OS X :: Unexplained Clock Cycles / CPU Activity

Jan 17, 2010

I apologize if I missed a similar problem, but i think this is an unusual thing. Ok, so occasionally after my uMBP has been on a while (say, 1.5+ days?) sometimes when doing little more than doing a little web browsing, I'll see in both Activity Monitor and iStats that i'm using about 60-70% of my processor, but there is no visible process that is taking up the CPU. the issue is temporarily resolved by logging out or restarting. Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried running what available malware scanners there are for the mac, but nothing has come up.

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OS X :: Unexplained Disk Activity - Track Process?

Oct 17, 2009

I'm running 10.5.8 on a 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac. The machine often slows down dramatically and i can hear the internal drive going like crazy. When I look in Activity Monitor however there's nothing chewing up much CPU. I can see that there's a lot of disk activity going on however. Unfortunately I don't see anyway in activity monitor to see what processes are accessing the hard drive. Does anyone know of a way to track down what processes are accessing the disk?

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OS X :: Fans Frequently Cycles On An Off Audibly / Cycles On Off With 8 To 10 Seconds

Apr 7, 2009

While sitting idle, the fan on my Mac Pro (well, I think it's one of the fans) does this strange cycling thing. At first I thought it was a truck way off in the distance, starting and stopping. Then I realized it was my Mac Pro. Sitting with no apps running, one of the fans frequently cycles on an off audibly.

I recorded it. Have a listen. You have to listen past the low frequency rumble of the Mac and you'll hear the fan spinning up and then spinning down in cycles that are typically 8 or 10 seconds, sometimes shorter.

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PowerPC :: Unexplained Freezes On G5 IMac

Jun 26, 2010

I've got a G5 iMac which is 5 years old now, it's got 2Gb RAM and 75Gb HD In the past couple of weeks it really slowed down and then it started having panic attacks and random freezes. It also crashed with a what appeared to be a wierd zig-zag pattern [see attached jpeg - this happens even when the log-inscreen is on] I hadn't installed any new applications or anything and it had been fine upto then. I've ran the hardware test a few times, which has said everything is fine: video, memory, logic board all passed. So I backed everything up, scrubbed the HD, installed a fresh system 10.4, which Software Upgrade then took upto 10.4.11; Installed some of the apps and put some data back on - but leaving about half of the HD empty The random crashes are happening more and more frequently, crashing, panic attacks and i am forced to do a hard restart every time Is there anyway out of this or is it a case of old machine, on its last legs and needing a new one?

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Software :: Unexplained Airtunes / Itunes Pauses

Oct 3, 2005

almost everytime I use airtunes, somewhere in the middle of a song, the music will quit unexpectedly. sometimes the music will resume in a three-count, sometimes longer, sometimes not at all. When i look at itunes, it looks like the song is just paused - meaning the little diamond that shows where you are in the song in the display along the top isn't inching along anymore, however the actual PAUSE button on the upper left has not been selected (meaning there is not a PLAY arrow displayed. the double bar PAUSE button is still showing). I have tried:

stopping the song (clicking the PAUSE button) and then starting it again
quitting itunes and restarting
restarting my ibook (G4)
unplugging my airport express and plugging it back in to reboot
using the airport admin aplication
completely unplugging EVERYTHING (modem, airport base station, airport extreme) and then slowly rebooting them all in order
upgrading itunes to the current version

at first, I thought it was a problem with airtunes, like the signal got lost or something, but after looking at itunes and realizing the song isn't *going* anymore, i thought the problem was with the application. but I don't know. I've never experienced this if i use the computer speakers, but then again, I hardly ever use them so I really don't know that for sure. oh, and I bought my airport base station *after* the airport express, and I'm pretty sure this problem was happening when my "network" was just my ibook and the express. (my experience level: I'm a former PC'er. I'm fairly knowlegable, but more on the software end. I know *nothing* when it comes to mac hardware.

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Software :: Unexplained Crashes And Screen Locks

Jul 4, 2010

I you review this: [URL:...] you can see I have been dealing with this for a while. I am just about to run the apple hardware test again but I am hoping someone might have a new idea.

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MacBook Air :: Constant Unexplained Crashing And Failed Booting

Mar 9, 2010

I'm trying to diagnose problems with a friend's MacBook Air who due to language barriers cannot get help from the Apple Store. He has a Rev. A MacBook Air (with the 1.6GHz and 80GB HDD) and Snow Leopard. My friend is new at computers (this is his first computer) and only goes online to read the news, check the weather, travel research, etc. So the Air is the perfect machine for that. The issue started with a few weeks ago, he called me to ask me how to fix his internet. I wasn't sure where to start, but I suspected the Airport card. After testing the USB-to-Ethernet adapter which did not work, I figured it was something else. He told me everything gave him the "red" dot in Network Preferences (Well he didn't know to check there, as I had to tell him where to go). A PRAM reset fixed that which is good and he was able to go online again. Over the past few days he has called again because his computer would constantly freeze. At first it would be freezing and then it would work again after a few minutes. Sometimes it would just freeze and would require a forced shutdown (power button—5 seconds). Now of late it sometimes does not boot. I have been notified that it does boot past the gray screen, but stop right before when the desktop loads. Here is where it difficult: I do not know how to continue.

