Software :: Disk Options During Backups - Shows Error On Screen

Nov 1, 2010

Over the past few weeks I have been having issues with Time Machine. I have a 2Tb drive for time machine. One of the partitions that it backs up is a raid disk with 2 disks in the concat raid disk. One is a 1Tb Firewire device and the other is a 750Gb USB devcie. What happens is that the backup starts and sometimes works but a lot of times the partition umounts itself and you get an error onscreen pointing out that you have disconnected the drive without unmounting it. A couple of seconds later the drive remounts and all is good again with the drive but the backup has failed. I have rebuilt the backup device and fsck'd the partition in question and I see no errors.

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OS X :: Won't Work With Encrypted Backups / Software Options

Dec 8, 2010

Does anyone have recommendations for MacOS (10.6) backup software that meets the following?

I am also interested to learn if rsync (or even better -- an rsync front end) is capable of doing all these things?

*** Gotta haves ***
- STABLE & Proven
- Encrypted backups (AES-128 or better)
- Ability to backup filevault user data, while user is logged in
- Ability to exclude filevault sparse images
- Decent scheduling capabilities
- Allows file/folder/volume exclusions and/or includes
- Backup of clients on the network (prefer multi-platform)
- Some level of file/media validation

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Software :: My Time Machine No Longer Shows Dates Of The Backups?

Dec 6, 2008

I recently switched from a G5 to an Intel iMac. Now my Time Machine no longer shows dates of the backups and will not allow a restore of data. Is this an inherent problem switching between the two processors?

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OS X Yosemite :: Time Machine Only Shows Backups Of Applications Folder

Dec 7, 2014

I have not had to restore anything from backups for a while, however in the past, before installation of Yosemite I have on occasion had the need to restore a file or folder, mostly from the ~/Documents folder.and never had a problem. 

I recently upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.1.

Now when attempting to restore a folder that resides in the ~/Documents folder I find that there don't seem to be any backups available. In can see a timeline to the right of the Time Machine screen that goes back many months, but in fact the only folder that I seem to be able to restore from is the Applications folder. None of the other folders show any available backups, however I know there were backups.

The documents folder is of course not on the list of folders/files to exclude from the backup. 

How can this be fixed ? Is this perhaps a file permissions error on the timemachine hard drive that can be foxed with the disk utility?

I don't use iCloud drive or iCloud backup or at least I don't think so. Are there any settings that pertain to Time Machine in relation to iCloud backup that I should check ? 

This behavior greatly concerns me. I've had a hard drive crash several years ago. Fortunately I did not loose a lot, only a few ripped CDs in the iTunes library which were easy enough to rip again. That crash was the reason I bought an external backup drive the next day an Time Machine has served me well since then. I don't want to loose the work I have in the documents folder. 

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Software :: Mac G4 Stuck On Gray Screen - Disk Utility Error

Feb 1, 2010

I can't seem to get my mac to start up, it won't get past the gray screen with the apple logo and spinning wheel. I have tried to use utility disk to fix the problem but it kept coming up with error- could not complete. It would also not see the hard drive in OSX 10.4 when trying to archive before re- installing. So we opened it in OS 9 which worked and we could see the hard drive. We restarted the mac in OS 9 in the hope that we could re- install OSX 10.4 from there. It will go right through the installation but comes up with error again when validating.

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Applications :: No MIDI Playback Options Shows On Roland XP-30?

Dec 18, 2004

I've had a Roland XP-30 and just got the M-Audio MidiSport Uno and downloaded the latest drivers from the site. The device is recognized on my Powerbook, but I can't get any audio playback from the keyboard. I've tried messing with settings on the keyboard, but still can't get it to play or record on my Powerbook. In GarageBand, Reason, and Audio MIDI Setup the device is properly recognized.

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MacBook :: Connected MacBoom To LG TV But Shows No Sound Options?

Oct 1, 2010

I am useless with computers and i am trying to connect my macbook to my LG tv via hdmi.i have connected the headphone jack to the audio on my tv but i don't get any sound also how do i get my macbook to not go into sleep after 10 mins?

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PowerPC :: Connected IBook To TV - But No Sounnd No Options Shows?

