Applications :: Itunes Keeps Loading On Its Own

Nov 1, 2009

The problem i'm having is that, itunes keeps loading on its own. i don't have an ipod plugged in, no 3rd party widgets or anything running, and it will just suddenly load itself and start playing without me doing anything. i do have the app, but its only set to load once itunes does. even after quitting itunes, it still reopens on its own every 15 mins or so.

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Applications :: Loading MP3s From CD Via ITunes?

Mar 9, 2009

I don't have an iPod, but am considering getting one because I have exceeded the 20GB capacity of my current MP3 player. Although I do multitrack recording on my Mac Pro, I know very little about the iPod, and have following questions:

1. How would I make (if it's possible) MP3's from my CD's so that I can then load the MP3's on to the iPod. Is it possible to put a CD in my Mac, and make the MP3's via iTunes, or does one have to buy (and download) the MP3's from the iTunes store?

2. Is it possible to download MP3's from my PC (yes, I have both) on to the iPod, and if so, can I use the iPod with both my PC and my Mac?

3. I seem to recall reading that if one wants to delete an MP3 from either iTunes or an iPod, one has to connect and synchronize the iPod with the Mac that has the MP3 on it (in iTunes) and then delete the MP3, i.e., you can't delete the file from the iPod without deleting it from same computer from which it was downloaded through iTunes. Is this correct?

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Applications :: Safari And ITunes Not Loading After Liquid Spill

Apr 26, 2009

So don't ask me how but a beer spilt on my laptop keyboard (ibook g4). Afterwards, I quickly tilted it over and then removed the keyboard and dried it with a blow dryer. I later noticed that the computer shut down by itself bc I don't recall turning it off. Anyway, I got a little impatient/curious after an hour and restarted it. Not the smartest I know. It worked and I ran iTunes and played some music for my guests and then also was surfing the net a little. All was fine. Well we all went outside for a little and when I came back 20 minutes later, the computer had gone into sleep mode but wouldn't respond to keyboard presses so I shut it off for the rest of the night.

Fortunately this morning, the computer turned on fine. However, some of my Mac applications are not working, so far I know that Safari, iTunes and iChat aren't opening but iPhoto and Quicktime are. I think all my other non-Mac apps work fine...So then I tried redownloading iTunes but that didn't work either. I also tried opening a song from my Finder and it wouldnt open in iTunes. Basically the icon loads on the bottom of the screen for a split second and then stops. I have the original software so I guess I could reinstall it but I was wondering if someone knew an easier way? I feel pretty fortunate that my cpu works and at least I can use another browser/music player. Not to mention I can always get a new keyboard.

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ITunes :: Some Songs Not Loading From It To IPad

Apr 27, 2012

I have the current version of both Lion, iTunes, and the iPad software. For some reason I'm now unable to put certain music from my iTunes into iPad when I could before. I've reinstalled Lion, so I got a new copy of iTunes with that, and this evening I restored iPad. I'm still unable to put the same music I had before onto my iPad.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook :: Safari Not Loading Websites Until I Click Stop Loading And Reload It?

Apr 1, 2010

I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.

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ITunes For Mac :: Updates Stuck After Loading Yosemite?

Dec 12, 2014

After upgrade to yosemite iTunes updates not coming.. iTunes remains hung at "checking for updates" tried keeping it on overnight. No luck

iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: It Cannot Stay Open Since Loading Latest Update

Mar 9, 2012

i have just updated my itunes and now it quits unexpectedly .

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), can't burn a CD from itunes playlis

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IMac (Intel) :: Loading CDs Into ITunes Library When Disk Drive Refused To Get Next CD?

Aug 25, 2014

I was loading some CDs into my iTunes library when the disk drive refused to "suck in" the next CD. How I might proceed?

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Applications :: Nothing Is Loading In Safari?

Mar 16, 2010

When i try to open safari i get this

nothing is loading correctly...

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Applications :: New HDD - Loading Data From Old Drive

Nov 1, 2010

I bought a new 500GB hard drive and I already have a 320GB in my 13" MBP. I'd like to swap the two but get all the data onto my 500GB HDD so everything is exactly the same when I turn it on. Of course I can use Time Machine for this without any major trouble, but the problem is I don't have a drive to put my backup onto and then load it onto my new 500GB drive.

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Applications :: Safari Not Loading Some Pages?

Jan 21, 2008

I have a weird problem with Safari that has been bugging me. At seemingly random times it doesn't load a page. Usually it is the second page of a website I visit. This means that the homepage [URL] for example) loads fine. But when I click on a link on the page (to go to sports or politics), it starts loading and then does nothing. Like this:

The New York Times often doesn't load at all. I have no problems at all with some other sites, like wikipedia or Macrumors. Firefox and Camino do not have these problems.

