IMac :: Clock Keeps Resetting Time On Every Reboot
May 19, 2010
My iMac 27" Clock/Time keeps reseting itself everytime I reboot it. I've tried to set it manually, but it doesn't fix the problem. It's really annoying that I have to set it everytime I turn it on.
I'm running 10.1 on G4 450 DP. Every once and a while the clock will reset itself to some arbitrary time of day, but best of all the date will reset to December 1969. This is embarassing when you send email.
I'm having a problem where my Macbook Pro keeps resetting back to the default 'space' wallpaper everytime it boots up. When I go into the settings and click on 'Desktop & Screensaver', it changes back to the wallpaper I originally set before shutting the Macbook down, without me clicking anything else.
I've read in several places that a file needs to be deleted, something like (top of my head) '' in the library folder. However, that file doesn't exist or at least I can't locate it.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I bought my Macbook from the US, but now I've returned to my country and since then ,I think, when I'm not connected to the Inet the clock is way off.
In the PC's the system clock can be easily changed in the BIOS and if I don't have Internet the clock is currect. +- a few seconds aren't that big of a difference.
And here is an example:
I put my laptop to sleep. Go to school, but there is no WiFi, It's ,let's say, 12:34PM. The clock in Mac OSX, Windows 7 shows 10:15 AM. (The times are for example). As soon as I go online, the clocks are adjusted via [URL] or [URL] depending on the OS. And the clock shows the currect time of ,in this example, 12:34 PM.
Is it possible to set the time zone/clock in the EFI boot system similar to the BIOS in the PCs?
I'm currently using rEFIt as boot manager and there there is a Shell console.
For some reason my clock changes it's time on Windows and Mac every once in a while. I don't know if it's Bootcamp or VMwareFusion causing this, but for some reason it's happening.
Everytime I restart my computer my clock sets to some random time! I've never had this problem before, and no matter how many times I set it back it always changes. That and my weather widget always changes to some random city.
My school has ~15 iBook G3's(600 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, OS X 10.2.8) that are suddenly unable to hold the date or time. They are plugged in constantly, batteries in, and are always on. I know that with the Pismos, there are PRAM batteries that you can replace, but if I read Apple's support pages right, there aren't any in the iBooks. How does this happen? How easy is the fix?
Ever since I bootcamped my Mac with Windows XP Professional, whenever I restart or boot up in OSX my time is always behind by 6 hours. I went into the settings and unchecked the set date and time automatically but it keeps giving me the wrong time.
I just bought a new MacBook Pro 15" running Leopard 10.5.6, and the clock is being weird. Last weekend we put the clocks forward an hour here in the UK and I suspect this has something to do with it. What's happening is that my clock is displaying an hour earlier than it actually is, and if I put it into manual mode rather than relying on the Euro Apple timeserver, that fixes it but then the time on my Mail is wrong - it says each message was received a hour before it actually was.
Then it gets really odd - if I change the timezone to London BST and then check the time & date panel, the digital clock still reads an hour early, but the analogue one beneath it displays the right time Then if I close the panel and re-open, I find it's reverted to GMT and both clocks say it's an hour early.
I have windows 7 installed on my macbook (aluminum body) via bootcamp, but whenever i use windows the clock is 4 hours ahead of the current time, and if i change it and go back to using snow leopard the clock is 4 hours back, i already tried syning with windows time and apple time, but nothing, any tips?
I recently applied an EFI firmware update to my MacBook Pro 15" (early 2011), which is currently running OSX 10.7.3. Coincidentally, my clock now loses several seconds per hour (in both sleep or screensaver mode), so after several hours, I lose about a minute. Of course, I could manually correct the clock via System Preferences' Date/Time synchronization. But I shouldn't be losing this much time.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've noticed over the last while that the clock in the top right of my log-in window screen is about 20 minutes behind the actual time. When I login, the desktop clock changes to the right time. How to adjust the log-in window clock?
My G5 iMac, PowerPC processor has been purring along happily on MacOS Tiger for years. To synch it with an iPad, I had to move to Leopard (10.5.8)Everything works fine, except the clock: after every start, it loses the hours (but the minutes are fine). Of course, I checked for upgrades and ran the authorizations check.
I have a strange problem with my Macbook - all works well on my Macbook Pro..
When I try to set things in the Safari Preferences - like 'enable extensions' and so forth. When I re-start Safari, they've gone back to the original state.
I've tried:
- Resetting Safari
- Fixing permissions
- Restarting the machine
I've also looked at the Library folder, to see if things in the 'Safari' and 'Preferences' folder are changing and they are.
Even when I set up a new bookmark of some tabs, it works, and I can set it as a default start-up - but, when I restart Safari, it has lost the bookmarks folder.
I have had my new MBP for about 2.5 weeks. On two different occasions, when I turn my computer on from being completely off the pop up appears saying my date and time are set improperly. The computer sets its self/ forget the date and time and goes back to 1/30/2000 at 6 am or so, when obviously its not Jan of 2000 and I'm not turning my computer on at 6 a.m. Anyway to make sure this doesn't happen? Has anyone else had this experience? I never once had this problem with my whitebook the 4 years I had it.
Man, what's up with this? Shut down on my early 2008 MacPro (10.5.7) takes forever! I've tried resetting the PRAM and it did this with earlier versions of Leopard as well. I've reinstalled the OS twice, changed hard drives and wish I could fix this.
I was downloading Front Row when I realized it was just the update, not the actual Front Row. So, I deleted it and got the pinwheel of death. Next thing I know my clock and bluetooth/volume buttons on the top right are gone! Already tried going through system pref.
I set my iTunes library and iPhoto library to see them on my Time Capsule, i point Apple TV to iTunes, and there are no files. As its been reset to Macintosh HD, where nothing is stored.
I forgot my admin password on my iMac recently and so i used the reboot with OS X snow leopard install disc to reset the keychain, but now on my login screen, it used to be just my account name, there is one called "Other" so i went into accounts in system preferences and tried to delete it but it isnt there?is really annoying me p.s. the "other account" isnt actually an account it says "Other" and when you click on it asks for your username and i type in the admin accounts name and password (admin account is the only one on this computer), and it just opens up my admin account.
I've looked every where for info and can't seem to find any one with the same problem. Every time I reboot, I get the unexpected restart dialog and the option to send the report to apple. When I look at the report it says its a kernel panic, but really the machine is very stable during normal operation, and the restart process works fine with the only abnormality being that the error dialog pops up every time without fail. After I either send the report or ignore it the computer runs normally. I did the standard permission repair and it didn't help. Also ran a ram testing app a while ago, Remember or something like that, after I installed some 3rd party ram from OWC and it said my ram was fine, so I don't think its the ram, but if some one know of a better test I'll try it. If any one has any idea what the problem might be, or even how to just simply disable the warning dialog would be grateful. Also, just looked in my panic reporter logs and it has not recorded any of my resets as panics.
I am about to sell my current iMac because I have got a new one. 1. I wanted to restore the iMac as new. It originally game with Tiger if I erase the disk, do I have to install tiger, the upgrade to leopard and then upgrade to snow leopard? 2.Is there a way to delete everything except some programs like Photoshop, iLife 09 and iWork? 3.Is there a way to "reset" the iMac so when the buyer turns the computer it starts with the setup and welcome movie?