Software :: Can't Get Older System 9 Computers To Talk?
Mar 12, 2010
We have a small ethernet network and need to bring files from projects done on older macs running OS9 into new macs running OSX. All machines can "see" the printers, and other machines running same OS, but we haven't been able to get them to talk to computers that are on different OS. The older machines are different laptops running the latest software they are capable of running - OS9.The newer machines are laptops and desktops running Tiger and Leopard.
Is there any way to get them to talk to one another? Saving to floppies or zipdrives and then burning to cds would be very tedious.
I installed Lion on my MacBook Pro. As I was trying to install windows 7 there was a power breakdown. Now I am unable to get into my mac. Everytime I start I get into Window start routine. How do I go about reinstalling My Snow Leopard fro DVD?
I am the Principal of a school and because of budget cuts - scary piece ahead - also the tech coordinator. I have a few older eMacs, some with airport cards and some without. My question/problem: I want to hook an eMac 10.4.11 directly into the Time Capsule to access the internet (the time capsule is acting as an extension of our wireless network). I have done this before successfully using an airport extreme, however, I am not successful to date in doing this with time capsule. It has been a while since I set up a computer this way. My question is am I missing a trick (using ethernet cord into LAN port), or is it not possible.
I'm using an Intel iMac running OS 10.4.11. Obviously the computer is a few years old now and I'm wondering whether it is worth upgrading the system software or time to get a new computer. Can you guys venture any opinions as to which version of OS X I might be able to upgrade to with decent performance? I'd rather not add any memory if that's a requirement for upgrading - in that case I'd probably just opt for a new computer.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 1.83 GHz Core Duo 1GB 667 Mhz RAM
Looking at a secondhand Canoscan obviously slightly older model no longer available. If it says required operating system Mac OS 10.1.3 and I have 10.5.6 will it still work?
I purchased a 500GB time capsule awhile back in hopes of killing two birds with one stone. I wanted it to:1) serve as my wifi base (which it is doing very nicely)and 2) Allow me to backup all my files on my macbook in order to free up some memory.I guess my question really is, once I've backed up all my content to the time machine (acting as an extra hard drive), is it safe to just delete the content from my macbook that I am ok with not accessing when away from my time capsule? For example, all that music I still want to keep but dont necessarily listen to on a regular basis? I am completely full on my macbook and need extra room. I dont anticipate filling the time capsule anytime soon.
Basically im looking to buy the CS4 premium suite but its got to be able to be installed on a Mac Pro and a Macbook Pro.Is this allowed or do I need to buy it twice (which I won't do...)
I just got a new macbook 13 inch unibody with the base stats. Anyways, i chose to snag the iPod touch 16 gig since my 8 gig is already full. Is it possible for me to put all the songs from my old iPod 8 gig touch onto my macbook then into my new iPod 16 gig touch? None of the songs were purchased on iTunes, I got them other ways... Also what about the applications I have on my old 8 gig, I have wolfenstein 3d, Bloons, and a few others that I paid for and would like to have on my new iPod without buying again. new to this board if a mod could put it in the right place for me edit: Nevermind, I allowed my new mac to be one of the authorized computers and I'm able to transfer my Applications with the songs now.
We are trying to set up a system where 4 computers are connected to a set of hard drives and connected through Ethernet. We'd like a fast speed. Which systems to get? Which cable is fastest? Is it hard to set up?
I recently did a Time Machine complete system restore and I noticed that the contents of some of the storage folders in Apple Mail were empty. Interestingly, folders that have been accessed in the last few months were completely restored, but some much older files that have not been accessed in a considerable amount of time were totally empty. I'm not sure why that occurred, but is there a way to find and restore the contests of those older folders?
I got this new iomega external usb HDD for backup purposes mainly. what file system should i use? exFat for compatibility for windows computers or only mac os file system? i would like to avoid ntfs
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.
I am a DJ and would like to get my mac os x to record some text highlighted and read out through the universal access function. When i click option + s i am able to hear the text highlight from a mac almost robot like voice.
I wanted to types out some sentences and record it with the voices given by mac os x
I had a Sony Ericsson W550i till today and I was immensely impressed by the fact that I could use it as an external drive or a modem and could synchronise my contact list and calendar to it without using any external software. However, the phone did not have EDGE, so I bought a Nokia 6300 today. But to my disappointment, it seems that it is impossible to either synchronise the phone with my Mac or use it as a modem. iSync, even in its latest version, does not support my phone and I just cannot connect to the Internet using it.