The problem started when I was still running Tiger and Safari 2 on my MacBook. I since started using a MacBook Pro and moved all my data and settings with the Migration Assistant. The MacBook Pro runs Leopard, but Safari 3.0 has exactly the same problem as Safari 2 had on my Macbook. I tried the following:

- repair permissions

- removed all cookies and set my preferences to accept all cookies

- cleared cache

- manually removed the .plist-files for Safari from the Library

All to no avail. When I log in using the built-in Guest Account on my MacBook Pro, Safari runs fine.

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Applications :: Safari Crashing On Loading

Feb 25, 2009

If I load safari it come to crash.. I cant see window.. but if I uninstal it then its going good. Do you think it can crashing it some program? Do have anyone same problem?

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Applications :: How To Change Safari4 Loading Bar

Feb 26, 2009

i jus got safari4 , lov it but i want the original blue loading url bar, i saw this on macrumors, [URL],says how to do it but i dont know how to implement it , do i do itt in terminal or sumthing? im attaching screen shot incase this link goes down.

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Applications :: Reinstating Safari 4 Loading Bar?

May 8, 2009

I've started using the Safari 4 (beta) and like most people can't believe they no longer have a loading progress bar, I've copy and pasted the "fix" link into terminal as suggested, which works on my imac G5, but my macbook pro won't have a bar of it!...

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Applications :: Firefox Not Loading Some Images?

Nov 12, 2009

I have been having a problem with some websites, various ones. The page starts loading and I see the images load but once the page is done loading all of the images disappear and I get the little broken link icons in their place. I have no problem seeing those sites using Safari. Other sites are not a problem.

I have not done anything to tweak the pipelining and I have made sure that the box is checked to load images automatically with no exceptions. Java is also checked.

This is one of the sites that it happens on:
but I have had the problem in us sites as well. I does not happen at all websites, just enough to make it annoying.

I do not have any unusual firefox exts just color tabs, Google Preview, Tab Mix, coolPreviews, download helper, numbered tabs, fireftp

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Applications :: Safari 4 Not Loading Pages

Nov 25, 2009

Safari 4.0.4 on my Macbook Pro is incredibly slow. I type an address in the Safari bar, open Firefox, navigate to the same address, have it load, quit Firefox, and have Safari not even loading a little bit of the page yet. Most of the time it loads background colors (like the light gray at the top of this forum) but then slows to a crawl when trying to load the content.

I've tried reseting Safari, not having topsites as homepage, opening DNS, disabling IPv6, deleting a file in the pubsub folder and disabling the fraudulent site warning. All of these things were on the Apple's official discussion forums.

While these seemed to have helped a little, Safari 4 is still ridiculously slow compared to Firefox.

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Applications :: Loading Mpeg's In Quicktime

Jan 16, 2010

When I try to open the file, I get the following error: "The movie could not be opened. The file is not a movie file. Following others' advice on a similar thread in this forum, I downloaded the Perian plug-in for Quicktime, and bought the upgrade to Quicktime Pro and the additional QuicktimeMPEG2 upgrade (though I think my file is just an mpeg). But I'm still getting the same error message. I have been able to play the video with VLC, so I don't think the file is the problem. The reason I'm not just using VLC is that I need to be able to go forward and backward frame-by-frame because I'm using still images for a publication. Also, if there's an alternative program to Quicktime and VLC that allows moving forward and backwards frame by frame and taking snapshots, that would also solve the problem.

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Applications :: Loading Appleworks Slideshow?

May 15, 2010

How do you load a photo from iPhoto to Appleworks 6 slideshow?

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Applications :: Safari 5 Not Loading Hotmail?

Jun 9, 2010

Ever since I downloaded Safari 5, I have been unable to access my hotmail. I've tried deleting cookies and still nothing.

I've also tried Firefox and my iPhone's Safari and it works fine.

Has anyone else been experiencing these problems?

Lets hope that not another Safari release breaks hotmail (Safari 4 anyone)

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Applications :: Safari Not Loading Certain Pages?

Aug 2, 2010

So it's only happened over the past month or so but Safari doesn't want to load some websites. The BBC iPlayer and macrumors funnily enough don't like to load at all and just freeze out and was wondering if there is any way to try and correct it if anyone has any idea what is going on because i am clueless!

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Applications :: Stop Application From Loading At Start Up?

Aug 26, 2010

I have this program installed called KeyAccess (or KeyServer). It is used by my college to allow me access to the licenses to a slew of software provided by the school. However, it loads at startup, and I have no idea how to prevent it from doing so. There's no option to configure it not to, I have tried looking for an entry in StartupItems and Login Items of my Accounts preferences. It is located in the Preferences Pane, its not really a standalone program.