Mar 29, 2009

I found out what the problem is but i'm not sure which cable to get.My TV manual says 'Connect a D-Sub cable between PC IN [PC] connector on the TV and the PC output connector on your computer" (did that part <<) and then "Connect a PC Audio Cable between the PC IN [Audio} jack on the TV and the Audio Out jack of the sound card on your computer. . The port is next to the VGA cable in the pic.

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Software :: Installed Disk Utility And Disk Repair - Shows Network Startup But No Hard Drive?

Feb 22, 2010

I ran installer then went to disk utility and pushed disk repair. it ran and indicated in green that no repairs were necessary. i then went to startup disk and only the Diks and network startup showed up but no hard drive. i also open computer to make sure was not wet muddy due to leak in cooling system but all was dry

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Intel Mac :: Erase Disk Shows Couldn't Unmount Disk

Jun 18, 2012

Installing Imac back to factory settings, erase disk shows could't unmount disk how to solve

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I bought a usb stick with the OS Xa

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Laptops :: MBP 15" No Video Options Shows - Way To Access My Files?

Mar 19, 2009

Just got from Best Buy where they told me that my 17month computer (logicboard) has to be replace. I;m trying to access my files other than the one shares thru my XP computer but with no luck.

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Mac Pro :: Have RAID 0 And Want To Clone It To Single Drive But Shows Potential Options?

Sep 8, 2009

I have two 1.5TB HDs, RAID 0, as my itunes library. I use Time Machine to back up all my drive, but I also wanted to clone the RAID but only use a single drive as the clone. Will this cause any potential problems since its going from a 2 drive RAID to a single drive.

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Hardware :: Internal Hard Disk Does Not Show In Startup Disk Options

Jan 1, 2008

I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:

Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.

PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory

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OS X :: Copying Time Machine Backups To A New Disk?

Aug 16, 2010

My Time Machine Backups, formatted as Mac OS Extended case-sensitive with journaling, is outgrowing my 1T Seagate Freeagent external hard disk. I would like to replace it with a 1.5T Seagate Freeagent.

I read that Disk Utility could be used to restore my old Time Machine Backups to the new disk, but I have tried this several times in vain. There was probably no problem during the initial phase of block copying, but the process always aborted with an error message that read, "input/ output error". I had formatted my new disk as Mac OS Extended with journaling. I did not forget to erase the new hard disk. I did not allow my iMac to sleep in case this might have caused the problem. As a last resort, I even tried to copy just the backup folder with "cp -Rp" only to learn that this did not work.

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OS X Mavericks :: Suddenly Time Machine Often Backups Whole Disk?

Jun 5, 2014

Suddenly Time Machine often backups my whole disk. It has happened more than once, but it's not every time. Here is the log for the current and last backup. The last backup was just a few hours ago, and was normal. But then suddenly it insists on backup up everything. Not the first time this happens. And I not done much on the disk. 

6/4/14 8:20:45.218 PM[22548]: Starting automatic backup

6/4/14 8:20:49.715 PM[22548]: Backing up to /dev/disk2s2: /Volumes/Air Backup/Backups.backupdb


MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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Hardware :: Printer Queue Shows Error

Aug 16, 2010

I am running a Mac 10.6.4 with Windows 7 also running through VMFusion There are two printers installed a Kyocera and an OKI C3400. When I first got these set up, both printers worked with Apple applications and with Windows 7 applications. Now, for no apparent reason, the OKI, which continues to work with Apple applications, does not work with Windows apps. - after trying to print, the printer queue shows "error" The Printer Properties shows it to be connected to theTPVM port as is the Kyocera printer I am not aware of having made any alterations to the settings to cause this A long session with a patient adviser on the OKI helpline, including deleting and re-installing the OKI printer has failed to cure the problem. I really do need my colour printer working through Windows

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OS X :: Can't Copy Files - Shows Error Code 41?

Dec 10, 2010

I just got my first Mac which has Snow Leopard. I've been trying to backup files to an HFS+ extended formatted hard drive. This usually fails because there are files that give me an error code of -41. It's random files. I also believe this is affecting why Time Machine can't backup my filesAnyway I can't find a solution to the -41 error code issue.