I can't have him run hardware tests off the Installation DVDs because he does not have an optical drive and even if he did, he would not be able to relay me the results of any test. I cannot have him take it to the Apple Store because well they wouldn't be able to speak his language). All my family friends come to me for computer help, so that's no good and his neighbors are well not Mac proficient and again call me for computer help. He does not email, text, send MMS, etc. So I can't even get the console files. I would like to suggest a Erase and Install, but again with no optical drive and the difficulty of explaining things over the phone—I don't think I can do it. Any one has suggestions on how to proceed? Maybe even what's wrong? The only thing I can think of is to give him my MacBook Air and have him give me his and then I can figure it out later, but that's a bit inconvenient (but I'm definitely willing to do that if that's the only solution).

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MacBook :: 121 Cycles RIP Battery?

Sep 5, 2010

yesterday, the battery health went from 96% to 54%, and now every day 1% goes to the Creator
Yes I calibrated regularly

Maybe it has to do with $
Live long and prosper was the initial idea, wasn't it?

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MacBook Pro :: HDD Load Cycles ?

Nov 15, 2010

I just received my MBP yesterday. Installed a new HDD right from the get go.

Though, I read something disturbing about load cycles of an HDD which is not native to a MBP. Apparently the load cycles can get really high which decreases the lifespan of an HDD.

Now, obviously I don't want that to happen and took a look at my load cycles. The MBP has been on for about 3-4 hours now and the load cycle is at 224.

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MacBook :: Battery Cycles?

Dec 2, 2010

My Macbook's battery has done 902 cycles and is on 92% health.

I was just wondering - even though I know it's impossible to predict the life-span of a computer battery - a) how accurate that reading is (I use the iStat Pro widget) and b) ignoring the health reading, is it time to buy a new battery when it hits 1000 cycles?

The health has gone down from 100% to 92% in the space of about 3 months? Maybe more. Is that a sign that I should change it?

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MacBook :: How Many Cycles Get Out Of The Battery

Dec 6, 2010

Ok, so I have a 2009 uMB 2.4 with 4GB/500GB and my battery cycle count with coconut Battery states it is at 418 Cycles and the Life states 96%, my question is?Is that good

How many cycles should I get out of the battery

This is the unibody MacBook the one they are calling the Classic uMB and I have had this since it was new, I bought this around February 2009, so just under 2 years old.

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MacBook :: How Many Cycles Can The New MBA Battery Go Through?

Jan 26, 2009

I know that the new 17 MBP can go through 1000 cycles or so of battery use. But what can the 13" MBA go through?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Comes With 15+ Cycles On It?

Jun 30, 2009

hey guys iv never metioned it but my battery on my MBP came with about 15 or more cycles , is that normal?

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OS X :: Unable To Know MBP Battery Cycles?

Oct 10, 2009

how many cycles is expected from a aluminium 13'' MBP battery?

im currently on 21 cycles. and that is in like a month and a half maybe 2 months

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Bad After 47 Cycles?

Jun 14, 2012

Here's the battery info:

Cycles 47
Current Max 1269 mAh
Age 3.1 years 

My older battery (this is my second one) is in much better shape than this one.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Cycles On And Off When Using Battery

Aug 23, 2014

The MacBook Pro is a 13' unit. it was replaced with a SSD drive.  The battery has 327 charging cycles on it.  Sometimes when using battery only the machine will start to boot up, will get the logo then immediately shut down, screen goes black then the process continues, once I connect the AC power the Macbook boots correctly.  Should also mention that the circuit board that controls the charging of the battery was also replaced (outside of warranty period) several months ago as well.

imac g5, Mac Mini, MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Capacity 87% After 51 Cycles

Sep 3, 2010

My AppleCare expires on Monday September 6th, and I am wondering if my 87% capacity at 51 battery cycles suggests I should visit an Apple Store this weekend? The closest store is around 25 miles away, so if I would be wasting my time, I would rather not take the trip. My concern is mostly based on my warranty ending. This is a 2009 13" MBP.