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Applications :: Safari Lags When Loading Pages?

Feb 22, 2009

Got my blackbook a few months ago now and love it. But ive noticed that when browsing it seems to start loading a page but then halts for like ~5seconds and then finishes loading the website.

Now i tried loading the same websites on my windows machine in firefox/IE7 and i dont see that problem.

But what i did notice was it happens in safari and not in firefox on the mac.

Im running leopard with all the updates. Any ideas?

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Applications :: Site Not Loading Correctly In Safari?

Apr 13, 2009

Well for all the main sites I visit with safari they load up fine. But one site and only one doesn't display correctly. It shows up fine in firefox but not in safari. I can use the site alright in safari but I would like it if I could make it display correctly. And I really don't feel like switching over to firefox because I prefer using safari. So is there any way I can fix this issue without having to switch browsers every time I visit the site.

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Applications :: Constantly Loading Mailbox / What Does This Mean?

Jul 31, 2009

I HAD Gmail and Mail working perfectly, until i sent an email too "large" for someones Yahoo inbox.
All **** broke loose, ended up starting from scratch. Have done now 10 times.

Everything seems to be working fine, i'm getting emails through etc. But, next to my Gmail mailbox is the constant loading circle; either the Pie or the Spinning spokes thing.

The loading circles change every time i open Mail, although they are CONSTANTLY there and won't budge -

and this -

What does this mean? Im so frustrated because i had Mail up and running fantastically before the attachment mishap, now its refusing to go my way. It functions fine from what i can tell, just the loading circle (both instances) is getting on my nerves!

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Applications :: Safari 4 Slow Content Loading

Jan 23, 2010

it seems for me that Safari 4 is very slow at loading content. Most of the time, i am on broadband, but when i go over my limit, i get shaped to a much slower speed. (Typical Australia ISP!)

I noticed that while Safari loads a page, on the bottom toolbar, it says....

Loading "Website" completed # of #.

for example, on "" it can take me quite a while for the page to load, as Safari does not load the content until ALL or most of the content has been downloaded.

is there a way/plugin for safari 4 to load content AS SOON as its been downloaded? I would like to see my pages load immediately as soon as the content has been loaded.

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Applications :: Safari Stalling While Loading Pages?

Mar 24, 2010

Has anyone else had an issue with Safari seeming to get "stuck" loading a particular element on a page? The progress info in the status bar always says "17 of 18" or "42-43". At first I thought it was GlimmerBlocker, but it seemed to reoccur without GlimmerBlocker. Refreshing the page always makes the site load properly, and I frankly have no idea what is going on.

I really like Safari, but the lack of proper extensions kills it. GlimmerBlocker puts a lot of that back, not only adblocking but things like easily searching wikipedia and so on. So I am loathe to blame GB for doing this. A few sites seem to do it on a fairly regular basis (Item 17 on seems to be one of them), although it never happens when loading from the cache, nor is it guaranteed to happen.

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Applications :: Removing Safari 5 Blue Loading Bar?

Jun 7, 2010

Back when I got Safari 3 I remember there was a terminal command to disable the blue loading bar and enable the "Loading" in Safari. Will that work again in Safari 5? Also, is there a way to disable that auto fill? For example when I type ama. It auto completes to rather than defaulting to just which Safari 4 did, super annoying. For example. I frequent So the new Safari remembers what sites I go to, so when I start typing buy. It then goes to [URL] before because that's the last site I visited. Why the hell would they do this in the new version, it's awful.

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Applications :: Finding Safari Blue Loading Bar?

Jun 8, 2010

Rationally, I think I like the blue bar because when a page finishes to load, the whole address bar turns from blue to white, a very noticeable signal. I often start reading while the page loads, so the blue-to-white "flash" is easily registered by my peripheral vision.

Safari 4's purple/gray rectangle was much harder to notice, causing me to shift my focus between the content and the address bar. Now, I can concentrate on the content and let my peripheral vision tell me when the loading is done. Much more relaxing.

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Applications :: Having Trouble Loading The 1password Site?

Jun 12, 2010

I've been trying to buy it since yesterday but the 1password site,[URL]seems to be down for me.Can anyone else access it, or is the site having problems? (One would hope they're not security problems )

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Applications :: Safari And Firefox Not Loading Properly?

Jun 19, 2010

i bought a 15 inch mbp 8 months ago and will never look back. however, recently my safari browser has stopped working properly. when i try to load pages they will stop part way or not load at all. i will have to reload the page several times usually, just to see one page. i downloaded firefox to see if this would work better but it has the same issues. now i am at a standstill going back and fourth between the two browsers trying to check my email and face book once a day, which is annoying because of how long this takes, especially when it doesn't work at all. i think my computer may have a virus but i don't know a whole lot about computers

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