I'm running 10.1 on G4 450 DP. Every once and a while the clock will reset itself to some arbitrary time of day, but best of all the date will reset to December 1969. This is embarassing when you send email.
My iMac 27" Clock/Time keeps reseting itself everytime I reboot it. I've tried to set it manually, but it doesn't fix the problem. It's really annoying that I have to set it everytime I turn it on.
How I I get my MacBook pro to rese to the correct time? It has done this before and when restarted it is back to normal. It seems to happen when the battery goes dead. This time it won't correct the problem itself.
My school has ~15 iBook G3's(600 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, OS X 10.2.8) that are suddenly unable to hold the date or time. They are plugged in constantly, batteries in, and are always on. I know that with the Pismos, there are PRAM batteries that you can replace, but if I read Apple's support pages right, there aren't any in the iBooks. How does this happen? How easy is the fix?
I have had my new MBP for about 2.5 weeks. On two different occasions, when I turn my computer on from being completely off the pop up appears saying my date and time are set improperly. The computer sets its self/ forget the date and time and goes back to 1/30/2000 at 6 am or so, when obviously its not Jan of 2000 and I'm not turning my computer on at 6 a.m. Anyway to make sure this doesn't happen? Has anyone else had this experience? I never once had this problem with my whitebook the 4 years I had it.
I have a folder where I place an ever growing collection of my favorite songs. Before I switched to Mac, on Windows, when I wanted to revisit songs I most recently added to the folder, I would sort the songs by the Date Modified and it would order the files I placed in the folder by date.
In OSX, however, there must be a slightly different meaning to "Date Modified," as it does not quite sort my songs by the order they were added. It gets some of it right, but there's plenty of files that are out of order--tune "x", which I know was placed in the folder a week ago is actually listed further down the list with songs placed in the folder months ago.
Is there a way to have OSX sort files in order of the date it was placed in a folder? Neither "Date Modified" nor "Date Created" works 100% as I thought it would. Or is the OSX definition of Date Modified/Created slightly different than Windows?
I've noticed recently that when in Finder, all folders/files have a Modified Date of somewhere in January 2009 or January 2008, regardless of when it was actually modified/created. My clock at the top left-hand corner says Oct 20 though. Any thoughts?
I am on Tiger 10.4.11 on Mac Book Pro Intel duo. All updates except for Parallels installed. Have run permissions repairs and preferential treatment. Tried to delete preferences for system ... Every time I try to uncheck the box marked or open the Date and Time preferences, it freezes and have to force quit.
So I shut down my computer earlier today for the first time in weeks. I restarted it and then left for a few hours for dinner.
I come home and I look at the last time MobileMe Sync and Time Machine did their things. They say they did them at 7:45. I look at the clock on my cable box and on my iPhone, both say 6:45.
Weird that the MacBook's time is wrong. I go into Time Date settings. I see that when the MacBook does the "Auto locate where you are so that we can set the appropriate time zone, etc. the MacBook things I'm in Rexford, Idaho.
I haven't been to Idaho in about 25 years, and my MacBook has been sitting in Southern Kalifornia for the last one year since I bought it.I've tried to have the MacBook auto-locate again, and it keeps finding me us in Rexford, idaho.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a G4 iBook. Somehow my Time & Date files got corrupted which prevented me from getting on to the internet. When I discovered the problem, I threw them away, thinking a restart would create them again. I was wrong.
Now my computer doesn't know what time or year it is, causing various problems. I don't have back-up 10.5 disks to extract the time & date package.Can I download a replacement anywhere?
Or can someone email the files to me? I don't know what they're called but, if you search time and date, there are only two (and please tell me what folders they're in too)
Starting yesterday, I cannot load Time & Date (either from System Prefs or from the menu bar). I get the beachball and I have to Force Quit System Prefs.
I tried Repairing Permissions and rebooting but it didn't help.I tried deleting .plist entries (as per a related thread on the Internet) and rebooting and that didn't work either.I tried logging off and logging in with another account and the problem is still there.I hope I can get some help because it's driving me nuts. I travel a lot and need to change my time zone. If you need a crash report from me, please tell me how to get it from Console bc I don't know where to look for it!