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MacBook :: 500 Load Cycles And Still Going Strong

Dec 12, 2010

Just hit 500 load cycles on my battery and still going strong 99% capacity and I just re calibrated yesterday. I know this isn't a misread because I monitor my battery roughly every 2 weeks or so. Macbook is the Macbook 5,2 mid 2009 version, coming up to its 2nd birthday

Battery Information:
Model Information:
Device name:ASMB016
Pack Lot Code:0000
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0200
Cell Revision:0102
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):4977
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):4977
Health Information:
Cycle count:503
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):0
Voltage (mV):12541

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MacBook Air :: MBA Battery-1000 Cycles?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm currently using MBA 13 inch new generation. I knew batteries of Apple notebooks have a 1000 cycles battery.

I wanted to prove that myself, so I looked at apple.com/macbookair but could not find that information (even though I find it for macbook pro)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Health Of 95% And 95 Cycles?

Dec 31, 2010

Hello people, I was just wondering if my Macbook Pro 13' (2010) battery is currently healthy? It has the health of 95% and 95 cycles. I purchased it 2 months ago

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MacBook :: Battery Load Cycles?

Jan 27, 2009

Just wondering, but how rare is it to have a battery that lasts 3 times longer than the "rated cycle amount"? Apparently this battery should have been dead 600 cycles ago... I am finally now noticing a slight loss in overall battery life.

I have used this MacBook 100% of the time since the day I have gotten it over two years ago. Is this why it has lived so long?

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MacBook :: Brand New Battery - 15 Cycles Already?

Feb 26, 2009

My macbook battery broke 500 cycles, and the battery life was at about half what it used to be so I ordered what was described as a brand new battery from Westronics, through Amazon. I put the new battery in the machine and checked System Profiler, and it is telling me that the battery has 15 cycles on it already. iStat Nano says the same thing. Is this normal for a new battery to have cycles on it already? Or did I not get a new battery? I just want to make sure I got what I paid for.

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MacBook :: Battery Finish After Only 95 Cycles?

Jan 3, 2010

It's in a white Macbook that is 44 months old. Is there any hope for my battery?

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MacBook Pro :: 87% Battery Capacity After 56 Cycles?

Mar 1, 2010

I get ready for the next disappointment tomorrow (maybe no MBP update) and looking out for a MBP at eBay. I've found a good one (August 2009) 2.53 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 500GB HDD etc. for round about 900� (1.200$) (in Germany we pay 1533� for this model so round about 2088$). The guy sent me a screenshot of the battery capacity which is 87% (4762mAh) after 56 loadcycles. Is that acceptable? IMO it's a bit too low - what do you think? Maybe I'm going to buy a AppleCare Protection Plan afterwards ... would the battery be covered?

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MacBook Pro :: 98 Health After 6 Cycles - Is That Normal

Aug 13, 2010

SO I just bought a mbp 13, I been trying my best not overcharging, by charging it fully then let it drain to the last 30min or so before charging it fully again.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Bellow 80% With 225 Cycles?

Mar 21, 2012

i have a MBP with 225 reoad cycles and my battery is already on 78% I WANT A NEW BATTERY  as your guarantee says. How can i get in touch with somebody?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Battery With 828 Charge Cycles - Unsafe?

Nov 30, 2010

I received a Black 2.4GHz MacBook that I bought on eBay a few days ago to add to my collection. The battery reports 828 charge cycles, and has about 82% of it's original charge capacity, and still lasts a good 2.5 hours. What I want to know is, is it unsafe to use it like this? Apple Battery FAQ doesn't not really say when to replace the battery, besides when it doesn't hold that good of a charge anymore.
Should I be worried?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Shows 4 Cycles And 95% - Normal?

Apr 20, 2008

battery shows 4 cycles and @ 95% - normal? Last night it was 97%.

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MacBook :: Battery Health And Cycles Status?

Feb 17, 2009

I am at 99% and 82 cycles and I've own mine for 2 months now. This is my very first mac so am I OK for now?

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PowerPC :: Cycles Of Wake / Sleep Sometimes Quite Fast

Apr 7, 2009

I have a PowerBook 12" on Tiger, 10.4.11. It is having occurrences of waking despite the closed cover. The cycles of wake/sleep are sometimes quite fast (seconds). I fear thrashing the HD. Here are excerpts from system log, followed by console log. The latter shows repeated instances of: AlsPB12 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AppleFileServer ResetATalkService race detected. Which seems to implicate ATalk - is that AppleTalk? What relevance does AppleTalk have in today's systems?

Description: System events log
Size: 1.04 MB
Last Modified: 4/7/09 8:43 AM
Location: /var/log/system.log
Recent Contents: ...

iMac 2.8GHz 2008
Tiger on G4/1.25DP FW800
Mini-1.66GHz; PB-G4 12
Pismo G3
Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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