Safari :: Minimized Windows Are Disappearing?
Mar 8, 2012
Whenever I minimize a window in Safari it disappears, rather than show the minimized window on the dashboard. It never used to do that. When I click on the yellow minimizing button, the genie effect brings it to the Safari icon on the dock. From there, it seems to have disappeared.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 6, 2010
In expose, when I have "all windows" as one of my hot corners, it only shows non-minimized windows. It used to show all windows----the "open" windows were on top with a bar demarcating them from the "minimized" windows.
In short, when I go to the "hot corner" that is assigned "all windows" I want it to show maximized and minimized windows all at once.
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Jan 12, 2010
Sometimes (not always but easy enough to reproduce) when I minimize windows (especially MS Word) and then activate expose to see everything the minimized windows look like this. I've got a completely clean install (no migration assistant etc) of SL 10.6.2 on a 13inch MBP. It's not really a huge problem just curious if anyone else has experienced this? I'm hoping it might disappear in 10.6.3 but I'm sure that is a long shot
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Oct 5, 2009
Ok, so you know when you have several windows open and they only show up at the dock when they are minimized?
I'd actually like to keep them all showing at the dock whether they are minimized or now.
How do I accomplish this?
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Mar 14, 2010
This might seem really counterintuitive, but I don't want minimized windows to show up in my dock - being able to grab them with expos� is enough. Is there any way to do this?
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Jul 7, 2010
Notice next to the recycle bin, i dont want that programs i minimize goes in the dock, is there a way to change that?
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Mar 14, 2012
Is it possible to keep the dock visible at all times, as well as the Finder bar and bookmarks in Safari? This was the case before Lion.
i Mac 24, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 3, 2012
The bookmarklets / bookmarks I've placed in my Safari toolbar area keep disappearing.
iMac G5 & Powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Apr 8, 2012
I'm having an issue with my bookmarks on the bookmark bar, being deleted and then replaced with my sister's bookmarks. Not to mention that my sister's bookmark's are on her macbook air. So, it is not even like we are using the same computer! Is it because we both are using the same time machine and it is switching them? This has happen a few times. But usually i get hers and mine stay and i just delete hers. This time though, mine were deleted and replaced with hers. I can't figure out how to get mine back and i needed some of those links i saved! they were for school/ other important things!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 15, 2012
This issue has been annoying people for a number of years and all kinds of solutions have been posted by Geniuses, mainly to carefully dump the Safari .plist from the Preferences folder. That does not fix the issue! What does work is this: View, Enter FULL SCREEN. Click it 'OFF'. The display will resize and IF you want to stretch it bigger, you can BUT the Toolbar will stop disappearing!
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Oct 29, 2009
My Safari and iTunes icons are just spaces on my dock. There is no icon for either of them. If I click where there would be an icon, the programs launch. If I hover over the spaces, it shows the name of iTunes and Safari like it does for every other program. When they are open it shows the little light under the blank space like it normally would.
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
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Jun 11, 2012
menu bar keeps disappearing on safari 5.1.1 lion OS, new to mac
MacBook Pro, lion
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Feb 2, 2009
I have an octo 3.2 GHz 2008 Mac Pro. I have 14 gigs of ram(6x 2gig, 2x 1gig sticks) and they are in the correct order/positions/pairings. My machine would properly show me as having 14gigs of ram for the last 9 months that I've had it however I recently installed windows 7 to one of the hard drives in my machine which proceeded to show me as having 12gigs of ram. When I would go back to OSX it changed to show me as having 12gigs of ram just as Win7 did.
When I unplugged all the extra 2gig sticks I had purchased from OWC and powered on, then off and reinstalled the ram, I got the 14gigs to show again in OSX. However, as soon as I went back to Win7 and then back to OSX I was down to 12 gigs. Does anyone else have this issue or know a solution? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am out of ideas and am tired of opening my machine up over and over again.
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Mar 13, 2010
Everything was fine. Then I ran the software update and there was Safari 4.0.5 and I decided to update. After my iMac had restarted, the OS went completely berserk. If I click the dropdown menus, they start to flicker and run trough over and over again by itself and I can't click anything. My mouse buttons do straight things, bring up the finder and then I can't even go through the folders. I can't write with my keyboard, it just gives me random letters and I can't delete them. I mean the computer went completely crazy. I've never seen anything like this and I've used this iMac perfectly now almost two years. Everything is just flashing, flickering, jamming, cursor disappearing and doing straight things, I can't do pretty much anything. This has to be a virus, right?
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Sep 6, 2014
I have bought a new iMac today and want to know how I can stop the title bar disappearing when I am in Safari? Have tried system preferences and no luck!
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
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Jun 14, 2007
Something weird happens to my mouse sometimes and it seems to only happen (I think) when Parallels is running. The pointer just disappears. It turns invisible. It doesn't only happen when the pointer is inside the Parallels window, it also happens when I am using Mac apps. I am using Version 2.5 (and can see no real reason to upgrade to 3) and yes, I have installed Parallels tools!