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Applications :: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED - Unknown Error Shows

Feb 18, 2010

Long time reader at MacRumors, first time posting.Here's the rundown of the issue I'm having:About a week ago, I switched from DSL to a Cable Modem (10x faster, 50% cheaper... hurray, right?) and two days later my computer stopped connecting to the internet, or so I thought. It seemed I was unable to connect to google, or anything google-related, i.e. picasa, youtube, google reader, gmail.My website uses google HTML snippets, which do not load ( Using a 2006 15" MBP with snow leopard 10.6

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OS X Mavericks :: Proven External Disk For Time Machine Backups?

Aug 26, 2014

I'm looking for a good, reasonably priced, external disk to temporarily use for Time Machine backups.  My 10.9.4 install is messed up and Time Machine no longer works with my ReadyNAS NV+ system.  I want to use the disk to backup my MBP and reinstall the OS. suggest a proven external disk (2TB+) with a USB 2.0 (or Ethernet) interface? 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2007 15" Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz

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Windows On Mac :: Partition Error - Back Up Disk And Use Disk Utility To Format

Oct 9, 2010

I had windows vista installed but suddenly the audio decided to become faulty, after spending a day trying to fix it i realized I have a windows 7 install disc so i might as well just replace vista with windows 7. I didnt take care of vista or ever register it so it became quite a task to upgrade so i just deleted the partition and went to create a new one and just do a full install of windows 7.

I made the partition but the wrong format, so i removed it through boot camp assistant and created another, except now it keeps giving me the "back up the disk and use disk utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using boot camp assistant again" Now, I'd love to do this, except I have no idea what I'm doing and WHY this error has occured. After becoming frustrated I switched from my imac to my macbook pro and received the same error when trying to create a partition. So any help on exactly what I need to do would be a HUGE help. I only use windows for music production (I know, seems backwards, but I use Sony Acid and FL Studio so I'm stuck with Windows)

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MacBook Pro :: Disk FULL Error When Export Movie In IMovie Or Burn Disk In IDVD

Nov 25, 2010

Every time I try to export a movie in iMovie or burn a disk in iDVD an error message pops up and says that my startup disk is full. So I bought an external hard drive and backed up my mac using Time Machine. Now I want to delete everything off my mac's internal Hard Drive and use my external hard drive so I can empty my disk. Does this make sense? If so will you please tell me how to do so.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Transfer Time Machine Backups Without Disk Utility

Jun 24, 2012

In order to use Lion’s encrypted (Core Storage) external drive feature, I needed to reformat an external 1TB drive with Apple Partition Map, as that works only with GPT. The only partition was HFS+J formatted and was used as Time Machine Backup, which I wanted to preserve. 

Act I:

I connected the drive to another iMac running 10.6 which happened to have enough space on the internal HD. I read this article , which describes how to copy the BackupDB just by drag and drop. In hindsight, that was a  bad idea, I should have created a disk image like suggested elsewhere, but if Apple itself suggests it, it can’t be so bad right? 

So I just dragged the whole BackupDB to random folder on the iMac (after enabling ownership), and apparently it copied correctly the dir-hardlinks, as the resulting folder had the same size.  

It seems that the Finder activates a special dir-hardlink aware copying mode when one does this. This is also confirmed by the fact that the Finder will refuse to copy the BackupDB together with other files, you have to drag and drop the BackupDB only. 

Act II:

I reformatted the external drive as HFS+J with GPT and activated ownership.. But now, when I try to copy the BackupDB back, it continues to count indefinitely the number of files to copy! I speculate that the special dir-hardlink aware mode is not activated, but what can I do? How can I trigger it? Is there some hidden command line tool which handles this? 

The lesson I’m drawing from this is: use the method described in the article only if you copy the backupDB from your old to your new drive. 

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac :: Disk Options On New 2.8 Nto Mac Pro?

