Hardware :: Setting New Default Printing Preferences
Apr 4, 2010
I've looked all over; the only thing support can tell me is "it depends on what brand you buy." Anyways, I have a color laser printer. Works great, but most of the time I'm just printing materials off the internet and some documents for work. Therefore I do not need it to be printing in full blown color. Especially not for sites where the author decided to use dark purple or blue text (or some other color from which I can't tell from a glance that it's not black). Right now the only way to do this to manually go into the printing preferences each time to choose B&W only. Likewise, I also have to go and check the Duplex box manually. All this is very tedious when you have do it every time. Can anyone provide some insight into making this easier? Maybe how to set the default preferences so they can be used each time?
I am attempting to create an ad hoc network for the purpose of wireless printing, but I am clueless how to do so, or if it is even a possibility. I am a student and I do not want to connect my printer to the school's wireless network, nor do I want to connect via the USB interface. These are the peripherals:
Macbook Pro 13", 10.6.4
Brother HL 2170w
Can anyone explain to me how I might go about setting up a network on my Macbook Pro that my printer would be able to connect with?
I am toying with switching my kids laptops to apple from windows. I bought a Macbook it has OSX 10.5.7. I don't want to have to count on my kids to switch every application to print in Greyscale (black and white). Where do I go to set this so that any printing they do from their account is in black and white by default? This is easy to do in Windows. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do it in OSX. This is shaping up to be a dealbreaker, unless I'm just missing something.
Does anyone know how to change the default cd/dvd-rom from the internal drive to an external drive on a Macbook OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger)? If not permanently, then for the time my computer is on (e.g., a button at start up)
My internal drive does not work and I want to install Windows XP on Parallels but it keeps looking for the cd on the internal drive. I tried making an .iso image of it and telling it where it is, but it still keeps looking for the internal cd drive.
Is there any way to set a default folder view for all folders on the computer? It's a real pain having to change every new folder I create to the list view manually.
A half year ago I did a kind of menu bar mod, so the menu bar was black! Cool but, now I don't know how to set it to default (I already did research on google).
one time, i decided to view my documents in "two page continuous." now it always opens up in that mode no matter how many times i put it in single page continuous. how to set it on the mode i want?
By default mp3 files ar opened by Quicktime so the only I can find to change this to my prefered player is to right click "get info" and change "open with" VLC. But this only changes that one file and not all mp3 files on the system.
I normally have my MBP on full (or mostly full) volume, but when I plug in headphones, I drop it down to the absolute lowest (or one up from that) level. Anything higher than that is deafening with my headphones. Normally my MBP automatically dropped it down to about that level whenever I plugged in headphones, but recently its only been dropping it down to the halfway point. This causes momentary deafness as I hit play on my iTunes, forgetting its only halfway down, and additional deafness from the clicking as I frantically hit Fn-F4 to lower the volume. Is there a way I can set the default level that OS X drops the volume to when I plug in my headphones?
I have a macbook and a screen plugget to it. Now I use just the new screen and don't use the macbook one. But every time I turn the mac on the macbook screen turns on, and I have to decrease the brightness manually every time. (cause it's a waste of energy to keep it on if I don't use it). So I'd like to know to set the screen brightness to 0 by default, so I don't have to turn the brightness down every time.
I installed the app Hear and i didnt like the sounds.. now all the sound of my mac seems like over eq..and higher bass etc.. i didnt like and and i couldnt turn to back to default settings..even if i remove the app... anyone has any idea how to turn to default sound setting on mac ??
I can't seem to connect to the internet using my ethernet cable. I messed around with some of the ethernet settings but now forgot what was the default one. The strange thing is, when I go into windows mode, the ethernet cable works. its just in Mac OS mode it doesn't.
is there a way in leopard to globally set a default application to open files with a designated ending? for example, my system will open ALL .php files in dreamweaver, while i prefer to have the system open them in bbedit i know there is a way to open a specific file with a certain application but i am finding it annoying to have to do it every time instead of just being able to double click the file and have it opened in the prope application.
I'm using a MBA connected to a 52" TV with a 1920X1080 resolution when I teach. I often turn mirroring on and off depending on what I'm teaching and what program I'm using. When I turn mirroring on it defaults to a 1400X1050 resolution and I have to manually go into display settings and change it to the higher resolution. Is there a way to set the default settings so that it will always default to 1920X1080?
I have an external webcam that I would like to use instead of the webcam built in to the iMac. For audio, I can go to System Preferences -> Sound -> Input and select a device for sound input. With video though, there is no such option I can find. I can manually select the webcam when I use FaceTime or Skype, but I have to manually go into the preferences for each application every single time I open it. Neither application nor the operating system has a way of setting a default webcam that I can find.
Just got the new MacBook Pro Retina, and I love it except for the fact that the overall brightness was decreased by 20-25%. A couple reviews talk about this noticeable reduction in brightness [URL], and I assume it has to do with the power consumption of the retina display.That said, I've always thought the highest brightness in previous generation MacBooks was barely bright enough as it was, and now with this reduction in default brightness, I'm finding it hard to use. I know I may be in the minority thinking this, but I may have to return the machine if I can't find a workaround. Is it possible to increase brightness beyond the default setting? Is there a command line setting that I can adjust? I'm well-aware of the battery trade-off this will have, but I don't care. I have to be able to see the screen.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I add a new entry to my mac calendar it automatically sets 2 reminders, 30min before via notification and 30min before via mail. I don't want these settings, so every time I add a new entry I have to manually delete both reminders. That is really annoying if you create 20+ entries every day...
My account setting icon is missing in system preferences. Can anyone provide me with advice on how to fix this problem. Also, whenever I start the computer it makes me log on now.
My macbook pro is an OSX 10.5.8, purchased in January 2009.
Mac OS X Leopard iPhoto 6 Thunderbird (latest) iMac 24" 2.16 GHz Core2 Duo
Is there a work-around so that in iPhoto, when you highlight a selection of photos and then hit Mail to email them, you can actually select Thunderbird? Right now, even though Thunderbird is my default mail app, as set in Mail, Thunderbird still isn't an option in iPhoto. There are other ways to email those photos, obviously, but iPhoto is so much easier.
I purchased mine today and the firewall was off (guess that is the default setting) so i turned it on. Should i keep it on? And when clicked "on", i immediately got a window asking to allow or deny popups.app. and i clickd "deny".
I despise TextEdit. I've used VI since I've been using computers so naturally I took very well to MacVim. Though I want to set it as my default editor for editing blank files (plain UTF-8 text files without an extension). So I threw the .app inside of a folder named "oldTextEdit" and created a symlink to MacVim and named it TextEdit.app and placed it in /Applications, but it doesn't work. When I go to the command line and type "open -e" it still opens with TextEdit.app - The only thing I can think of is that it ignores symlinks (or as mac calls them, an "alias."). I moved TextEdit.app to another drive and my alias worked fine on double clicking a blank file, it opened up MacVim. BUT - if I go to terminal and type "open -e" it opened up TextEdit (not sure how).
Now when I click that same UTF-8 blank text file (created using "touch") it opens in TextEdit (again, I have no clue how, TextEdit.app is on a different drive). Update: I zipped up TextEdit.app and now when I open blank text files it opens in MacVim like it should. This time when I type "open -e" it throws the following error: LSGetApplicationForInfo() failed with error -10814 while trying to determine the application with bundle identifier com.apple.TextEdit. Which I guess is fine, as long as in the GUI is opening with MacVim instead of TextEdit. I realize it involves the LaunchServices.framework database, but I can't figure out how to use that for hell. I realize to some this is a weird request, so I ask if you don't have any good input you just ignore it.