My G5 iMac, PowerPC processor has been purring along happily on MacOS Tiger for years. To synch it with an iPad, I had to move to Leopard (10.5.8)Everything works fine, except the clock: after every start, it loses the hours (but the minutes are fine). Of course, I checked for upgrades and ran the authorizations check.
Has anyone else had their clock freeze up on them in Leopard? It's only happened twice, and I'm not sure what triggered it (my guess would be coming back from a screensaver or from sleep) but the clock will be stuck on a certain time, if I mouseover it, I get the beachball. All other aspects of the OS and programs run fine while this is happening. I noticed iCal was still giving the date of the frozen time the clock was display when closed, but displayed the right date when i opened iCal.
I've had my new Mac Pro 3.2 for one week now and I just noticed yesterday that the clock is exactly 10 minutes fast. I also have a Mac Book Pro and the time on that is correct. Both have the same software and all updates installed. Both are set to PST for the timezone. Both set date & time automatically using time.apple.com. (I've even tried changing the time server to asia and europe with no effect.) I'd like to believe it's so screaming fast that it's warped ten minutes into the future, but it's a tad annoying trying to sync files with my laptop and iDisk.
a known issue with boot camp is the clock's time getting off. When coming back into OS X, eventually it gets set back right. how to get it to sync the clock with the internet faster?
I'm looking for an alarm clock that I can use to set the time.. not lookin for anythin fancy.. i just need an alarm to go off maybe every 4 hours so i wuold rather have a free option but i do want to see whats out there! so all suggestions r fine
Does anyone know if GeekTool (or any other similar tools) can be used to bring up an analog clock on the desktop? Especially with a custom-designed clockface?
I installed Everest on my MacBook Pro. It shows me, that the CPU clock is not 3066MHz (standard) but it changes very often. Sometimes I have 1500MHz, 1800MHz (...) or another CPU Multiplier. The same with the front side bus. Is this normal? I don't think, that the Core 2 Duo have TurboBoost or so?
If I drain my battery all the way down then power up my system, the clock will reset back to 2001 and my power management settings will reset as well. I expected that my macbook air would have a little battery to keep all this information even if the battery power runs out, but either mine is broken or this is normal for the mba. Does anyone else have this problem? Is this normal or is mine broken?
I have a 3 year old Powerbook G4. I just recently replaced the battery (with an Apple one).
Starting last week I keep getting the "the system clock is set before March 21, 2001" message every time I start the computer up.
I am also having a problem where...when I close my computer (still on) it'll shut down completely (after a bit of time). If the computer is open and the battery runs out, it'll also shut down.
I bought my Macbook from the US, but now I've returned to my country and since then ,I think, when I'm not connected to the Inet the clock is way off.
In the PC's the system clock can be easily changed in the BIOS and if I don't have Internet the clock is currect. +- a few seconds aren't that big of a difference.
And here is an example:
I put my laptop to sleep. Go to school, but there is no WiFi, It's ,let's say, 12:34PM. The clock in Mac OSX, Windows 7 shows 10:15 AM. (The times are for example). As soon as I go online, the clocks are adjusted via [URL] or [URL] depending on the OS. And the clock shows the currect time of ,in this example, 12:34 PM.
Is it possible to set the time zone/clock in the EFI boot system similar to the BIOS in the PCs?
I'm currently using rEFIt as boot manager and there there is a Shell console.
For some reason my clock changes it's time on Windows and Mac every once in a while. I don't know if it's Bootcamp or VMwareFusion causing this, but for some reason it's happening.
I apologize if I missed a similar problem, but i think this is an unusual thing. Ok, so occasionally after my uMBP has been on a while (say, 1.5+ days?) sometimes when doing little more than doing a little web browsing, I'll see in both Activity Monitor and iStats that i'm using about 60-70% of my processor, but there is no visible process that is taking up the CPU. the issue is temporarily resolved by logging out or restarting. Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried running what available malware scanners there are for the mac, but nothing has come up.
Are there any producers or audio engineers out there who have an opinion on which of the new Mac Pros would be best for a DAW using Pro Tools LE? I'm not able to find much information on whether having more cores or a higher clock speed is beneficial.