sure the browsers are at the latest versions. If I go through Develope and select User Agent > Internet Explorer v7 or v8 in Safari, Pandora loads and runs correctly.  But there is more, I tried this with FireFox v12 and Google Chrome v18.0.1025... they both failed just like Safari. MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo - 8GB memory - 500GB Hard Drive & Mac OS X 10.7.3 on a MacBook Pro and Safari v5.1.5?
Safari 5.0.6 won't load Facebook onto my Mac G5. It will load all other sites and if I log onto Facebook from another computer it works fine. Facebook has worked fine until about 5 days ago.
basically im using the Safari 4 Beta, and half the time when im on Facebook or another site where lots of pictures have load quickly (flickr etc) instead of loading, half the pictures just show a blue square with a white question mark inside where they should be, and after refreshing the page about 50 times sometimes they show, sometimes they dont.
Does anyone else have this issue? Its happening with flash based images as well, which leads me to believe its a blanket issue with Safari. I've tried all the ususal stuff even reinstalling OS X. Its quite annoying because i code in AJAX a lot and i'd like to test my work without getting blue squares where photos should be
I've had constant trouble with Safari 5.0 not wanting to load a page or constantly hanging with what appears to be one or two items left to load from the page. Often, I have to stop Safari and then reload the page to get it to work. I noticed quite a few other people having the same type problem on Apple's support forums. So far nobody seems to have an answer. Anybody have any ideas as to what's going on here?
For some reason Safari is only loading the title of some website articles and not the text.
Don't know if its an issue with cookies or what, but it's really frustrating.
1st noticed it about a week ago when trying to load my local newspaper website....booted up FireFox for the 1st time in a long time and it loaded the news stories flawlessly.
I've been having issues with Facebook on my safari browser. The thumbnail pictures and profile picture will randomly not load. Hitting refresh may or may not fix the problem sometimes. I'm not too sure what causes this, I've done lots of searches and I haven't found anything similar to this. I'm running Safari 5.0.3 with adblocker as my only extension (I've disabled it and the problem still occurs).
I have a weird problem with Safari that has been bugging me. At seemingly random times it doesn't load a page. Usually it is the second page of a website I visit. This means that the homepage [URL] for example) loads fine. But when I click on a link on the page (to go to sports or politics), it starts loading and then does nothing. Like this:
The New York Times often doesn't load at all. I have no problems at all with some other sites, like wikipedia or Macrumors. Firefox and Camino do not have these problems.
The problem started when I was still running Tiger and Safari 2 on my MacBook. I since started using a MacBook Pro and moved all my data and settings with the Migration Assistant. The MacBook Pro runs Leopard, but Safari 3.0 has exactly the same problem as Safari 2 had on my Macbook. I tried the following:
- repair permissions
- removed all cookies and set my preferences to accept all cookies
- cleared cache
- manually removed the .plist-files for Safari from the Library
All to no avail. When I log in using the built-in Guest Account on my MacBook Pro, Safari runs fine.
If I load safari it come to crash.. I cant see window.. but if I uninstal it then its going good. Do you think it can crashing it some program? Do have anyone same problem?
when I open Safari, the page hangs up for a bit, I usually have to click on "Empty Cache"...then it continues loading. What is causing the delay? this also happens when I start up my Macbook Pro, so I know my cache is not full.
I've started using the Safari 4 (beta) and like most people can't believe they no longer have a loading progress bar, I've copy and pasted the "fix" link into terminal as suggested, which works on my imac G5, but my macbook pro won't have a bar of it!...
My safari has stopped loading pages, happened 2 days ago. Firefox works fine but safari for some reason will not load pages.
My home page is topsites which comes up fine, but when i click on one of the topsite windows it begins to load and the status bar at the bottom reads, connecting "..." or loading"...". I'm also finding i cant upload videos to youtube or vimeo and my weather widget on dashboard also doesn't load quickly, im guessing its all related. I have seen the widget update but i have not seen a webpage load on safari as it was taking too long.
I cant get a hold of apple support they are closed.
Safari 4.0.4 on my Macbook Pro is incredibly slow. I type an address in the Safari bar, open Firefox, navigate to the same address, have it load, quit Firefox, and have Safari not even loading a little bit of the page yet. Most of the time it loads background colors (like the light gray at the top of this forum) but then slows to a crawl when trying to load the content.
I've tried reseting Safari, not having topsites as homepage, opening DNS, disabling IPv6, deleting a file in the pubsub folder and disabling the fraudulent site warning. All of these things were on the Apple's official discussion forums.
While these seemed to have helped a little, Safari 4 is still ridiculously slow compared to Firefox.