Those hacks using Jabber are not cool. Not only functionally but practically. If only MSN decided to use the same protocol AIM started with we'd all be able to talk to each other via iChat. Has anyone heard any 'rumors' as to future compatibility?
I have a Google Apps account and under My Products I have Talk listed (there is no settings or account link next to it like the other products). I do not have a Gmail account. When I log in using iChat I have my non-Google email in the username field and location set as iChat. But I immediately get the message below. Ideas? I would like to not sign up for a Gmail account just to get access to GTalk.
I have a 2011-model 60-inch Sharp Aquos TV and I'm trying to connect my MacBook Air to it via HDMI. The two devices seem to be aware of each other because the MacBook Air resets its display when I plug in the cable; however, there is no picture on the TV. It's just black. I know that it's some kind of incomatibility problem rather than somethign broken because (a) it doess exatly the same thing with two different MacBooks, different adapters, different cables; and (b) it works fine with other computers (Windows). I've tried jiggling all posible settings through System Preferences (there aren't many though).
So here's the thing: is there some under-the-hood way I can jiggle with the settings of the signal the MacBook is sending out to the TV, to try to give it a signal it recognizes? I mean, simple-mindedly, maybe it's sending a refresh rate that the TV doesn't like or somethign like that - but System Preferences doesn't give me a way of changing that.
I am studying for a year in South Africa and using internet behind a college proxy. Beyond the annoyances of only having 300 MB/month of internet, I am especially frustrated because I can't use skype, ichat, or google talk to stay in touch with people back home. I've tried everything; With skype, i downloaded authoxy, which corrects for the fact that skype takes its proxy settings from the network settings (I'm not a computer expert so I may have that wrong, but regardless, I followed the directions and tinkered with it some more and it failed). Then I downloaded the beta version of the latest skype, per customer support directions, and still no luck--i can't even sign on.
The same goes for iChat. Even google talk, which operates within the browser, will only allow text chat. When I try voice or video, it fails. None of this happens to students with a pc.
Is there a way to set my Apple Airport Extreme router to block certain Google Talk buddies on my home network? Or do you know of a way this could be done any alternate way?
Ok I have a Mac OSX running 10.4.11. If I upgrade to the latest software(10.6) will it cause any problems or erase stuff because my computer is probably about 4 years old or will it run completely fine?
Sorry if this has been answered (i did search, but nothing stood out) or is in the wrong place
Im just wondering if anyone could enlighten me on hooking my macbook (white) up to an older TV. The only ports i have are scart and composite (red, yellow, white).What cables would i need etc.
I'm trying to connect an older G4 computer tower (400mhz) to an LCD TV (Vizio 20"). The computer has a ATI rage 128 video card. I have a VGA-to-VGA cable that connects the computer to the RGB connection on the TV. However, I'm not getting a signal. Are any additional steps, hardware, cabling, etc. needed here? Not very familiar with tech details. I've searched web. I have access to an 'ATI rage 128Pro' card that seems to have a DVI connection in addition to the VGA port. Would this work better?
I just replaced my Apple 24" LED that was running on my older Mac Pro via a Gefen dvi/miniport display converter with a new Apple 27" LED. Unfortunately the Gefen doesn't work with the 27".
I'll be doing some work with Photoshop, iMovie, and a fair amount of Handbrake-type encoding. I'm tilting back and forth with getting one of the older generation (1st or 2nd) Mac Pros that I could upgrade myself and the current or upcoming Mini/Mini Server.
The price hikes for the new Mac Pros are much than probably most of us anticipated. So looking at perhaps getting an old stock Harpertown octo 2.8Ghz or 3.2GHz machine.
1. are they still worth getting? 2. will they still be upgradeable for the next 2/3 yrs. 3. is there any limitations, end of road technologies with these machines. 4. is better to just get a baseline Quad-core 1 x 2.66Ghz machine. (although the 8GB RAM limitation feels like a weak proposition, and surely a 2.8GHz harpertown octo is faster than a single quad 2.66? I know about the new motherboard layout, but seems like a lesser spec machine).