Jun 24, 2009

I recently purchased a 2.8 octo Mac Pro that came with a stock 200 Gig HD. I purchased a WD 640 Caviar Blue HD for a boot drive and 3x 1 Tb Samsung Spinpoints for data and backup. When I got the Mac I simply took out the stock drive, put in the WD and did a clean install off the install DVD?s. The machine performs very well when it?s running my apps, like Pro Tools, but it?s sometimes a bit fragile when performing mundane tasks like burning dvd?s while surfing safari f.eks. It tends to freeze up quite a bit. Then I noticed also that the Samsung drives I put in it are a bit unresponsive. i.e. when i move files between folders on the extra Samsungs there is a few seconds of "lag" while before I can open the folders again.

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Applications :: IPhoto Places Not Connected To Internet - Shows Error

Jan 27, 2009

I saw this mentioned in a few other threads, but I thought perhaps it deserved its own thread. Anyone else having this problem?No matter what I do, iPhoto is convinced that I'm not connected to the Internet and refuses to do anything with Places. I recall telling iPhoto to feel free submitting my information to the net when I first ran it, but now I can't find any related settings in Preferences. Not sure what to do.

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Applications :: The Operation Couldnot Be Completed Shows OSStatus Error -43?

Aug 19, 2010

I get this message when I open a silverlight client like seesmic desktop or microsoft facebook client. What does this mean?The operation couldn?t be completed. (OSStatus error -43.) is the message.

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MacBook Pro :: Freezes On Startup - Hardware Test Shows Error

Jun 3, 2012

After my MaBook Pro2,1 - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2,33 GHz & 2 GB Memory - with 10.6.8. Freeze on startup every time, only running in "Save Boot" mode. I choose do perform a hardware test with the version 3A116 on a earlier Mac OS Install Disk. The test (3 times) shows an error code (after 1. test I switched memory cards), I am not able to interpret this:
4SNS / 1 / 400 000 00 : TBOT

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 17"Display Intel core 2 Duo 2.33GHz

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OS X :: Disk Utility To Verify Disk Ends With Error?

May 10, 2010

I'm running OSX 10.4.11 on a 12" PowerBook 1.5 GHz with 1.25 GB of RAM and an 80 GB HD.

When I run the disk Utility to Verify Disk, it ends with the message, "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit." This happens if I run the Disk Utility from the hard drive, from the OSX installation disk or from an external hard drive.

The Repair Drive button is always grayed out no matter where I am running the disk Utility from, too.

So far, I haven't had any other unusual things with the operation, but I'm concerned that this could be an early warning of problems to come.

Has anyone else had this problem or have a clue?

I have cloned the entire hard drive onto an external drive with Carbon Copy Cloner. I know PPC systems won't boot from a USB drive, but I was considering booting from the install disk, re-formatting the drive from there and then re-installing from the external by running CCC from there. I hope someone will have a direct solution to repairing the drive without doing all of that.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error With Disk Utility When Repairing Disk

Jun 26, 2012

I just got my computer yesterday and when running the "repair disk" function, I already get an error! Since I used migration assistant to move everything off my old mac to my new mac, I'm not interested in reinstalling the whole OS and transffering all my files again. This is a new computer, and shouldn't have this problem this early. I also get the same result when starting up in the recovery partition. How do I resolve this?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Unexpectedly Quit And Gives The Options Of Sending An Error Report To Mac?

Jan 3, 2009

Every time I try and get on Safari it loads my homepage and then just quits. It gives me the error message that Safari and unexpectedly quit and gives me the options of sending an error report to Mac, closing, or reopening the page. This is the first time it has done this before, but in the past week it has done it every time I have tried to get online.

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Applications :: Encoding Error Shows - Tried Saving As A Video TS Folder Rather Than Directly

Nov 22, 2010

I'm attempting to burn an .avi file to DVD using iDVD. I've tried every tip on the web including, reducing the encoding quality & reducing the burn speed and de-install and re-install iDVD, but still manage to get the same message 'Encoding Video - There was an error during movie encoding' after having waited an hour for it to encode.I'm using iDVD '08 Vir.7.0.1 on a MacBook (10.5.8) with over 20GB of free space and 1GB of memory.The .avi file is 500mb in size.I've tried saving as a Video_TS folder rather than directly to a DVD, but still get the same error.

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