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Jun 2, 2014
My mouse cursor is dissapearing from the screen nearly all the time, SUP apple, it just works, huh or nuh. Seems to have been a problem for a while
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1, disappearing mouse curser
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May 14, 2008
I use Adium for two reasons:
1. My work clients are scattered across AIM, Yahoo, and MSN, so it's nice to have one application that can communicate with all of them.
2. I like being able to customize the look and feel of the interface
That being said, lately I've become very frustrated because I can't seem to get Adium to play nicely with Leopard's Spaces. I have Adium set (both in Spaces and in Adium) to be visible on all spaces. Yet if a chat is opened, for instance, in Space 3 and mid-chat I decide to switch to Space 4, the chat window doesn't come along for the ride. Likewise, if during a lull in the chat, I switch between several different spaces and lose track of where the chat window was last seen, I can't locate it by hitting F8 and showing all spaces. The chat window doesn't appear on any of them. The only way I can find the chat window is by methodically going to each space until I discover the truant.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
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Apr 27, 2012
I seem to have the following problem. not sure exactly how it started as my wife was using the mac at the time (she says she just dragged the safari to different desktop via mission control) but now the situation is as follows:
When I hit safari icon it switches on (I can see the little light dot underneath the icon and after right click I can see names of windows that are opened) however I can only see the Safari menu at the top but no window. If I scroll to the right or left to different desktops it's not there, the same goes if I double tap to see the Mission Control mode it's not there...
I so far figured out that once the Safari menu is visible on top of the screen I can go to View>Enter Full Screen and then Safari will come back into the full screen mode but once I unclick the full screen button in right top corner the whole window just swoops into the right top corner and it's nowhere to be found again.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27" Mid 2011, Ci5 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM
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Sep 21, 2010
Yesterday, I have downloaded Parallels Desktop to my Macbook Pro, and my brother brought a CD of Windows 7 to install there. At first, in the coherence mode, the taskbar was working amazingly until I turned off my computer. When I turned it back on, Windows 7 started to run, and the taskbar started to disappear and reappear after awhile. Then I restarted Parallels, then the taskbar completely disappeared. I have tried to modify its settings, and it still didn't work. So, I changed the coherence mode to window one, the taskbar was there. And then I changed it back to coherence, it disappeared again.
What should I do to get it back in the coherence mode?
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Aug 15, 2007
First of all, glad I made the switch to Mac. I only wish that I would have started off on one. It's so much easier that I tend to make things difficult while still shaking a PC-mindset.
Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut that allows a window to be restored to its original size once it's minimized or hidden? I would like to use the command+tab to switch to the application, then restore the window with the keyboard. For example, when using mail, I will minimize the window and use Safari. When I cycle back to mail (command+tab) I have activated the program again, but I have to click on Window>Message Viewer to see my mailbox again.
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Dec 12, 2009
I'm a long time windows and linux user, just starting with Tiger. My most common frustration so far is that in Windows and Linux, I can have multiple windows open and non-minimized, and can easily switch between them via the task bar. I don't see a similar functionality in os-x. It appears to me that the only items that show on the dock are ones that I've minimized. If an app is open, but 'behind' another in Tiger, it appears I have to use Expose' to find it. In the other two OSes, I can just single click on the item in the status bar. Is there a way to single click to an open app that does not have the focus? This is pretty big...I always have lots of things running, and the task bar is a ONE CLICK way to switch.
Expose' seems to be a minimum of a two click way, and a pretty clunky way.
I'd love someone to explain what I'm sure is a simple way to have the same simplicity in os-x.
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Jul 22, 2009
I'm a first-time Mac user with a brand new MBP. One thing that is annoying me (and I'm hoping it's just something I'm missing) is this. Every once in a while I will have an application running but not viewable (the icon is on the right-side of the dock, but to the left of the vertical line). If I click on the icon, it doesn't restore back up on the screen. The menu bar shows that it's running, but the only way I can get it back up on the screen is to quit it from the menu bar and then run it again. Feels like a bug - any way to restore applications back to the screen when this happens?
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Aug 24, 2009
How can I open a minimized file/folder/application window by using keyboard only.
"Cmd + Tab" letting me to get focus to that particular file/folder/application window when it was NOT minimized. But how could I open a minimized one through a keyboard shortcut?
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Apr 7, 2012
how do I reopen a web page after it has been minimized
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jun 5, 2014
The dock has been minimized- why? We want it back to readable size! How?
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), dock has become too small- repair
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Mar 6, 2009
Is this just how the OS works or is there a setting I can configure. I'm used to being able to alt-tab on Windows and open a window and bring it to the front regardless whether it is minimized.
When I command-tab (or do the four finger thing on Macbook) it sort of opens it. The program bar at the top becomes active for that program but the window doesn't come out of minimize.
Seems odd. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just need to get used to Mac and learn another way to do things?
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Jul 29, 2009
Is there away to maximize a minimized window thats on the dock with just using keys? for example you can do this with alt-tab in windows but when you do that in mac it only will open up windows that are not minimized.
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